Mae-Wan Ho Has Passed Away


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
"The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow is a pretty readable account of why quantum physics is different from regular physics. There have been experiments performed for decades about shooting things through a wall with two holes in it. With soccer balls, they all hit the wall behind it in two groups. With electrons (and other atomic sized particles), they all hit the wall behind it in five + groups and look like interfering waves. The technology today is such that they can shoot one electron through a hole every three seconds. And they still spread out to 5 + groups. So a single particle inherently carries some wave function with it. Read the book to see how Feynman explained it.

And to Burtlancast, this is mainstream science, there is nothing mystical about it. I'd think you could do better by trying to understand it, while acknowledging almost no one can do the math and there is no final theory.

The most striking line in the book for me was that of the four forces that they are trying to round up into a single theory, on an atomic and molecular level gravity, and the weak and strong nuclear forces, are irrelevant. Which means that the electromagnetic force dominates at the level we are trying to understand things, and theories about how cells work must account for electric charges and electromagnetic forces between atoms and molecules.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
"The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow is a pretty readable account of why quantum physics is different from regular physics. There have been experiments performed for decades about shooting things through a wall with two holes in it. With soccer balls, they all hit the wall behind it in two groups. With electrons (and other atomic sized particles), they all hit the wall behind it in five + groups and look like interfering waves. The technology today is such that they can shoot one electron through a hole every three seconds. And they still spread out to 5 + groups. So a single particle inherently carries some wave function with it. Read the book to see how Feynman explained it.

And to Burtlancast, this is mainstream science, there is nothing mystical about it. I'd think you could do better by trying to understand it, while acknowledging almost no one can do the math and there is no final theory.

The most striking line in the book for me was that of the four forces that they are trying to round up into a single theory, on an atomic and molecular level gravity, and the weak and strong nuclear forces, are irrelevant. Which means that the electromagnetic force dominates at the level we are trying to understand things, and theories about how cells work must account for electric charges and electromagnetic forces between atoms and molecules.

If there is continuity and logic to science this suggests that at the macro scale electromagnetism might still be the dominant force and things like gravity to be explainable by electromagnetic and electrostatic forces. This is what the Electric Universe Theory (EUT) claims and several people on the forum said that Peat has talked about it favorably and may have even endorsed it as a good macro Universe explanation. I have not been able to find his statements on that so if anybody has a link to Peat talking about the EUT please share.


Jan 1, 2013
"The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow is a pretty readable account of why quantum physics is different from regular physics. There have been experiments performed for decades about shooting things through a wall with two holes in it. With soccer balls, they all hit the wall behind it in two groups. With electrons (and other atomic sized particles), they all hit the wall behind it in five + groups and look like interfering waves. The technology today is such that they can shoot one electron through a hole every three seconds. And they still spread out to 5 + groups. So a single particle inherently carries some wave function with it. Read the book to see how Feynman explained it.

And to Burtlancast, this is mainstream science, there is nothing mystical about it. I'd think you could do better by trying to understand it, while acknowledging almost no one can do the math and there is no final theory.

The most striking line in the book for me was that of the four forces that they are trying to round up into a single theory, on an atomic and molecular level gravity, and the weak and strong nuclear forces, are irrelevant. Which means that the electromagnetic force dominates at the level we are trying to understand things, and theories about how cells work must account for electric charges and electromagnetic forces between atoms and molecules.

Mainstream physics has been rife with fraud for the past 100 years. I've cited scores of credible science historians, physicists (read what Tesla said about Einstein) and Nobel prize winners who proved beyond any doubt Einstein plagiarized from others just about everything he wrote, notably the relativity ( general and particular), using mysticism in his formulations in order not to be debunked.

The man from whom he plagiarized the most, Edmond Poincaré, devised a sound and rational theory, but his original assumptions ( the absence of aether) he based this theory upon turned out afterwards to be wrong. By plagiarizing Poincaré, Einstein, and his sycophants (Hawkins, Eddington, and others*) perpetuate the mistake, and prevent real physics science from advancing.
*(Arthur Eddington's selective presentation of data from the 1919 Eclipse so that it supposedly supported "Einstein's" general relativity theory is one of the biggest scientific hoaxes of the 20th century, see pdf)

PS: Proofs Einstein plagiarized E= MC2

To summarise, the formula E=MC2 and all it's ramifications had been fully developped and published before Einstein. Einstein published his article without giving a single reference to other people's work, with the complicity of his German editors, who were jealous of Poincare's genius.
Even so, when publishing the original mathematical derivation which led to the formula E=MC2, Einstein wrote an incorrect mathematical processus * (Herbert Ives), and still inexplicably found the correct final formula, which is simply impossible (sic) unless he knew in advance what he wanted to find. (the guy was an average mathematician)

*(Herbert E Ives, 1952: "The reasoning in Einstein's 1905 derivation, questioned by Planck, is defective. He did not derive the mass-energy relation." (Ives, H.E. (1952), "Derivation of the Mass-Energy Relation", J. Opt. Soc. A m e r . 4 2 : 5 4 0 - 5 4 3, see attachment)

This is why Einstein never received his Nobel prize for the relativity theory; everybody knew he had stolen it from Poincaré, who had died in 1912 and wasn't there to defend himself. The lie still stands to this day.

I believe even wikipedia has a whole article about the paternity dispute of general relativity.


  • Derivation of the Mass-Energy Relation Herbert Ives.pdf
    3.1 MB · Views: 52
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Aug 6, 2015
I actually won't; each time i hear the word "quantum" i run for the hills.
Very often it's full of new-age mysticism, and some Amazon reviews agree with me.
Well, it is too bad that you won't even try read it, I think that you are a smart guy and that you would be pretty interested by her book. Peat really endorses her work by the way.

This is a well written and very intresting book and it has little to do with mysticism, actually she talks about a lot of serious research, for example Gilbert Ling, Pollack, Popp (biophotons) and she gives references at the end of each chapters. It is true that some of her ideas are just assumptions but I still think that her book is really worth reading.

By the way, I understand why you don't like quantum physics and Einstein and why you don't like when New Age people use the word "quantum", I'm the same and if you have better things in physics to look at please send me some references, I'm already reading things from the Electric Universe Theory.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Burt, E=MC^2 is nothing more than Newton's law of kinetic energy, E=1/2MV^2, where V is velocity and is taken to the (alleged) limit of the speed of light, C, and the 1/2 factor is irrelevant. Millions of people who have actually taken physics classes and understand the dimensions of equations recognize this.

More to the point, E=MC^2 is not quantum physics, is not mystical, and is true no matter who said it first. The issue hardly amounts to fraud and the alleged controversy does nothing to explain the world we can observe.
Nov 26, 2013
Each time Ray Peat talks about Halton Harp he is lowkey endorsing the electric universe theory.


Jan 1, 2013

More to the point, E=MC^2 is not quantum physics, is not mystical, and is true no matter who said it first. The issue hardly amounts to fraud and the alleged controversy does nothing to explain the world we can observe.

Nikola Tesla:
The theory of relativity is "a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense."

"The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.

Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

"Too bad, Sir Isaac, they dimmed your renown
And turned your great science upside down.
Now a long-haired crank, Einstein by name,
Puts on your high teaching all the blame.
Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable."

Fragments of Olympian Gossip
Nikola Tesla, poet, September 1934


Aug 6, 2015
Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.
Funny for Tesla to say that when he endorsed the work of Walter Russel which seems really metaphysical and was into mysticism himself.
Nov 26, 2013
To be fair Tesla would go to sleep and wake up with solutions...
Nov 26, 2013
I've heard he was into hypnagogia stuff but maybe he was a lucid dreamer? :smug

No he just went to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution.

I was practicing while walking with my uncle along the river. The sun was setting, the trout were playful and from time to time one would shoot up into the air, its glistening body sharply defined against a projecting rock beyond. Of course any boy might have hit a fish under these propitious conditions but I undertook a much more difficult task and I foretold to my uncle, to the minutest detail, what I intended doing. I was to hurl a stone to meet the fish, press its body against the rock, and cut it in two. It was no sooner said than done. My uncle looked at me almost scared out of his wits and exclaimed “Vade retro Satanas!” and it was a few days before he spoke to me again.


Oct 5, 2014
Just out of curiosity burtlancast, have you ever done LSD or psylocibin mushrooms? Or fasted on nothing but water for at least three days? Or meditated?
+1 :):):):):)

One of the first things one discovers with psychedelics is that the notion "observer" vs "observed" which science is based upon, is meaningless.

And that the notion of what is "scientific" or not, it's extremely blurred. The "demarcation problem" is veeeery tricky.

With all my respects !
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