Kidney Consumption Lowers Histamines & More


Feb 8, 2021
I cut out about 1/3rd of the white fat cause I personally don't like the taste of it...cutting it out is definitely not essential...Native Americans greatly treasured the kidney fat, also ancient peoples in the Bible treasured the kidney fat
Oh ok thats good then didn't know it was biblical, will consume now


Jan 25, 2016
They made me far worse as all freeze dried organ supplements do.


Sep 27, 2018
If you have trouble with histamine and food sensitivities, take Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium infantis. They degrade histamine.


Jan 25, 2016
The fillers used like Acacia and Rice bran cause me gut issues too
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
If you have trouble with histamine and food sensitivities, take Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium infantis. They degrade histamine.
That is interesting! I just read a week ago that raw honey has Lactobacillus and Bifidus.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think a high phosphate food like kidney will raise histamine in the long-run even if it lowers it in the short-run. I think sugar, calcium, coffee, aspirin, avoidance of PUFA, avoidance of heavy metals is more likely to truly lower histamine in the long-run. And in the short run things like cyproheptadine might be helpful?
Your comment about phosphate being related to histamines is nothing I have read about before. I don't read about the subject much, since I am not experiencing any symptoms, but I do have several others I know that are still getting to the bottom of theirs. I was gonna buy fresh kidneys, but maybe not now? Is this something new?


Feb 13, 2016
Your comment about phosphate being related to histamines is nothing I have read about before. I don't read about the subject much, since I am not experiencing any symptoms, but I do have several others I know that are still getting to the bottom of theirs. I was gonna buy fresh kidneys, but maybe not now? Is this something new?

I think part of the reason for Dr. Peat's emphasis on calcium to phosphate ratio is that a high calcium to phosphate ratio lowers histamine.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think part of the reason for Dr. Peat's emphasis on calcium to phosphate ratio is that a high calcium to phosphate ratio lowers histamine.
Ok i am gonna pass that on to my friend. All her goat milk drinking she is able to do now, may be a snowball effect in a positive direction from the very thing she was avoiding. Ten years ago there was not much on the subject of histamine intolerance, except for conflictinflg food list as to what and wasn't safe, more about avoidance rather than cures. Good stuff! Thanks lampofred!


Jan 18, 2020
Ok i am gonna pass that on to my friend. All her goat milk drinking she is able to do now, may be a snowball effect in a positive direction from the very thing she was avoiding. Ten years ago there was not much on the subject of histamine intolerance, except for conflictinflg food list as to what and wasn't safe, more about avoidance rather than cures. Good stuff! Thanks lampofred!
Hi thread starter, its old post but still, i feel like taking some desiccated kidneys help my histamine reaction
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Hi thread starter, its old post but still, i feel like taking some desiccated kidneys help my histamine reaction
Hi Mike!

I HAD histamine intolerance pretty bad for years so I know the desperation and fear that those reactions can bring on. I was on Clatatin around the clock for two years, which I wasn’t happy about. It was the heart pain that made me have to address my underlying issue. That is when I started relying on things like stinging nettle, MSM, vitamin C and various other things. Eventually I discovered it was fluoride and my environment causing probably my lifelong issues. Since then it was Ray Peat’s valuable advice to use white sugar, salt and caffeine, for histamine issues, because all three are natural antihistamines. Supplements are meant for times like yours Mike, and thank goodness for those better alternatives to my Claratin and doctor medications. My friend used those kidney capsules for her histamine issues too. More people have histamine intolerance than we can imagine, and the list of symptoms is very long.


Jun 22, 2022
Hi Mike!

I HAD histamine intolerance pretty bad for years so I know the desperation and fear that those reactions can bring on. I was on Clatatin around the clock for two years, which I wasn’t happy about. It was the heart pain that made me have to address my underlying issue. That is when I started relying on things like stinging nettle, MSM, vitamin C and various other things. Eventually I discovered it was fluoride and my environment causing probably my lifelong issues. Since then it was Ray Peat’s valuable advice to use white sugar, salt and caffeine, for histamine issues, because all three are natural antihistamines. Supplements are meant for times like yours Mike, and thank goodness for those better alternatives to my Claratin and doctor medications. My friend used those kidney capsules for her histamine issues too. More people have histamine intolerance than we can imagine, and the list of symptoms is very long.
I thought caffeine was a histamine liberator? It seems odd that caffeine would help.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I thought caffeine was a histamine liberator? It seems odd that caffeine would help.
Caffeine is a “what kills you heals you” thing, and it REALLY helped me for histamine issues. Like Ray Peat said sometimes you have to push through the muck aka symptoms to get to the other side of the tunnel to reap their benefits. My healing didn’t come from adding, like supplements, it came from subtracting. For insomnia I would get up in the night and drink down a FORTO coffee shot that had sugar in it and it would put me right back to sleep. Caffeine worked that good! Your food is your medicine or your poison. It is really interesting how foods like sugar and coffee are considered a stimulant in some people whereas for people like me both are calming. I think it is in how one supports them with other foods that determines how well they serve you.




Jun 22, 2022
Caffeine is a “what kills you heals you” thing, and it REALLY helped me for histamine issues. Like Ray Peat said sometimes you have to push through the muck aka symptoms to get to the other side of the tunnel to reap their benefits. My healing didn’t come from adding, like supplements, it came from subtracting. For insomnia I would get up in the night and drink down a FORTO coffee shot that had sugar in it and it would put me right back to sleep. Caffeine worked that good! Your food is your medicine or your poison. It is really interesting how foods like sugar and coffee are considered a stimulant in some people whereas for people like me both are calming. I think it is in how one supports them with other foods that determines how well they serve you.

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Sugar is very calming to me, it helps me sleep and calm down if I’m stressed, but I always have a bad histamine reaction from coffee, I become agressive, hyperactive, I swell like a balloon etc

Glad to know it can help other people though!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Sugar is very calming to me, it helps me sleep and calm down if I’m stressed, but I always have a bad histamine reaction from coffee, I become agressive, hyperactive, I swell like a balloon etc

Glad to know it can help other people though!
Inorganic coffee would be terrible for histamines since it is one of the most pesticide laden crops. Supporting it with protein and sugar, as RP said, is so important too. It has a stimulant effect in me if I don’t have sugar in it and no protein with it or just after it. He also suggests having it after a meal, which I still don’t do. My son gave me some good information on why coffee shouldn’t be consumed right when we wake up, and often now I try to give myself a half hour before getting a cup of coffee, and it does seem to make me feel more happy and calm. There are so many variables, and like you said each person is different.


Jun 22, 2022
Inorganic coffee would be terrible for histamines since it is one of the most pesticide laden crops. Supporting it with protein and sugar, as RP said, is so important too. It has a stimulant effect in me if I don’t have sugar in it and no protein with it or just after it. He also suggests having it after a meal, which I still don’t do. My son gave me some good information on why coffee shouldn’t be consumed right when we wake up, and often now I try to give myself a half hour before getting a cup of coffee, and it does seem to make me feel more happy and calm. There are so many variables, and like you said each person is different.
I do it right but it still makes me react badly.
One day maybe…


Jun 19, 2023
I do it right but it still makes me react badly.
One day maybe…
I love coffee... but I get a bad reaction to it as well... histamine? feels like it... I do not get as much of a reaction from Coke, so maybe a coffee allergy is in play here?
I would love to take caffeine regularly, but it gives me some mild heart palps... though D-ribose really helps with those... Inosine is supposed to REALLY help, but first time I tried it, I was also trying 2 other new things, enclomiphene and butyrate, so don't know which, or the combo, that made me feel very ill... (dumb!)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

Have you been tested to find out if you are allergic to cannabis? Orange juice is high in histamines, but vitamin C is beneficial to lower and/or heal histamine issues. If you can push through possible issues with orange juice then let it be fresh and very importantly make sure the orange is organic. Don’t drink those nefarious packaged juices. Eat only one orange at a time, and strain off the pulp. I suggest mixing that bit of juice in something like a fresh made black tea, for the caffeine and add a lot of sugar. Work your way up to several more oranges that way, separating them, and having them several times a day. I also like to make a Gatorade-like drink, squeezing and straining the juice of three oranges and add in equal parts water, some sugar and salt. The sugar and salt and dilution counteracts the histamines in the oranges this way. The cheeses are not great for histamines, because of the aging process and bacterias they add, but mozzarella not being aged in the making of it is the best of the bunch, but who knows how long it has been sitting in the refrigerator case. The biggest thing you can do for histamine issues is to avoid aged things. Leftovers cause problems. This is where meat causes issues. I don’t buy meat in the refrigerator section, only products that were packaged immediately to be sold frozen. Stores will throw meat that is about to expire into the freezer case so be careful about that. If I make a meal, I freeze the leftovers. Nothing aged is such an important factor to reducing a high histamine load, to a point where the body can focus on healing. That histamine bucket spilling over into all kind of symptoms is what needs to be addressed. Subtraction and not adding is the answer to the histamine mysteries.
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