Low Toxin Supplements Low-Dose Niacin Supplementation Improves Motor Function in US Veterans with Parkinson’s Disease


Apr 5, 2016
"Low copper" is basically extreme copper toxicity.

It's not complicated at all.
How does low copper mean basically extreme copper toxicity? Is it similar to how someone can have low Iron levels according to testing but actually have a very high iron levels?

Given that there are studies that show both high copper and low copper are associated with Parkinsons' disease I would say it is not entirely clear that high copper is associated with PD, hence why i would say it is a complicated relationship.

For example i mentioned that giving my mother tyrosine and phenylalanine has helped greatly with her symptoms well one of the reasons i think this is the case besides the fact that they have both have been shown to help lower serotonin is that tyrosine interacts with copper to produce melanin and there is research to suggest that a dysfunction of melanin production in the brain may be a contributing factor to Parkinsons disease.

Melanin and Neuromelanin: Linking Skin Pigmentation and Parkinson's Disease
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
How does low copper mean basically extreme copper toxicity? Is it similar to how someone can have low Iron levels according to testing but actually have a very high iron levels?
Because the liver is locking up the copper as hard at it can because it realizes the body is dying from the copper so its trying to save its life.


Aug 10, 2012
Birdie- I read your posts on PD. How is your husband doing these days? I hope he's doing great!

I found out I have an extended family member who is diagnosed with PD. I wanted to reach out to him (70-yrs) with any helpful information he might be unaware of. Other than progesterone and low-dose niacin, is there anything else I should recommend? I don't know if there are many doctors out there who would be open to these things, and at this point, I can only assume he is under MSM care, so I want to tread lightly. He lives in San Francisco.

Thank you, and God bless.
Kray - It's really hard to help in these situations where someone is under standard care. There is some work by an Italian neurologist, Dr Costantini using B1 therapy. He had thousands of patients all over the world who he helped. I started with his advice for my husband, but he (husband) wasn't interested in the standard drug care, so that makes a difference.


Feb 22, 2014
Got it, thank you!

Kray - It's really hard to help in these situations where someone is under standard care. There is some work by an Italian neurologist, Dr Costantini using B1 therapy. He had thousands of patients all over the world who he helped. I started with his advice for my husband, but he (husband) wasn't interested in the standard drug care, so that makes a difference.
Thanks Birdie, that's a good start. I was reading in another thread about Seleginine being used for PD. I don't know if it's meant to be curative or just to treat symptoms of tremors. Have you heard of or used that? What has been hands-down the most helpful in your husband's healing, if I may ask? And to ask maybe a stupid question- is there a cure for PD? I believe Ray Peat considered many "diseases" to be transitory, metabolic issues that can be resolved. And I do hope this is the case for your husband!

Thank you.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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