I've been able to get my temperature up using B1 (Thaimine)


Dec 3, 2022
United States
I can feel my body heat up when I eat .....after taking either Benfotiamine or Thiamax (allithiamine). I have tried so many things...Cynomel, Cynoplus, Cyproheptadine, Vit ADEK, Minerals, Pregest e....nothing else worked.

I am currently also taking Niacinimide in water spread over my day, Taurine and Biotin. After researching B1, I realized that antibiotics that I took in the past (may) have been what was blocking my uptake/absorption of B1. Hoping the temps continue.


Dec 3, 2022
United States
I've been 97.5-98 for most of my life. After eating-I hit 99.2 the other day. I can feel it now and don't take my temperature all the time. I just feels like a good warm temperature. I also feel more energy-not the jittery kind, just a motivated alert kind of energy. Started with 500 TTFD. Dr Lonsdale talks about boosting mitochondrial energy which I think is in line with Peat. It sounds like it works a lot like thyroid meds in that supplementing gets you back to equilibrium (ie Peat gained weight on thyroid meds when he was underweight and some people lose weight).

Lonsdale says you will get more symptoms for the first month and then it goes away-at that point you can increase the dosage for more benefits. He's 99 years old and still active in the comments on hormones matter. I learned the most from the comments and from emailing the Author of The Missing Link in Dementia, a memoir by Jo Dixon. (all about b1)


Nov 20, 2014
I can feel my body heat up when I eat .....after taking either Benfotiamine or Thiamax (allithiamine). I have tried so many things...Cynomel, Cynoplus, Cyproheptadine, Vit ADEK, Minerals, Pregest e....nothing else worked.

I am currently also taking Niacinimide in water spread over my day, Taurine and Biotin. After researching B1, I realized that antibiotics that I took in the past (may) have been what was blocking my uptake/absorption of B1. Hoping the temps continue.

I've tried everything as well, including Benfotiamine, but not Thiamax

Has it affected your sleep at all, one way or the other?

How many milligrams do you take?


Dec 3, 2022
United States
I a
I've tried everything as well, including Benfotiamine, but not Thiamax

Has it affected your sleep at all, one way or the other?

How many milligrams do you take?
My sleep is excellent (and it's been difficult in the past- Dr Stasha Gominak'd info on B's/D helped that. I'm taking just 100 Thaimax in the am with breakfast and 400 mg Benfo at lunch-a clean source with no additives. This lines up with Haidut

300-mg benfotiamine pills twice daily, and the treatment was completely safe.” Vitamin B1 as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) – To Extract Knowledge from Matter

from my notes:
You need thiamine to burn any kind of energy, including protein and fat.
And you need all the other B’s to burn carbs.
  • You need TWICE as much thiamine to burn carbs as you need to burn fat.
  • No other B vitamin has such a special role in burning carbs.
Here are my notes from Derrick Lonsdale: (sorry it's long but may help somone)

125-250 mg magnesium taurate

The best analogy that I can offer is a choked car engine. The input of gasoline must match the capacity of the spark plug to initiate gasoline ignition.

Simply start with 1 tablet a day,
wait for paradox( temporary increased symptoms) to subside and then gradually add tablets slowly until symptoms begin to disappear. It should be accompanied by magnesium (250-300 mg) and a well rounded multivitamin. I have used Lipothiamine in hundreds of cases. It is completely non toxic and can be dosed much higher to as many as 5 or 6 tablets a day. Your husband can go to pub med and research thiamin by inserting my name in his search.

They also found that low stomach acid was replaced by a high stomach acid before becoming normal after thiamine treatment was started. To show the complexity of this disease, in some cases a high acid was replaced by a low acid before becoming normal. This paradox was explained by the fact that TD produces an unstable autonomic system.

Read about “paradox” or “refeeding syndrome” as appears on Hormones Matter posts. You must persist with Allithiamine UNTIL “paradox” gives rise to improvement and you can then increase the dose according to symptomatic relief. This post is a very important one because it shows the polysymptomatic presentation of energy deficiency as it affects every cell in the body and particularly in the part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system. It shatters the present medical model.
Lipthiamine doesnt need a transporter-start with 50mg until adjustment happens then increase-for genetic thiamine problems

Maintain present doses until you notice the beginning of symptomatic improvement. There is an obvious genetic factor in your story so you are now using an epigenetic treatment. I expect that you will need megadose thiamine and that is why it is so sad that there is medical ignorance. Check [email protected] for a holistic physician within your travel range.

1.Calcium oxalate stones indicate magnesium deficiency. 2. Abdominal pain, fatigue,sleep disorders and whole body pain are all strong indications of brain energy deficiency. 3.Typical diagnoses described are the ones used by physicians ignorant of the energy deficiency cause.

4. Here are the clues to thiamine deficiency as the cause of energy deficit.

More than 70% diabetics are thiamine deficient.

Sleep apnea is because of oxidative inefficiency in brainstem. Thiamine deficiency is the major cause.

Thiamine and magnesium are together essential to the function of pyruvic dehydrogenase and the dehydrogenase that is necessary for processing the amino acids, leucine,isoleucine and valine.

Metformin damages thiamine metabolism.

Thiamine requires magnesium since they work together so try adding it as a supplement, probably about 125-250 mg/day. Perhaps the thiamine without the magnesium creates a biochemical crisis. I had a patient whose heart disease responded rapidly to thiamine but became resistant to its benefits. I did not jump to the magnesium problem at the time, but I never forgot the incident and it might just be the answer. Please let us know if this works!

There is absolutely no harm in starting Lipothiamine although it is very likely that you will experience severe paradox that can last as long as four or five weeks. I would start with a single dose of 50 mg a day and wait for worsening of symptoms. Continue on 50 mg a day until the paradox is complete. When you start to feel better you can increase the dose and because you almost certainly have a genetic defect, push the Lipothiamine according to benefit. I have not experienced any toxicity from its use and you could go to 200 or 300 mg a day easily

Without going into the technical issues, a major clue is the increased folate and B 12 that seems to be associated with thiamin deficiency. I would suggest that you obtain Lipothiamine from Ecological Formulas and provide him with at least 200 mg a day together with 300 mg of magnesium and a well-rounded multivitamin

In my view, the best thiamin derivative is Lipothiamin because it is enteric coated and passes through the acid environment of the stomach to the jejunum where it is absorbed. This is one of the many open thiazolium ring disulfide derivatives. The disulfide is reduced at the cell membrane, the prosthetic group is removed and the ring closes inside the cell. The reason that it is called fat soluble thiamin is solely because of this capacity to pass the active molecule through the lipid barrier of the cell membrane. It does not require a thiamin transporter. Lipothiamin comes in 50 mg tablets.

As this physician knows, right-sided heart failure is typical of beriberi, the thiamin deficiency disease that has ravaged Eastern countries for centuries. A typical x-ray of a beriberi heart shows general enlargement that is more accentuated on the right side. Because beriberi is not supposed to occur in America, when this kind of heart enlargement occurs, it is usually referred to as “cardiomyopathy, probably of viral origin”. As a physician myself, I have seen many different aspects of beriberi when I was in practice. It is common because of the huge sugar intake in the American diet.

I have treated sleep apnea with TTFD.

Thiamine does not work alone. It is a member of the B complex. I would suggest that you reduce the thiamine to100 mg a day and add B complex, plus a significant amount of magnesium. Vitamins, like everything else in the world work on the basis of Yin and Yang, not too little and not too much. You have to strike a balance and you should add in a well-rounded multivitamin
Can you take thiamine without this test?

Yes you can, particularly if you have been diagnosed with a form of dysautonomia known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).We have found that this disease, occurring after administration of Gardasil, is masking (in those cases in which the transketolase test indicated thiamine deficiency)as the thiamine deficiency disease known as beriberi. To use thiamine supplementation is safe but IT IS STILL GUESSWORK without proof!

Gardasil This strongly suggests that their genomic characteristics code for a high rate of brain activity, commonly described as a high IQ. It is common sense to assume that they are at risk because they require a pristine diet in much the same way as a high powered engine in a car requires superior gasoline.

A patient of mine whose medical problem came from thiamine deficiency, had raised blood folate and B 12 that became normal when he was treated with thiamine. When thiamine was stopped, they both rose again and decreased when thiamine was restarted. That is why I treated autism with megadoses of thiamine

Like a “choked car engine” the non-caloric nutrients are overwhelmed by the excess of “empty” calories. It is energy production that is the core issue and is the reason for the multiplicity of symptoms. This is particularly true for deficiency of thiamine and magnesium because they are so essential to the processing of simple sugars. The indiscriminate ingestion of sweets has become a national calamity. Of course, thiamine and magnesium have to cooperate with many more non-caloric nutrients but their position in metabolism dominates the function of energy production.

When you start taking thiamine and magnesium, your symptoms are accelerated paradoxically and you have to wear through this until paradox gives way to improvement. Nobody can predict how long this paradox will last but I usually state that it can last for a month or so.

This is the reason why 696 medical publications have reported varying degrees of success in the treatment of 240 diseases with thiamine. Its ubiquitous use as a drug depends on its overall ability to restore an adequate energy supply by stimulating mitochondrial function. It is also why I propose that energy deficiency is the true root of modern disease.

Start taking about 10-25 mg of thiamine. If the symptoms get worse, persist. When symptoms begin to improve, start to escalate the dose and titrate it to the symptoms. Find the right dose and if the symptoms begin to recur, decrease the dose and add 125mg of magnesium taurate and a multivitamin

Your best course of action would be to have repeated intravenous injections of water-soluble vitamins with high doses of B complex in the solution. You certainly need to keep up the Lipothiamine that is causing the paradox. I have seen many situations where thiamine hydrochloride did not correct the clinical or laboratory situation but Lipothiamine did.

There is a substance in milk that gives rise to a toxic substance known as phytanic acid if alpha oxidation is inadequate. This toxic substance will therefore accumulate in the blood as a result of thiamine deficiency, representing an additional test for TD by detecting phytanic acid in a blood test.

I take Lipothiamine but Allithiamine is the same thing.
Usually, 10mg/kg daily is enough to improve glucose control.

If your glucose control is fine then you probably don't need thiamine at all or need much smaller dosages (i.e. <50mg). This post is for people that have posted repeatedly having issues with hyperglycemia and pre-diabetes. Hence, the studies with diabetic animals and people.

If you are healthy and take thiamine for performance / mental reasons then I would stick to no more than 300mg every 4-6 hours and ensure you get at least 1g/kg of carbs / sugar with the dosage of thiamine. Thiamine supplementation for glycemic control is best suited for people who are either thiamine deficient or have a problem getting thiamine transported into their cells. As the study on chronic fatigue in IBS showed, higher dosages of thiamine force thiamine into the cell and normalize metabolism even though blood thiamine levels were considered normal in the IBS patients before supplementation.

Biotin thread that 15 mg is the sweet spot for b7 lowering insulin resistance. (Georgi/Haidut)

B1 is thought to possibly cause B6 deficiency. I thought this as well and I am still kind of on the fence with it. But it seems like the reason supplementing B6 counteracts symptoms from excess B1 quite quickly

Thiamine and magnesium act as “spark plugs” by uniting the glucose with oxygen. If the food consists of too many calories, the mix with oxygen is overwhelmed: thiamine and magnesium are then insufficient to “ignite” the glucose. The brain is the most oxygen consuming tissue and it becomes compromised, resulting in changes in function that are expressed as symptoms such as ADHD.

I had noted that when I ate virtually any food at all, my nose would run. One day I was eating some canned pears and I experienced a rather severe choking fit and my nose ran like a faucet. I was taking 300 mg of Lipothiamine (thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide) and 200 mg of a magnesium salt. I concluded that the dose of TTFD was too great and lacking in balance with magnesium, which I increased to 400 mg. I reduced the dose of TTFD to 250 mg. Even within days, there was an improvement. The pharynx, esophagus, and nostrils are controlled by the ANS and the dose change was born out of my unique clinical and biochemical experience. Although orthomolecular medicine is in its infancy, it is hoped that it will become the orthodox medicine of the future. Not only is it non-toxic, but it is also extremely efficient and I have helped thousands over my 61 years of practice.

The English translation of this Chinese word is “I can’t, I can’t”, severe, intractable fatigue being the dominating effect. Although the refeeding syndrome is poorly understood according to current medical literature it is apparently related to a rapid change from catabolic to anabolic metabolism. The misguided attempts to re-nourish the victims in concentration camps at the end of World War II resulted sometimes in their death. It is at least understood that correcting catabolic to anabolic metabolism, whatever produced the abnormal state, demands low doses of food in starvation and low doses of supplementary vitamins in the long term effects of high calorie malnutrition.

If a patient experienced an adverse effect after symptom improvement, to reduce the dose back to resolution of the adverse effects.


Nov 20, 2014
I a

My sleep is excellent (and it's been difficult in the past- Dr Stasha Gominak'd info on B's/D helped that. I'm taking just 100 Thaimax in the am with breakfast and 400 mg Benfo at lunch-a clean source with no additives. This lines up with Haidut

300-mg benfotiamine pills twice daily, and the treatment was completely safe.” Vitamin B1 as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) – To Extract Knowledge from Matter

from my notes:
You need thiamine to burn any kind of energy, including protein and fat.
And you need all the other B’s to burn carbs.
  • You need TWICE as much thiamine to burn carbs as you need to burn fat.
  • No other B vitamin has such a special role in burning carbs.
Here are my notes from Derrick Lonsdale: (sorry it's long but may help somone)

125-250 mg magnesium taurate

The best analogy that I can offer is a choked car engine. The input of gasoline must match the capacity of the spark plug to initiate gasoline ignition.

Simply start with 1 tablet a day,
wait for paradox( temporary increased symptoms) to subside and then gradually add tablets slowly until symptoms begin to disappear. It should be accompanied by magnesium (250-300 mg) and a well rounded multivitamin. I have used Lipothiamine in hundreds of cases. It is completely non toxic and can be dosed much higher to as many as 5 or 6 tablets a day. Your husband can go to pub med and research thiamin by inserting my name in his search.

They also found that low stomach acid was replaced by a high stomach acid before becoming normal after thiamine treatment was started. To show the complexity of this disease, in some cases a high acid was replaced by a low acid before becoming normal. This paradox was explained by the fact that TD produces an unstable autonomic system.

Read about “paradox” or “refeeding syndrome” as appears on Hormones Matter posts. You must persist with Allithiamine UNTIL “paradox” gives rise to improvement and you can then increase the dose according to symptomatic relief. This post is a very important one because it shows the polysymptomatic presentation of energy deficiency as it affects every cell in the body and particularly in the part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system. It shatters the present medical model.
Lipthiamine doesnt need a transporter-start with 50mg until adjustment happens then increase-for genetic thiamine problems

Maintain present doses until you notice the beginning of symptomatic improvement. There is an obvious genetic factor in your story so you are now using an epigenetic treatment. I expect that you will need megadose thiamine and that is why it is so sad that there is medical ignorance. Check [email protected] for a holistic physician within your travel range.

1.Calcium oxalate stones indicate magnesium deficiency. 2. Abdominal pain, fatigue,sleep disorders and whole body pain are all strong indications of brain energy deficiency. 3.Typical diagnoses described are the ones used by physicians ignorant of the energy deficiency cause.

4. Here are the clues to thiamine deficiency as the cause of energy deficit.

More than 70% diabetics are thiamine deficient.

Sleep apnea is because of oxidative inefficiency in brainstem. Thiamine deficiency is the major cause.

Thiamine and magnesium are together essential to the function of pyruvic dehydrogenase and the dehydrogenase that is necessary for processing the amino acids, leucine,isoleucine and valine.

Metformin damages thiamine metabolism.

Thiamine requires magnesium since they work together so try adding it as a supplement, probably about 125-250 mg/day. Perhaps the thiamine without the magnesium creates a biochemical crisis. I had a patient whose heart disease responded rapidly to thiamine but became resistant to its benefits. I did not jump to the magnesium problem at the time, but I never forgot the incident and it might just be the answer. Please let us know if this works!

There is absolutely no harm in starting Lipothiamine although it is very likely that you will experience severe paradox that can last as long as four or five weeks. I would start with a single dose of 50 mg a day and wait for worsening of symptoms. Continue on 50 mg a day until the paradox is complete. When you start to feel better you can increase the dose and because you almost certainly have a genetic defect, push the Lipothiamine according to benefit. I have not experienced any toxicity from its use and you could go to 200 or 300 mg a day easily

Without going into the technical issues, a major clue is the increased folate and B 12 that seems to be associated with thiamin deficiency. I would suggest that you obtain Lipothiamine from Ecological Formulas and provide him with at least 200 mg a day together with 300 mg of magnesium and a well-rounded multivitamin

In my view, the best thiamin derivative is Lipothiamin because it is enteric coated and passes through the acid environment of the stomach to the jejunum where it is absorbed. This is one of the many open thiazolium ring disulfide derivatives. The disulfide is reduced at the cell membrane, the prosthetic group is removed and the ring closes inside the cell. The reason that it is called fat soluble thiamin is solely because of this capacity to pass the active molecule through the lipid barrier of the cell membrane. It does not require a thiamin transporter. Lipothiamin comes in 50 mg tablets.

As this physician knows, right-sided heart failure is typical of beriberi, the thiamin deficiency disease that has ravaged Eastern countries for centuries. A typical x-ray of a beriberi heart shows general enlargement that is more accentuated on the right side. Because beriberi is not supposed to occur in America, when this kind of heart enlargement occurs, it is usually referred to as “cardiomyopathy, probably of viral origin”. As a physician myself, I have seen many different aspects of beriberi when I was in practice. It is common because of the huge sugar intake in the American diet.

I have treated sleep apnea with TTFD.

Thiamine does not work alone. It is a member of the B complex. I would suggest that you reduce the thiamine to100 mg a day and add B complex, plus a significant amount of magnesium. Vitamins, like everything else in the world work on the basis of Yin and Yang, not too little and not too much. You have to strike a balance and you should add in a well-rounded multivitamin
Can you take thiamine without this test?

Yes you can, particularly if you have been diagnosed with a form of dysautonomia known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).We have found that this disease, occurring after administration of Gardasil, is masking (in those cases in which the transketolase test indicated thiamine deficiency)as the thiamine deficiency disease known as beriberi. To use thiamine supplementation is safe but IT IS STILL GUESSWORK without proof!

Gardasil This strongly suggests that their genomic characteristics code for a high rate of brain activity, commonly described as a high IQ. It is common sense to assume that they are at risk because they require a pristine diet in much the same way as a high powered engine in a car requires superior gasoline.

A patient of mine whose medical problem came from thiamine deficiency, had raised blood folate and B 12 that became normal when he was treated with thiamine. When thiamine was stopped, they both rose again and decreased when thiamine was restarted. That is why I treated autism with megadoses of thiamine

Like a “choked car engine” the non-caloric nutrients are overwhelmed by the excess of “empty” calories. It is energy production that is the core issue and is the reason for the multiplicity of symptoms. This is particularly true for deficiency of thiamine and magnesium because they are so essential to the processing of simple sugars. The indiscriminate ingestion of sweets has become a national calamity. Of course, thiamine and magnesium have to cooperate with many more non-caloric nutrients but their position in metabolism dominates the function of energy production.

When you start taking thiamine and magnesium, your symptoms are accelerated paradoxically and you have to wear through this until paradox gives way to improvement. Nobody can predict how long this paradox will last but I usually state that it can last for a month or so.

This is the reason why 696 medical publications have reported varying degrees of success in the treatment of 240 diseases with thiamine. Its ubiquitous use as a drug depends on its overall ability to restore an adequate energy supply by stimulating mitochondrial function. It is also why I propose that energy deficiency is the true root of modern disease.

Start taking about 10-25 mg of thiamine. If the symptoms get worse, persist. When symptoms begin to improve, start to escalate the dose and titrate it to the symptoms. Find the right dose and if the symptoms begin to recur, decrease the dose and add 125mg of magnesium taurate and a multivitamin

Your best course of action would be to have repeated intravenous injections of water-soluble vitamins with high doses of B complex in the solution. You certainly need to keep up the Lipothiamine that is causing the paradox. I have seen many situations where thiamine hydrochloride did not correct the clinical or laboratory situation but Lipothiamine did.

There is a substance in milk that gives rise to a toxic substance known as phytanic acid if alpha oxidation is inadequate. This toxic substance will therefore accumulate in the blood as a result of thiamine deficiency, representing an additional test for TD by detecting phytanic acid in a blood test.

I take Lipothiamine but Allithiamine is the same thing.
Usually, 10mg/kg daily is enough to improve glucose control.

If your glucose control is fine then you probably don't need thiamine at all or need much smaller dosages (i.e. <50mg). This post is for people that have posted repeatedly having issues with hyperglycemia and pre-diabetes. Hence, the studies with diabetic animals and people.

If you are healthy and take thiamine for performance / mental reasons then I would stick to no more than 300mg every 4-6 hours and ensure you get at least 1g/kg of carbs / sugar with the dosage of thiamine. Thiamine supplementation for glycemic control is best suited for people who are either thiamine deficient or have a problem getting thiamine transported into their cells. As the study on chronic fatigue in IBS showed, higher dosages of thiamine force thiamine into the cell and normalize metabolism even though blood thiamine levels were considered normal in the IBS patients before supplementation.

Biotin thread that 15 mg is the sweet spot for b7 lowering insulin resistance. (Georgi/Haidut)

B1 is thought to possibly cause B6 deficiency. I thought this as well and I am still kind of on the fence with it. But it seems like the reason supplementing B6 counteracts symptoms from excess B1 quite quickly

Thiamine and magnesium act as “spark plugs” by uniting the glucose with oxygen. If the food consists of too many calories, the mix with oxygen is overwhelmed: thiamine and magnesium are then insufficient to “ignite” the glucose. The brain is the most oxygen consuming tissue and it becomes compromised, resulting in changes in function that are expressed as symptoms such as ADHD.

I had noted that when I ate virtually any food at all, my nose would run. One day I was eating some canned pears and I experienced a rather severe choking fit and my nose ran like a faucet. I was taking 300 mg of Lipothiamine (thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide) and 200 mg of a magnesium salt. I concluded that the dose of TTFD was too great and lacking in balance with magnesium, which I increased to 400 mg. I reduced the dose of TTFD to 250 mg. Even within days, there was an improvement. The pharynx, esophagus, and nostrils are controlled by the ANS and the dose change was born out of my unique clinical and biochemical experience. Although orthomolecular medicine is in its infancy, it is hoped that it will become the orthodox medicine of the future. Not only is it non-toxic, but it is also extremely efficient and I have helped thousands over my 61 years of practice.

The English translation of this Chinese word is “I can’t, I can’t”, severe, intractable fatigue being the dominating effect. Although the refeeding syndrome is poorly understood according to current medical literature it is apparently related to a rapid change from catabolic to anabolic metabolism. The misguided attempts to re-nourish the victims in concentration camps at the end of World War II resulted sometimes in their death. It is at least understood that correcting catabolic to anabolic metabolism, whatever produced the abnormal state, demands low doses of food in starvation and low doses of supplementary vitamins in the long term effects of high calorie malnutrition.

If a patient experienced an adverse effect after symptom improvement, to reduce the dose back to resolution of the adverse effects.

Thank you so much for this detailed reply

I've never done well for magnesium for some reason, seems to my my sleep worse and some other hypo symptoms worse. Maybe because I didn't take it with thiamine

I did try Benfotiamine for a month with no results so I'm not sure, but I see now from haidut that maybe I wasn't getting enough carbs with it. I weigh 220 lbs so that's around 100 grams of carbs if I'm not mistaken which seems like quite a bit to me with my poor appetite


Feb 3, 2020
Measure your actual underarm temperature. I feel like a burning furnace, but my body temperature actually plummets (37.0 C -> 35.8 for example) when I take thiamine.


Dec 3, 2022
United States
If you are looking for further study I've learned a bunch from Dr. Stasha Gominak too. She's a neurologist who now is focused on sleep, but she has shifted away from medicine to b vitamins, vitamin d and the microbiome. She talks a lot about case studies so you might find that small missing piece you are looking for. I like her because she doesn't pretend to be an expert in everything-and you don't have to do her program in order to learn from her-just look for her podcast interviews tab on her website.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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