LLight redpill me on water please



Zero benefits and a lot of bad. I tried every iteration for over a year, and I wish I could get my pre-fasting health back.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
What are the benefits of dry fasting and or water restriction ? @LLight
hi,potentially realising that some foods you are eating make you feel worst,therefore when you fast you feel better,and realising than in a lot of cases drinking water can be a net negative


May 30, 2018
Here is a dump of some of the last testimonies I've gatherer in my testimonies' log

"I'm still experimenting with DF, but I, recently, read another's experience with both long dry fasts and IDF. Her story is inspiring. In January of 2020, she had a major stroke. She'd been WF for years and learned of DF after her stroke. She began with a 7 day DF, then a couple months later, a 5 day DF. Next she settled into a routine of 18/6 IDF with a 2-3 day DF every couple of weeks. As of Nov 2021, not only did she far exceed her doctors prognosis, you cannot even tell she had a stroke. From this anecdotal evidence, I'd say both long and intermittent dry fasting is beneficial."


"My last 3 day dry fast was really hard compared to others and then 2 days after I broke it I was feeling so much more connected and spiritual and whole. I have been feeling it ever since ❤️ I feel like I cleansed something energetically for sure. Best of fasting to you!"


"I just completed a 5 day DF and the results on my shoulder Rotator cuff injury have been nothing short of amazing. I think it's 75% healed. I am mentally ready for another fast to add more healing and don't want to lose this momentum since the hardest thing in fasting is mentally starting.

Fast loss is a bonus and it was an average of 1kg/2.2lbs a day. Which helps since I have been about 25kg overweight."


"I have psoriatic arthritis and I stopped my Enbrel and Sulfasalazine 3 months ago after taking them for 8 months or so. I did feel better on those meds but honestly dry fasting is way more superior. I have water fasted 5-7 days few times and now dray fasted twice for 6 days. Now working on my curative 11 day fast. My symptoms are 90% cured without any meds since November 2021. I truly believe in what Filonov says even though my doctors thinks I am nuts but they can’t explain my improvements either and are puzzled."


"Can confirm, after 2 b2b 5day hard dry fasts my sugar cravings went down to zero. On the other hand I developed cravings for pickled foods. mind you that I never really liked them until now."

"Have you noticed other benefits than reduced sugar cravings?"

"I have a severe eczema/dermatitis on my face that started to heal. Areas that were affected last were the first to get better. Also I had a huge coffee addiction that needs no longer to be served. Plan to get back as soon as I get better since I caught the bug (cl.psy. working in hospital)."


"Hey it’s totally possible. Idk about you but I had really had eye problems, astigmatism and -5 prescription in both eyes wearing glasses everyday. After one long grueling 14 day dry fast I completely stopped using my glasses, got to my goal weight, and gaining more and more muscle. My advice is try to do a long 5+ day dry fast as that’s where the true healing begins."

"It was a hard dry fast, as of now the healing is permanent and I haven’t needed my glasses for a month. Started noticing a change around day 6"


"Absolutely. Once I started dry fasting inflammation went down, jaw line was more defined, less wrinkles under my eyes and 11's between my forehead. Better difference with dry fasting than water fasting for sure."


"I have chronic epididymitis. I tried antibiotics and they didn't help.

The only thing that seems to work is dry fasting, because I did a 6 day dry fast last year and the pain almost dissapeared, I could feel that the inflammation was reduced so much.

However, It didn't not heal completely, probably because I need a very long dry fast, right? maybe a 13 days one?. Any recommendations?"


"I have ADHD but before getting medicated I drank probably 8 sugar free energy drinks a day to focus to complete school, I have a lot of issues with my kidney and have been to the hospital for kidney stones and kidney damage. Sense I’ve dry fasted I’ve never felt better, I haven’t had an infection due to my kidneys in months (used to be once a week, had to take anti biotic basically everyday). I’ve retained way better overall health and wellness, and as of my recent my kidneys have actually showed minor improvements from last time.

Dry fasting if you know how to read your body is an amazing gift of healing, while it stresses your body out in ways it also provides little activities to preform, helping your body do those tasks it put off. The only reason I believe any of this would happen from dry fasting is if you ignored your body’s signs, went WAY to long to soon, or didn’t follow proper after care steps alongside a bad life styles.

There are people fasting for a week, some claiming 2 weeks, even some claiming 20+ days. Never once have I heard anyone in the dry fasting community talk about kidney issues outside of my self, and my issues were prior to my journey."


"I've stopped craving sugar"

"One day fasts are not giving me any benefits, so my minimum is 3 days but favorite is 5 days. Another positive effect of the dry fast is reduced hepatic lipid enzymes (fatty liver) which showed on my blood test."


"Dry Fasting has greatly improved my Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and I'm happy to report I'm mostly inflammation free." (Phoenix protocol youtube channel)


"Thanks for your work! I've done several dry fasts. I can attest to it helping reduce overall inflamation. Aches and pains are definitely reduced." (Phoenix protocol youtube channel)


"After some moderate dryfasting I've seen dental cavities basically disappear. And whenever I feel a cold coming, on I dryfast for 24 hours and the cold never arrives. Amazing stuff!" (Phoenix protocol youtube channel)


"I feel stronger and am sure I have gained muscle just from doing the 7 days dry. It is months later and I still feel a bit better every day...I assume this is the stem cells doing their thing, making a new me! And I am ordering book, hooray was just wondering if it was done last night! Feels like there wont be an internet sooner than one might think. (Phoenix protocol youtube channel)

"That was 5 months ago. I am experiencing greater strength (without exercising), more energy, more vitality, better memory and cognition, improved moods, better digestion, disappearance of plantar fasciitis, less back pain, and my skin looks years younger, is firmer, and has a glow to it that others have commented on. I do not use skin care products or cosmetics. I did not lose weight as what was lost during the fast was regained within a few months. I just feel better than I have in a very long time. I function better too and am getting more done. I look forward to doing the next one soon." (Same user)


"The dry fasting process relines the intestines. I have had crohn's disease all my life and have done one 7 day dry fast after 3 failed attempts. My abdominal pain has vanished and my psoriasis has reduced by 90%. I am confident with a few more dry fasts 100% of the psoriasis will be gone. (Phoenix protocol youtube channel)


"My 7 day healed inflammation that would not go away in spite of a clean diet, exercise, deep tissue massage therapy for YEARS. I did the supplements and two months later I can still feel the benefits - skin looks younger... overall limberness in all my joints. I had done 24 hour and up to 72 hour dry fasts but never totally trusted going further before I read this book." (Phoenix protocol youtube channel)


"In my experience dry fasting has permanently shrunk my skin tags, hemmorhoids, and cured my fungal scalp dandruff."

"My diet has always been healthy and high in red meat. I cut out vegetable seed oils completely. I did a 5 day and a 7 day dry fast (with showers) spaced out by a few months." (Same user)


“With fasting would this be any different? When I went on a fast the past week (Wet / dry mix) I had never felt so clear in my life. I'm serious, true clarity. My skin cleared up though some of the inflammation has returned but maybe if I keep cycling through I'll be able to beat it. Lastly, my anxiety and depression were seriously, SERIOUSLY reduced.”


"I personally am building a routine to heal a lot of things. Right now I’m playing with 48s dry then 1 day water, then refeed for 2 to 3 days then back on the fast. I honestly like a schedule rather than eating everyday."

"Every time I come off a dry fast I feel better sensation in my nerve damage. Also I feel my gut is able to digest better. Something is always healing when you fast, don’t underestimate it. I will break my fast and at some point in the day notice something has changed for the better. Sometimes my skin, sometimes an injury, nerves, motion, all types of stuff. Dry fasting is powerful like that. A lot of healing can take place in 3-5 days. I think with 7 and longer you really get that healing effect" (Same user)


"A typical day for me looks like this:

• 2 pm: I drink lots of water (this also helps me develop my appetite towards eating)

• 5 pm: I eat (mostly beef organs and muscle tissues, fermented dairy, maybe some fruit if I exercised)

And the rest of the day I'm dry fasting.


• I will have 1-2 more water drinking sessions if I feel like I need it

• I sometimes eat a bit of fermented dairy before exercising (because I don't like feeling hungry in the gym)

It took me a bit of time and iterations of other routines to get to this point (say, like 2-3 months of experimenting and getting accustomed to it), but now, after a few months of living like this, it truly feels amazing

(26yo, Male, 1.79m, 70kg, fairly muscular and shredded)"


"Yes! I’m on day 3 of a df right now. I’m a woman but don’t cry much.

Just last night I as I was drifting off to sleep, I had a big wave of sadness (and some anxiety) wash over me along with thoughts of a past sad event. I began crying and crying. At the same time, I noticed my back over the kidney area felt tight and warm.

Today the tears continued over random articles on Reddit. I was weepy in total for 12 ish hours. They have now passed and Im just chilling out on my fast. My best guess is that I was releasing some old stored traumas. Today, I can think of that past event and although I still fell sad, I’m not as sad as before. A bit of relief there.

For me, things tend to ebb and flow. Hunger, emotions, physical pains, etc. all seem to come and go according to the body’s healing timeline. "


"I have been struggling with bacterial vaginosis (BV) for the past almost year. I’ve eaten carnivore, eaten a SAD diet and a general low carb diet. I tried the boric acid body wash, the boric acid capsules, and they didn’t make a permanent difference. Tried the boric acid wash for MONTHS! With very little progress. And then I began dry fasting.

I have been doing it weekly for a month anywhere from 1-3 days. I’ve only done 4 fasts so far. I am eating OMAD on days I don’t fast and I also currently eat keto. Three days ago, 2 days after I broke my 48 hr dry fast, I stopped having the BV symptoms. I wear panty liners, and I noticed there is zero of the characteristic BV discharge now. This hasn’t happened since I began having BV issues.

This isn’t my only change. My periods have become more regular as well. I usually suffer from 2 periods a month. I began OMAD about 2 months ago and since then, my periods are lengthening to normalcy. I’m confident I will only have one period this month."

"Thank you! Water fasting didn’t do anything to my cycle or my BV, I was wondering if I had some other issue. I hope the ladies at healthyhoohah will be open to try dry fasting to help their conditions clear up! I’ll try to make a post over there once it’s been a few months." (Same user)


"Dry fasting is quite something, Im pretty sure my eye floaters have completely gone away after just 1 week, I have mainly been maintaining my weight but wow, after a Dry fast I feel soo mentally clear.

Goal is to lose only like 15lbs by July but the mental clarity you get is soo good.

I mainly do 16-24 hour dry fasts then refeed atm. I did do a 40 hour dry fast the other day though and felt amazing."

"Wow I keep hearing how people's eye floaters go away. I sadly haven't noticed any difference in mine, however mine are quite severe, so maybe I just need to persevere." (Answer from another user)

"Yes, dont give up, just keep dry fasting and it will get better. Mine were also pretty bad too. Its an auto immune problem, your body is attacking the back of your eye. I noticed it after the 40 hour dry fast mainly, so maybe do a longer one?" (From first user)


“My longest dry fast has been 7 days. The body does create its own water, yes. My pee was still light yellow at the end. The body does this during SLEEP, however, and it is essential for anyone to regulate their sleep for this reason.

There was no particular reason for it, and I realize reddit tends to eat dryfasters for breakfast, but I have dabbled in fasting (40 day longest water fast, 7 day longest dry) for many years now.

If you're a women, the only caution I have found with longterm dry fasting is the question of lymph stagnation, cellulite, and fascia (if you carry your weight on the bottom half, like I do). I cannot speak for men, of course, but if you're in a chronically overweight state (like I was at 300 pounds in the beginning) then longterm dry fasting is NOT THE WAY FORWARD due to the insane lymph congestion you most likely have. Living structured water is your best friend when in this high-stress state, for so many reasons.

I do love intermittent dry-fasting, what you're describing --- it helps me regulate my circadian cycle by not having to get up to pee at night. It also drives me toward sleep, which is excellent for a night-owl since hormone regulation is pivotal in any chronic faster and without adequate circadian cycling, you're offsetting hormonal output deeply.”


"I did a daily 22 h dry fast for about 3 weeks and I never felt better mentally. I even quit zoloft. If ever depression creeps up again, I know what to do."


"I dont even lift at the moment (planning on when the new gym opens near me) and in the last 2 weeks ive been getting leaner and more muscluar even though I dont lift atm which is bizzare to me, like my weight has ranged from 175-180lbs and I am recomping without ressistance training. Crazy phenomenon.

Also the mental clarity is amazing, and the increased testosterone etc, I think if u live a dry fasted lifestyle it takes about 2 weeks to really notice the amazing benefits. I feel like I have taken the red pill and am in the matrix lmao, I want to do this till the day I die now."

"im dry fasting right now, I only do intermittent though. like 20-24 hours at a time." (Same user)


"Hey everyone I'm on day 4 of my 7 day dry fast for the year and I feel surprisingly well.

Last time I attempted my 7 day dry fast there was fear and i really think that made it more difficult. But this time I'm confident as ever."

"What benefits did you gain from your previous 7 day fast?"

"Aside from the weight loss. Alot happened for me.

Cravings/addictions: I felt I had such control over my choices and decision making regarding food consumption and alcohol.

Inflammation/injuries: ALL my Inflammation was gone. Like it had never existed. I've had 2 elbow surgeries that cause me mild to extreme chronic pain and I felt like all pain was reduced by 70-80 percent. I'm an Olympic weightlifter and rugby player so I'm in the business for bumps strains and bruises. My shoulders and knees are in pain as well. And all pain was reduced or completely eliminated.

Mental health/perspective: being able to complete such a feat as a 7 day dry fast is so empowering it helped me in all aspects of my life. From work to my relationships I felt I had been reborn sort of.

Overall I've experienced all benefits and no negatives aside from mood swings whilst engaging in the fast."


"I'm currently doing intermittent dry fasting (20:4) and I'm mainly noticing I'm sleeping better and clearer skin."

I've posted more in the past but I wasn't able to find them easily.


@LLight @andrew81 you do realize that fasting elevates the stress steroids cortisol and estrogen, which will lower inflammation, giving short term relief for a litany of issues, right?

I myself did, and advocated to people, this short term, terrible solution, with other estrogenic issues arising months or years later that made one wish to reconsider using estrogen as a drug, and to find healthier solutions, which is what indeed leads many to Ray Peat.

Have y’all actually read what Ray Peat has to say on the subject?

There is an anti-Peat section for posting things contrary to Peat, if you’d like to claim fasting benefits


Jan 6, 2019
To mildly exaggerate, we have one side sharing how fasting cured everything and the other side saying how fasting will ruin everything. Who to believe? The concept of fasting and the notions of its benefits have been shared by practically all cultures. That must be worth something. When I tried fasting, I fainted on the second morning. That experience turned me off for a long time.


To mildly exaggerate, we have one side sharing how fasting cured everything and the other side saying how fasting will ruin everything. Who to believe? The concept of fasting and the notions of its benefits have been shared by practically all cultures. That must be worth something. When I tried fasting, I fainted on the second morning. That experience turned me off for a long time.
Did you listen to what Ray and co have to say about it, or did you hear my negative experience?

Many ancient cultures practiced human sacrifice yet here we are saying don’t do that.


Jan 6, 2019
Did you listen to what Ray and co have to say about it, or did you hear my negative experience?
I listen to everyone. Hence the confusion. Your and Ray's concerns are that prolonged and repeated fasting can ruin metabolism, especially when one is loaded with PUFAs like the modern people are. At the same time, numerous people have used fasting to alleviate or permanently cure numerous ailments from tooth decay and gut dysbiosis to eye-floaters and mental illness.
Many ancient cultures practiced human sacrifice yet here we are saying don’t do that.
You are comparing potentially therapeutic survival mechanisms of the body to killing the body for superstitious purposes. No confusion here, this is a cripplingly hare-brained analogy, heh.
Last edited:


May 30, 2018
I agree that an anti-Peat tag should be added, so that it gains more traction like the low vitA thread :p:

More seriously, I think dry fasting is different from water fasting and that even water restriction (or intermittent bulk drinking) can be effective, if you can't afford not eating.

Make it short and chronic or prolonged and on an ad hoc basis, so that stress is not a too big issue.


I listen to everyone. Hence the confusion. Your and Ray's concerns are that prolonged and repeated fasting can ruin metabolism, especially when one is loaded with PUFAs like the modern people are.
It’s not limited to pufa release, but elevated cortisol and adrenaline. Heavily Oxidizing any fat is toxic, but oxidizing pufa is worse. Chronically high cortisol can cause irreversible issues, without serious medication, as I am experiencing today, after 1.5 years of fasting. Fasting lowers youth hormones. Fasting retards vitamin d metabolism. Elevated/long term Fatty acid oxidation causes all kinds of problems.

At the same time, numerous people have used fasting to alleviate or permanently cure numerous ailments from tooth decay and gut dysbiosis to eye-floaters and mental illness.
This was addressed as well. Alleviating the gut of reactionary foods can ameliorate conditions… some minor conditions might be healed by lots of glucocorticoids — athletes do it all the time, so there’s precedence. I’ve dried and water Fasted to remove certain issues, then the pain would often come back years later, now that I have managed to lower the estrogen and cortisol required to lower the inflammation of that issue.

You can also lower inflammation with adequate youth hormones.

Fasting specifically caused my eye floaters. And it’s been a long journey on a low stress lifestyle via Ray Peat principles, that is curing them.
I found none of those testimonies above to be particularly profound evidence… glucocorticoids will always be anti-inflammatory, but at a down the line cost, not seen in the first 1 or 2 years.

You are comparing potentially therapeutic survival mechanisms of the body to killing the body for superstitious purposes. No confusion here, this is a cripplingly hare-brained analogy, heh.

glucocorticoids and estrogen, are certainly survival mechanisms.

Much of fasting history was done for spiritual purposes. So, before you lump them into the “practically all cultures,” as a health practice, it will be helpful to denote who used fasting for health vs superstition.

But that’s beside the point. Finding something that one thinks works, is different from it actually working. All societies had some pretty terrible practices alongside some pretty good ones. Good practices should be filtered thru “present understanding and logic, with respects to our ancestors who trialed and errored most of what we take for granted today,” but not, “if all ancient peoples did a thing, it must’ve been optimal.”

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@LLight @andrew81 you do realize that fasting elevates the stress steroids cortisol and estrogen, which will lower inflammation, giving short term relief for a litany of issues, right?

I myself did, and advocated to people, this short term, terrible solution, with other estrogenic issues arising months or years later that made one wish to reconsider using estrogen as a drug, and to find healthier solutions, which is what indeed leads many to Ray Peat.

Have y’all actually read what Ray Peat has to say on the subject?

There is an anti-Peat section for posting things contrary to Peat, if you’d like to claim fasting benefits
hi,why should this post or LLight answer be in "anti-peat"section,if the OP asked a question,and didnt claim something,and LLight gave his opinion,do the answers to a post determine if a post should be in "anti-peat"section according to you,or do you assume that the OP question having potential"anti peat"answers make it legitimate to be "anti peat"section?


hi,why should this post or LLight answer be in "anti-peat"section,if the OP asked a question,and didnt claim something,and LLight gave his opinion,do the answers to a post determine if a post should be in "anti-peat"section according to you,or do you assume that the OP question having potential"anti peat"answers make it legitimate to be "anti peat"section?
The title does not connote his question in the post:
“What are the benefits of dry fasting and or water restriction ?”

According to Peat, there are no benefits of dry fasting.

Maybe the poster just worded it poorly, and didn’t mean to convey that there are benefits to fasting.


Jan 6, 2019
as I am experiencing today, after 1.5 years of fasting
How chronical was your fasting?
Fasted to remove certain issues, then the pain would often come back years later,
Did you not expect that fasting would be unable to pre-emptively prevent future problems stemming from continued bodily abuse? There is only so much any treatment modality can do in the long term unless the ongoing bodily abuse, the root cause of the ailment in question, is addressed. I'm sure you are aware of this, hence I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.
Fasting specifically caused my eye floaters
Any idea why this happened? Cortisol, PUFA?
Much of fasting history was done for spiritual purposes. So, before you lump them into the “practically all cultures,” as a health practice, it will be helpful to denote who used fasting for health vs superstition.
From what I understand, your offered dichotomy did not exist in the past. Fasting for health and spiritual benefits were seen as one and the same -- righteously so, as the two truly seem to be codependent.
Finding something that one thinks works, is different from it actually working.
Of course, but the opposite would naturally be true too: there is a difference between thinking that something doesn't work and something actually not working. Now, you have the benefit of not having to grapple with this question due to your own experience, but sadly I don't.
Good practices should be filtered thru “present understanding and logic, with respects to our ancestors who trialed and errored most of what we take for granted today,”
but not, “if all ancient peoples did a thing, it must’ve been optimal.”
Pardon my nitpicking, but anything that all ancients across time and place did would most definitely and most necessarily be guaranteed to be optimal. These are things that we regard as optimal even today: socializing, eating, sleeping, working, worshiping. How fasting fits into this picture, I presently can't say.


May 10, 2021

But then eating 24/7 is also stressful on the body, digesting food requires a lot of energy , fasting a little from now and then is ideal imo


If you are interested in some theoretical elements about it, there is some in the following thread: Water Structure, Osmolytes And Cancer
Actually that s the thread that inspired me .
Do u also stop eating during a dry fast? Or is it better to eat/supplement so you increase osmolytes?

I fast once a week on sunday, like a 14 hour fast , i also dont eat animal protein that day, so my calories mostly come from carbs amd fats . Do you have any idea on how to improve my fasting regimen


But then eating 24/7 is also stressful on the body, digesting food requires a lot of energy , fasting a little from now and then is ideal imo
Well, don’t eat while you’re sleeping, and don’t eat when you’re not hungry.


May 30, 2018
Actually that s the thread that inspired me .
Do u also stop eating during a dry fast? Or is it better to eat/supplement so you increase osmolytes?

I fast once a week on sunday, like a 14 hour fast , i also dont eat animal protein that day, so my calories mostly come from carbs amd fats . Do you have any idea on how to improve my fasting regimen

I did/do both water restriction and dry fasting. Still trying to find the optimal way. I think it's possible I've been copper deficient since a long time and it did impact the results of my fasts and other experiences I did related to water. Some people got health improvements without fasting and it's possible that it's the optimal thing to do, I'm not dogmatic with respect to fasting or anything (I try to at least). This is a good question for which I don't necessarily have an answer as it might be specific to the person.

As you ask me to give my opinion, here it is: I tend to see short dry fasts (I would classify 14h as short even if I know it is pretty extended for almost anyone, I'm not judging) as good for metabolic health (e.g. increasing stomach acid pH or activating transcription factor that helps digestion, lipid metabolism or detoxification) and circadian rhythms and I thus believe it's optimal if it's done everyday.

I tend to see prolonged dry fasts (let's say more than 2 days) as being helpful for acute infections or able to reset some things in the body (e.g allowing antidiuretic hormones levels to increase to normal levels, which is a strong hypothesis, or powerful detoxification/purification of the liver, which for example happened to the former user TheBeard).


Jan 9, 2019
I fast every Ramadan and have no issues bouncing back, the only low metabolism things I notice is a few hours of lower body temps (close to the end of the day) which promptly return after eating at sundown. A intermittent 18hr dry fast even on a daily basis for a short amount of time should be achievable and I'd argue the inability to achieve it may indicate underlying metabolic issues.

I think @LLight is right about the benefit of dry fasting over other forms, even in a Peat perspective omitting the religious confirmation.
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