I've avoided wearing masks thanks to mindset change!


Jun 17, 2018
Just anti-fear and anti-control.
Except the squabbling chickens don't control anything. They wouldn't be handing out government funding if they actually were controlling your life.

Only maybe once a week along with a multi B.

Exactly. Niacinamide is the most powerful antiviral.

An aberrant STAT pathway is central to COVID-19
These viral components induce signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) dysfunction and compensatory hyperactivation of STAT3. In SARS-CoV-2-infected cells, a positive feedback loop established between STAT3 and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) may lead to an escalating cycle of activation in common with the interdependent signaling networks affected in COVID-19. Specifically, PAI-1 upregulation leads to coagulopathy characterized by intravascular thrombi. An aberrant STAT pathway is central to COVID-19

Recent studies have shown that STAT3 plays important roles in viral infection and pathogenesis. STAT3 exhibits a proviral function in several viral infections. https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/fvl-2018-0033

We further revealed that decreased NAD inactivated sirtuin 1, resulting in increased signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) acetylation and phosphorylation, and STAT3 activation. Repletion of nicotinamide (Niacinamide) or nicotinic acid inactivated STAT3 and reversed EMT, as did STAT3 inhibition. DEFINE_ME
**Nicotinic acid does inactivate STAT3 and therefore inhibit viral replication however high levels of nicotinic acid can lead to excessive bleeding. Nicotinamide(niacinamide) doesn’t have these side effects however Nicotinamide does lower blood sugar by stimulating the release of insulin in everyone including type 1 diabetics. Lowering blood sugar is another positive function in regards to reducing viral replication.

A warning on NAC:
NAC(N-Acetyl cysteine) is a commonly used supplement which inhibits STAT3(proviral) inhibitors like Nicotinamide and therefore will inhibit the antiviral effects of Nicotinamide(Niacinamide) if taken at the same time or afterwards. (Redirecting) This has been my experience when I had covid myocarditis. Nicotinamide would cause tachycardia with preserved ejection fraction as an indication of immediate viral clearance and NAC would stop the tachycardia. Eventually the increased viral load symptoms returned after this experiment. It took me a while to understand why Nicotinamide 500mg was causing tachycardia with preserved ejection fraction and unknowingly lowering my viral load. I eventually felt virus free after many hours of experiencing tachycardia.

More evidence on the antiviral effects of Nicotinamide.

One of the notable genes in humans identified is BST2, which the study calls "a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 replication." And expression of this gene was found to reduce replication of the virus by 53 per cent and reduce the viral release by 74 per cent when compared to control cells. U.S. study identifies the genes that fight coronavirus infections

We further examined for commonly enriched motives in the enhancer regions of upregulated genes of the NAM(Nicotinamide) metabolism pathway (NNMT, NAMPT, MAT2A, AHCY, BST1, and BST2). JCI Insight - Nicotinamide metabolism regulates glioblastoma stem cell maintenance

Vitamin B3 'helps kill superbugs' - Vitamin B3 'helps kill superbugs'
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Feb 13, 2021
Except the squabbling chickens don't control anything. They wouldn't be handing out government funding if they actually were controlling your life.
They may not control much, but I'm not content to give them control over my ability to breathe freely.


Nov 18, 2019
Except the squabbling chickens don't control anything. They wouldn't be handing out government funding if they actually were controlling your life.

Exactly. Niacinamide is the most powerful antiviral.

An aberrant STAT pathway is central to COVID-19
These viral components induce signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) dysfunction and compensatory hyperactivation of STAT3. In SARS-CoV-2-infected cells, a positive feedback loop established between STAT3 and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) may lead to an escalating cycle of activation in common with the interdependent signaling networks affected in COVID-19. Specifically, PAI-1 upregulation leads to coagulopathy characterized by intravascular thrombi. An aberrant STAT pathway is central to COVID-19

Recent studies have shown that STAT3 plays important roles in viral infection and pathogenesis. STAT3 exhibits a proviral function in several viral infections. https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/fvl-2018-0033

We further revealed that decreased NAD inactivated sirtuin 1, resulting in increased signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) acetylation and phosphorylation, and STAT3 activation. Repletion of nicotinamide (Niacinamide) or nicotinic acid inactivated STAT3 and reversed EMT, as did STAT3 inhibition. DEFINE_ME
**Nicotinic acid does inactivate STAT3 and therefore inhibit viral replication however high levels of nicotinic acid can lead to excessive bleeding. Nicotinamide(niacinamide) doesn’t have these side effects however Nicotinamide does lower blood sugar by stimulating the release of insulin in everyone including type 1 diabetics. Lowering blood sugar is another positive function in regards to reducing viral replication.

A warning on NAC:
NAC(N-Acetyl cysteine) is a commonly used supplement which inhibits STAT3(proviral) inhibitors like Nicotinamide and therefore will inhibit the antiviral effects of Nicotinamide(Niacinamide) if taken at the same time or afterwards. (Redirecting) This has been my experience when I had covid myocarditis. Nicotinamide would cause tachycardia with preserved ejection fraction as an indication of immediate viral clearance and NAC would stop the tachycardia. Eventually the increased viral load symptoms returned after this experiment. It took me a while to understand why Nicotinamide 500mg was causing tachycardia with preserved ejection fraction and unknowingly lowering my viral load. I eventually felt virus free after many hours of experiencing tachycardia.

More evidence on the antiviral effects of Nicotinamide.

One of the notable genes in humans identified is BST2, which the study calls "a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 replication." And expression of this gene was found to reduce replication of the virus by 53 per cent and reduce the viral release by 74 per cent when compared to control cells. U.S. study identifies the genes that fight coronavirus infections

We further examined for commonly enriched motives in the enhancer regions of upregulated genes of the NAM(Nicotinamide) metabolism pathway (NNMT, NAMPT, MAT2A, AHCY, BST1, and BST2). JCI Insight - Nicotinamide metabolism regulates glioblastoma stem cell maintenance

Vitamin B3 'helps kill superbugs' - Vitamin B3 'helps kill superbugs'
This is awesome information @Consistency!


Feb 13, 2021
Another potential variable in the mask-free equation:


If the young ladies at the grocery store / coffee shop / market / etc see you maskless, a strange situation may arise where their instincts and their intellect become suddenly at odds.

Kind of like that song goes, their minds may be saying no...but their bodies will be telling them yes!

Their first thought may be to ask you to mask up...but their first instinct will be to simply enjoy the mask-free visuals the situation has afforded them.

If they make eye contact, be sure to make eye contact back. Boom! The Covidian spell has been broken.

This effect is especially pronounced if you're carrying many bags of groceries with each arm, which tends to smush your muscles against your side and make them look bigger.

* Sorry for the semi-serious satire, hopefully this isn't offensive. Maybe a little COVID-related humour can be helpful?


Feb 13, 2021
Except the squabbling chickens don't control anything.
Also, assuming you're talking about politicians and other authorities...this is not accurate.

Don't they tax one's income, property, inheritance? Don't they ban compounds or even entire plants that don't fit within their paradigm of perception? Don't they try to establish the bounds of acceptable thought, if only indirectly, thru media sources?

They most definitely do control some things. And some of the things they control would be better off not being controlled.


Jun 17, 2018
Also, assuming you're talking about politicians and other authorities...this is not accurate.

Don't they tax one's income, property, inheritance? Don't they ban compounds or even entire plants that don't fit within their paradigm of perception? Don't they try to establish the bounds of acceptable thought, if only indirectly, thru media sources?

They most definitely do control some things. And some of the things they control would be better off not being controlled.

The government system taxes everyone including politicians themselves. You're confusing manipulation with control. Actual control is what they do in China. Lock people into their homes if they have COVID-19.

From the internet:
"With control, you have the power or authority to simply make people do what you want. Manipulation however, is convincing people to do what you want because you don't have power or authority to just control them."

You wouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill if you had big fish to fry.

The last part sounds conspiracy theorish.


Nov 27, 2019
No catching somebody's vaccine is a very real threat and you should start wearing a mask for that reason alone. I believe everything they originally said about covid actually applies to vaccines, like rate of morbidity and contagion. mRNA is now airborne everywhere

Ffp2/ffp3 mask is what works isn't it?


Aug 5, 2015
That is all well and good, and normally I do not wear one either, but I was thrown out of a outdoor farmers market for the mask Nazis and mindset had nothing to do with it. Also when I fly they require you wearing a mask over the nose and they will not allow you to fly otherwise and they even arrest you in the United States so there is that also because I choose to travel by airplane. The covid Nazis are in control.

One of the mask Nazis here was a young 25-year-old lady who look like she was in good shape but she’s deathly concerned about getting sick and she is doing this as a volunteer, being a mask police kind of like the red shirts or was it the brown shirts?
Unreal. What ever happened to Dr Slouchies 2-3 mask idea?


Jul 29, 2020
Yeah I just put them while entering the shop, cause there are security guards everywhere and they forbid you from entrance.
However, when I have to use public transit, and these days it's quite rare, thank God, I never wear masks.
At work we don't wear masks (the lot of 20 of us!!) and whenever a third party comes they always ask us where the masks are, which to we then kindly point to the shop cross the street where our building is.


Aug 6, 2017
Hi all!

Firstly, apologies if this topic has been covered before...or if it comes off as braggadocious.

What I've experienced - if real - can probably be repeated by anyone.

Several months ago I made it a goal to no longer wear a mask for any reason, in any place, at any time. Since making this goal I've been experimenting with conscious mindset changes designed to make it possible.

To get more specific, before I go into any place of business, I visualize. I visualize myself as a powerful, pure, innately healthy human being! I make sure I feel good - not ashamed - about being a living, breathing human. I try to cultivate a powerful, expansive personal presence. I also try to tap into the awareness of God's love, His presence. (Even if you're not spiritual/religious, fostering these types of feelings could probably work.)

The goal of this visualization is to pull other people into my vibration, as opposed to being pulled into theirs. When 'normal' people see an unmasked person [gasp!], their first reaction might be judgement, but the goal here is to become impervious to judgment by increasing presence and power.

You know how a substance with extra energy/heat dissipates that energy into its environment? Similar concept here, but with myself and other people. I want my behavior to rub off on them, not have their automatization rub off on me.

Does this sound silly yet? Maybe it is, and it kinds of feels silly to try to explain.

But here's the thing: it seems to have worked,

With this mindset I've enjoyed going to grocery stores, libraries, coffee shops, government buildings [!], etc. without being asked to wear a mask even once for months now. This certainly wasn't the case last year. One time an employee did let me know there were masks by the door, if I wanted one, so I just said thanks and kept walking. I don't feel judged or looked down upon for my choice in any way.

Of course I also make an effort to be polite, make good eye contact, resonate and deeply empathize with the mask-wearers. But all these behaviors seem to flow out of an unashamed mindset.

Another plus: I seem to be the only guy in the coffee shop who never wears a mask, which makes attracting girls quite easy. I mean, how can you realize attraction for someone if you can't even see their dang face? :)

OK, that's all. Hope this helps someone else break free from masks - feel free to take what is useful, and discard the rest.

If nothing else, hope this stresses the idea that one's mindset matters. I am doing nothing wrong by not wearing a mask, and I truly believe it! Others seem to be influenced by my strong belief.
I don't know if you need to get that woowoo to explain things. For the longest time over here there was no mask mandate but few months ago they started talking in the media about how there would be soon coming an indoor mask mandate. This is the point where 98% of people started using them indoors. First time after this when i went shopping i was shocked and felt a bit unreal with all the NPC:s walking around me. I was certainly not radiating positivity, but to my amazement every place i visited the cashier acted extremely joyfully towards me, first time it happened i was shocked and tried to gauge if there was some sarcasm or something i did not understand, but i could not detect anything and when it repeated in all places it just honestly felt like they were genuinely happy to see me, not the canned "hello" greeting one gets normally.

What if a majority of people secretly hold the same opinion as we do here, and they were just honestly glad to interact with a human face instead of a masked entity? Most people are just very conformist and do as others around them do, even if they think it is stupid. I get this is very different from place to place and for some reason many places in USA people seem to derive joy from harassing those that don't conform, but that's a sickness of that place, certainly not a global thing.

In the end the media fearmongered indoors mask mandate was deemed unconstitutional and it never went into effect, yet at least 75% of people continued to use it. So at least the brainwashing campaign was a success.


Feb 13, 2021
What if a majority of people secretly hold the same opinion as we do here, and they were just honestly glad to interact with a human face instead of a masked entity? Most people are just very conformist and do as others around them do, even if they think it is stupid. I get this is very different from place to place and for some reason many places in USA people seem to derive joy from harassing those that don't conform, but that's a sickness of that place, certainly not a global thing.
Yes...seeing a maskless, happy face appeals to most people on some level. Glad it's working for you!

For me going maskless wasn't working nearly as well until I changed my mindset, tho.


Feb 13, 2021
No catching somebody's vaccine is a very real threat and you should start wearing a mask for that reason alone. I believe everything they originally said about covid actually applies to vaccines, like rate of morbidity and contagion. mRNA is now airborne everywhere
Yep! This possibility has got me thinking about wearing a mask again lol. A real one, with ventilation valves.


Feb 13, 2021
The government system taxes everyone including politicians themselves. You're confusing manipulation with control. Actual control is what they do in China. Lock people into their homes if they have COVID-19.
Call it whatever you want - manipulation, control, coercion, pressurization, etc. Words can be painfully imprecise anyways.

To me the concept here is pretty simple. I just wanna breathe freely!
The last part sounds conspiracy theorish.
This last part sounds like you're trying to frame me as something or someone you'd like to argue against.

My original statement was really just in favor of smaller government. Nothing conspiratorial about it.


Nov 27, 2019
Do you have any proof of that claim? Otherwise this is just baseless fear mongering.
I saw some webms testifying that vaccines are causing 2nd hand infertility sorry if this is vague and i dont have source


May 19, 2017
No catching somebody's vaccine is a very real threat and you should start wearing a mask for that reason alone. I believe everything they originally said about covid actually applies to vaccines, like rate of morbidity and contagion. mRNA is now airborne everywhere

Ffp2/ffp3 mask is what works isn't it?
Doesn't work.

The MRNa fragments in COVID vaccine are 60–100nm large (source)

FFP3/N99 masks protect agains particles up to 600mn (source)

So no, FFP3/N99 masks won't protect you, let alone FFP2/N95.


Jul 27, 2017
And if you're interested in self defense, I'd suggest looking into DK Yoo's stuff. IMO he has a beautiful philosophy + extremely effective fighting style.

I watched 2 videos from DK Yoo's channel, and pretty much immediately got vibes of fakeness and setups. Trying stuff like that, even against medium sized agressive woman, would get your eyes clawed out.

There is no mystery in martial arts anymore, UFC killed it. If something is truly effective, its going to get incorporated to mixed martial arts, and shown in TV. Boxing is above all, because you learn how to take punches without going to panic, and you have an possibility of fleeing, and/or oneshots if you are cornered against multiple opponents.
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