Methylene Blue For Skin Health

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
A new study (h/t Mike Lustgarten) on methylene blue for skin health:
Anti-Aging Potentials of Methylene Blue for Human Skin Longevity
By balancing free radical production and antioxidant neutralization, cells normally keep reactive oxygen species (ROS) at low levels. As we age, a combination of the accumulation of ROS and the reduced ROS scavenging capacity leads to increased oxidative stress that results in the damages of macromolecules in organs. When the skin is routinely exposed to stressful factors from the environment, such as UV radiation, smoke, and pollutants, an elevated number of free radicals will be produced which accelerate skin aging.
MB is a better and safer ROS scavenger than NAC, MitoQ, and mTEM
...MB is highly permeable in biological membranes because of its solubility in both water and organic solvent, which permits it to freely enter the intracellular compartments like mitochondria, lysosomes and the nucleus.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Just wanted to add that the optimal concentration of MB was once again 100nM / L, as in previous studies, and the duration was 4 weeks. This means if using MB one should not exceed the ~1mg daily dose if one wants to replicate the study design. Other findings of the study were that NAC was actual detrimental for skin health, as Peat has said many times. Finally, I am not convinced that the anti-oxidant effects of MB are the primary mechanism of action as MB can be both an oxidant and anti-oxidant depending on a given cell's need. If anything, it is more likely to be a stimulator of metabolism but probably results in less ROS generation then something like DNP, hence its benefit. I don't see why thyroid would not have same/similar effects.

Here is the actual study for those interested.
Anti-Aging Potentials of Methylene Blue for Human Skin Longevity


Sep 24, 2016
Superb pape. good on Nature for publishing it since it cites many other established health-effects and debunks some hype about others like MitQ
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