Kayne on Tucker. Fox News. White Lives Matter T-shirt and More


Feb 24, 2019
Like an entity working in a grey area, where they keep the choice to the people and when nothing is chosen it is acknowledged as silent consent and a signal to go farward.

Not a single person is a controlled opposition per sé, but groups like for example in the US there are two government entities the left and the right. This is incredibly dumb and unacceptable, there has to be third party. This forms a triangle and dissolves the opposite positions and significantly reduces the potential for manipulation.

But somehow nobody is standing up to push changes int the system. Maybe someone should suggest to the american people to put their heads togethere, make a plan, find a postmaster general and write to the government as the sovereign people to implement a third party into the system. Then it is much more interesting to join politics.


Sep 9, 2019
alex jones is not 'controlled opposition', persons are just persons, not controled opposites.
:tearsofjoy: You must be joking Mr Pesky, surely.

AJ is the second most bait sack of ***t disinformation artist to stand on an alternative soapbox in modern times. Of course no one would ever have listened to him if his bull**** wasn't blended with some truth.

You can understand his motivations without invoking this "controlled opposition" meme. But the idea he fits the connotation behind the phrase "persons are just persons, not controled opposites" is laughable.


Sep 9, 2019
I don't think Kanye is the best at expressing what he means but he has a decent sense of certain things. For example he understands that Jews run the show in Media/Music and talking about it will get the sort of reaction we have seen. Speculating about this as some sort of Psy op is overthinking it imo.
Neither are you Mr Michael. The people he's been referring to aren't Semitic, don't read the Torah and aren't Jewish.

Incidentally neither is "Milo". I reckon that thing's more Thelemist than Kabbalist but only by proxy. I doubt it reads.


Oct 11, 2015
Neither are you Mr Michael. The people he's been referring to aren't Semitic, don't read the Torah and aren't Jewish.

Incidentally neither is "Milo". I reckon that thing's more Thelemist than Kabbalist but only by proxy. I doubt it reads.

Jews are a distinct racial group, not merely a religion


Feb 24, 2019
:tearsofjoy: You must be joking Mr Pesky, surely.

AJ is the second most bait sack of ***t disinformation artist to stand on an alternative soapbox in modern times. Of course no one would ever have listened to him if his bull**** wasn't blended with some truth.

You can understand his motivations without invoking this "controlled opposition" meme. But the idea he fits the connotation behind the phrase "persons are just persons, not controled opposites" is laughable.
That is how YOU think about all the information that has been given out there, like a theory of everything that fits in YOUR paradigm. while you never know how deep the rabbithole goes.
you will never be able to find out, for you could have been conditioned with disinfo from birth. therefore I find my principle that persons are just persons and not opposition viable and I prefer, for it keeps me sane :)


Sep 9, 2019
That is how YOU think about all the information that has been given out there, like a theory of everything that fits in YOUR paradigm. while you never know how deep the rabbithole goes.
you will never be able to find out, for you could have been conditioned with disinfo from birth. therefore I find my principle that persons are just persons and not opposition viable and I prefer, for it keeps me sane :)
Mr Pesky you are an amusing chap :D


Dec 8, 2016
Just to shake things up here…
Rather than posting on the Normalization of Sex with Children thread; im posting these here.

This is the parent company of Balenciaga selling these child sex dolls for thousands.

Be aware.
Stop buying anything anything designer.
Not just Balenciaga- but all others.
Ye included.
Stop consuming anything “celebrity”.
It’s demonic.
It’s evil.

Stop before it’s too late.

Just because it’s not affecting you personally; don’t think it’s not….


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Jun 22, 2021
I believe its getting more and more obvious YE is doing A JOB

come on now - these people spent YEARS stopping people from being "anti-semitic"

Now all of a sudden, Kanye says something about Jews and EVERYONE gives him a platform - in the old days they would've shut him up and SHUT HIM UP good

Theres a reason he is being promoted

Their plan is to round up all the Jews back to Israel (by scaring them) before they kick off WWIII in the Middle East

But of course, Jews won't flee their country with just some "anti-semitic" comments in the news so HENCE, keep an eye out for BIGGER things occurring revolving around this agenda


Jun 22, 2021
alex jones is not 'controlled opposition', persons are just persons, not controled opposites. this term has been invented to displace the higher form of controlled opposition which is fake monotheistic religion and [induce] psychological effect of it on the people. The people are sovereign, they have the right as a king, but this is being supressed.


Jan 25, 2014
Neither are you Mr Michael. The people he's been referring to aren't Semitic, don't read the Torah and aren't Jewish.
Are you suggesting that men like Rick Rubin, Jerry Heller, and Lyor Cohen aren't Jewish? Because they all publicly claim to be. And are even celebrated as being Jewish by others.

No idea if they have read the Torah or not. But, I think many Jews and Christians haven't read it. I recently read it myself, and it's pretty clear that no one follows many of the laws laid out. For example, there are two chapters in Numbers, 28 and 29, that lay out daily, sabbath, monthly and festival burnt offerings, that are required in addition to free will and sin burnt offerings. But I know of no church nor synagogue nor anyone that I have ever met personally that has made any sort of burnt offering, let alone all of the offerings that are mandated in those chapters.

Also, does everyone just overlook that Moses (who is traditionally credited at the author of The Torah) just straight up murders an Egyptian in Exodus 2:12?


Sep 9, 2019
Are you suggesting that men like Rick Rubin, Jerry Heller, and Lyor Cohen aren't Jewish? Because they all publicly claim to be. And are even celebrated as being Jewish by others.
Like **** are they Jewish and I don't care what they claim to be. Weren't we warned about this in Revelation 2:9?

Also I'm a theology noob and probably shouldn't be talking about these things. Go easy. I just tend to be suspicious with the whole "it's the J" or any other group thing. Personally I rationalised the existence of God from the deeds of the other guy and then found faith almost completely bypassing religion and scripture.
Oct 13, 2022
Are you suggesting that men like Rick Rubin, Jerry Heller, and Lyor Cohen aren't Jewish? Because they all publicly claim to be. And are even celebrated as being Jewish by others.

No idea if they have read the Torah or not. But, I think many Jews and Christians haven't read it. I recently read it myself, and it's pretty clear that no one follows many of the laws laid out. For example, there are two chapters in Numbers, 28 and 29, that lay out daily, sabbath, monthly and festival burnt offerings, that are required in addition to free will and sin burnt offerings. But I know of no church nor synagogue nor anyone that I have ever met personally that has made any sort of burnt offering, let alone all of the offerings that are mandated in those chapters.

Also, does everyone just overlook that Moses (who is traditionally credited at the author of The Torah) just straight up murders an Egyptian in Exodus 2:12?
Why would a church perform any burnt offerings at all? The symbolism that the offerings in the Torah pointed to was fulfilled in Jesus as the ultimate perfect offering that never needed to happen again. (the blood of animals doesn't atone for sin like the perfect Savior did)

Christians do not overlook the sin of Moses in the Bible. Moses ran away for 40 years, only as an old man was he finally ready to be used by God to set the people free. We know of Moses sin because God wanted us to know it, how imperfect he was and God is still able to use him. Moses also sinned when he disobeyed God in the desert and was not allowed in the Promised Land and died before arriving there as his punishment.

Even the beloved King David was a murderer, killing his mistress' husband by sending him off to the front lines because David got her pregnant. It was a mess! And his family suffered greatly for it. David's son raped his own sister, some of David's sons were killed, David hid out of fear of being killed, just on and on. Sin ripples through peoples lives just like today. No one but God/Jesus/Holy Spirit in the Bible is perfect, and it tells you.

If these men in the Bible were so great and perfect we might be inclined to idolize them, but we don't because they are clearly messed up sinners like everyone else.
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Jan 25, 2014
Why would a church perform any burnt offerings at all? The symbolism that the offerings in the Torah pointed to was fulfilled in Jesus as the ultimate perfect offering that never needed to happen again. (the blood of animals doesn't atone for sin like the perfect Savior did)
Did you read Numbers Chapter 28 and 29? The regular and festival burnt offerings weren't strictly sin offerings. They were also food and drink offerings for the Lord. Burnt Offerings weren't strictly for sin atonement. So why aren't churches making all the other regularly scheduled burnt offerings? It's told to you over and over again that they produce "an aroma pleasing to the lord."
Christians do not overlook the sin of Moses in the Bible. Moses ran away for 40 years, only as an old man was he finally ready to be used by God to set the people free. We know of Moses sin because God wanted us to know it, how imperfect he was and God is still able to use him. Moses also sinned when he disobeyed God in the desert and was not allowed in the Promised Land and died before arriving there as his punishment.
True. None of the Israelites that were in Egypt made it to the promised land, except two. But it wasn't the murder of the Egyptian in Exodus 2:12 that kept Moses out of the promised land. Moses gets to be a chosen leader and stay with the lord on Mt. Sinai for 40 days and deliver the Commandments AFTER that murder. It was dishonoring the Lord when Moses and Aaron brought out water from a rock in Numbers 20:12 that kept him from the promised land.

I get that everyone is a sinner and all that, but couldn't the Lord at least have picked someone that didn't kill a man to be a leader? You know, someone like Joseph from the end of Genesis?
Even the beloved King David was a murderer, killing his mistress' husband by sending him off to the front lines because David got her pregnant. It was a mess! And his family suffered greatly for it. David's son raped his own sister, some of David's sons were killed, David hid out of fear of being killed, just on and on. Sin ripples through peoples lives just like today.
True. But I notice you didn't mention Jepthath killing his daughter and making her a burnt offering to Lord in Judges 11:39. Which, itself, didn't appear to be a sin. But merely fulfilling his vow that he made to Jehovah.
No one but God/Jesus/Holy Spirit in the Bible is perfect, and it tells you.
Which "God" are we talking about, here? Because the God (or Elohim or Jehovah/Yehovah) in the Old Testament does some pretty horrid and unperfect things, at least in this mortal's view.

Take all the plagues he sends down to Egypt, starting in Exodus Chapter 7. First off, the Lord tells Moses that he will "harden Pharoh's heart" (Exodus 7:3), so that the Lord can send many plagues, causing all sorts of death and damage to the people of Egypt, including killing off livestock and children (the firstborn of the Egyptians).

Why would he do that? If we are talking about an all powerful, all knowing, all present god here, why not just change Pharoh's mind, and let the Israelites go to worship the Lord in the desert? Why does the Lord have to wreak all this havoc on the innocent? Or, why couldn't the Lord conjure up some gold and silver as a ransom for the Israelites? Or, teleport them out of Egypt like they do on Star Trek? Or, why not focus his anger and range on Pharoh alone? Why not strike him down with a Lightning bolt? Or a heart attack? Or have the roof cave in on him?

And also, why didn't The Lord give Jepthath some way to redeem his daughter after that tragic vow? Her only "crime" was greeting her father with dancing to the sound of timbrels. Why couldn't the Lord allow her to be redeemed with the sacrificing of 100 rams or whatever?

Having read the New Testament, and about half of the Old (reading it now), I don't think the God or Father than Jesus speaks of is the same the God (or Elohim or Jehovah) in the Old Testament. Of course, I know I am not the first to think this.


Nov 18, 2019
Did you read Numbers Chapter 28 and 29? The regular and festival burnt offerings weren't strictly sin offerings. They were also food and drink offerings for the Lord. Burnt Offerings weren't strictly for sin atonement. So why aren't churches making all the other regularly scheduled burnt offerings? It's told to you over and over again that they produce "an aroma pleasing to the lord."

True. None of the Israelites that were in Egypt made it to the promised land, except two. But it wasn't the murder of the Egyptian in Exodus 2:12 that kept Moses out of the promised land. Moses gets to be a chosen leader and stay with the lord on Mt. Sinai for 40 days and deliver the Commandments AFTER that murder. It was dishonoring the Lord when Moses and Aaron brought out water from a rock in Numbers 20:12 that kept him from the promised land.

I get that everyone is a sinner and all that, but couldn't the Lord at least have picked someone that didn't kill a man to be a leader? You know, someone like Joseph from the end of Genesis?

True. But I notice you didn't mention Jepthath killing his daughter and making her a burnt offering to Lord in Judges 11:39. Which, itself, didn't appear to be a sin. But merely fulfilling his vow that he made to Jehovah.

Which "God" are we talking about, here? Because the God (or Elohim or Jehovah/Yehovah) in the Old Testament does some pretty horrid and unperfect things, at least in this mortal's view.

Take all the plagues he sends down to Egypt, starting in Exodus Chapter 7. First off, the Lord tells Moses that he will "harden Pharoh's heart" (Exodus 7:3), so that the Lord can send many plagues, causing all sorts of death and damage to the people of Egypt, including killing off livestock and children (the firstborn of the Egyptians).

Why would he do that? If we are talking about an all powerful, all knowing, all present god here, why not just change Pharoh's mind, and let the Israelites go to worship the Lord in the desert? Why does the Lord have to wreak all this havoc on the innocent? Or, why couldn't the Lord conjure up some gold and silver as a ransom for the Israelites? Or, teleport them out of Egypt like they do on Star Trek? Or, why not focus his anger and range on Pharoh alone? Why not strike him down with a Lightning bolt? Or a heart attack? Or have the roof cave in on him?

And also, why didn't The Lord give Jepthath some way to redeem his daughter after that tragic vow? Her only "crime" was greeting her father with dancing to the sound of timbrels. Why couldn't the Lord allow her to be redeemed with the sacrificing of 100 rams or whatever?

Having read the New Testament, and about half of the Old (reading it now), I don't think the God or Father than Jesus speaks of is the same the God (or Elohim or Jehovah) in the Old Testament. Of course, I know I am not the first to think this.
Curious which version of the Bible are you reading?
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