Masturbation And Hair Loss


Dec 17, 2018
I don't think it's the prolactin, but the energetic drain on your system that impacts hair. My theory is this: hair is one of the first things to suffer when a person is chronically stressed because it's not a biological priority. Reproduction is a biological priority, and your body puts a lot of resources into making new sperm in case the opportunity to mate arises. People who are chronically stressed are more likely to masturbate, or do so more frequently, because they want to relieve the pain of chronic stress.

If it's not an energetic drain from creating new sperm but actually a loss of some vitamins or minerals, I haven't figured out what they are. I've tried zinc and other things; nothing reduces that post-ejaculation fatigue. There's also no difference in this when it comes to real sex versus masturbation; they both cause fatigue and a feeling of poor scalp circulation.
I am already on noFap! I don't see any harm in doing so, so I might as well.

There's a phenomena that often occurs with no ejaculation. Those who refrain from ejaculating and fall for Nofap are either people with already low libido and/or have shame associated with it or those who have a high libido who think they are "addicted" to pornography(according to what they are told and what they tell themselves) and want to stop. Shame is involved in both cases.

The point is due to how strong the urges can get, many(and I mean the vast majority) who do nofap will end up unconsciously changing habits and eating differently(eating less/less often/less healthy/poor meal times) and overall make less healthy lifestyle choices in a way that will make them less healthy and therefore poorer metabolism. What ends up happening on successful months of nofap, it gets easier and easier largely due to this.

If you eat dramatically less, your urge for sex will go down, same goes for eating less healthy, or just wonky eating patterns, as well as other countless things that lower sex drive.

And imagine these kind of unconscious behaviors developing and compounding over many months in an attempt to make the streaks easier, you make yourself less healthy, less sex hormones, weaker metabolism and you have a recipe that can actually ruin your metabolism in the name of curing your "addiction".

I found this in myself, I did a stunt of 3/4 months no ejaculation at all. And over time I find myself eating very little/less healthy/losing appetite/overworking out and have worse sleeping patterns etc. And what was going on was I unconsciously lowered my sex drive, making me less healthy, therefore less urge to ejaculate. Once I stopped and I had moments of stopping and starting a few times after until it occured to me what was going on as I became self-aware. I also saw a reddit post saying the same thing I say now and it all clicked in my head what I did to myself. Let me say those 3-4 months once I stopped, made me realize how torturous it was for so little benefit.

I call this a warning to those who want to try it. If you try nofap and its easy, thats because your libido is too low, sign of poor hormone production and there needs to be something done about that.

For those who have high libido and try this, be wary that you are not automatically excluded from this phenomena. I thought I was, but realize it can be unconscious to the point where you are clueless to what you are doing to yourself. I do challenge any of you to consume aphrodisiacal foods and/or other methods that improve libido while not ejaculating. Anything that increase sex drives such as high zinc/mineral foods(oysters/red meat) will for sure improve your health and make it harder, which illustrates the point.


Nov 7, 2018
There's a phenomena that often occurs with no ejaculation. Those who refrain from ejaculating and fall for Nofap are either people with already low libido and/or have shame associated with it or those who have a high libido who think they are "addicted" to pornography(according to what they are told and what they tell themselves) and want to stop. Shame is involved in both cases.

The point is due to how strong the urges can get, many(and I mean the vast majority) who do nofap will end up unconsciously changing habits and eating differently(eating less/less often/less healthy/poor meal times) and overall make less healthy lifestyle choices in a way that will make them less healthy and therefore poorer metabolism. What ends up happening on successful months of nofap, it gets easier and easier largely due to this.

If you eat dramatically less, your urge for sex will go down, same goes for eating less healthy, or just wonky eating patterns, as well as other countless things that lower sex drive.

And imagine these kind of unconscious behaviors developing and compounding over many months in an attempt to make the streaks easier, you make yourself less healthy, less sex hormones, weaker metabolism and you have a recipe that can actually ruin your metabolism in the name of curing your "addiction".

I found this in myself, I did a stunt of 3/4 months no ejaculation at all. And over time I find myself eating very little/less healthy/losing appetite/overworking out and have worse sleeping patterns etc. And what was going on was I unconsciously lowered my sex drive, making me less healthy, therefore less urge to ejaculate. Once I stopped and I had moments of stopping and starting a few times after until it occured to me what was going on as I became self-aware. I also saw a reddit post saying the same thing I say now and it all clicked in my head what I did to myself. Let me say those 3-4 months once I stopped, made me realize how torturous it was for so little benefit.

I call this a warning to those who want to try it. If you try nofap and its easy, thats because your libido is too low, sign of poor hormone production and there needs to be something done about that.

For those who have high libido and try this, be wary that you are not automatically excluded from this phenomena. I thought I was, but realize it can be unconscious to the point where you are clueless to what you are doing to yourself. I do challenge any of you to consume aphrodisiacal foods and/or other methods that improve libido while not ejaculating. Anything that increase sex drives such as high zinc/mineral foods(oysters/red meat) will for sure improve your health and make it harder, which illustrates the point.
Thanks for your wonderful response!

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Chris Masterjohn says ejaculation uses ~1mg of zinc, and dietary absorption of zinc is ~30%. So, in theory, you’d need roughly 3mg of zinc to cover the loss of each ejaculation. From this, you can see how years of ejaculating on a daily basis could cause issues—if what Masterjohn said is correct.
How so, if you were consuming adequate zinc in your diet, or with supplements? This is a strange topic, I have 6 decades on this planet, and have done the deed at least 5 days/week for 40 years, with a full head of hair, no discernible prolactin issues, and still love to watch porn without having to see a counselor........people have been wackin' off for centuries, don't fix something that isn't broke.


Nov 29, 2017
How so, if you were consuming adequate zinc in your diet, or with supplements? This is a strange topic, I have 6 decades on this planet, and have done the deed at least 5 days/week for 40 years, with a full head of hair, no discernible prolactin issues, and still love to watch porn without having to see a counselor........people have been wackin' off for centuries, don't fix something that isn't broke.

hahaha the best quote i've seen on this gold mine of a forum


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
There's a phenomena that often occurs with no ejaculation. Those who refrain from ejaculating and fall for Nofap are either people with already low libido and/or have shame associated with it or those who have a high libido who think they are "addicted" to pornography(according to what they are told and what they tell themselves) and want to stop. Shame is involved in both cases.

The point is due to how strong the urges can get, many(and I mean the vast majority) who do nofap will end up unconsciously changing habits and eating differently(eating less/less often/less healthy/poor meal times) and overall make less healthy lifestyle choices in a way that will make them less healthy and therefore poorer metabolism. What ends up happening on successful months of nofap, it gets easier and easier largely due to this.

If you eat dramatically less, your urge for sex will go down, same goes for eating less healthy, or just wonky eating patterns, as well as other countless things that lower sex drive.

And imagine these kind of unconscious behaviors developing and compounding over many months in an attempt to make the streaks easier, you make yourself less healthy, less sex hormones, weaker metabolism and you have a recipe that can actually ruin your metabolism in the name of curing your "addiction".

I found this in myself, I did a stunt of 3/4 months no ejaculation at all. And over time I find myself eating very little/less healthy/losing appetite/overworking out and have worse sleeping patterns etc. And what was going on was I unconsciously lowered my sex drive, making me less healthy, therefore less urge to ejaculate. Once I stopped and I had moments of stopping and starting a few times after until it occured to me what was going on as I became self-aware. I also saw a reddit post saying the same thing I say now and it all clicked in my head what I did to myself. Let me say those 3-4 months once I stopped, made me realize how torturous it was for so little benefit.

I call this a warning to those who want to try it. If you try nofap and its easy, thats because your libido is too low, sign of poor hormone production and there needs to be something done about that.

For those who have high libido and try this, be wary that you are not automatically excluded from this phenomena. I thought I was, but realize it can be unconscious to the point where you are clueless to what you are doing to yourself. I do challenge any of you to consume aphrodisiacal foods and/or other methods that improve libido while not ejaculating. Anything that increase sex drives such as high zinc/mineral foods(oysters/red meat) will for sure improve your health and make it harder, which illustrates the point.

Hmm, that maybe true for you and others on nofap. I however have increased motivation and drive to improve my health while doing nofap concurrently. Is my sex drive lower than I'd like and that makes it kind of easy to do nofap? Absolutely, but my goal is to increase my libido, not lower it. I'd actually welcome a few moments with the urge being so hard to resist that I can't, but this rarely happens, and that actually annoys me, even if it does make "keeping the streak" easy. I absolutely realize my metabolism is FUBAR and that's why I post here every day and try new things to try to get better, and I haven't yet but I plan to once I get to the bottom of my problems. I also absolutely get worse every time I relapse (Temperatures and pulse drop, mood tanks, etc.), so it's not in my head or anything like that. Most foods are not aphrodisiacal for me, because my metabolism is broken. Red meat has been helpful to me (as your one example) has been helpful to me but not the end all be all. Again though I agree that the goal should be to increase libido and make it harder to do nofap, that's how you know you're doing it right. FWIW, at one point in my life, I was doing nofap and libido was so high that I had nocturnal emissions upwards of 2-3x a week. I miss those days. Lol. (This was before my metabolism broke as a result of a breakup with the ex, etc...)


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
How so, if you were consuming adequate zinc in your diet, or with supplements? This is a strange topic, I have 6 decades on this planet, and have done the deed at least 5 days/week for 40 years, with a full head of hair, no discernible prolactin issues, and still love to watch porn without having to see a counselor........people have been wackin' off for centuries, don't fix something that isn't broke.

I don't think zinc is the missing link. I supplemented zinc for a while and did not see an improved libido. I now eat red meat virtually every day and see only marginal improvements in libido. Honestly I think Iron is actually the missing link. Virtually all Peater's savagely cut their Iron because of what RP wrote about it, and forget that Iron is an essential mineral just like Zinc, Copper, Manganese...


Nov 29, 2017
I think all of the issues go back to a malfunctioning liver/gallbladder, which means poor thyroid and bad lymph flow. I think my hair loss was directly linked to when my liver function started to deteriorate and I was unable to process and detox various hormones. Poor diet and stress started the cascade. Sorry for getting off topic here but jmo

The Centrality of The Liver in Pattern Baldness: Estrogen, Aspirin, and IGF-1


Dec 17, 2018
Hmm, that maybe true for you and others on nofap. I however have increased motivation and drive to improve my health while doing nofap concurrently. Is my sex drive lower than I'd like and that makes it kind of easy to do nofap? Absolutely, but my goal is to increase my libido, not lower it. I'd actually welcome a few moments with the urge being so hard to resist that I can't, but this rarely happens, and that actually annoys me, even if it does make "keeping the streak" easy. I absolutely realize my metabolism is FUBAR and that's why I post here every day and try new things to try to get better, and I haven't yet but I plan to once I get to the bottom of my problems. I also absolutely get worse every time I relapse (Temperatures and pulse drop, mood tanks, etc.), so it's not in my head or anything like that. Most foods are not aphrodisiacal for me, because my metabolism is broken. Red meat has been helpful to me (as your one example) has been helpful to me but not the end all be all. Again though I agree that the goal should be to increase libido and make it harder to do nofap, that's how you know you're doing it right. FWIW, at one point in my life, I was doing nofap and libido was so high that I had nocturnal emissions upwards of 2-3x a week. I miss those days. Lol. (This was before my metabolism broke as a result of a breakup with the ex, etc...)

I didnt say I had no benefits, I did. But they werent worth it, and I now have more than what I had then as I improved my health.

I don't think zinc is the missing link. I supplemented zinc for a while and did not see an improved libido. I now eat red meat virtually every day and see only marginal improvements in libido. Honestly I think Iron is actually the missing link. Virtually all Peater's savagely cut their Iron because of what RP wrote about it, and forget that Iron is an essential mineral just like Zinc, Copper, Manganese...

You could need more time to improve libido, unfortunately its unlikely to be like a switch that turns on your libido like certain stimulants turn on your energy just like that(like say caffeine for example).

The hardest thing to do is to wait. Come to think of it, life tends to be like that, ha. As for iron, I would agree with you. I am of the mind that restricting essential minerals, which in turn ends up restricting nutritious foods, is never good. Any mineral could end up being the reason one's healing has bottlenecked. And in the case of iron, since that is the common thing to restrict around here without a doubt many here are postponing healing because of the crazy fear of iron which has so many functions and roles in the body.

If you decide to take this iron route a shot. Feel free to share if it brings any progress.
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Jun 26, 2018
How so, if you were consuming adequate zinc in your diet, or with supplements? This is a strange topic, I have 6 decades on this planet, and have done the deed at least 5 days/week for 40 years, with a full head of hair, no discernible prolactin issues, and still love to watch porn without having to see a counselor........people have been wackin' off for centuries, don't fix something that isn't broke.

And what if people aren’t consuming enough zinc? If you need ~3mg of zinc to cover each ejaculation, and someone is ejacualting multiple times a day, that’s a lot of zinc.
People have also been going bald for centuries. I’m not even sure why you brought up hairloss in regards to my comment. I was merely stating what a health “guru” said about zinc in relation to ejaculating.


Feb 21, 2017
There's a phenomena that often occurs with no ejaculation. Those who refrain from ejaculating and fall for Nofap are either people with already low libido and/or have shame associated with it or those who have a high libido who think they are "addicted" to pornography(according to what they are told and what they tell themselves) and want to stop. Shame is involved in both cases.

The point is due to how strong the urges can get, many(and I mean the vast majority) who do nofap will end up unconsciously changing habits and eating differently(eating less/less often/less healthy/poor meal times) and overall make less healthy lifestyle choices in a way that will make them less healthy and therefore poorer metabolism. What ends up happening on successful months of nofap, it gets easier and easier largely due to this.

If you eat dramatically less, your urge for sex will go down, same goes for eating less healthy, or just wonky eating patterns, as well as other countless things that lower sex drive.

And imagine these kind of unconscious behaviors developing and compounding over many months in an attempt to make the streaks easier, you make yourself less healthy, less sex hormones, weaker metabolism and you have a recipe that can actually ruin your metabolism in the name of curing your "addiction".

I found this in myself, I did a stunt of 3/4 months no ejaculation at all. And over time I find myself eating very little/less healthy/losing appetite/overworking out and have worse sleeping patterns etc. And what was going on was I unconsciously lowered my sex drive, making me less healthy, therefore less urge to ejaculate. Once I stopped and I had moments of stopping and starting a few times after until it occured to me what was going on as I became self-aware. I also saw a reddit post saying the same thing I say now and it all clicked in my head what I did to myself. Let me say those 3-4 months once I stopped, made me realize how torturous it was for so little benefit.

I call this a warning to those who want to try it. If you try nofap and its easy, thats because your libido is too low, sign of poor hormone production and there needs to be something done about that.

For those who have high libido and try this, be wary that you are not automatically excluded from this phenomena. I thought I was, but realize it can be unconscious to the point where you are clueless to what you are doing to yourself. I do challenge any of you to consume aphrodisiacal foods and/or other methods that improve libido while not ejaculating. Anything that increase sex drives such as high zinc/mineral foods(oysters/red meat) will for sure improve your health and make it harder, which illustrates the point.

My experience doesn't line up with this, either.

I had absolutely no shame in masturbation but started nofap as I was clearly having dopamine issues.

It brought a clarity of mind and energy I hadn't experienced before, and after longer periods it made me see the beauty in people to a far higher degree (especially women). I found it kind of enlightening to not see things as much through the prism of sexuality.

I would say it also helped me be unimaginably emotionally resilient.

HOWEVER I think it's very possible ejaculation is used as a detox or regulatory mechanism when in poor health, and the urges may well have a physiological purpose.

I also think there's something dangerous about getting tied up in the dogma of not ejaculating. It can warp the connection you have with your partner if it's in the back of your mind while you're supposed to be completely in a shared moment of connectedness.

Feeling shitty after ejaculation does seem to be a reflection of poor health, for sure. It's very possible that not ejaculating when you feel the need to could worsen your physical health, but porn and the world being so sexualised can really warp a person's natural inclinations, imo.

Girls almost always wear make up that makes them look in peak health - bright and wide eyed, flawless skin tone, contouring to fake perfect bone structure, filling and darkening brows and lashes to appear almost superhumanly hormonally healthy.

I think monthly hormonal fluctuations can make women more appealing and vibrant at certain times, but makeup switches this on all the time. Guys are naturally programmed to respond to this! I really think it's too much these days.

To be clear, I do not think make up makes girls look beautiful on closer inspection. I wish noone would wear it as it's deceptive. Natural beauty via health or simply being caught in a moment is way way more fulfilling. It's just that first glance response!


Nov 18, 2020
Hmm, that maybe true for you and others on nofap. I however have increased motivation and drive to improve my health while doing nofap concurrently. Is my sex drive lower than I'd like and that makes it kind of easy to do nofap? Absolutely, but my goal is to increase my libido, not lower it. I'd actually welcome a few moments with the urge being so hard to resist that I can't, but this rarely happens, and that actually annoys me, even if it does make "keeping the streak" easy. I absolutely realize my metabolism is FUBAR and that's why I post here every day and try new things to try to get better, and I haven't yet but I plan to once I get to the bottom of my problems. I also absolutely get worse every time I relapse (Temperatures and pulse drop, mood tanks, etc.), so it's not in my head or anything like that. Most foods are not aphrodisiacal for me, because my metabolism is broken. Red meat has been helpful to me (as your one example) has been helpful to me but not the end all be all. Again though I agree that the goal should be to increase libido and make it harder to do nofap, that's how you know you're doing it right. FWIW, at one point in my life, I was doing nofap and libido was so high that I had nocturnal emissions upwards of 2-3x a week. I miss those days. Lol. (This was before my metabolism broke as a result of a breakup with the ex, etc...

Hmm, that maybe true for you and others on nofap. I however have increased motivation and drive to improve my health while doing nofap concurrently. Is my sex drive lower than I'd like and that makes it kind of easy to do nofap? Absolutely, but my goal is to increase my libido, not lower it. I'd actually welcome a few moments with the urge being so hard to resist that I can't, but this rarely happens, and that actually annoys me, even if it does make "keeping the streak" easy. I absolutely realize my metabolism is FUBAR and that's why I post here every day and try new things to try to get better, and I haven't yet but I plan to once I get to the bottom of my problems. I also absolutely get worse every time I relapse (Temperatures and pulse drop, mood tanks, etc.), so it's not in my head or anything like that. Most foods are not aphrodisiacal for me, because my metabolism is broken. Red meat has been helpful to me (as your one example) has been helpful to me but not the end all be all. Again though I agree that the goal should be to increase libido and make it harder to do nofap, that's how you know you're doing it right. FWIW, at one point in my life, I was doing nofap and libido was so high that I had nocturnal emissions upwards of 2-3x a week. I miss those days. Lol. (This was before my metabolism broke as a result of a breakup with the ex, etc...)
What do you mean your metabolism broke as a result of a break up with the ex?

I'm curious about this specifically because most of my health issues, mainly hair loss, began shortly after a difficult breakup with an ex years ago.


Aug 6, 2017
High prolactin is found in many connective tissue diseases, so it sounds plausible your fascial network might suffer from frequent high prolactin levels. Which leads to postural issues, chronic fascial tension, and ultimately MPB.

One study even found that the fascia in itself produces prolactin when stressed -- maybe this is the source of elevated prolactin from orgasm?

But of course all i have seen is associative links, not causal, so it might be prolactin actually helps maintain fascial function and repair it, making it more like exercise -- a beneficial stress response that actually improves the situation.
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Feb 13, 2021
N=1 here but I've been on SR & sexual transmutation for a few months and my hairline is slowly coming back.

In fact my face as a whole is developing a younger-looking structure. Can hardly believe it but it's happening.


Feb 23, 2020
I don't think it's the prolactin, but the energetic drain on your system that impacts hair. My theory is this: hair is one of the first things to suffer when a person is chronically stressed because it's not a biological priority. Reproduction is a biological priority, and your body puts a lot of resources into making new sperm in case the opportunity to mate arises. People who are chronically stressed are more likely to masturbate, or do so more frequently, because they want to relieve the pain of chronic stress.

If it's not an energetic drain from creating new sperm but actually a loss of some vitamins or minerals, I haven't figured out what they are. I've tried zinc and other things; nothing reduces that post-ejaculation fatigue. There's also no difference in this when it comes to real sex versus masturbation; they both cause fatigue and a feeling of poor scalp circulation.
But why is only affected the hair of the scalp and not the beard. The energetic drain on your system that impacts hair, well, but why not all the hair the same? not the body hair or beard and if the head? There must be something else ...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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