LDL > Heart Disease Hypothesis valid after all?


Aug 9, 2019
This is a Cardiologist who wrote this, by the way.
What is Peat’s stance on the Lipid hypothesis?
I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore…So many of Peat’s theories and those propagated on this forum go against pretty much all of modern science.
What are the chances that Peat’s ideas are out-dated? How could he be right and the entire medical and scientific community / research wrong? Do you realise how low is this possibility?
I don’t have a science background. Who am I supposed to trust if I were to be in this position?



Correlation does not imply causation.

Did this client have a vaccine by any chance?

The LDL level is not high at all. What is the thyroid of status of this 27 years old? What would statin accomplish if given?

About Dr. Danielle Belardo, MD

Dr. Belardo is a Preventive Cardiologist in Newport Beach California.

She is the co-chair of the American Society for Preventive Cardiology Nutrition Committee, the Communications Catalyst for the California Chapter of the American College of Cardiology, and a member of the American College of Cardiology Nutrition and Lifestyle Sub Committee.

This is what I found out about the American College of cardiology

ACC Industry Advisory Forum - American College of Cardiology

Click on current participants

No surprise

Current Participants


novo nordisk

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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Also pro-vax. I wonder if she'll be able to connect the dots when she starts seeing an upswing in heart related issues.


The date of her tweet makes me suspect this 27 year old woman has been vaxxed.

Haduit has some excellent posts on statins if you need to research further. As for Danielle Belardo, MD she is a pimp for big pharma as far as I am concerned her advice is biased. Read the Shutes brothers book on vitamin E and Broda Barns' book on Thyroid both are posted on the forum.


May 8, 2017
Try a diet of raw vegetables, vegetable oil, grains, plant-based meat etc. combined with intermittent fasting which is what the current medical establishment seems to promote and see how you feel.

I am guessing statins can help lower cholesterol (I have never actually researched this) but that doesn't mean they are the best/safest way to go about doing so.


Nov 22, 2017
Vax casuality seems likely


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is a Cardiologist who wrote this, by the way.
What is Peat’s stance on the Lipid hypothesis?
I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore…So many of Peat’s theories and those propagated on this forum go against pretty much all of modern science.
What are the chances that Peat’s ideas are out-dated? How could he be right and the entire medical and scientific community / research wrong? Do you realise how low is this possibility?
I don’t have a science background. Who am I supposed to trust if I were to be in this position?

View attachment 30123

So...one person posts a case study on Twitter and this is enough to overturn every other study posted on this forum? Literally thousands of them "propagated" on this forum, as you said. Well, if that's how it works, here is a case study of a female presenting with a heart attack, but having low LDL.

Do these case studies prove anything, either way?

The very medical profession, of which this Twitter doctor is a member, is actually seriously questioning the "LDL hypothesis" of heart disease and says officially that it has never been validated. Yet, somehow it is the forum and Peat "propagating" theories that "go against pretty much all of modern science"? There is no "modern science", it is whatever corrupt theory happens to be favored currently by Big Pharma and pushed/marketed to insanity.
"...Decades of research have failed to show consistent benefit for this approach, say researchers. Setting targets for ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol levels to ward off heart disease and death in those at risk might seem intuitive, but decades of research have failed to show any consistent benefit for this approach, reveals an analysis of the available data, published online in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine. If anything, it is failing to identify many of those at high risk while most likely including those at low risk, who don’t need treatment, say the researchers, who call into question the validity of this strategy. Cholesterol-lowering drugs are now prescribed to millions of people around the world in line with clinical guidelines."
"...But although lowering LDL cholesterol is an established part of preventive treatment, and backed up by a substantial body of evidence, the approach has never been properly validated, say the researchers."
"...Because LDL cholesterol is considered essential for the development of cardiovascular disease, “it seems intuitive and logical to target [it],” say the researchers. But they add: “Considering that dozens of [randomised controlled trials] of LDL-cholesterol reduction have failed to demonstrate a consistent benefit, we should question the validity of this theory.”"

@Pina @Perry Staltic @tankasnowgod
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Nov 22, 2017


Feb 25, 2020
There is no such thing as a healthy long distance runner. High LDL can be a cause of disease but it isn't because of the LDL alone... high cholesterol is a sign that your body is not creating hormones properly.

Edit: This women will be a clot mummy with a crack smoking face in five years. She is a vegan. She is doomed.
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Jan 25, 2014
This is a Cardiologist who wrote this, by the way.
Lol. A Cardiologist wrote the "Diet Revolution" books too. His name was Dr. Robert Atkins, you might have heard of him.
What is Peat’s stance on the Lipid hypothesis?
Bruh..... you're seriously asking this? Do you even Peat, Bro?

I would think the fact that he wrote an article praising Coconut Oil would give you a huge clue.

Here's a 12 minute clip from Dr. Peat explaining how he arrived at some of his dietary conclusions-

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28m4pVRwwFg

Notice, the clip was posted in 2016. That would be a year before your Twitter Model Cardiologist even got licensed (in 2017).
I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore…So many of Peat’s theories and those propagated on this forum go against pretty much all of modern science.
Yep, that's exactly why most of us are here. Well.... not exactly "modern science," but the "modern mainstream science narrative."
What are the chances that Peat’s ideas are out-dated?
Ummmm, not much.
How could he be right and the entire medical and scientific community / research wrong?
Lol, have you seen this entire fake pandemic thing? I would go with 99.9999998% with Peat on this.

And it's clearly not the "entire" medical and scientific community. We find studies conducted in the 2000s and 2010 all the time that back up Peat's ideas.

If you want a great book that does an in depth dive into the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease, "The Great Cholesterol Con" by Anthony Colpo is as thorough as it gets. He goes into the Observational trials, the RCTs and even the Statin trials, and then brings up trials regarding other factors in heart disease, like the iron lowering trials by Zacharsky that had a much better impact in lowering heart disease, although most people haven't heard of them
Do you realise how low is this possibility?
I do think the possibly is low that the same idiots who were 100% wrong on everything regarding Covid and the "Pandemic" could somehow be 100% right about the Lipid Hypothesis and Diet Heart Hypothesis.
I don’t have a science background. Who am I supposed to trust if I were to be in this position?
Well, you shouldn't "trust" anyone, not until they've proven themselves. But, if you were looking for insight into these matters, who do you think is a better a source? A man who has been studying, writing and working with these ideas for over half a century now, and has a library of articles, books (though out of print), and audio interviews were he goes into his ideas and sources........ or, some Doctor that is barely in practice for half a decade, and only has a few tweets about a case where she doesn't even give you the full detail (which is pretty much impossible on Twitter, anyway).

As The Black Sheep said in the 1992 crossover hit, "The Choice is Yours."
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Apr 18, 2021
Oxidized cholesterol can cause issues but LDL generally doesn't matter for CVD (unless there has been heavy vascularization already). Trigs & HDL are just proxies for cholesterol function so not that accurate. Insulin resistance is quite a big factor for CVD which may not be picked up with normal blood tests (can also be infection driven). And of course, these days the vaggzine may cause a lot of damage.
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