Membrane Patterns Carry Ontogenetic Information That Is Specified Independently Of DNA


Aug 17, 2016
Well, Heraclitus was the one who said basically everything flows/changes and change is probably the single fundamental property of reality. Bohmian quantum mechanics is heavily influenced by it. David Bohm talks about Heraclitus in a few of his books like "Wholeness and the Implicate Order".
Peat's work on metabolism and health are simply a corollary of this philosophy - change is fundamental and the way energy (electrons) flow through the body determines health. If electron flow is fast and unimpeded (from food to oxygen), proper structure is built and health is optimal. If electron flow is interfered with, bizarre distortions in structure occur and eventually serious pathology and even death follow.
Heraclitus said things are always becoming, realizing their potential. Human beings are the same, and how we realize our potential depends on this electron flow.
Dec 25, 2014
Well, Heraclitus was the one who said basically everything flows/changes and change is probably the single fundamental property of reality. Bohmian quantum mechanics is heavily influenced by it. David Bohm talks about Heraclitus in a few of his books like "Wholeness and the Implicate Order".
Peat's work on metabolism and health are simply a corollary of this philosophy - change is fundamental and the way energy (electrons) flow through the body determines health. If electron flow is fast and unimpeded (from food to oxygen), proper structure is built and health is optimal. If electron flow is interfered with, bizarre distortions in structure occur and eventually serious pathology and even death follow.
Heraclitus said things are always becoming, realizing their potential. Human beings are the same, and how we realize our potential depends on this electron flow.

My my my. I have the Bohm book but its way back in my reading list. I think change is the single fundamental property of reality insomuch as electricity is the single fundamental force of reality.

And let me guess, aspirin, niacinamide, and thyroid help keep the electrons flowing.

Astrology never put people in Gulags. Scientists who have no spine love to bully silly beliefs and superstitions while cowardly ignoring really stupid say socialism or giving post surgery patients lactate.

Academics use the same criticisms towards Christianity and other low hanging fruit that I came up with when I was 13.

I don't see much in the way of intuition of creativity in their pithy remarks.

Astrology is real. The planets and stars rotate in cycles based of the electrical potential between them and this flow of electrcity has an effect on earthly life.

For example, jupiters 11 year orbit around the sun has a large effect on its 11 year sunspot cycle. And yet we're supposed to think we're 100% insulated


Feb 18, 2016
Great find, thanks!
I wonder where the electrons for these electrical fields are coming from...Either it is food and their intensity depends on metabolism, or maybe we can acquire them directly from other electrical fields around us. Rrecently, bacteria was found that can live off of pure electricity. They eat, drink, pee and poo electrons :) So, I suspect we may be capable of some of those same feats but we probably acquire the electricity not through ingestion.
Electron-Eating Microbes Found in Odd Places | Quanta Magazine
Meet the electric life forms that live on pure energy
There are microbes that eat and poo nothing but electricity

I think you also posted how the eye is projecting out "light" before also.
The swirling dots experiment from Peats mind and tissue still baffles me,when you look into Merlau Pontys ideas on intertwining/the chiasm it all seems to point in the same direction of the surrounding being involved.

The expirments that modified the drosophila so an eye would come out of its torso or foot on it head are cast in a new light when you see studies like these,humans have a direct hand in these expirments and yet we step back and say it was the gene only.


Feb 18, 2016
Thanks for educating us so eloquently, Haidut. Alfred Korzybski took this idea of everything always changing to an extreme, going so far as to deny identity and avoid uses of "is" that imply identity. He said that to assume the sameness of even an individual electron from moment to moment is "false to fact". He considered the absolute individuality of existents to be fundamental. (This idea is from Leibniz.) Therefore to abstract is to leave differences out and to lie. Myself, I question the factuality of this viewpoint (perhaps indiscernibles are identical) and think balance is needed in our views of change and sameness. It is useful to see that Smith 1999 is not the same as Smith 2017, but I know that I am in 2017 in many real respects the same as in 1957. It amazes me that the coelocanth remained so unchanged for so long--having evolved to it's current form 400 million years ago, and--thought to have been extinct for 66 million years-- was discovered alive and virtually the same in 1938. The force of sameness is a positive fact in nature, though on our level of life moving forward is a dynamic virtue and necessity for survival.

I think within it all reality doesn't change at all it just keeps changing all the time,the changing never stops and that doesn't change.
So if something changes all the time ,the one thing that doesn't "change" is the fact that it doesn't change this pattern of always changing.
It's always motion and that doesn't change,exchange the word motion with change.

The words are the problem and I think that's what Heraclitus wanted to convey in many of his quotes and more importantly meanings.


May 16, 2017
I mean the real astrology of olden days that was done by the magis/astronomers.

They based their religions, politics, city planning, architecture, monuments, art, etc on the happening of the stars.

I reckon that stuff probably had some meaning...

The Vatican archives is one treasure trove of unimaginable knowledge. The tiny group of controllers; they know...we're stumbling around in the dark but sometimes our innate intuition just sparks ideas, and a shaft of light comes through and we just bloody want to be privy to the knowledge. The Holy Grail quest of knowledge.

Recently, I was doing some research on Pope Pius XII, the Pope who was called "Hitler's Pope." Really interesting.

I'll try to dig it up for you.
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2014
The Vatican archives is one treasure trove of unimaginable knowledge. The tiny group of controllers; they know...we're stumbling around in the dark but sometimes our innate intuition just sparks ideas, and a shaft of light comes through and we just bloody want to be privy to the knowledge. The Holy Grail quest of knowledge.

Recently, I was doing some research on Pope Pius XII, the Pope who was called "Hitler's Pope." Really interesting.

I'll try to dig it up for you.

They know big time. They leave clues everywhere, especially on TV.

I'd love go know what you find.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The words are the problem and I think that's what Heraclitus wanted to convey in many of his quotes and more importantly meanings

"All scientific problems are rooted in improper language use"
"What can be shown, cannot be said"
--Ludwig Wittgenstein

"By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth"
--George Carlin

Btw, what is this swirling dots experiment from Peat's book? I read the book years ago and have forgotten about it.


Feb 18, 2016
"All scientific problems are rooted in improper language use"
"What can be shown, cannot be said"
--Ludwig Wittgenstein

"By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth"
--George Carlin

Btw, what is this swirling dots experiment from Peat's book? I read the book years ago and have forgotten about it.

In Mind and Tissue,chapter 9, "a visual scanning system and intentionality". Page 97 repetitive design works for me,on a computer screen the designs didn't work as well for me but printing out the images worked.
He recommends staring at a radial or a repetitive design,how it worked for me is closing the right eye and looking at the design in his book with the left eye,after a few seconds the swirling of dots appear in my vision,it's like a vortex moving clockwise and anti clockwise,it flows outward also.
Would be great to get your opinion on it if you do it.
The light emitting from the eyes spoken about on here is very interesting to think about after doing this.

Bastardisation of metaphors is rampant in "genetics",made worse by the psychologists with a penchant for linguistics and verbosity,no experience of experiment or the process of "genetics" ,brass necks writing books on it for pay.
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