Medical Establishment Way Ahead Of Peat

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Frying some corn tortillas yesterday, I used tallow for the first time. Reminded me of fast food joints in the old days, being almost intoxicated by the aroma waiting for the order, anticipating a meal that was was alluring and tasty. Today's PUFA foods are not only unhealthy by comparison, they smell and taste different - artificial? McD's french fries now - if you're foolish enough to eat them - have a window of about three minutes between being too hot and before cooling to the point of disgust.

Seems to me the food/pharma/medical "conspiracy " is merely another aspect of the relentless logic of capitalism impersonally grinding away. No person or group of people has to plan and/or manipulate the societal outcome. That is simply the result of an ever-more single-minded drive for profit operating on innumerable micro-levels.


May 11, 2020
Frying some corn tortillas yesterday, I used tallow for the first time. Reminded me of fast food joints in the old days, being almost intoxicated by the aroma waiting for the order, anticipating a meal that was was alluring and tasty. Today's PUFA foods are not only unhealthy by comparison, they smell and taste different - artificial? McD's french fries now - if you're foolish enough to eat them - have a window of about three minutes between being too hot and before cooling to the point of disgust.

Seems to me the food/pharma/medical "conspiracy " is merely another aspect of the relentless logic of capitalism impersonally grinding away. No person or group of people has to plan and/or manipulate the societal outcome. That is simply the result of an ever-more single-minded drive for profit operating on innumerable micro-levels.

Yeah I agree, but both theories exist in tandem while holding each other's hand and skipping to the finish line. Unchecked capitalist greed got us to where we are now. The black-hole that is greed is inherently fine, if we do what it takes to make sure the light of truth isn't something it devours. Humanity has failed at that. But, in practicality, that's like saying "I'm going wish this square peg into that round hole". If we could just separate politics and education from the corporate sector with ridiculous, tedious and overbearing legislature then we'd be ok. I do, in fact, believe we are the first group to ever discuss these matters...


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Yeah I agree, but both theories exist in tandem while holding each other's hand and skipping to the finish line. Unchecked capitalist greed got us to where we are now. The black-hole that is greed is inherently fine, if we do what it takes to make sure the light of truth isn't something it devours. Humanity has failed at that. But, in practicality, that's like saying "I'm going wish this square peg into that round hole". If we could just separate politics and education from the corporate sector with ridiculous, tedious and overbearing legislature then we'd be ok. I do, in fact, believe we are the first group to ever discuss these matters...

"Desires fulfilled increase thirst like salt water." The more greed accomplishes the more it wants. Greed is not inherently fine, it's inherently voracious and dangerous and only accomplishes good incidentally by mistake. Either way you can't explain the behavior of the medical industry or corporations more generally through greed alone. Personal malice HAS to enter the equation somewhere or part of their behavior is unexplainable. It's very uncomfortable to realize that the "elite" is actually malicious rather than incompetent though


Jun 26, 2017
"Desires fulfilled increase thirst like salt water." The more greed accomplishes the more it wants. Greed is not inherently fine, it's inherently voracious and dangerous and only accomplishes good incidentally by mistake. Either way you can't explain the behavior of the medical industry or corporations more generally through greed alone. Personal malice HAS to enter the equation somewhere or part of their behavior is unexplainable. It's very uncomfortable to realize that the "elite" is actually malicious rather than incompetent though
Mar 10, 2021
I've come to the realization that the medical establishment is very well aware of everything Dr. Peat has been saying. They've been aware of it all for a very long time, well before him. Because they are aware of it, they were able to recommend everything that is unhealthy and portray it as healthy. Vegetable oils being healthy, saturated fat being bad, sugar being so bad, long slow cardio being healthy, low-carb high veggie diets, and the list goes on.

They specifically recommend all the unhealthy crap in order to drive people into doctor's offices and, even better in their eyes, to hospitals. They are not stupid or bad at science; quite the opposite is true. They employ the most precise and ruthless intelligence. They are deliberately recommending all this ridiculous stuff to make us sick, take our money, control food supply and ultimately control us. When you control the colleges and the medical licensing standards, this can be accomplished. I passionately detest coincidence theories. Random mass delusion is much less likely than a deliberate plot devised by the most powerful members of society that works in their favor to the tune of trillions of dollars. I see no other explanation at this point.
I am not sure the government political powers are aware of how to eat healthy. None of them are looking any better than the suck, as far as I can see. I think it is more the power of the big companies pushing their products that drive the medical industry, just like the peddlers did 100+ years ago selling their snake oils and tonics. Big money buys scientific proof, government officials and convincing commercials. It is so mind boggling that the Bible has a warning, in Revelations, about “Pharmakeia” fooling the people…

“According to Revelation 18:23, when Babylon is permanently destroyed near the end of the Tribulation Period, never again will the city be illuminated by the light of a lamp and never again will the voice of groom and bride be heard in it. Two reasons are given for the final and complete destruction of Babylon. First, Babylon will have merchants who will be the great and powerful people of the earth (Rev 18:23; cf. 18:3). These merchants will use their financial wealth to advance their power, interests, and ideas — if not also influence world affairs. They will, however, be destroyed. Thomas (1995:346-347) notes that the clause introducing the rest of Revelation 18:23 ‘supplies the reason for the enrichment and noble standing of those trading with Babylon’. The second reason why God will destroy Babylon is because this city will deceive all the nations by her witchcraft (Rev 18:23b; cf. 9:21). The Greek word translated as ‘witchcraft’ is ‘pharmakeia’ (whence we derive the word ‘pharmacy’).

‘Pharmakeia’ describes sorcery, magic, and magic arts; it includes the use of drugs of any kind for magical effect (Garland 2004b:75). During Daniel’s 70th week, Babylon will not just bewitch a few regions here or a couple of cities there but will deceive all the nations with her witchcraft (‘pharmakeia’). Revelation 18:23 foresees a global misuse of drugs to bewitch and mislead all nations. God will judge these occult practices. To some extent the great merchants of the earth will enrich themselves even further as they profitably partake in this global deception.“

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