
Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
See this link for detailed explanations: MASTER LISTS: Propaganda ~ Logical Fallacies

Robert Allen & Lorne Greene (of Bonanza fame): The Propaganda Game

A. Techniques of Self-Deception

1. Prejudice
2. Academic Detachment
3. Drawing the Line
4. Not Drawing the Line
5. Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism
6. Rationalization
7. Wishful Thinking
8. Tabloid Thinking
9. Causal Oversimplification
10. Inconceivability

B. Techniques of Language

1. Emotional Terms
2. Metaphor & Simile
3. Emphasis
4. Quotation Out of Context
5. Abstract Terms
6. Vagueness
7. Ambiguity
8. Shift of Meaning

C. Techniques of Irrelevance

1. Appearance
2. Manner
3. Degrees & Titles
4. Numbers
5. Status
6. Repetition
7. Slogans
8. Technical Jargon
9. Sophistical Formula

D. Techniques of Exploitation

1. Appeal to Pity
2. Appeal to Flattery
3. Appeal to Ridicule
4. Appeal to Prestige
5. Appeal to Prejudice
6. Bargain Appeal
7. Folksy Appeal
8. Join the Bandwagon Appeal
9. Appeal to Practical Consequences
10. Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious

E. Techniques of Form

1. Concurrency
2. Post Hoc
3. Selected Instances
4. Hasty Generalization
5. Faulty Analog
6. Composition
7. Division
8. Non Sequitur

F. Techniques of Maneuver

1. Diversion
2. Disproving a Minor Point
3. Ad Hominem
4. Appeal to Ignorance
5. Leading Question
6. Complex Question
7. Inconsequent Argument
8. Attacking a Straw Man
9. Victory by Definition
10. Begging the Question

Stephen Downes' Guide to the Logical Fallacies

Fallacies of Distraction

False Dilemma
Argument From Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam)
Slippery Slope
Complex Question
Appeals to Motives in Place of Support
Appeal to Force (argumentum ad baculum)
Appeal to Pity (argumentum ad misercordiam)
Appeal to Consequences (argumentum ad consequentiam)
Prejudicial Language
Appeal to Popularity (argumentum ad populum)
Changing the Subject
Attacking the Person (argumentum ad hominem)
Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad verecundium)
Anonymous Authorities
Style Over Substance
Inductive Fallacies
Hasty Generalization
Unrepresentative Sample
False Analogy
Slothful Induction
Fallacy of Exclusion
Fallacies Involving Statistical Syllogisms
Converse Accident

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
by H. Michael Sweeney

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
2. Become incredulous and indignant
3. Create rumor mongers
4. Use a straw man
5. Sidetrack opponents w name calling, ridicule
6. Hit and Run
7. Question motives
8. Invoke authority
9. Play Dumb
10. Associate opponent charges with old news
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions
12. Enigmas have no solution
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic
14. Demand complete solutions
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses
17. Change the subject
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad
19. Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs
20. False evidence
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor
22. Manufacture a new truth
23. Create bigger distractions
24. Silence critics
25. Vanish

Eight Traits of The Disinformationalist

1. Avoidance
2. Selectivity
3. Coincidental
4. Teamwork
5. Anti-conspiratorial
6. Artificial Emotions
7. Inconsistent
8. Newly Discovered: Time Constant


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County


00:00:45 - Summary of Day 6 Proceedings - Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
00:06:48 - Introducing Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet - N. Ana Garner, USA
00:07:13 - Mass Formation & Totalitarianism - Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet ( Psychologist, Expert in Mass Psychology )
01:21:01 - Short summary of Prof. Mattias Desmet's testimony - Viviane Fischer ( Attorney at Law, Germany )
01:21:57 - Introducing Mark Miller - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ( Attorney at Law, Germany )
01:23:18 - Media Propaganda - Prof. Mark Crispin Miller ( Professor of Media Studies )
02:51:33 - Introducing Professor Ulrike Kammerer - Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
02:52:03 - PCR-Testing Update - Professor Ulrike Kammerer ( Human Biologist, Immunologist )
03:16:54 - Q&A
04:19:03 - Conclusion


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Malwords, as we detail at Malwords Weekly, are keywords weaponized for information warfare. They function within public discourse as intellectual malware, verbal viruses designed to spread quickly for the purposes of
a) silencing dissent through control of language, narrative, and speech,
b) increasing public tolerance for government-sanctioned atrocity and
c) emboldening officials to commit those acts of atrocity

Malword strength is measured by their frequency of appearance in the published body of language (corpus), and expressed in words per million (WPM) linguistic units (words, numbers, symbols, acronyms, etc).

Malwords have useful lives, expiration of which creates linguistic vacuums that are filled— whether by design, accident, or by the invisible hand of globalist elites is a subject for robust theoretical discussion.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County

Kate Melgoza Reacts to Vaccine Hesitancy "Propaganda"

journal: Motivational Interviewing Strategies for Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

1. Practice a guiding style​
Approach the discussion using a guiding and collaborative style characterized by neutrality, open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries. It is especially important to emphasize an individual's autonomy in discussions related to vaccination behaviors.​
Open-ended question
Autonomy support​
How do you feel about getting the COVID-19 vaccine?
You make a strong point that it's important to be informed about these types of decisions before deciding which course of action is best for you.
You're feeling really stuck and aren't exactly sure how to sort through all the information about the vaccine that you've encountered. You're worried that the government might not have our best interests in mind.
You get to decide what's best for you.
2. Evoke using the MI toolbox​
Gather more information from the patient to better understand their perspective and values.​
Elicit-Provide- Elicit
Decisional balance​
What is your understanding of the COVID-19 vaccine? [Elicit]
Would it be all right if I shared some information about how the COVID-19 vaccine was developed? [Ask permission. If yes, provide information]
What are your thoughts about that information? [Elicit]
What makes you unsure about getting the vaccine? [exploring reasons against vaccination]
What are some ways getting the vaccine would make your life easier? [exploring reasons for vaccination]
3. Respond mindfully and skillfully​
Consider one's level of vaccine hesitancy at step 2 and proceed in the manner implicated by that person's position while still moving the patient forward in their decision making.​
Open-ended follow-up​
You've thought a lot about whether you want to get the vaccine. You're concerned about some of the possible long-term side effects, such as infertility. At the same time, you really care about protecting older populations, such as your grandparents, from the serious consequences of the virus.
On the one hand, you are worried about how you will react to the vaccine given your pre-existing conditions and the vaccine reactions you've experienced in the past [summarize reasons against vaccine]. On the other hand, you fear you could get far sicker if you were to contract COVID-19 and not be vaccinated [summarize reasons for vaccine].
What are you thinking might be the next step for you related to the vaccine?
Where does that leave us now?


Mar 29, 2016
Awesome and thanks!

Allow me to add to this trove:

Editor’s Note: We are pleased to publish for the first time this essay by the late Carroll Quigley, originally written in 1950. The compelling account of the history of epistemology that Quigley advances in reviewing George Orwell’s 1949 book Nineteen Eighty-Four remains relevant, even prescient, after more than seventy years. This essay is published with permission from the committee of historians left in charge of the work of the late Dr. Quigley.
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Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Awesome and thanks!

Allow me to add to this trove:

Editor’s Note: We are pleased to publish for the first time this essay by the late Carroll Quigley, originally written in 1950. The compelling account of the history of epistemology that Quigley advances in reviewing George Orwell’s 1949 book Nineteen Eighty-Four remains relevant, even prescient, after more than seventy years. This essay is published with permission from the committee of historians left in charge of the work of the late Dr. Quigley.
Great find !!! 📖


Awesome and thanks!

Allow me to add to this trove:

Editor’s Note: We are pleased to publish for the first time this essay by the late Carroll Quigley, originally written in 1950. The compelling account of the history of epistemology that Quigley advances in reviewing George Orwell’s 1949 book Nineteen Eighty-Four remains relevant, even prescient, after more than seventy years. This essay is published with permission from the committee of historians left in charge of the work of the late Dr. Quigley.

Our work has been featured and cited in The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, Bloomberg, The Guardian, Foreign Policy, The New Yorker, Tech Crunch, The Washington Post, and The Diplomat, among other publications. Palladium is partnered with the World Economic Forum’s Strategic Intelligence Platform.

Our political theory and analysis has touched on the importance of deradicalization, how to find meaning in a world of power hierarchies, why elite responsibility is important, the growing Confucian power center in China making a bid for world power, and why we need a new state consciousness to support the public good.


Mar 29, 2016


Good catch, but good read nonetheless. It's Quigley's writing. It is scholarly, well explained, and is critical enough to expose the regression in the mindset and the zeitgeist. It makes me the more convinced of why the more educated and credentialed one is these days, the more his words have to be viewed with critical suspicion, him being as one who can be described as a useful idiot.

Why the NWO gives sanction to an article being published that is critical of its methods speaks to their need to have an appearance of erudition. I also think they have done a good job of dumbing down the masses that they know the typical proletariat knave would not bother to read this tome.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County

Tragedy & Hope Introduction (Michael L Chadwick)

Somehow one of the most revealing books ever published slipped through the editorial of offices of one of the major publishing houses in New York and found it way into the bookstores of America in 1966.

"...[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. this system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations....

"It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called 'international' or 'merchant' bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. This dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds though bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their own control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes, to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates."

This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history.

Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century (Michael L Chadwick)

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Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Find Out Which Cognitive Biases Alter Your Perspective


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Propaganda Analysis — Home Page — Propaganda Critic

Core concepts. Why should you care about propaganda?

Cognitive biases. How do trolls manipulate our biases?

Decoding propaganda. How can you detect and analyze propaganda?

About This Site — Propaganda Critic

In 2018, realizing that traditional approaches to propaganda analysis were not well-suited for making sense out of our contemporary political crisis, we completely overhauled Propaganda Critic to take into account the rise of ‘computational propaganda.’ In addition to updating all of the original content, we added nearly two dozen new articles exploring the rise of computational propaganda, explaining recent research on cognitive biases that influence how we interpret and retain information, and presenting recent case studies of how propaganda techniques have been used to disrupt democracy around the world.

I will try to find those articles 👆


Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
by H. Michael Sweeney

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
2. Become incredulous and indignant
3. Create rumor mongers
4. Use a straw man
5. Sidetrack opponents w name calling, ridicule
6. Hit and Run
7. Question motives
8. Invoke authority
9. Play Dumb
10. Associate opponent charges with old news
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions
12. Enigmas have no solution
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic
14. Demand complete solutions
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses
17. Change the subject
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad
19. Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs
20. False evidence
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor
22. Manufacture a new truth
23. Create bigger distractions
24. Silence critics
25. Vanish

Eight Traits of The Disinformationalist

1. Avoidance
2. Selectivity
3. Coincidental
4. Teamwork
5. Anti-conspiratorial
6. Artificial Emotions
7. Inconsistent
8. Newly Discovered: Time Constant
I found a blog post with exemples for each item
The Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation — H. Michael Sweeney, 2001 – Matthijs R. Koot's notebook


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County


Forum Supporter
Dec 12, 2020
Thanks Grapelander, yerrag & Zsazsa for these links. I stumbled on Quigley quite some time ago and the essay released just reinforces what a brilliant guy he was. Very interesting stuff on here but also somewhat depressing especially reading the examples in the post above. It shows so many news stories that we all know are bs and just reiterates how captured the news media is. I haven't read Chadwicks works linked above so am grateful you all posted it here. What a great site this forum is!!


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Nineteen Eighty-Four remains relevant
article: The New Age Of Orwellianism

“Newspeak,” the language of Orwell’s fictional single-political party superstate, was a tool devised for monitoring the people’s communications, prosecuting “thoughtcrimes,” and ultimately controlling and dictating the people’s very beliefs.

Last week, new governmental data revealed that the American economy, measured by gross domestic product, contracted for the second straight quarter.
That was, up until perhaps two weeks ago, the universally accepted definition of what constitutes a “recession.”

Democrats similarly seem interested in changing the definition of “inflation,” which currently sits at four-decade highs and is disproportionately responsible for Biden’s dismal job approval ratings and Democrats’ unfavorable political outlook this fall.

Just last week, around the same time as when the United States formally entered a recession, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) finally reached an agreement on a version of the White House’s long-sought after Build Back Better domestic initiative. But Democrats renamed the bill: It is now not called Build Back Better but the Inflation Reduction Act.

And the revised bill includes new government expenditures to the tune of nearly $400 billion in energy- and climate-related spending. Authorizing such a fiscal boondoggle is the precise opposite of limiting the money supply. It is the logical equivalent of trying to put out a fire with a blowtorch.

Remarkably, it is the same ideologues who are eager to change the well-accepted definitions of “recession” and “inflation” who remain perplexed as to what exactly a “woman” is.



Propaganda - Goebbels' Principles​

Joseph Goebbels​

Dr. Joseph Goebbels, beside being an intriguing character, was the Propaganda Minister for Hitler's Third Reich. He was recognized as a master of propaganda as his work was studied after WWII. Goebbels did not survive to enjoy the recognition; he and his wife committed suicide on 1 May 1945, a week before the final collapse of the Third Reich.

After the war, US personnel discovered a very large diary dictated by Goebbels. In it are his principles of propaganda. Leonard Doob's 1950 article details them from a translation of the diary by Louis Lochner (1948).

Hitler's Basic Principles​

These principles are abstracted from Jowett & O'Donnell.

  • Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
  • Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
  • Give only one side of the argument.
  • Continuously criticize your opponents.
  • Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.

Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda​

When reading these propaganda principles, keep in mind that they were applied in wartime (WWII) and involve issues that don't arise otherwise. It's a long list, but Goebbels was dealing with the complexity of an all-out war. While reading them you may realize that some of the principles are generally applicable and not limited to wartime. Some might be quite familiar today. It is interesting to note that Goebbels' principles derive from Hitler's own ideas of propaganda.

  1. Propagandists must have access to intelligence concerning events and public opinion.
  2. Propaganda must be planned and executed by only one authority.
    1. It must issue all the propaganda directives.
    2. It must explain propaganda directives to important officials and maintain their morale.
    3. It must oversee other agencies' activities which have propaganda consequences.
  3. The Propaganda consequences of an action must be considered in planning that action.
  4. Propaganda must affect the enemy's policy and actions.
    1. By suppressing propagandistically desirable material which can provide the enemy with useful intelligence.
    2. By openly disseminating propaganda whose contents or tone causes the enemy to draw the desired conclusions.
    3. By goading the enemy into revealing vital information about himself.
    4. By making no reference to a desired enemy activity when any reference would discredit that activity.
  5. Declassified, operational information must be available to implement a propaganda campaign.
  6. To be perceived, propaganda must evoke the interest of an audience and must be transmitted through an attention-getting medium.
  7. Credibility alone must determine whether propaganda output should be true or false.
  8. The purpose, content, and effectiveness of enemy propaganda; the strength and effects of an expose'; and the nature of current propaganda campaigns determine whether enemy propaganda should be ignored or refuted.
  9. Credibility, intelligence, and the possible effects of communicating determine whether propaganda materials should be censored.
  10. Material from enemy propaganda may be utilized in operations when it helps diminish that enemy's prestige or lends support to the propagandist's own objective.
  11. Black rather than white propaganda must be employed when the latter is less credible or produces undesirable effects.
  12. Propaganda may be facilitated by leaders with prestige.
  13. Propaganda must be carefully timed.
    1. The communication must reach the audience ahead of competing propaganda.
    2. A propaganda campaign must begin at the optimum moment.
    3. A propaganda theme must be repeated, but not beyond some point of diminishing effectiveness.
  14. Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans.
    1. They must evoke responses which the audience previously possesses.
    2. They must be capable of being easily learned.
    3. They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations.
    4. They must be boomerang-proof.
  15. Propaganda to the home front must prevent the raising of false hopes which can be blasted by future events.
  16. Propaganda to the home front must create an optimum anxiety level.
    1. Propaganda must reinforce anxiety concerning the consequences of defeat.
    2. Propaganda must diminish anxiety (other than that concerning the consequences of defeat) which is too high and cannot be reduced by people themselves.
  17. Propaganda to the home front must diminish the impact of frustration.
    1. Inevitable frustrations must be anticipated.
    2. Inevitable frustrations must be placed in perspective.
  18. Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.
  19. Propaganda cannot immediately affect strong counter-tendencies; instead it must offer some form of action or diversion, or both.

These would be principles guiding the conduct of propaganda operations.


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