I've Taken 1 Gram Of Cyproheptadine Over 12 Months


Jun 7, 2016

Ive used OTC Periactin and tried dosages ranging from 1mg up to 36mg in one day.

I chose to use it based on symptoms I had and felt that it would be beneficial. I used to be in a fog and had a hard time concentrating on achieving tasks and making decisions, unstable in my mind and reactive and felt to be in a high adrenaline/serotonin state, poor digestion and general unhealthy feeling most of my time from teenage years and 30 now.

Over the 12 months I feel the cyproheptadine had a big impact on my physiology in my mind and body I feel its helped my hair as I have a lot more hair now. I find it a lot easier to learn new things, recall and remember and take on difficult tasks and adapt well to challenging new environments and situations. I have clearer foresight into the future now and much improved at reflecting and assimilating past experiences.

I wouldn't recommend anyone take cyproheptadine because the first time I took it, I just took a 4mg tablet before bed (edgy) and became very sedated and was in a deep fog the next morning and was very hard to wake up and get moving, over the day the fog clears and start to feel better and definitely noticed the drop in dopamine though coffee and sugar help. Its a sort flat feeling, lack of motivation and inspiration, It takes about a week to get back to normal. Even 1mg dose came with the morning fog. I don't want to be responsible for people who sleep through the alarm and get fired by the boss especially if they have a highly cognitive demanding job, it would become challenging and prone to making mistakes in my opinion. I've used it to successfully sleep through long haul flights.

On the odd occasion I would take cyproheptadine and experience renewed joy of music which I feel when I don't enjoy music that its a sign of high stress/serotonin.

At times I would take 2-4mg a night for up to 3 months at a time and get used to the heaviness in the morning and endured with the anticipation of long term positive effects.

I don't think its a substance that can be evaluated on one or two doses but needs to be taken at low dosages for weeks/months to observe the subtle yet powerful effects.

I did put on some weight because it did make me very hungry (for candy) but previous to this I was under eating so I viewed it as a positive effect and now haven't taken it for a few months and I have become leaner. I think it would be helpful for someone who knows they lack appetite and needs to increase there caloric consumption. (if lack of appetite is from high stress hormones)

I had flu like symptoms at one stage and knew id be laid up for some time and decided to try a high dose of cyproheptadine to see what would happen and I ended up taking a 4mg tablet every few hours until I reached 36mg and I could hardly walk in a straight line, balance or think properly, kind of like being drunk and disassociated and would not recommend this and definitely not operate machinery like a motor vehicle or even a kettle.(in 48 hours I was fine)

On the digestion, it is robust now like I remember it from being a child, no pain, no tenderness upon palpation on the organs as was previously, no bloating, stomach is flat and no issues with wheat or dairy even mixed together, I can eat a McDonalds meal and am absolutely fine.

Overall taking cyproheptadine is an ordeal especially for 12 months with a few breaks of a week or so, its challenging but reflecting now after stopping its use for two months I feel it was highly worth it for me, it has improved my wellbeing and I don't know if I could have had so much positive change with just general diet changes in such a short period of time. I don't have any feelings to take it anymore at this time. I didn't intend on taking it for 12 months it just turned out that way and just started and just stopped randomly.

Thanks to member Raincoast for uploading the cyproheptadine patent application which I found very interesting and reposting it for anyone who is interested.


  • Cyproheptadine Patent Paper 1986 (1).pdf
    154 KB · Views: 414


Apr 30, 2015
I like your write up here. But I do not understand, it seems like you had some great results, hard won...but you would not recommend cypro?


Jun 7, 2016
I like your write up here. But I do not understand, it seems like you had some great results, hard won...but you would not recommend cypro?

I was half joking about that. I'm cautious about recommending drugs and wanted to clearly convey the positives and negatives. It wasn't that hard otherwise I would have stopped sooner, I adapted to it but I do wake up a lot easier now than when I was taking it.


Nov 2, 2015

Ive used OTC Periactin and tried dosages ranging from 1mg up to 36mg in one day.

I chose to use it based on symptoms I had and felt that it would be beneficial. I used to be in a fog and had a hard time concentrating on achieving tasks and making decisions, unstable in my mind and reactive and felt to be in a high adrenaline/serotonin state, poor digestion and general unhealthy feeling most of my time from teenage years and 30 now.

Over the 12 months I feel the cyproheptadine had a big impact on my physiology in my mind and body I feel its helped my hair as I have a lot more hair now. I find it a lot easier to learn new things, recall and remember and take on difficult tasks and adapt well to challenging new environments and situations. I have clearer foresight into the future now and much improved at reflecting and assimilating past experiences.

I wouldn't recommend anyone take cyproheptadine because the first time I took it, I just took a 4mg tablet before bed (edgy) and became very sedated and was in a deep fog the next morning and was very hard to wake up and get moving, over the day the fog clears and start to feel better and definitely noticed the drop in dopamine though coffee and sugar help. Its a sort flat feeling, lack of motivation and inspiration, It takes about a week to get back to normal. Even 1mg dose came with the morning fog. I don't want to be responsible for people who sleep through the alarm and get fired by the boss especially if they have a highly cognitive demanding job, it would become challenging and prone to making mistakes in my opinion. I've used it to successfully sleep through long haul flights.

On the odd occasion I would take cyproheptadine and experience renewed joy of music which I feel when I don't enjoy music that its a sign of high stress/serotonin.

At times I would take 2-4mg a night for up to 3 months at a time and get used to the heaviness in the morning and endured with the anticipation of long term positive effects.

I don't think its a substance that can be evaluated on one or two doses but needs to be taken at low dosages for weeks/months to observe the subtle yet powerful effects.

I did put on some weight because it did make me very hungry (for candy) but previous to this I was under eating so I viewed it as a positive effect and now haven't taken it for a few months and I have become leaner. I think it would be helpful for someone who knows they lack appetite and needs to increase there caloric consumption. (if lack of appetite is from high stress hormones)

I had flu like symptoms at one stage and knew id be laid up for some time and decided to try a high dose of cyproheptadine to see what would happen and I ended up taking a 4mg tablet every few hours until I reached 36mg and I could hardly walk in a straight line, balance or think properly, kind of like being drunk and disassociated and would not recommend this and definitely not operate machinery like a motor vehicle or even a kettle.(in 48 hours I was fine)

On the digestion, it is robust now like I remember it from being a child, no pain, no tenderness upon palpation on the organs as was previously, no bloating, stomach is flat and no issues with wheat or dairy even mixed together, I can eat a McDonalds meal and am absolutely fine.

Overall taking cyproheptadine is an ordeal especially for 12 months with a few breaks of a week or so, its challenging but reflecting now after stopping its use for two months I feel it was highly worth it for me, it has improved my wellbeing and I don't know if I could have had so much positive change with just general diet changes in such a short period of time. I don't have any feelings to take it anymore at this time. I didn't intend on taking it for 12 months it just turned out that way and just started and just stopped randomly.

Thanks to member Raincoast for uploading the cyproheptadine patent application which I found very interesting and reposting it for anyone who is interested.

This is very similar to my own experiences with cypro, although I've never taken more than 4mg a day.

I think it has a dopaminergic effect: food tastes better, I sleep better, very vivid dreams, and generally more chilled.


Oct 11, 2016
Any other pointers for how to balance long-term cyproheptadine intake? I've been using some strong dopamine agonists, which are interesting - but I haven't found them very necessary actually. Willpower against the sedated effects of cyproheptadine has worked just as well as the added dopamine agonists so far - but if something has an added health benefit combined with cypro I would be interested.


Sep 13, 2012
Thanks for the write up! So do you feel positives have stuck around? Or did you go back to the way you were? Lose appetite? Not sleep as well?
I've been on it for 8 months, 1mg and under though, I can't wake up in the morning if I take more than that. So even such a low dose I feel like my reaction times are slower, did you have that on lower doses? It really is an incredible drug.


Mar 23, 2017
OP, What time of the night do you take it?

I have been trying my <1mg doses around 4-5PM in the hope that waking will be easier (i.e. it has worn off, if that is how it even works). The patent file states the best results are potentially if you take the cypro before bed though.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Dang thats .0027 mg a day :D
Right; it's probably possible to do 1 gram in about a week. Just 20 mg every four hours or so. I've done so at one point. Maybe I hit 80 mg daily for a few days.


Nov 22, 2016
Right; it's probably possible to do 1 gram in about a week. Just 20 mg every four hours or so. I've done so at one point. Maybe I hit 80 mg daily for a few days.

What effects did you achieve?

Did it help anxiety and insomnia?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
What effects did you achieve?

Did it help anxiety and insomnia?
Taking 16 - 20 mg at a time brought on a state of intense relaxation, similar to alcohol but with no cognitive inhibition. I found that the drug allowed my mind to reach higher planes of thought for extended periods of time, and I could write papers continuously so long as I kept dosing the drug.

It helped both anxiety and insomnia, and while I took the higher dose before bed, I would wake up with a genuine zest for life, along with feelings of confidence and elation.


Nov 22, 2016
Taking 16 - 20 mg at a time brought on a state of intense relaxation, similar to alcohol but with no cognitive inhibition. I found that the drug allowed my mind to reach higher planes of thought for extended periods of time, and I could write papers continuously so long as I kept dosing the drug.

It helped both anxiety and insomnia, and while I took the higher dose before bed, I would wake up with a genuine zest for life, along with feelings of confidence and elation.



For how long did you use it?


Oct 7, 2015
Weight gain is often associated with this drug. Is it only because it increases appetite or is there something else going on?


Sep 13, 2012
Not only appetite, because I gained without overeating much. Lowering adrenaline allows for the correct usage of energy thus you don't need thousands of calories.


Dec 21, 2014
@DaveFoster O_O that is a lot. I thought I was in trouble using 8mg a day. I'm still dependent on the stuff, which worries me, but I'm a basket case without it.


Jun 7, 2016
Any other pointers for how to balance long-term cyproheptadine intake? I've been using some strong dopamine agonists, which are interesting - but I haven't found them very necessary actually. Willpower against the sedated effects of cyproheptadine has worked just as well as the added dopamine agonists so far - but if something has an added health benefit combined with cypro I would be interested.

Interesting, I didn't take any dopamine agonist drugs but did think it would be good to try. I drank strong coffee and smoked tobacco to help.
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