

Apr 27, 2015
Ok. So I believe that "I have the kundalini", "have undergone a kundalini awakening", or however one may put it. The symptoms began toward the end of 2006, when I got my braces removed. In fact I found out it was a Kundalini thing when, after googling my symptoms, I finally found a post in some weird conspiracy/new age forum where a guy underwent the same thing. Braces removed, onset of symptoms.

In the beginning the symptoms were basically a strange feeling on my face. It felt all distorted, like a Picasso painting. Then I looked in the mirror and it was normal. But it's like my face "thought" it was distorted. It would reflect in my facial muscles, because sometimes both my eyelids would be askew, like this / / instead of this _ _ (I mean the "lines" you see when your eyes are half-closed).

Also a throbbing throughout my whole body. In the rhythm of my heartbeat. And there's a pattern: it always "pushes" in one direction and then the opposite, you know, tic tac tic tac. Just a slight muscular movement. In my thighs, my back, my fingers, my head. Sometimes visible in my eyelashes, when I'm waking up and the eyelashes are just a blur before my eye, the blur goes hither and thither like an animated gif.

It doesn't stop there. Last year a sagittal keel appeared on the top of my head. A ridge through the center of my skull. And I've been seeing lights when I close my eyes in bed at night. Like lightning. But like a weak yellow ceiling lamp light. But trust me I'm talking lights out, total darkness, eyes closed, and then these flashes.

I took venlafaxine for a while starting in 2008, and it made the weird symptoms subside significantly. I took escitalopram and it did the same thing. But those two meds are SSRIs. Lately I've been taking tianeptine, the Peat approved SSRE (as in selective serotonin reuptake "enhancer" rather than "inhibitor"), and it works great in terms of improving my mood... but it makes the kundalini stuff stronger. I've been getting some major throbs throughout my body. But I really don't want to take SSRIs again.

I should mention that one time, two or three years ago, I took some cynomel and the throbbing and weird face feeling went away for a few hours too. So maybe there is a peaty way I can tackle this. I haven't tried supplementing pregnenolone yet, but since SSRIs are said to "upregulate pregnenolone", maybe it's worth a shot?

So... anyone have the slightest idea about this?


Jul 22, 2012
Hmmm...that's a tough one.
Peaty way to deal with kundalini eruption...

Gonna have to refer this to pboy.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Wow, and you weren't even trying for it. I hope you find some relief. I know there are spiritual crisis places if you ever feel you need something like that. Haven't looked into them only read about them in passing.


Jan 22, 2013
lol, no way man, you just have basic symptoms from something else. I don't know if ive had a 'kundalini awakening' but I don't think theres such a thing, that's a gimmick used by people to gain accolade or prestige. Theres just energy flowing that can be strong, weak, and/or kinked to a degree at various places, not realized and fortified. You have to have all your main and subtle centers basically clean and flowing strong, which means you have to have the physical mental and experiential spiritual aspects all myelinated, theres no way that's the case with you cause it cant possibly happen if you are in any kind of pain, sickness, distress, weakness, looking for awnsers or anything. By definintion, the higher chakras are when you 'know' things, that happens through intense and incredible experience and coming and living in a certain mindset to confirm and explore things. And the lower centers have to do with basic health, lack or physical pain or stress, again it wouldn't be fully flowing if you have any problems in that sense. Sorry d00d, but also don't feel bad cause there isn't actually a thing as 'A' kundalini awakening, or the 'moment it happens' its a very gradual life process that eventually at some point, you might think about it and be like..dude I'm pretty effing good, life is beautiful and amazing, but you wouldn't be able to recount the moment 'you had a kundalini awakening' as in it just suddenly overcame everything, all your problems, and instantly infused you with all of lifes knowings. No doubt certain synchronicities and epiphanies are significant moments, but there has to be many many of those to even begin really getting into the upper chakras


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
milk, I believe you man. crazy stuff happens and if you found that one dude with the same thing happened then you know you are onto something. All I can think is find someway to control it. T3 making it better is a clue, can you take more T3? :lol:


Apr 27, 2015
Thanks for the replies.

Funnily enough forum member Ben recently claimed to be undergoing a not entirely positive kundalini experience (from what I gather), so maybe taking one's time to reply is another symptom...

Pboy, I suspected it was kundalini after reading reports that matched my symptoms. Not only that, but the more overtly "kundalini" syptoms appeared after my initial suspicion. Now if you mean that what's happening here is not an ideal kundalini experience, then I would certainly agree.


Jun 12, 2013
I also believe you, milk. I feel like pboy has one definition of kundalini, but what you're talking about is different and no less "real". It can happen unexpected, unwanted... maybe from some kind of "spiritual practices" or a physical event/condition.

I believe there is a rational explanation.


Jul 22, 2012
21 Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Kundalini Awakenings: Symptoms, Process, Benefits, Support & Help

What is a Kundalini Awakening and have I had one?

My third eye’s a’twitchin’ – does that mean she’s awakening?


Apr 27, 2015
Sorry for this thread.

Pboy might be right that whatever this is, it is "something else".

Besides, whatever "kundalini" is, it's not something I would want to dabble in, as I'm an orthodox Christian. (Any orthodox Christian know what I'm talking about.)

But you know. Symptoms seemed to match the definition, and I saw the word being thrown around in Peat circles.


Aug 22, 2013
milk said:
post 97175 Thanks for the replies.

Funnily enough forum member Ben recently claimed to be undergoing a not entirely positive kundalini experience (from what I gather), so maybe taking one's time to reply is another symptom...

Pboy, I suspected it was kundalini after reading reports that matched my symptoms. Not only that, but the more overtly "kundalini" syptoms appeared after my initial suspicion. Now if you mean that what's happening here is not an ideal kundalini experience, then I would certainly agree.

Sure, the symptoms match a description of kundalini, but how do you know kundalini is anything more than just something some people created at some point. That is, at some point in the past people started experiencing strange symptoms that they ascribed to being "spiritual", and they came up with the kundalini thing. I think a lot of ancient spiritual practices are actually misunderstandings of biology. Peat has some interesting ideas about consciousness that seem to unify biology and spirituality, which I'm really fond of. I said this in the FB group recently, that I think a lot of ancient spiritual practices are just ways of stressing the body until you start tripping out. Things like sitting in a cave in the dark for a long time, long duration fasting, excessive meditation, excessive exercise, sleep deprivation, etc.

I had several people tell me I was going through kundalini last spring. It actually pissed me off, because I was suffering and loosing my mind, and people were trying to tell me I was going through a great transformation, that I just needed to get through the fire so I could be born again--blah blah blah. But you know what, it turned out that I was just under obscene amounts of psychological stress and was having symptoms of high adrenaline 24/7 combined with terrible sleep and mild psychosis (ie: racing heart, buzzing body, alice and wonderland syndrome, derealization, depersonalization, basically hell, etc.). Oh, and I saw those lights when I closed my eyes too. In fact, there were times when I was afraid to lay down and close my eyes because it felt so uncomfortable. And conversations would play out in my head as I was laying trying to fall asleep, but it felt like I had absolutely no control over it. I can see how people are inclined to attribute strange symptoms to some kind of connection with a "spirit" world, but I think it makes a lot more sense to think of biological shifts in consciousness as Peat talks about.

Looking back now, I can see how my situation arose out of neglecting my health and being under way too much psychological stress from bad relationships, and I was able to reverse the condition over the course of several months, by eating better, sleeping, using some supps, getting out of bad relationships, etc.

If we are to consider that your case may also be biological rather than spiritual, it's a bit strange as you say it came on after you got your braces off. Was there anything else leading up to this that may have been involved? Looking back to before this happened, can you pin point any situations where you may have felt one or more of your symptoms just slightly, and not realized it at the time? Was the removal of your braces a traumatic experience in anyway? Were you under anesthesia? Any more information leading up to the occurrence of your symptoms would be useful.
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May 22, 2016
I've had kundalini awakening symptoms for the last 8 years (but only in the last year or two have identified it as such). For me it is a way of trauma releasing from the body. I had my first experience when I was 17, probably not too long after I stopped taking venlafaxine actually and was concomitant with the beginning of my physical health issues. Water, sound and frequencies, hyperventilation trigger it. It's definitely a biological issue but I don't see that as being separate to its spiritual implications. I have tested positive for Mercury toxicity and have radiation sensitivity. Mercury is used in some tantric traditions as an alchemical tool to trigger kundalini. Which is why I think going to the sauna/sweat lodge has helped stabilise it. And water purification practices (water absorbs radiation)
My symptoms are different to yours (as our pathways are different) but I think it is mediated by endotoxin and serotonin/estrogen and also co2 largely. Vitamin K has helped a lot with hypersensitivity.
I'd be curious to know if you also respond to certain frequencies and sounds.
ETA: my kundalini/mental and physical health breakdown also began just after I had braces removed!!? strange
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Apr 27, 2015
I've had kundalini awakening symptoms for the last 8 years (but only in the last year or two have identified it as such). For me it is a way of trauma releasing from the body. I had my first experience when I was 17, probably not too long after I stopped taking venlafaxine actually and was concomitant with the beginning of my physical health issues. Water, sound and frequencies, hyperventilation trigger it. It's definitely a biological issue but I don't see that as being separate to its spiritual implications. I have tested positive for Mercury toxicity and have radiation sensitivity. Mercury is used in some tantric traditions as an alchemical tool to trigger kundalini. Which is why I think going to the sauna/sweat lodge has helped stabilise it. And water purification practices (water absorbs radiation)
My symptoms are different to yours (as our pathways are different) but I think it is mediated by endotoxin and serotonin/estrogen and also co2 largely. Vitamin K has helped a lot with hypersensitivity.
I'd be curious to know if you also respond to certain frequencies and sounds.
ETA: my kundalini/mental and physical health breakdown also began just after I had braces removed!!? strange

I should have replied to this at the time.

Interesting ideas. I have been trying Life-Extension VIt K (after reading this) and it seems to help somewhat. I'll look into the other tips.

As for sound: yes. I can barely listen to music right now (I honestly hope I can get rid of this eventually). I made a log to talk about these issues:

Milk's Log. Orthotropics, TMJ, Learned Helplessness. Expert Advice Appreciated
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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