It's Only Getting Worse


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland

I'm 22 male. I'm peating for a year. I have many health problems, and despite of eating peaty and using some supplements like T3 and aspirin its only getting worse.

I'm chronically fatigued, have muscle pain and weakness, nausea everyday,
I see some strange flashes, scotoma, there are lots of them and they're like tiny little spots and they're are flashing, it's a bit hard to describe. They're worse after physical labour( I work at warehouse) and sometimes I see those black spots, when I lift something very heavy.

I also have digestive issues, constant nausea, bloating, constipation( cascara helps)
I feel like I have to take a deep breath too often, like I need more air, but it obviously doesn't help

Daily headache.

Troubles with sleeping.

Dry skin, dry, itchy eyes, dandruff, dry hair.

Muscle cramps.

Chronically inflammed and swollen gums.

But I guess my biggest problems are:
- loosing electrolytes very fast, and I mean VERY fast, I can't even drink too much milk or juice, cause I get that unquenchable thirst, when I can't satisfy my thirst and I start to feel weak and light headed.
It's definetely worse on humid days, even when theres cold, but a hot+humid combination is just tragic.
I just can't manage this 'electrolyte depletion' I really try to drink as little as I can, and if I drink something, it's e.g blended strawberries( y'know potassium n' all that stuff) and I take some salt with them.
And of course after physical labour I feel just dead, I just want to drink and drink, and it only worsens situation.

Another BIG problem is severe bloating and flatulence after eating sugar( regular, white table sugar) I tried some thymol, which is a strong antibiotic, but it didn't help. Rifaximin, nothing, penicilin, amoxyciline, same.

I tried T3, it made me hot and I was sweating a lot. 1hour after taking it I got better humour, but I was also feeling confused, in a fog, and hypoglycemic. I barely managed to maintain blood sugar glucose, and often I just got low blood sugar and started to feeling weak and shaky.
And it stops working after 4-5 days.

Aspirin warms me up too, but it makes me confused and agitated as well.

Also my memory is veryy poor, I feel like unable to concentrate often.
My logical thinking is sh**e.

I eat mostly overcooked potatoes, some cooked ripe bananas, now its still strawberry season here, so I eat like 2-2.5 lbs a day with lots of sugar and quite a lot of dextrose, blended.

Quite a lot of cod or pollock everyday, some eggs and beef 1-2 times a week.

I stopped drinking milk like 1 month ago, I believe I got quite strong acne from it, and I gain over 33 lbs of(mostly fat) weight
I was drinking 0.5- 1l a day.
I'm trying to eat at leat 3000-3500 cals a day, but ain't easy :???:

I also have quite swollen face, esp eyes and dark circles under eyes.

I took a blood test a year ago and TSH was, ofc very low, like 0,4, and everything else was 'fine' though I was feeling like sh**

Now I took a blood test a couple of days ago, I'll show it to you when I'll get test results.
My doctor ofc said 'youre young and healthy' etc. and gave me sick leave for only 3 days, so I'll have to call a doctor again( prob someone else) cause at this moment I feel I can't work if I want to heal myself...
Its just too much lifting heavy steel, some noise, polluted air, a bit of chemical paints etc.
At this moment working is a torture to me.
But I like my job and those people.

My morning temp is about 36.2-3C
And I have a very low blood pressure in the morning, like 90/55, pulse 50-55
Aspirin and T3 raises it, though I definetely need to eat more calories, but I can't because of all that bloating and nausea. Sometimes I have to force eat and I even have vomiting reflex during eating.

Also, big doses of activated charcoal helps me a lot. But it lasts only for a few hours, I feel I have to take it few times a day and in night to get a proper effect.
I don't know if I can take AC so often.

I may forgot something, I guess I can write later about it.

I feel it's only getting worse, despite of using Peat ideas, and like there's no way out and I'll end up being treated with antidepressants/ ssri( that's what my father want me to do, he's convinced that I have neurosis and depression and that psychiatric drugs will help me, cause they helped him( which is obviously not true, but that's not important)) or something and just living in a daily torture...
Just stucked.

Heh, I wonder how the hell in this state I was able to fall in love with somebody, but it actually happened, I have a crush on a guy, he's my workmate( he's straight) :sadThats actually quite interesting.
That you can feel so bad and fall in love.

Okay, that's all, folks.

I'll appreciate any advice.

And try not to rubbish me, I already feel like rubbish :wink
And I know I'm doing something wrong...
But I just don't know how to break out from that s**t.
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Oct 6, 2012
Whats your background before Peat? History of dieting? What problems made you seek out a Peat diet in the first place?

A "peaty" diet tends to be too high in liquids and potassium and can exacerbate electrolyte imbalances. Also with a physically demanding job you cannot satisfy your energy requirements with just fruits, fish and some potatoes. Incorporating more energy-dense starches like pasta, bread and rice as well as more meat and salt can help with this. You feeling like you need to eat more yet having poor appetite and nausea when you eat could also because of your restricted and imbalanced diet, your body is instinctively rejecting the foods you choose because they don't provide what you need. Try to relax your food restrictions and follow your cravings more.

You also don't mention eating any fats. Fats are essential to get enough calories without overburdening your digestion, not to mention the direct effect that fats have with aiding digestion.
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Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
I know about it, that's why I don't drink any orange juice or milk.

I used to eat lots of starches before Peat, but I my digestion was bad.
I was trying many weird diets like high fat, low carb( which was just horrible) etc.

Now I eat lots of potatoes- 2-3lbs( I tolerate them quite well) I overcook them and add some alpha amylase. So its not actually starchy anymore.

And I think I'm loosing lots of potassium as well, not only sodium.
Cause when I'm dehydrated salt helps only a little. But when I eat something rich in potassium + salt it gets a bit better. But sometimes its veery hard to replenish electrolytes for me.


Oct 6, 2012
How about increasing your fats? If you can't tolerate energy dense starches, adding some fats with your potatoes for instance can go a long way to allow your digestion to catch up with energy demands. Not high-fat/low-carb mind you, just eating both carbs and fats in balanced proportions.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Hm, as I said I tolerate well those overcooked, blended potatoes with alpha amylase, I think I eat 1000 cals from potatoes, which is obviously too little for a day, but I also use some dextrose( no bloating) lots of white sugar, though it causes flatulence even in medium amounts, some bananas, pears, now lots of strawberries.
I add some butter to my fish.


Nov 14, 2016
I tried T3, it made me hot and I was sweating a lot. 1hour after taking it I got better humour, but I was also feeling confused, in a fog, and hypoglycemic. I barely managed to maintain blood sugar glucose, and often I just got low blood sugar and started to feeling weak and shaky.
And it stops working after 4-5 days.

How much were you taking? its easy to overdo it


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
I dunno. It might be deficiency of every possible nutrient. Or all of them.
I tried taking B1, also some b complex and it did nothing.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
How much were you taking? its easy to overdo it

First, 12.5mcg, every hour, then I increase to 25mcg, 37,5mcg I know I could overdose it a bit, I was feeling very hot and agitated, my temp was 37 C :shock:
And my headache was worse.
I was just experimenting a bit, but it just stopped working after 5 days of taking. Even doses like 50mcg or more didnt work.

Though, aspirin still works, when I took 1g I feel def warmer but also agitated, too excited, and blood sugar goes down quickly.


Apr 5, 2016
It sounds to me that a lot of this could be down to having a very poor gut that is producing a lot of endotoxin.

I know that in general Peat is against probiotics but there are a couple of strains of spore forming pro-biotics that are very helpful and Peat has spoken in favour of them I think. They have been shown to greatly reduce endotoxin and a lot of what you have to me sounds like that endotoxin could be a primary cause. You're eating a lot of starch and if you have an out of balance gut with lots of endotoxin forming bacteria Starch can make this a lot worse.

Have you tried taking activated charcoal or the raw carrot salad? Those did wonders for me. If you're looking for a good probiotic I would highly recommend MitoLife's product. The company is owned by Matt Blackburn who is a follower of much of Peat's philosophy. Gelatin is also very good but you need to get your overall bacterial load lower before you start having too much gelatin otherwise it may feed the bad bacteria more.

Probiotic and Endotoxin Reducer

The best activated charcoal product that I have found comes from Charcoal House. Make sure that you take it with plenty of water as charcoal although it can give a lot of relief from bloating it can also cause constipation if there is not enough water.

USP Coconut Activated Charcoal Powder - Detox and Cleanse


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
It sounds to me that a lot of this could be down to having a very poor gut that is producing a lot of endotoxin.

I know that in general Peat is against probiotics but there are a couple of strains of spore forming pro-biotics that are very helpful and Peat has spoken in favour of them I think. They have been shown to greatly reduce endotoxin and a lot of what you have to me sounds like that endotoxin could be a primary cause. You're eating a lot of starch and if you have an out of balance gut with lots of endotoxin forming bacteria Starch can make this a lot worse.

Have you tried taking activated charcoal or the raw carrot salad? Those did wonders for me. If you're looking for a good probiotic I would highly recommend MitoLife's product. The company is owned by Matt Blackburn who is a follower of much of Peat's philosophy. Gelatin is also very good but you need to get your overall bacterial load lower before you start having too much gelatin otherwise it may feed the bad bacteria more.

Probiotic and Endotoxin Reducer

The best activated charcoal product that I have found comes from Charcoal House. Make sure that you take it with plenty of water as charcoal although it can give a lot of relief from bloating it can also cause constipation if there is not enough water.

USP Coconut Activated Charcoal Powder - Detox and Cleanse

Activated charcoal helps me a lot.
But as you said, there's a little problem with constipation and I don't wanna drink too much water, so even when I take AC I have only a couple of big sips.

I'm also afraid that it binds to everything, so I can't take it too often, it can make my electrolyte problems even worse I think.


Apr 18, 2018
Everything you've mentioned points towards being hypothyroid. Might be worth going back to the doc to discuss again. TSH can be supressed by cortisol and isnt a good metric of thyroid function. Your morning temps are low. How are your temps and pulse through the day?

When starting thyroid stress hormones can rise for a few weeks until your body adjusts. This can often result in estrogen initially rising in the serum and cause the 'overheating' you describe. Although I think you might just be using far too much T3. A good starting point would be 2-6mcg x3 or 4 per day. Less is more in this context. You want to correct a deficiency, not push the gas pedal so hard your body stalls.

As others have mentioned improving your gut health would be something to concentrate on. Plenty of insoluble fibre. Carrot salad, bamboo, wheat bran. If cascara works, stick with it. Whatever keeps the bowels moving.

There are plenty of supplements which help to reduce endotoxin. A quick forum search will give you some strategies.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
I would get some Mag Chloride flakes and have a bath in the evening (soak for at least 15 minutes) then shower off. This will help with sleeping and muscle cramps, I recommend them.

Be careful with your straight workmate, if he's not in a relationship then maybe okay to continue building a relationship with him.

Can you substitute some potatoes with rice and I also feel good after a meal taking a Red Bull (250ml), that will provide some B12 and also includes B3, B5 and B6.

Good luck to you :):


Apr 11, 2019
Consider trying out the carnivore diet. Many people have seen huge improvements in their mental health while following it.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
How much salt do you get each day and is your intake of salt spread out throughout the day?

I don't know the exact amount. Yes, it's mostly spread out.
I just salt for taste and take a big pinch from time to time with little water, between meals.

I've once tried 'mega salting' for a few weeks and it did nothing special, except it gave me a stomach pain and I felt like it irritated my gut.


May 2, 2020
Someone I know had temps under 35, every symptom of underactive thyroid, and also occasional swelling in neck area, and low pulse; with better blood work than me. I'm not sure why the numbers on the blood test can be so disconnected from how someone feels, but a lot of people feel quite unwell with 'normal' results. I don't think those tests measure how much thyroid hormone you're actually absorbing. Have you tried any good NDTs with some good quality pregnenolone?


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Everything you've mentioned points towards being hypothyroid. Might be worth going back to the doc to discuss again. TSH can be supressed by cortisol and isnt a good metric of thyroid function. Your morning temps are low. How are your temps and pulse through the day?

When starting thyroid stress hormones can rise for a few weeks until your body adjusts. This can often result in estrogen initially rising in the serum and cause the 'overheating' you describe. Although I think you might just be using far too much T3. A good starting point would be 2-6mcg x3 or 4 per day. Less is more in this context. You want to correct a deficiency, not push the gas pedal so hard your body stalls.

As others have mentioned improving your gut health would be something to concentrate on. Plenty of insoluble fibre. Carrot salad, bamboo, wheat bran. If cascara works, stick with it. Whatever keeps the bowels moving.

There are plenty of supplements which help to reduce endotoxin. A quick forum search will give you some strategies.

Well, wheat bran is a big no for me, it terribly irritates my intestines.

I know what you mean as to taking too much T3.
But I've tried those tiny doses, 4-5 times a day and it only worked at the very beginning, then it seemed to work weaker and weaker so I had to increase the dose. Finally, it stoped to work at all.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
I would get some Mag Chloride flakes and have a bath in the evening (soak for at least 15 minutes) then shower off. This will help with sleeping and muscle cramps, I recommend them.

Be careful with your straight workmate, if he's not in a relationship then maybe okay to continue building a relationship with him.

Can you substitute some potatoes with rice and I also feel good after a meal taking a Red Bull (250ml), that will provide some B12 and also includes B3, B5 and B6.

Good luck to you :):

I've tried soaking feet( I don't own a bath) in Mg flakes and I didn't see any improvement.

He's engaged :relaxed:
But I don't even try to pick him up or something. Just a regular talk, joking and staring at his face :hearteyes:
Btw he's so healthy, heh.
He doesn't even have an idea that I fancy him.
And that's a bit frustrating and painful for me sometimes. I haven't seen him for a week and I'm already missing him. I know, it's stupid.

Well, I think potatoes are better than rice, rice is just an almost pure starch, while potatoes have lotta potassium and all that stuff.

I get unpleasant reactions after caffeine. Even pure, not only coffee.
Y'know, I'm jittery and get hypoglycemia quickly and even sugar doesn't work too much.

Thanks :):
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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