Low Dose Lithium May Stop Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) In Its Tracks


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This study was sent to me by one of my Twitter followers. In some of my past interviews/podcasts, I did mention isolated published case studies, as well as anecdotal medical reports of even advanced cases of AD getting rapidly reversed by micro-dosing regimens using lithium salts such as aspartate or orotate. The doses reported by the case studies and anecdotal stories were in the 5mg-10mg (elemental lithium) daily range and the treatment typically lasted for no more than 6 months due to the frequent MRI scans such patients endure in order to track the disease progression. To use the words of the son of one elderly female patient with advanced AD, 3 months of daily 5mg lithium orotate/aspartate resulted in completely clean MRI scans and "reduced her doctor to mumbling incoherent incredulities" and accusing them of using "unapproved methods". Wait, what!? Instead of congratulating them on successfully curing the "incurable" AD, the response was more or less along the lines of "how dare you play dirty in OUR game". As if the purpose of medicine is following rules instead of curing lethal diseases...

Well, the study below is pretty bold in its claims - lithium can stop AD in its tracks! It used a tiny dose of lithium as the citrate salt, administered rectally 5 days a week, for a period of 3 months. Coincidentally or not, the length of the study matches pretty well most of the published case studies and anecdotal reports about lithium's effects on AD, and it gives those reports even more credibility. The HED of elemental lithium used would be about 0.006mg/kg, which means even a heavy person (100kg, 220lb+) would need less than 1mg daily. I am not sure why the study decided to use rectal route of administration but I suspect it is due to the peculiar pharmacokinetics of the patented lithium formulation NP03 used in the study. Be that as it may, most lithium salts on the market have close to 100% oral bioavailability and as such an oral route of say 1mg (elemental) lithium daily should be able to fully replicate the design of the study and hopefully its findings as well.

Now, the evidence about benefit of lithium for virtually all neurological conditions is not new. It spans more than a century of small studies or isolated reports, to which medicine has always responded with its favorite line - "it is controversial". This line is essentially a euphemism for "of course it works, but it will decimate our careers/funding if we admit it does". Hard to argue with that, considering lithium's known mechanisms of action are ALL related to improving mitochondrial health and OXPHOS. Mainstream medicine now admits publicly that it is precisely those pro-metabolic effects of lithium that are behind its status as the "gold standard" of ANY psychiatric disease treatment. Most people probably know of lithium as only a treatment for bipolar disorder, and that is a result of a careful and deliberate PR campaign by Big Pharma over the last 40-50 years to make the humble unpatentable metal obsolete/forgotten. Yet, it is in fact an approved treatment for pretty much all mood disorders listed in DSM. It is easy to see why medicine is scared of lithium. Most psychiatric conditions are officially labelled as "functional", so it is more or less OK to admit a pro-metabolic chemical treats/cures them. However, it is very dangerous (to mainstream medicine) to start discussing the role of function (metabolism/energy) in the so-called "structural" disorders such as AD, PD, Huntington, Down syndrome, etc. Why? Because it will rapidly become clear that functional and structural disorders are two sides of the same coin and that improving function (metabolism/energy) can treat/cure structural disorders as well. And that is exactly what the study below demonstrated.
Now, if I was a smart man (and I am not) I would venture a guess that combining methylene blue (MB) with low-dose lithium may be a curative, highly synergistic approach to AD :):

NP03, a Microdose Lithium Formulation, Blunts Early Amyloid Post-Plaque Neuropathology in McGill-R-Thy1-APP Alzheimer-Like Transgenic Rats - IOS Press
Can lithium halt progression of Alzheimer's disease? Researchers' findings show that may be the case
Low Dose Lithium May Stop Alzheimer’s Disease in Its Tracks

"...There remains a controversy in scientific circles today regarding the value of lithium therapy in treating Alzheimer’s disease. Much of this stems from the fact that because the information gathered to date has been obtained using a multitude of differential approaches, conditions, formulations, timing and dosages of treatment, results are difficult to compare. In addition, continued treatments with high dosage of lithium render a number of serious adverse effects making this approach impracticable for long term treatments especially in the elderly. In a new study, however, a team of researchers at McGill University led by Dr. Claudio Cuello of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, has shown that, when given in a formulation that facilitates passage to the brain, lithium in doses up to 400 times lower than what is currently being prescribed for mood disorders is capable of both halting signs of advanced Alzheimer’s pathology such as amyloid plaques and of recovering lost cognitive abilities. The findings are published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease."


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Incredible. I wish more people were able to read this thread so they could help their family members.


Oct 31, 2012
well at least they've moved from mice to rats and Huntington's Disease to Alzheimer's in eight years. I see press releases from 2112 touting this formulation for Huntington Disease.


Jun 30, 2018
What are your thoughts on studies showing lithium to increase serotonin? I'm quite conflicted on supplementing with it, I remember one where it stated it increases the release but decreases the receptors


Feb 13, 2016
I feel that vitamin D would be found to have similar effects to lithium, if tested.


Aug 9, 2016
Just a word of caution, it may be wise to stick to a low dose of 1mg as haidut indicated.

After reading the article on haidut.me about a week ago I started taking 5mg lithium every morning (Doctor's Best lithium orotate) but had to stop after 3 days due to very noticeable heart palpitations at night which I've never experienced before. Still occurring 2 days after stopping but frequency has come right down. Half life is 24h. Arrhythmia is a know side effect of large doses but I'm surprised it affected me at this low dose. I've ordered liquid lithium orotate so I can experiment with very low doses.


Mar 23, 2016
Pure Encapsulations has Lithium drops which are great and make it easy to dose, even below 1 mg. The formula used to be Citrate but they recently changed to Orotate...


Oct 31, 2012
lithium is encapsulated in reverse water-in-oil microemulsions composed of self-assembled specific polar lipids, surfactant and co-surfactants (lecithin and ethanol), allowing enhanced central nervous system (CNS) uptake.
From the article. I was surprised it wasn't fish oil.


Apr 30, 2015
Another recent study came out on Lithium and Alz in Mice: Microdose Lithium Treatment Reduced Inflammatory Factors and Neurodegeneration in Organotypic Hippocampal Culture of Old SAMP-8 Mice - PubMed

I am doing research on Lithium in general and went down the Alz rabbit hole. From my observations, I do not think Lithium is as useful as this thread suggests.

There are articles dating back to 2012 talking about Lithium Oratate stopping Alzheimer's Disease (
Lithium Orotate stops Alzheimers | Economy | Before It's News)

I have looked far and wide on Reddit, AD forums, Twitter, you name it. Very few if any reports of using Lithium with success for AD. There are lots of people posting threads and links suggesting lithium may be beneficial, but very few actual real world "I used lithium on my grandmother and she's doing great now," stories.

After ~10 years of people knowing about Lithium Orotate for AD, you expect to start seeing stories and word of mouth to spread about its benefits. There just isn't much out there, but I would be happy if someone could point me to quality anecdotes if they do exist.

Where I do think Lithium Orotate may be useful is in preventing AD from occurring or halting its progression. But as a treatment it seems marginal. It is also very low risk so why not add 1mg or 2.


Apr 18, 2018
Stopping AD progression is one thing, but how about reversing AD? I think I've read some threads here on aspirin for AD. Any recommendations? Links to threads? @haidut?


Jun 30, 2018
I've been searching for studies about lithium and how it can effect the skin/collagen and found this one, it was on rats but can this be cause for concern in humans? they used lithium chloride

Error - Cookies Turned Off - In all cases investigated, structural abnormalities in collagen fibrils, at the ultrastructural level, were found. These abnormalities consist of decreased mean diameter and high variability in width as well as marked disorganization in the packing of the fibrils. The observed alterations seem to be permanent. Rupture of the rat thoracic aorta following pressure is significantly influenced by lithium.


Oct 21, 2018
I've been searching for studies about lithium and how it can effect the skin/collagen and found this one, it was on rats but can this be cause for concern in humans? they used lithium chloride

Error - Cookies Turned Off - In all cases investigated, structural abnormalities in collagen fibrils, at the ultrastructural level, were found. These abnormalities consist of decreased mean diameter and high variability in width as well as marked disorganization in the packing of the fibrils. The observed alterations seem to be permanent. Rupture of the rat thoracic aorta following pressure is significantly influenced by lithium.

its probably due to wnt proteins. Which influence hair more than skin


Mar 23, 2016

Any thoughts on the below findings? The first article states 'low dose' but they don't go on to state what the actual dose was.​

Lithium promotes accumulation of brain iron via tau suppression​


Lithium suppression of tau induces brain iron accumulation and neurodegeneration​


Even more interesting, the below study shows that iron deposition leads to Tau Phosphorylation which kind of contradicts the above:​



Mother nature is a b*tch..

Maybe this just shows that like Amyloid, Tau is not the culprit but there as a protective mechanism against
Something else...
Last edited:


Jan 25, 2014

Any thoughts on the below findings? The first article states 'low dose' but they don't go on to state what the actual dose was.​

Lithium promotes accumulation of brain iron via tau suppression​


Lithium suppression of tau induces brain iron accumulation and neurodegeneration​


Even more interesting, the below study shows that iron deposition leads to Tau Phosphorylation which kind of contradicts the above:​



Mother nature is a b*tch..

Maybe this just shows that like Amyloid, Tau is not the culprit but there as a protective mechanism against
Something else...

How far did you read those first two studies? When I looked them up, they both directed me to a single study conducted by Lei, et al. Reading through the materials and methods, I don't even understand what they were testing, as they spoke of both human subjects, and mouse subjects in the same paper. I'm curious what you thought of the full paper.
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