Matt Stone Posted his face for the first time in over a decade


Jan 6, 2019
She just couldn’t handle the burden of responsibility she felt
Taking responsibility over the health of someone else is a huge thing. One of the hugest. It's one thing to live with the consequences of your own poor choices regarding your own health. But the knowledge that what you recommended might have destroyed someone's life? Health gurus, doctors and such must never think about this aspect of their work. How else could they continue?


Nov 21, 2012
If I remember correctly, excluding high PUFA foods was about the only requirement for his "high everything diet". Eat whatever you want unless it's high PUFA. Or maybe I'm confusing him with someone else, it was a long time ago since I read his blog. Probably around 2007/2008.
Yes, you're rigth. He did warn against high pufa foods.


Oct 29, 2022
So your takeaway from this was that I should have listened to Ray Peat? What makes you think I didn't listen to Ray Peat and try implementing his ideas? You know I did and it was an abysmal failure of epic proportions, right? I have had great results and have improved my health, lost over 40 pounds, and keep my extremely serious asthma and allergies under tight control by avoiding orange juice, milk, ice cream, eggs, and tropical fruits. Aspirin gives me violent diarrhea. Caffeine is literally the worst thing in the world for me with my sensitivity to overexertion. If you want I can film myself on a Peat diet, hacking up a half pound of thick yellow phlegm from my lungs in the morning while battling near-deadly bronchial constriction and fainting spells from all the coffee. Would that convince you that maybe my problems aren't due to lack of adherence to some kind of Peaty ideal?
That's his comment from the linked youtube video. Avoiding some of the staple Peat foods doesn't make him anti-Peat though. It will be interesting to see if he details his current diet. In the vid he said he's losing ~2 pounds per month and is following a low Vit A diet periodically. Once we get the details, perhaps we can crow about it being Peaty after all. LOL.

BTW, I'm newish to this community (~1.5 years) so I've never heard of this guy before. His "Eat for Heat" book sounds interesting.


Apr 30, 2015
Matt would often tell people to eat burgers, pizza, fast food. He talked about PUFA, but it wasn't a huge deal to him


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
I knew someone was going to post it here :D

He lost me at vitamin A restriction...


Dec 8, 2016
Stuff what you want into your face but say "It's OK bro I'm bulking, sorry, eating for heat"

Get fat.

I did this

And im thin again

I knew someone was going to post it here :D

He lost me at vitamin A restriction...

Taking responsibility over the health of someone else is a huge thing. One of the hugest. It's one thing to live with the consequences of your own poor choices regarding your own health. But the knowledge that what you recommended might have destroyed someone's life? Health gurus, doctors and such must never think about this aspect of their work. How else could they continue?
If you’re doing it right
This is 100 percent true isn’t it?

Of course she was bullied for her approach

Was it perfect?
But was it sound and really helpful

Probably like Matt

Matt would often tell people to eat burgers, pizza, fast food. He talked about PUFA, but it wasn't a huge deal to him
I ate like this when I healed

I desperately needed kcal though first and foremost

I went traditional no pufa
But my digestion was so very very weak
I was so sick
Processed foods actually nourished me
I could digest them easier
Then I tweaked and made non pufa versions for myself
Once I was alive again

So his idea(s) helped me
Unbeknownst to me
Never heard of him until another poster here PMd me about him
Mar 10, 2021
It was an attempt to make a mainstream diet book inspired mostly on Ray Peats ideas. As with Peat, people often found that they would gain weight following this advice and not really know what to do about it.
Ray Peat never recommended eating ice cream and white sugar to lose weight or even to be healthy.
Mar 10, 2021
I did this

And im thin again


If you’re doing it right
This is 100 percent true isn’t it?

Of course she was bullied for her approach

Was it perfect?
But was it sound and really helpful

Probably like Matt

I ate like this when I healed

I desperately needed kcal though first and foremost

I went traditional no pufa
But my digestion was so very very weak
I was so sick
Processed foods actually nourished me
I could digest them easier
Then I tweaked and made non pufa versions for myself
Once I was alive again

So his idea(s) helped me
Unbeknownst to me
Never heard of him until another poster here PMd me about him
This is so true. I just watched the video. He led many people astray with his take on Peat although probably not on purpose. I think he just got caught up in his guru status. If I were braver I’d share a picture of my short time paying attention to him. I looked like I could be his sister. I’m super grateful life circumstances intervened and I was forced to get back to fully living. I can’t imagine how his wife coped tbh. My husband sure didn’t tolerate it well and refused to let me continue on that path. I’m happy he’s turning things around though and being honest.
This was a brave thing to say girl! @Blossom


Dec 8, 2016
This was a brave thing to say girl! @Blossom
It was no walk in the park I tell ya

Wouldn’t trade for the world

Got my life back

For reference
Matt said he gained 35 pounds in three months
It took me one year to gain thirty pounds
Then I hit my recovery weight
And it slowly came off

I only have ONE picture from that time
And it was brave!
Mar 10, 2021
It was no walk in the park I tell ya

Wouldn’t trade for the world

Got my life back

For reference
Matt said he gained 35 pounds in three months
It took me one year to gain thirty pounds
Then I hit my recovery weight
And it slowly came off

I only have ONE picture from that time
And it was brave!
Oh it wasn’t Blossom, it was you @Peatful who looked like Matt’s sister. When was this?
Mar 10, 2021
I have never heard anything Matt Stone has said, but a bunch junk food to get healthy sounds ludicrous, and more like the saying “Sin is instant gratification with long term consequences”. I understand that when a sick person needs to pull themselves out of a dying place Ensure is better than nothing, but that doesn’t mean Ensure is healthy and is going to maker a person, in the long run, thrive. I just can’t make sense of this.


Dec 8, 2016
Oh it wasn’t Blossom, it was you @Peatful who looked like Matt’s sister. When was this?

It was Blossom

You copied me

She and I did the same thing
But I believe a very different journey


Dec 8, 2016
I have never heard anything Matt Stone has said, but a bunch junk food to get healthy sounds ludicrous, and more like the saying “Sin is instant gratification with long term consequences”. I understand that when a sick person needs to pull themselves out of a dying place Ensure is better than nothing, but that doesn’t mean Ensure is healthy and is going to maker a person, in the long run, thrive. I just can’t make sense of this.
Matt’s work run deeper than this


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Rinse & rePeat & @Peatful, I gained about 60 pounds (75 total) in one year but I did things a bit more Peaty. I stayed at the higher weight for about a year and slowly got back to normal over the next 3-4 years. In hindsight I think the 15 I initially gained when coming from paleo to Peat was adequate for my 5’1 frame. I hadn’t learned yet that my main issue (besides celiac) was oxalates from being floxed but a high fruit/dairy diet is naturally low oxalate so that explains why it worked so well for me. I don’t think I ever had an eating disorder I just had problems eating enough at times due to my celiac and (unknown) oxalate issues and resulting food intolerances and GI issues. I should have stuck even more strictly to Peat instead of veering off track with Matt’s material and thinking more food was the answer for me. I take full responsibility for all my choices and errors though. We all have our own unique issues and journey to healing and I do still think there are definitely times when more food is necessary. Context is key like Peat pointed out of course.


Apr 8, 2016
Taking responsibility over the health of someone else is a huge thing. One of the hugest. It's one thing to live with the consequences of your own poor choices regarding your own health. But the knowledge that what you recommended might have destroyed someone's life? Health gurus, doctors and such must never think about this aspect of their work. How else could they continue?
I think all health gurus harm some people because there is no advice that works for everyone. It is the individual's responsibility to make the final decision about what to put in his/her body and to carefully monitor his/her own progress. Matt Stone used to have a forum and there were some people who did speed up their metabolism and lose weight using his approach. There were others who just gained weight and their metabolism didn't improve. I have no doubt that Matt Stone had a theory that he believed in. When in the end the theory failed him and some other people he must have felt horrible.

I do think many health gurus take credit when someone gets better on their advice and blame the client when the advice doesn't work. That is the type of behavior that I really don't like. I'm not saying Matt Stone did that though.


Dec 8, 2016
@Rinse & rePeat & @Peatful, I gained about 60 pounds (75 total) in one year but I did things a bit more Peaty. I stayed at the higher weight for about a year and slowly got back to normal over the next 3-4 years. In hindsight I think the 15 I initially gained when coming from paleo to Peat was adequate for my 5’1 frame. I hadn’t learned yet that my main issue (besides celiac) was oxalates from being floxed but a high fruit/dairy diet is naturally low oxalate so that explains why it worked so well for me. I don’t think I ever had an eating disorder I just had problems eating enough at times due to my celiac and (unknown) oxalate issues and resulting food intolerances and GI issues. I should have stuck even more strictly to Peat instead of veering off track with Matt’s material and thinking more food was the answer for me. I take full responsibility for all my choices and errors though. We all have our own unique issues and journey to healing and I do still think there are definitely times when more food is necessary. Context is key like Peat pointed out of course.
Oh, your poor little petite body with 60 extra pounds

But here’s the thing
We will never know,
but I truly believe there was some metabolic or health benefit from your 75 lb journey


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Peatful, thank you. It was definitely life changing and I’m a stronger person now with better relationships and boundaries. I also take following my inner guidance more seriously.


Oct 11, 2016
He deserves it. He's a supposed health authority who pushes vaccines as effective cures.


Oct 11, 2016
He probably knew for quite some time that the advice his old books gave was wrong, and didn't work for most people. Especially him. But he never came out and recanted or corrected until now. He chose to continue to collect monthly revenues on information he knew failed him. I am sure his books still sell.

And this video is taken after he claims to have lost 40lbs! This is true for so many people today and that is why masculine culture and mockery are so vital.
People are way too trusting online with their fancy profile pictures and fancy intellectual and obfuscatory language. Generally every health guru is as close to death as anyone else - and that is an observable fact to anyone honest & perceptive at this point.
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