Is There A Safe Way To Reverse Cavities?


Sep 23, 2020

In a best case scenario, you keep the high dose day after day and then after a couple of weeks, 7 days, 10 days, or however long, you finally stop feeling the unpleasant effects but then if you stop dosing all of a sudden there's likely going to be consequences to that because your body has been adapting to the previous daily dosing schedule.

Maybe you could then titrate the dosing downward for several days after that... But even then, what are the chances that the mechanism of the problem has been solved? Dosing hormones seems like a bandaid to me but there are many members on this forum who could speak with authority on the subject. Maybe do a bit of keyword searching here on the forum or through a search engine addressing the RPF about progesterone... Or try to derive a conclusion about what Peat has said about progesterone in the past.

I think armpit odor is possibly an adrenaline or cortisol response.

Maybe try a 3 day grape fast and see where that lands you.
So shall I keep up the higher doses because the feeling weird sometimes and the wired at night will pass as my system rebalances then stay on the daily of 3 drops. My body must have needed this due to instand resoonse of clarity and energy. I kniw its not a quick fix but guess its part of the bigger problem and am working on all levels to reoair thyroid, bad gut (which has calmed dwn alot with progesterone) and am working on adrenals (waiting on the camu camu from usa to arrive so using other vitC in mean time.


Aug 9, 2019
All I can say is that after months of Kuinone supplementation and high-sugar intake, my dental health has not gone to worst. If anything, it's better. I haven't paid close attention to cavities (they've stalled), however I've had no minor toothaches at all. Also, no gums bleeding at all, which I sometimes had before.
I've also not consumed much whole grains like oatmeal and bread. I suspect these kind of starches are terrible for dental health.


Sep 5, 2012
Ditch the toothpaste.
Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water first thing in the morning three times, making sure you get all four corners. It wouldn't hurt to do this at night as well.
Last rinse should be less cloudy than the first - obviously.
Then brush - with nothing but water.
'Can't say this will 'reverse' anything, but water is the only substance you'll ever need for adequate oral health/prevention.


Sep 25, 2017
Rp comment on the subject:
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What is the best course of action for a decayed tooth?] I think any obvious cavity should be cleaned out and filled. Extractions are usually done for economic reasons, when a good repair would require a lot of work.

[Drilling and filling cavities and root canals] I think filling a cavity soon is best, and with care the pulp can often be preserved, but a root filling is better than extraction; the material used for a root filling doesn't matter much, if calcium oxide is used at the end. Calcium oxide would be best for the whole thing, but the x-ray mania has discouraged that use.

From personal experience, raw milk, calcium sups etc don't do anything to a real cavity.
Be aware that dentists (except those with a fixed salary) tend to fill 15 "cavities" when there are only 4 real ones, literally.


The common answer is vitamins A, D, K2, but I believe jt's much more complicated than this.

While it's necessary to have these fat soluble vitamins on board to ensure proper calcium utilization, overall health has to be improving as well just as @MaxVerstappen mentioned, which can be measured by improvement in all things directly related to thyroid.

I've had many cavities, got three of them filled but stopped at the rest because the whole experience was just such a setback. Even years ago when I thought that teeth are like rocks that keep degrading I still knew enough to quit getting those stupid amalgam fillings because it was such an exhaustive experience that carried on for months. Turns out just about any filling material is dangerous as long as it's electrically conductive, much less if it poisons your brain like mercury.

So... Gut health. I've gone through periods of high tooth sensitivity to no tooth sensitivity within 8 hours depending on diet fluctuations and enema experiences. I mean literally there was a few times when I was on the toilet that tooth discomfort completely dissipated as if it just fell from the attic into the cemetery. Soft spots on problematic teeth hardened within hours and the gums felt much stronger too... The two go hand in hand, of course.

If candida is overgrown in the small intestine, similar species will appear in the mouth. Those species will steal complex sugar as food, spit out acid as a by-product, and then the calcium buffer on the enamel of the teeth gets worn down. Even if you clean your mouth thoroughly immediately after eating, tooth sensitivity will still persist if the small intestine is in a state of severe dysbiosis. Colon cleansing gives relief as it naturally pulls the contents of the intestine downward, but the cleansing of the small intestine is what (seems to me based on anecdote) allows teeth to remineralize.

Loren Lockman told a story somewhere about how he had several cavities disappear after his excessive fasting experiences. On the same token, I've heard people mention that they mysteriously had cavities shrink or disappear entirely in addition to fillings being pushed out of the teeth after fixing their diet, namely by restoring the gut with bone broth and whole-food vitamin C.

So my guess is that restoring gastrointestinal integrity will heal the mouth (the mouth is the first part of the anus from a biological perspective, after all)... And this can be done by cutting inflammatory garbage, fasting, and/or using collagen, vitamin C, and I suppose glutamine should have an honorable mention here.

Complex and processed sugars definitely cause tooth grief, but I've had very little issue with sub-acidic fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, etc.

Nowadays I have 2% tooth discomfort whenever I don't brush for 12 hours after eating complex or processed sugars. I've had at least two fillings pop out and multiple cavities have shrank and others ceased to progress after I fixed my problem of SIBO... Which was done by using castor oil, turpentine, milk, fruit, and a few simple water enemas as needed.

The point is that if your small intestine is clear, your mouth will repair.

Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:

Very much agree with your observations/analysis.
For me cavities and tooth sensitivity have always been very tightly linked to my gut health, SIBO being my main issue.

I have had luck with Turpentine + castor oil only the first time using it, felt like when I take antibiotics for about two weeks, but the next times have been underwhelming.

Did you also cut starch and fiber long term for it to be working?
Do you derive your carbs only from simple sugars such as milk, OJ and candies?

I feel that's the key to curb SIBO along with antibiotical substances.
Apr 22, 2019
Did you also cut starch and fiber long term for it to be working?
Do you derive your carbs only from simple sugars such as milk, OJ and candies?

I feel that's the key to curb SIBO along with antibiotical substances.

Basically up until the point that I had a 1/4c castor oil + 1tsp turpentine flush, all forms of sugar except fruit sugar would wreck me... Dairy and processed sugars being the worst.

There was roughly 50 days between my first and second castor oil flush... Probably could have done it sooner but that's neither here nor there. Each flush gave fantastic benefit.

After that I was able to eat small portions of carbs once every 3 days without consequential effect... But the SIBO problem was definitely still there because all of the typical flares were still there, I had just gained a greater tolerance and faster recovery.

So... The solution was milk fasting for 10-14 days. It's funny because I've heard Atom Bergstrom mention that he had a friend who cured their SIBO by doing a Haagen Dasz fast. I always thought that was ridiculous considering my awful reaction to milk, but now I see what he was talking about.

The thread entitled, "If a turks bowels don't move 3 times a day..." is an extensive read that details how a person can fast on milk and this is the thing that reversed my SIBO and "lactose intolerance."

When it says 3-5 bowel movements a day and don't eat other foods besides milk, a little fruit, and insoluble fiber, listen strictly to those directions. I tried taking a day off the water enemas, throwing in a supplement here or there, or having a couple bites of meat one day. Just don't do it, man. Stick to the instructions.

Before starting, fruit fast until the tongue is clean and bowel movements don't smell foul, preferably at all.

Starving candida for food and trying to nuke it by force doesn't work, believe me. Clean up all of the extra garbage with turpentine, herbs, fruit fasting, etc... And then feed it lactose so that it will move out of the upper intestine where it's made a burrowing.


Jun 30, 2018
So... The solution was milk fasting for 10-14 days. It's funny because I've heard Atom Bergstrom mention that he had a friend who cured their SIBO by doing a Haagen Dasz fast. I always thought that was ridiculous considering my awful reaction to milk, but now I see what he was talking about.

That's really interesting, how much milk were you drinking a day and was it A1 or A2 milk?


Mar 10, 2016
If candida is overgrown in the small intestine, similar species will appear in the mouth. Those species will steal complex sugar as food, spit out acid as a by-product, and then the calcium buffer on the enamel of the teeth gets worn down. Even if you clean your mouth thoroughly immediately after eating, tooth sensitivity will still persist if the small intestine is in a state of severe dysbiosis. Colon cleansing gives relief as it naturally pulls the contents of the intestine downward, but the cleansing of the small intestine is what (seems to me based on anecdote) allows teeth to remineralize.


The point is that if your small intestine is clear, your mouth will repair.

Thanks to the Quax podcast, I've been brushing my teeth with bar soap made from a base of coconut, olive, or palm oil and it's so much better than fluoride paste or clay powder. Some details including that recommendation are listed on this page:


I use nutribiotic's liquid coconut oil soap out of a glass dropper.
Dec 18, 2018
Using agreeable desinfective Mouthwash after every meal could be important; brushing after every meal seems way too abrasive.


Jan 6, 2019
Basically up until the point that I had a 1/4c castor oil + 1tsp turpentine flush, all forms of sugar except fruit sugar would wreck me... Dairy and processed sugars being the worst.

There was roughly 50 days between my first and second castor oil flush... Probably could have done it sooner but that's neither here nor there. Each flush gave fantastic benefit.

After that I was able to eat small portions of carbs once every 3 days without consequential effect... But the SIBO problem was definitely still there because all of the typical flares were still there, I had just gained a greater tolerance and faster recovery.

So... The solution was milk fasting for 10-14 days. It's funny because I've heard Atom Bergstrom mention that he had a friend who cured their SIBO by doing a Haagen Dasz fast. I always thought that was ridiculous considering my awful reaction to milk, but now I see what he was talking about.

The thread entitled, "If a turks bowels don't move 3 times a day..." is an extensive read that details how a person can fast on milk and this is the thing that reversed my SIBO and "lactose intolerance."

When it says 3-5 bowel movements a day and don't eat other foods besides milk, a little fruit, and insoluble fiber, listen strictly to those directions. I tried taking a day off the water enemas, throwing in a supplement here or there, or having a couple bites of meat one day. Just don't do it, man. Stick to the instructions.

Before starting, fruit fast until the tongue is clean and bowel movements don't smell foul, preferably at all.

Starving candida for food and trying to nuke it by force doesn't work, believe me. Clean up all of the extra garbage with turpentine, herbs, fruit fasting, etc... And then feed it lactose so that it will move out of the upper intestine where it's made a burrowing.
Given that the outcome of the milk fast was that your lactose intolerance was reversed, were you fasting with lactose-free milk or regular milk? Was it pasteurized? Milk fasting sounds like an interesting concept.

How should one determine whether to go the bonebroth/vitc or fruit/milk fasting route first?
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Sep 23, 2020
Basically up until the point that I had a 1/4c castor oil + 1tsp turpentine flush, all forms of sugar except fruit sugar would wreck me... Dairy and processed sugars being the worst.

There was roughly 50 days between my first and second castor oil flush... Probably could have done it sooner but that's neither here nor there. Each flush gave fantastic benefit.

After that I was able to eat small portions of carbs once every 3 days without consequential effect... But the SIBO problem was definitely still there because all of the typical flares were still there, I had just gained a greater tolerance and faster recovery.

So... The solution was milk fasting for 10-14 days. It's funny because I've heard Atom Bergstrom mention that he had a friend who cured their SIBO by doing a Haagen Dasz fast. I always thought that was ridiculous considering my awful reaction to milk, but now I see what he was talking about.

The thread entitled, "If a turks bowels don't move 3 times a day..." is an extensive read that details how a person can fast on milk and this is the thing that reversed my SIBO and "lactose intolerance."

When it says 3-5 bowel movements a day and don't eat other foods besides milk, a little fruit, and insoluble fiber, listen strictly to those directions. I tried taking a day off the water enemas, throwing in a supplement here or there, or having a couple bites of meat one day. Just don't do it, man. Stick to the instructions.

Before starting, fruit fast until the tongue is clean and bowel movements don't smell foul, preferably at all.

Starving candida for food and trying to nuke it by force doesn't work, believe me. Clean up all of the extra garbage with turpentine, herbs, fruit fasting, etc... And then feed it lactose so that it will move out of the upper intestine where it's made a burrowing.
Wow thats sounds interesting, so where do I find the talk of the milk diet you mention Atom talked about. I just tried sheeps milk recently because its A2 and I seem to handle that better but like you, my system flares up quickly and liver gets overloaded and I have severe insomnia. Will get some turpebtine today from hardware store (Im told thats where it is). The smell of what comes out of my colin is pretty bad and I dont go 3 x day unless I use aloe or some stimulant.


Basically up until the point that I had a 1/4c castor oil + 1tsp turpentine flush, all forms of sugar except fruit sugar would wreck me... Dairy and processed sugars being the worst.

There was roughly 50 days between my first and second castor oil flush... Probably could have done it sooner but that's neither here nor there. Each flush gave fantastic benefit.

After that I was able to eat small portions of carbs once every 3 days without consequential effect... But the SIBO problem was definitely still there because all of the typical flares were still there, I had just gained a greater tolerance and faster recovery.

So... The solution was milk fasting for 10-14 days. It's funny because I've heard Atom Bergstrom mention that he had a friend who cured their SIBO by doing a Haagen Dasz fast. I always thought that was ridiculous considering my awful reaction to milk, but now I see what he was talking about.

The thread entitled, "If a turks bowels don't move 3 times a day..." is an extensive read that details how a person can fast on milk and this is the thing that reversed my SIBO and "lactose intolerance."

When it says 3-5 bowel movements a day and don't eat other foods besides milk, a little fruit, and insoluble fiber, listen strictly to those directions. I tried taking a day off the water enemas, throwing in a supplement here or there, or having a couple bites of meat one day. Just don't do it, man. Stick to the instructions.

Before starting, fruit fast until the tongue is clean and bowel movements don't smell foul, preferably at all.

Starving candida for food and trying to nuke it by force doesn't work, believe me. Clean up all of the extra garbage with turpentine, herbs, fruit fasting, etc... And then feed it lactose so that it will move out of the upper intestine where it's made a burrowing.

Thanks a ton man!

I read the "3 times a day bowel" article yesterday in the plane, every single word, all of it, it's brilliant.
I did try a raw milk "fast" for two weeks earlier this year, with a gallon a day, I felt ok during, but returned to fiber shortly after, felt awful.

Which turpentine brand did you use?
I'm using the Diamond G and it doesn't taste really strong, kind of diluted.

When you did your milk "fast", was it raw milk? He specifically insists on it in the article.


Will get some turpebtine today from hardware store (Im told thats where it is)


That's not the kind you can ingest, the one from the hardware store will poison you.

Look for 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine.
Apr 22, 2019
That's really interesting, how much milk were you drinking a day and was it A1 or A2 milk?

About a gallon and a half a day. 1 cup every 30 minutes from 7A-7:30P with two exceptions of fruit instead.

A1 milk, usually conventional grocery store whole milk. I was able to pick up some raw milk for a few of the days, which is way better on all accounts, but the supplier was very far out of the way so I couldn't make it a regular thing.

The saturated fat load was difficult to keep up with in the first couple of days, but after my intestines cleared out a bit, it became easy.

I use nutribiotic's liquid coconut oil soap out of a glass dropper.

That's a new one on me, cool share.

Given that the outcome of the milk fast was that your lactose intolerance was reversed, were you fasting with lactose-free milk or regular milk? Was it pasteurized? Milk fasting sounds like an interesting concept.

How should one determine whether to go the bonebroth/vitc or fruit/milk fasting route first?

All traditional pasteurized milk.

If you truly have a small intestinal imbalance that causes digestive grief like bloating, excessive flatulence, skin breakouts, brain fog, joint soreness, insomnia, arthritis whenever you eat starch or milk, namely, then definitely get that cleared up by using milk first.

That being said, vitamin C and bone broth are definitely in the category of 'least potential to offend the gut' in my opinion.

However, bone broth will likely acidify the stomach which would disrupt milk fasting, so I wouldn't tamper with it then. After the gut is in a better place, it should be fine to consume anytime, just maybe not within fifteen minutes of milk (as a suggestion).

An acidic stomach is said to slow milk protein transit which causes inflammatory reactions. That's what the milch regimen post outlines. I don't know what else to say about this other than that it logically fits the bill to describe my downfalls when first trying to mix other proteins (even gelatin capsules with liver) amidst the milk fasting.

Wow thats sounds interesting, so where do I find the talk of the milk diet you mention Atom talked about. I just tried sheeps milk recently because its A2 and I seem to handle that better but like you, my system flares up quickly and liver gets overloaded and I have severe insomnia. Will get some turpebtine today from hardware store (Im told thats where it is). The smell of what comes out of my colin is pretty bad and I dont go 3 x day unless I use aloe or some stimulant.

Yeah, the post is linked earlier in this thread.

I'm not sure where you can find where Atom has talked about that. What I mentioned is literally all he says... That an ice cream fast (with no extra excipients) cured someone's SIBO.

Yeah if a person can't handle A1 milk then they won't be able to handle any other milk either, it'll just take more before they experience symptoms.

Yeah DO NOT use turpentine from the hardware store. It's absolutely lethal.
100% PURE Gum Sprits of Turpentine
Every one of those words must be printed on the bottle.

Using stimulants to accelerate bowel movements will eventually cause enervation... Which is to say that pushing the system quickly will backlog it towards constipation. Occasional use is fine, but having a bowel movement based on a stress response isn't ideal.

I read the "3 times a day bowel" article yesterday in the plane, every single word, all of it, it's brilliant.
I did try a raw milk "fast" for two weeks earlier this year, with a gallon a day, I felt ok during, but returned to fiber shortly after, felt awful.

Which turpentine brand did you use?
I'm using the Diamond G and it doesn't taste really strong, kind of diluted.

When you did your milk "fast", was it raw milk? He specifically insists on it in the article.

Yeah reintroducing fiber slowly is probably the safest option. You'll see that having regular bowel movements is stressed frequently throughout the post. Just having milk leads to constipation quickly. Gotta have some fruit and/or insoluble fiber too. I would not have been able to do it without regular enemas either.

I just pulled the first brand that came up on Amazon, 4 ounce bottle for like $9. Forget the name. Haven't even used half of it yet, had it for like 8 months.

Raw milk is way, way better for digestion and everything, but it just wasn't convenient or affordable enough for me to do that. Pasteurized milk worked just fine.

It's like if you need fructose but all you have access to are GMO fruits, you should eat the GMO fruits instead of not having fructose.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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