Low Stomach Acid


May 13, 2015
If u need high dose b1 all the time I guess there might be other things go wrong in your body?
Well, yeah. I've got heavy metal poisoning; mercury and lead. I couldn't tolerate the prescribed 40 iv chelation treatments for the lead poisoning in 2014; about halfway through I was stricken with rheumatoid arthritis and had to quit. From researching, I've learned that physicians who plan to chelate a person should ALWAYS test their thiamine status first as chelating a thiamine deficient person can kill them. Lead poisoning is known to tie up all the available thiamine which causes the person to need a higher amount. Thiamine itself also chelates lead. The symptoms of thiamine deficiency and lead poisoning are pretty much identical.

If you are thiamine deficient or if you have a thiamine functional blockage you will have some pretty severe symptoms, including leaky gut and a compromised blood brain barrier. Thiamine is needed for pretty much all bodily functions because without it you can't make ATP.

The rheumatoid arthritis resolved itself several years ago with thyroid and thiamine supplementation. I've had a problem with thiamine deficiency for over 50 years. I'm a lot healthier on the high dose thiamine hcl than without it.


Jul 13, 2014
Both caffeine and taurine increase stomach acid and a safe way to get both is to drink RedBull. I'd say 2-3 of these a day is enough. Lemon juice has citric acid, which will actually decrease stomach acid output. Vinegar is fine in small quantities.
Interesting because I have low stomach acid, SIBO issues, and using pure lemon juice from half a lemon after meals, my belly bloat completely disappears. It's like it's melting my belly fat or something. Really helping with weight loss too

Lemon juice also seems to make hands and feet so warm


Nov 6, 2022
Both caffeine and taurine increase stomach acid and a safe way to get both is to drink RedBull. I'd say 2-3 of these a day is enough. Lemon juice has citric acid, which will actually decrease stomach acid output. Vinegar is fine in small quantities.
Guessing sprinkling succinic acid on food might also help.. anyone know? anyways it adds a nice tart flavor to dishes
Mar 10, 2021
I'm going to perhaps try the Betain test for low stomach acid, as I've been having some discomfort, gas and other things while doing Peat lately. But if it is low acid, how do you fix that, I mean you can't stay on these Betain pills for life. What are things suggested to improve low stomach acid so that it remains stable on it's own??? I Know I read that low stomach acid is just one more symptom of hypothyroid, so it wouldn't surprise me, but how do you get it kicked in the butt?
Too many liquids can dilute stomach acids, which is why I have not signed up for lots of orange juice and milk as the main players in my diet. I drink my liquids away from meals and between meals and I have killer digestion. There is nothing I can’t eat, and I am sixty. BTW I don’t think lack of chewing is good for face structure either.
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