Can't Wake Up


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Nov 14, 2014
Adenosine and prolactin are correlated. Adenosine is responsible for sleep inertia, hence adenosine antagonists caffeine and theophylline being such good stimulants in the morning. And I know from my own experience that high prolactin makes me feel REALLY tired and sleepy. I actually think the prolactin/adenosine relationship is why people on (bad) neuroleptics feel so tired all the time.

I think haidut said methylene blue is an effective inhibitor of adenosine activity.

member 2106

Prolactin can be a major brake on metabolism, so figuring out whatever is keeping it high could be a big key. I never had mine tested, but things did seem to get a lot better for me after focusing on getting plenty of zinc.

I may have a prolactin problem, because orgasms exhaust me way more than they should. What are the best food sources of zinc, aside from oysters?


Jun 2, 2015
Mexico City
I second the suggestion to up your calories especially since you are male and actually ditch the boxing, it will put you into a worse state and will increase lactate which will put you further in a stressed/low thyroid state. If you MUST exercise, do weights and try not to induce lactate (muscle soreness). The first thing I would do is look up Prolactin on this forum and figure out how to lower it asap. In my experience, substances like Thyroid and Progesterone would not work until I got prolactin down. Once Prolactin was lowered, the Thyroid (NDT) and Progesterone could actually do their job in warming me up and increasing my energy. I felt like a complete wreck/zombie when my Prolactin levels were at the range you have it....above 30. I can't remember exactly what I used it may have been a combination of Cypro and Metergoline that helped bring it down along with red light and Peat based diet. Good luck.

I've never been so fat and I hate it. 5'11" 195 lbs and hypo. I am slowly increasing my food (and thyroid) intake. Any particular suggestions on amount of calories?

Of course I MUST exercise. There is no way I will stay home with my arms crossed. I understand the problems with "aerobic" exercise but getting out of the house, chatting with people at the gym, feeling nicely tired after a workout, are things that make me feel good. The idea with box training is to have pauses with some OJ to restore ATP and also do weights 2-3x week.

UPDATE on my initial issue: I am fortunately doing MUCH better. I am sometimes tired, but wake up more easily and I'm very rarely cloudheaded. There are several factors that might have helped: daily Thyroid (Tyromix) and Estroban (fat-soluble vitamins), much less fapping (NoFap but relapsing every week or so with zero porn, and long masturbation sessions lol), taping my mouth at night. But I also started a new job which changed my routine, so there's that too.

Prolactin is a b****. I also have to mention I've also been using 4-5 drops Lisuride every now and then, which surely brought prolactin down.

I think haidut said methylene blue is an effective inhibitor of adenosine activity.

Good to know about adenosine. I did not have a good experience with MB.


Feb 18, 2017
I've never been so fat and I hate it. 5'11" 195 lbs and hypo. I am slowly increasing my food (and thyroid) intake. Any particular suggestions on amount of calories?

Of course I MUST exercise. There is no way I will stay home with my arms crossed. I understand the problems with "aerobic" exercise but getting out of the house, chatting with people at the gym, feeling nicely tired after a workout, are things that make me feel good. The idea with box training is to have pauses with some OJ to restore ATP and also do weights 2-3x week.

UPDATE on my initial issue: I am fortunately doing MUCH better. I am sometimes tired, but wake up more easily and I'm very rarely cloudheaded. There are several factors that might have helped: daily Thyroid (Tyromix) and Estroban (fat-soluble vitamins), much less fapping (NoFap but relapsing every week or so with zero porn, and long masturbation sessions lol), taping my mouth at night. But I also started a new job which changed my routine, so there's that too.

Prolactin is a b****. I also have to mention I've also been using 4-5 drops Lisuride every now and then, which surely brought prolactin down.

Good to know about adenosine. I did not have a good experience with MB.

How is Lisuride working for you? Any negative side effects?


Mar 25, 2017
think you re hypothyroid make some bloodtest to be sure . if you have the bloodtest then your doctor can decide if you can get t3. or you start supplement with jod and selenium. In my opinion i would start supplement jod and selenium if not worked then try t3


Jan 5, 2019
Yes, what cured it was eating more calories, more fat, and less carbs. I've read other people testify to NoFaP as another thing that increased their energy. I highly suspect your Testosterone is likely low, low T can make someone quite lethargic. To fix that one needs more saturated and monounsaturated fat. You also need to minimize the sugar/glucose, and insulin secretion. They inhibit Testosterone production. I know I'm going to get asked to provide a source so here are a few on this:
Too Much Sugar Turns Off Gene That Controls Effects Of Sex Steroids
Glucose ingestion acutely lowers pulsatile LH and basal testosterone secretion in men. - PubMed - NCBI
Insulin regulates testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations in adult normal weight and obese men. - PubMed - NCBI

@haidut do you have any thoughts on these studies? an increase in carbohydrate intake should result in net increase of testosterone, right? assuming two biologically identical test subjects, where one derived a larger amount of his total kcal from carbohydrates, the higher-carb subject would "have to" have higher test, right?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut do you have any thoughts on these studies? an increase in carbohydrate intake should result in net increase of testosterone, right? assuming two biologically identical test subjects, where one derived a larger amount of his total kcal from carbohydrates, the higher-carb subject would "have to" have higher test, right?

It depends, SFA can have a potent cholesterol raising effects and both SFA/MUFA can inhibit aromatase, so the effects on T is hard to compare. I don't think it should be either/or diet. The diet should include some fat, mostly SFA/MUFA and as little PUFA as possible, and carbs as well. It should not be low-carb, but the optimal carb ratio to fat is not really known and varies depending on the metabolic health of the individual. If metabolism is low then higher carb may be better but with elevated metabolism even 1:1 ratio may be fine.


Jan 5, 2019
It depends, SFA can have a potent cholesterol raising effects and both SFA/MUFA can inhibit aromatase, so the effects on T is hard to compare. I don't think it should be either/or diet. The diet should include some fat, mostly SFA/MUFA and as little PUFA as possible, and carbs as well. It should not be low-carb, but the optimal carb ratio to fat is not really known and varies depending on the metabolic health of the individual. If metabolism is low then higher carb may be better but with elevated metabolism even 1:1 ratio may be fine.

i see that i didn't really ask what i intended to. i've read several posts here now claiming that sugar decreases testosterone, which seems very strange to me. is there any truth to this, as far as you know?
Eating too much fructose and glucose can turn off the gene that regulates the levels of active testosterone and estrogen in the body, shows a new study in mice and human cell cultures that’s published this month in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. This discovery reinforces public health advice to eat complex carbohydrates and avoid sugar. Table sugar is made of glucose and fructose, while fructose is also commonly used in sweetened beverages, syrups, and low-fat food products.

this doesn't seem like something peat would like...


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
This was an interesting read since I continue to struggle with morning energy myself. I need to do another blood test soon.

But I suspect I have severe prolactin regulation problems as well. I see profound benefits from Nofap, which is why I suspect this. It helps a lot, but I'd like to fix the root problem. Didn't know that prolactin and adenosine work in tandem. Explains a lot of my own problems. Probably one of many reasons caffeine makes me feel really good...

The thing with nofap is a lot of the benefits aren't seen for many weeks of doing it, and for anyone who has done or tried nofap, its very difficult to not relapse after being on it for several weeks, so I definitely would like some other more permanent fixes. The benefits continue to increase over time because in theory prolactin would keep decreasing slowly but surely, but the moment you slip up, huge re-spike which is very annoying to me, I'll be going 4 weeks strong, then slip up, and feel like I lost all benefits.

From what I have learned, sugar only decreases testosterone if you eat it alone, aside from proteins and/or fats. This is why you should never IMO eat any macronutrient alone. I believe I read studies posted by haidut somewhere in these forums awhile back that definitely showed that eating sugar alone increases serotonin, but eaten with protein, has a totally different effect on the body.

Also, eating raw sugar =/= eating fruit. It may be that eating fruit alone is OK, after all there are some really successful fruitarians out there.
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