Long-Covid incidence, severity no worse than post-influenza syndrome


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
As most people around the world witnessed, one of the key reasons authorities provided for the draconian lockdowns and (semi)mandatory vaccination programs imposed on people was the risk of not only getting COVID-19 and dying from it, but also the high (we were told) risk of developing so-called "long-COVID" (LC). The latter is a nebulous and poorly defined list of symptoms including chronic fatigue, immune dysfunction, pulmonary damage, cardiovascular complications, mental illness, neurological diseases, and even cancer (i.e. some viruses are known tumor promoters). Yet, the evidence for the risk and severity of this dreaded LC was never presented to the public and the excuse since early 2020 has always been that we do not have enough historical data since COVID-19 has only been around for 3-4 years. As such, the risk calculations for LC have so far been exclusively theoretical, based on computer models comparing long-term mortality/morbidity rates of COVID-19 with other similar viral pathogens known to be able to cause SARS. The study below is one of the first to present actual data on risk of developing and expected severity of LC, and found that the risk is no higher than the same risk associated with the well-known post-influenza syndrome. The latter is now accepted to often cause the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which medicine claimed for years was nothing but a "psychiatric" disorder or patients malingering for attention. In fact, certain subgroups of the studied population were more likely to develop post-influenza syndrome than LC. Well, it looks like yet another key reason for accepting massive increases in totalitarianism worldwide turns out to be at best falsehood, and at worst deliberate fearmongering with power-gain in mind.

Long COVID incidence and severity no worse than post viral influenza syndrome: Study

"...Long Covid is a complex, multi-system condition that develops during or after having COVID-19, and is used to describe symptoms that continue for 4-12 weeks and longer-term sequelae beyond 12 weeks known as post-COVID syndrome. Long COVID has the potential for a substantial impact on society, from increased health care costs to economic and productivity losses. In the highly vaccinated population of Queensland exposed to the Omicron variant, long COVID appears to manifest as a post-viral syndrome of no greater incidence or severity than seasonal influenza, according to new research being presented at this year’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Copenhagen, Denmark (15-18 April)."

"...Interestingly, the analyses suggests that younger age groups and non-indigenous populations were more likely to report moderate to severe functional limitations after influenza than Omicron. “In our highly vaccinated population, the public health impact of Long COVID does not appear to result from any unique property of SARS-CoV-2. Rather, the impact results from the sheer number of people infected over a short period of time,” says Dr John Gerrard, Queensland’s Chief Health Officer."


Long covid was invented to cover for the covid injection adverse reactions imo and everything else is repackaged flu.


Apr 21, 2014
I'm as antivaxx as you possibly can get. Not just the covid vaxx either.Totally against all of them and have been for years but long covid is real. My stepmother got covid more then a year ago and is seriously messed up with digestive issues ever since. This virus was created in a lab so who knows was it was designed to do.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm as antivaxx as you possibly can get. Not just the covid vaxx either.Totally against all of them and have been for years but long covid is real. My stepmother got covid more then a year ago and is seriously messed up with digestive issues ever since. This virus was created in a lab so who knows was it was designed to do.

I don't think the study is saying long-COVID does not exist. The study just says the risk and severity of it are not higher than long-flu. I know people who got messed up by a nasty bout of the flu and got CFS and digestive disorders from it too. I view the study as just a refutation of the data-free claims of "sky is falling" that were used to push for lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations.


Apr 21, 2014
@haidut I dont know. I follow longcovid on reddit and theres a boatload of people subbing to that subreddit. I didnt even know long flu existed until you mentioned it, but i personally know a few people that got longcovid. I have a friend that ive known for years and he's paranoid schizophrenic after getting covid and has early onset dementia and he's 45. Seems like it attacks you at your weakest link. I think long covid is much more prevalent than what we realize. Cant prove it though. Just my personal observation.


Mar 20, 2021
I'm as antivaxx as you possibly can get. Not just the covid vaxx either.Totally against all of them and have been for years but long covid is real. My stepmother got covid more then a year ago and is seriously messed up with digestive issues ever since. This virus was created in a lab so who knows was it was designed to do.
Me too. Unvaccinated, had covid early Oct. 2022. And it wasn't "flu"! 🙄 Definitely saw long covid symptoms, in addition to pericarditis (very scary for me) 3 weeks after my illness.

Just now I'm feeling like my vibrant self again- not winded from exercise, no more tight lungs with morning fluidy coughs, better sleep, edema gone.

People don't tell me it's all in my head.


Mar 20, 2021
@LadyRae curious, did you do anything in particular to get through it or would you say it just took time?
Nattokinase helped a LOT ( I had shooting pain and numbness down my left arm, shortness of breath, dizzy spells, pain and pressure under my left breast, exhaustion, and I could hardly go for a walk with the dog without huffing and puffing)...

Also in mid-november when I started my period that is when I felt completely better, as far as the pericarditis symptoms went. But it took months to get over the exhaustion and the shortness of breath, and for a long time throughout the winter when I would wake up in the morning I would have a cough with fluid coming out of my lungs...

It might be worth mentioning that I don't have any health issues as a 45 year old woman. I'm 5' 11 and 130 lb so I don't have any obesity issues...

At the end of August I completed 300 miles backpacking in the Pacific Crest trail in Washington State a trip that only took three and a half weeks so I know I put my body through a lot of stress. Of course it was wonderful and amazing but I can't help but wonder if that set me back so that when I got covid I actually wasn't as healthy as I could have been if I just experienced a regular summer with swimming and walks...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
People don't tell me it's all in my head.

Nobody is saying it is in your head, at least not me. All the study says is that the incidence and severity of long-COVID is about the same as long-influenza (in that study group). A lot people are saying they don't know anybody who got long-flu...but how would one know that if the condition is so unknown among the general public? If somebody got severe flu and that person got severe pulmonary, cardiovascular, metabolic, etc chronic condition say 6-12 months later how many people would even associate that with the flu this person had? I think most people underestimate the long-term damage flu can do simply because doctors don't even know about long-flu and ascribe its after effects to something else. The study is about comparing severity of flu and COVID-19. I agree, from personal experience with COVID-19, that the "rona" is more severe than flu as an acute disease. However, that does not mean its after-effects are also more severe than the ones of flu.


Mar 20, 2021
Nobody is saying it is in your head, at least not me. All the study says is that the incidence and severity of long-COVID is about the same as long-influenza (in that study group). A lot people are saying they don't know anybody who got long-flu...but how would one know that if the condition is so unknown among the general public? If somebody got severe flu and that person got severe pulmonary, cardiovascular, metabolic, etc chronic condition say 6-12 months later how many people would even associate that with the flu this person had? I think most people underestimate the long-term damage flu can do simply because doctors don't even know about long-flu and ascribe its after effects to something else. The study is about comparing severity of flu and COVID-19. I agree, from personal experience with COVID-19, that the "rona" is more severe than flu as an acute disease. However, that does not mean its after-effects are also more severe than the ones of flu.
Yeah, I appreciate this response...

However, I have had the flu many many times, and as a young adult and teen I was sick very often. Since I quit eating dairy in my mid-20s I quit getting sick so often, and I would say in the last 20 years I've had the flu once every 4 or 5 years... Never did symptoms persist and never did I have such a long recovery...

But I am aware what the study is saying. Also there is so much we don't know about how vaccinated individuals will affect an unvaccinated person's response and recovery from covid...


Nov 9, 2017
I lost my smell and taste on 12/19-12/20 of 2020. NO OTHER SYMPTOMS except a headache for four hours the night before when I went to bed. I still have not received my taste and smell back. I have posted before about this in other places here. From the tons of hours of research that I have read I do not see any virus at play here. In fact, I can't even find a gold standard for the covid test. Its a surrogate test and PCR is very iffy with numerous sensitivities. Now getting back to what happened to me. The only thing remotely close that I have found with long lasting loss of taste and smell is some form of radiation poisoning. What form? Your guess is as good as mine (I'm sure you can possibly think of some) but it is the only thing that adds up to what happened to me.


Mar 15, 2023
I don't think the study is saying long-COVID does not exist. The study just says the risk and severity of it are not higher than long-flu. I know people who got messed up by a nasty bout of the flu and got CFS and digestive disorders from it too. I view the study as just a refutation of the data-free claims of "sky is falling" that were used to push for lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations.
I agree 100% with your statement about people getting messed up from long bouts of flu.

I have seen it first-hand in my elderly parents as they have had prolonged respiratory problems long after they apparently got over the flu.

The lungs are dark, moist environments and many pathogens would love to take up shop there.

And the lower the energetic state of the person, the more difficult it would be for them to make a full recovery from any respiratory ailment.

The alveoli or air sac cells needed for the exchange of oxygen and gases deep in the lungs take about a year to completely regenerate.

So, hypothetically, before those alveoli have a chance to regenerate, a new flu season is upon us and the weakened organism is slammed again with a different flu.

A low oxygen environment in the organism turns into a low CO2 environment which is a low energy and low metabolic state.

This causes poor turnover rate of tissues and increased recovery times.

In short, maybe the extended recovery time for the lungs from any flu is being labeled "long COVID."


May 31, 2018
I'm as antivaxx as you possibly can get. Not just the covid vaxx either.Totally against all of them and have been for years but long covid is real. My stepmother got covid more then a year ago and is seriously messed up with digestive issues ever since. This virus was created in a lab so who knows was it was designed to do.

The title of this post is Psyop. It's gaslighting.

This is 100% = to anti gay people crying that being gay is a choice. They were never gay, so there is no way in a sane mind they can claim such a thing.

People who didn't get long covid, or the WEIRD effects of covid itself cannot claim what people experienced.

I got covid before it was ever uttered/know by the public. A customer was all feverish and glassy eyed and her boss with her refused to touch her or handle her money. I guess I caught her "illness".

Why did Tabasco taste like water? Why was my gut destroyed? Why was my skin looking like alien breakouts I've never seen before on my body? Why were my eyes almost blood red (not pink eye). Why was my blood pressure through the roof for a year? Why was I smelling rotten meat for a year? Why was I smelling burning tire smell? Why did refreshing mint essential oil smell exactly like burning oily tires straight out of the bottle, only for a year later to smell exactly as it is, a refreshing mint smell? Why did I have brain fog back then that descended me into an abyss of terror?

That's just after-effects of the flu lol.



Mar 15, 2014
I dont know. I follow longcovid on reddit and theres a boatload of people subbing to that subreddit. I didnt even know long flu existed until you mentioned it
However, I have had the flu many many times, ... Never did symptoms persist and never did I have such a long recovery...
More and more people are saying it! Called it in 2020!

lvysaur right again!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The title of this post is Psyop. It's gaslighting.

No, it isn't gaslighting. That is the title of the actual article and the findings of the study. Nobody is telling you or anybody else long-covid is all in your head. All the study says is that the risk and severity of long-covid is not higher than the flu. I can introduce you to people who have/had long-flu and they will prob tell you that you are gaslighting them by telling them long-covid is more severe than their long-flu. This is not about you or them. It is about comparison of risk and severity, on average.


May 31, 2018
No, it isn't gaslighting. That is the title of the actual article and the findings of the study. Nobody is telling you or anybody else long-covid is all in your head. All the study says is that the risk and severity of long-covid is not higher than the flu. I can introduce you to people who have/had long-flu and they will prob tell you that you are gaslighting them by telling them long-covid is more severe than their long-flu. This is not about you or them. It is about comparison of risk and severity, on average.

You conveniently ignored the specific symptoms I listed that have zero to do with the flu.

Keep supporting the gaslight :thumbsup:


May 31, 2018
BTW, if anyone is paying any attention, the "cures" for covid all also happen to be anti parasitics and anti fungals. This thing is showing itself to be fungal/parasitic in nature somewhere in it. Not to mention C. Auris out of nowhere in 2018 I think it was, now spreading across hospitals and places like Vegas.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You conveniently ignored the specific symptoms I listed that have zero to do with the flu.

Keep supporting the gaslight :thumbsup:

Ah, I see. First it was "the title is a psyop" and now when confronted you pivot. Anyways, all of those symptoms you listed can be caused by influenza (and other viruses) as well.
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I'm as antivaxx as you possibly can get. Not just the covid vaxx either.Totally against all of them and have been for years but long covid is real. My stepmother got covid more then a year ago and is seriously messed up with digestive issues ever since. This virus was created in a lab so who knows was it was designed to do.
I don’t know your grandmother’s medical history so what I am about to write is not necessarily about her. The people I know who came down hard with the “worst flu ever” were those who got the flu vaccine in 2019/20. In 2019 the flu vaccine was reformulated. Between the flu vaccine, chemical spraying, pcr tests, and vaccine shedding perhaps something novel was happening in the past 3 years. I am not saying people are not sick what I am saying is that there are a lot of variables to explain some unusual symptoms. Also it is being used to explain the adverse events of the covid experimental injections.

Edit - I forgot to mention radiation - whilst we were locked down, all those towers went up.
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