Many K2 Supplements Useless, Only Trans-isomer Biologically Active


Mar 15, 2014
True K2 the best Mk4 & Mk7 on the market today
While researching this product I made a shocking discovery. Over 90% of the samples tested either did not contain any Trans isomer or had significantly less Trans isomer than stated by the manufacturer. This is important, because only the Trans isomer form is biologically active. The inactive Cis isomer form is found to some degree in all K2 products, the problem, Cis isomer K2 is easy to produce

Cis and trans isomers of the vitamin menaquinone-7: which one is biologically significant?
Evaluation of the isomer composition is an important consideration, as only the all-trans form sustains biological activity.

This would explain any brands of K2 that gave people no effects. I've had success with both Thorne and LifeExtension.

Nested Naturals, a pure MK7 supplement, gave me zero effects. This might not be due to the MK7, but rather a cheaper synthesis process that produce more cis-isomer.


MK-4 is the form your body will always end up making no matter what form goes in. In essence it is the most bioidentical.
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