Looking For Advice - Dietary Histamine Intolerance


Feb 6, 2013
Hey guys -

Been awhile since I have posted here.

I ate Peat for most of 2012 and some of 2013 but struggled with it. I saw and felt great results, but at the same time suffered from some mania. I suffer from dietary histamine intolerance. Citrus fruits, aged fruits, bananas, aged meats or really aged anything give me severe symptoms.

I would avoid this stuff altogether, but when I don't eat Peat, I feel just...horrible. Since giving up Peat, my hair has turned pretty gray and I have been very stressed, can't sleep, have put on 25lbs. On Peat I was rail thin and got lots of interested looks from women. Now I'm a bloated, depressed mess. I want to go back to Peat but don't know what to eat.

Should I mainly focus on bone broths, organ meats, non histamine fruits? What should my caloric ratio be? Should I do 60% from non histamine fruits and the rest from animal products? What do you guys think of coffee? I have a serious addiction to a dark roast French blend but if I drink it with the wrong foods, it seems to spike my cortisol levels. When had with proper foods it makes me feel amazing.

Any advice would be much appreciated.



Nov 9, 2012
If you can do milk, some gelatin, coffee, then I would have thought you're already on good grounds. From there, with the main food as milk (a few liters per day, whole milk, it really helps if its quality milk and you like the taste), complete as needed with sucrose and some kind of meat/shellfish for extra nutrients, and cyproheptadine when things go wrong. I find pregnenolone has a powerful effect on digestion, more so than cyproheptadine (I don't have histamine allergy though so it may not apply to you).

I rarely do fruits myself. And never aged meats, Peat has written enough about histamines in those.


Jan 22, 2013
most fruits (even too much orange) eventually give me an unpleasant feeling for one reason or another. Maybe its the histamines...not sure. You could get vit C/folate from potatos (well cooked, peeled), vegetable broth...though that might be similar in histamines. Also ive found cantaloupe and honeydew are more gentle than other fruit, their less acidic...but cantaloupe has beta carotene so you shouldn't push it

Milk with some sugar (with coffee or plain or whatever else), cream, butter...are good calorie sources that can provide a good bulk of your nutrition. As far as meat, im not sure...I know the yolk of egg is not allergy provoking where as white can be for some, generally meat broths and teas (where you literally drink the pressed meat juice) are easier to digest than eating the whole meat. If you are going to eat meat, boil it rather than roast fry or grill. Gelatin in supplement form I hear is hard to digest. I know its anti peaty but too much salt can actually provoke histamine, so keep it chill with salt


Apr 22, 2015
Is cypro the only recourse for those of us with severe histamine issues?

I was on Remeron for a while (before I knew I even had histamine issues), and I couldn't get out of bed 'til at least 10 am every day. Don't want to go through that again.

Any supplements or additional nutrients we can try?


Mar 29, 2014
Here are my guesses - non-expert.

Yes to any fruits you don't react badly to. If you can handle them without bad reactions, yes to milk, fresh home made cheese, eggs (or just yolks), broths, honey, sucrose, occasional fresh liver, fish, ruminant meats, gelatine or hydrolysate. Oysters and other shellfish if it doesn't get you - but I think it may be notorious for developing histamine quickly? If the coffee seems to be working for you, keep it.
Well cooked potatoes if they agree with you and you need them to get enough food in.

Somewhere between 40-60% carbs, pref mostly sugars. At least 80g protein.

You could see if you can find Mittir's post describing his diet a few months ago - he showed that it met basic nutrient needs. I think it might have come out fairly low in histamines. He couldn't handle OJ either - found a brand of apple juice that worked for him.


Mar 29, 2014
And if you haven't tried cyproheptadine as an antihistamine that Peat has suggested as pretty safe and Haidut has posted lts of positive studies about, it might be worth a go - seems to serve some people really well, but not everyone.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
If you are in the US White Oak Pastures has grass fed, grass finished and not dry aged beef. Expensive shipping but might be worth it. If you order just put in the comments that you want meat that is frozen right away.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
I would think that bringing down your own histamine would be the ticket rather than worrying about the lesser histamine containing foods (by all means eliminate the biggest offenders). B6 is important.


Mar 10, 2016
I would think that bringing down your own histamine would be the ticket rather than worrying about the lesser histamine containing foods (by all means eliminate the biggest offenders). B6 is important.

This is true, as I've spent lots of time trying to eliminate the foods that cause me histamine reactions and it would take all day to list them, a lifetime to avoid them, it would be nightmarish. Research shows mast cells interacting with dietary fats and so I'm going glitche's route, bring fat content way down first.

funny jyp I was about to say I've never met a "good" fruit. they all irritate me, juices / elsewise

I have a serious addiction to a dark roast French blend but if I drink it with the wrong foods, it seems to spike my cortisol levels

that might be one of those things that comes down when you lower PUFA, do you remember if it irritated you when you Peated?
finally, avoid fluoride and pesticides, which only make reactions worse.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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