Middle Of The Night Wake-up?


Jun 20, 2019
I wake up like clockwork every night after about 4-6 hours of sleep. Been going on for the last 4-5 years.

I don't believe the issue is hypoglycemia, after Peating for the last couple of years I feel like I have fixed that issue. I know what that feels like and I don't believe that is it. When I drink some juice in the middle of the night it literally has no effect.

Any ideas? Endotoxin?

I have long suspected high Estrogen as I still have some anti-thyroid anti-bodies (last test 53) that would lead me to that conclusion.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Dec 28, 2019
I wake up like clockwork every night after about 4-6 hours of sleep. Been going on for the last 4-5 years.
how do you feel when you wake up?


Jun 20, 2019
Wide awake, wired. But not really anxious. Sometimes my mind is pretty active, other times pretty quiet. No negative thoughts or feelings, though.

Sometimes I wake up earlier, fall right back asleep, but there comes that point where you just wake up and you are so wide awake that you do not fall back asleep for a long time, if at all.


Dec 28, 2019
Wide awake, wired. But not really anxious. Sometimes my mind is pretty active, other times pretty quiet. No negative thoughts or feelings, though.

Sometimes I wake up earlier, fall right back asleep, but there comes that point where you just wake up and you are so wide awake that you do not fall back asleep for a long time, if at all.
I meant more do you feel rested enough? or still tired?
if you are doing some sports, is your progress suffering?
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Jun 20, 2019
At the time, I don't feel tired. I think it is due to stress hormones(?) But will feel tired by the time I begin my day later that morning and will be tired all day.

Kind of wired and tired
Mar 10, 2021
I wake up like clockwork every night after about 4-6 hours of sleep. Been going on for the last 4-5 years.

I don't believe the issue is hypoglycemia, after Peating for the last couple of years I feel like I have fixed that issue. I know what that feels like and I don't believe that is it. When I drink some juice in the middle of the night it literally has no effect.

Any ideas? Endotoxin?

I have long suspected high Estrogen as I still have some anti-thyroid anti-bodies (last test 53) that would lead me to that conclusion.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
RP: Yeah. And, some people wake up cyclically during the night. When I was counseling dieters, there were some very fat people who would wake up: one of them woke up every hour during the night. The other one, I think, was sleeping an hour and a half, or so. And I got them to set an alarm clock to wake themselves up about 5 or 10 minutes before their expected waking, and eat anything with carbohydrates (milk, or juice, or even a cracker or something), and to do that every hour. And, within a week, they were sleeping through the night, and then they were able to start losing weight. Those stress hormones that raise your temperature and pulse rate around dawn were also increasing the blood sugar ( in diabetics, they call it the dawn phenomenon). But it’s the result of the stress hormones that rise during the night. The darkness itself is causing stress, activating hormones. So, in the winter, people are more likely to have disturbed sleep, because of long nights. And getting extra carbohydrates late in the day can help you sleep longer without these episodes of…usually, its nightmares waking people up with a pounding heart.

HD: That’s the adrenalin, right ?

RP: Yeah.”

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