Is Orange Juice Very Necessary?


Apr 25, 2015
I have done some research and OJ is great for it's high vitamin C (too much for some people) potassium & manganese. It also has trace amounts of various vitamins and minerals. Ray Peat eats it as a staple food in his diet, along with milk (and the rest is eggs, butter, cheese, and coffee).

I don't eat orange juice because of the high acidity, I know it's bad for teeth and once my teeth felt very senstive after drinking OJ. I found a post by a member 'tara' who is one of the smartest people here

So real oranges that Ray Peat recommends aren't even bad for teeth, they're not acidic. But OJ that is available in grocery stores is very acidic.
1) It is hard to find ripe oranges
2) oranges are too expensive

So is orange juice really that necessary if you just need it for sugar, vitamin C, manganese and potassium? M

Why does Peat recommend drinking 1-2 litres of OJ? I understand milk is nearly irreplaceable and generous calcium is good, but there looks like ther's ways to not drink OJ and remain healthy. Many people can't handle so much vitamin C. Can you recommend some alternatives?
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May 16, 2013
Have you tried watermelon juice? It benefits from not being acidic when unripe, just watery and not sweet.
Mar 28, 2015
Venice Beach, CA
He recommends orange juice for many reasons. He considers it to be very protective, for the high potassium and magnesium content firstly, and many other nutrients. The absence of fibers, if well-filtered, is good in people with gut problems. It is relatively easy to find oranges, but it's pretty hard to find good oranges, you're right. Warm climates and the proper ripening process in oranges (and many other fruit) increases the sugar/acid ratio. If you ever had a very good orange, and the juice from it, the metabolic effects (on the teeth and systemically) are extremely different, especially on the stress hormones, cortisol, histamine, nitric oxide, etc.
Most commercial fruit suck and that includes orange. If you live in a orange-growing country, it might be easier to find good stuff, though.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
I think the biggest reason for trying to eat oranges and drink OJ, IMO, is the naringenin. I began drinking it when I started taking thyroid hormone - because I craved it constantly. Oranges are a daily part of my diet (I try to eat one every morning, organic when possible) and I drink Orange juice regularly. If it bothers my teeth, I use a straw - that's the easiest solution I found. That being said, getting good OJ is key - nothing with crappy pulp additives. I personally like Wholefood's 365 brand organic with no Pulp. Trader Joe's is good too.

Anyhow, here's a good study - took me a while to find the link:

An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

The link posted weird above, but it works.


Aug 7, 2014
I have done some research and OJ is great for it's high vitamin C (too much for some people) potassium & manganese. It also has trace amounts of various vitamins and minerals. Ray Peat eats it as a staple food in his diet, along with milk (and the rest is eggs, butter, cheese, and coffee).

I don't eat orange juice because of the high acidity, I know it's bad for teeth and once my teeth felt very senstive after drinking OJ. I found a post by a member 'tara' who is one of the smartest people here

So real oranges that Ray Peat recommends aren't even bad for teeth, they're not acidic. But OJ that is available in grocery stores is very acidic.
1) It is hard to find ripe oranges
2) oranges are too expensive

So is orange juice really that necessary if you just need it for sugar, vitamin C, manganese and potassium? M

Why does Peat recommend drinking 1-2 litres of OJ? I understand milk is nearly irreplaceable and generous calcium is good, but there looks like ther's ways to not drink OJ and remain healthy. Many people can't handle so much vitamin C. Can you recommend some alternatives?

In my experience, Typically the expression on s person's face after consuming s glass of refreshing orange juice is quite satisfactory; in other words, orange juice for many people can be powerful as it dumps stress. The first year of following Peat I drank 8-12 glasses of OJ a day as I was insatiable; I believe it was the strongest common denominator that improved my temperature, pulse, and got me out of the stress metabolism. I never had issues with teeth sensitivity and sometimes I even consumed 1 gallon of OJ a day.

During night time stress, orange juice stress is 1 of 2 food sources that can put me back to sleep of restless; milk does not have that effect. I coach a hockey player and marathons runner who both have excessive urination issues; once adding orange juice for all their liquids excessive urination stopped.


Mar 2, 2016
There's something special about OJ, whether it's the perfect blend of minerals, sugars, or other compounds, or just the incredible taste. I liken it to concentrated sunshine, and it's hard for me to feel completely optimal without it.


Apr 4, 2016
"The vitamin c in OJ may also help prevent thiamine deficiency due to coffee consumption."

hmm not convinced, the high sugar concentration in orange juice will quickly contribute to thiamine deficiency if you want my opinion and the vit c is rapidly oxidized in orange juice so...


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I do have my own oranges, which is great plus,
thanks for making me more aware of it!
I could not eat oranges before..... I even cut some orange trees to have less!
Now I do drink a few per day, and great!
All the difference was FILTERING. So I guess I am part of the people having problems with pectine content.
I do cook the pulp after making juice, and it is ok.
I also cook apples and guavas, for the pectine problem too.


Apr 9, 2015
I do have my own oranges, which is great plus,
thanks for making me more aware of it!
I could not eat oranges before..... I even cut some orange trees to have less!
Now I do drink a few per day, and great!
All the difference was FILTERING. So I guess I am part of the people having problems with pectine content.
I do cook the pulp after making juice, and it is ok.
I also cook apples and guavas, for the pectine problem too.

You cook them and then strain them for juices?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
you can just get one of those cheap manual squeezers on Amazon for like $10-15


Jun 12, 2016
Fresh squeezed is practically a different product entirely, even if they arent the ripest or organic. Even top end brands.


Jun 12, 2016
I almost see no point in drinking bottled oj tbh. Tho better than nothing i suppose.


Feb 18, 2018
A couple days ago I foolishly had way to many drinks of vodka, tequila, and beer. I woke up with a terrible hangover, and an insatiable thirst for orange juice. I nearly killed the entire liter in a sitting, but found that my hangover entirely disappeared and I had practically reached normal functioning again.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is king, but too expensive, and I don’t notice any superior health benefit from it beyond tasting awesome. If I were a very wealthy man, that’s all I would buy and drink, but in my experience, the 2.99 Minute Maid no pulp oj works just as well.

Victor Dan

New Member
Oct 1, 2018
I don't think it is a good idea to drink orange juice with milk.. This is a really bad mistake. Oranges have vitamins (Lots of Vitamin C) and fructose. If you eat them without the peel, your will only get vitamins and nutrients. But if you don't eat them on an "empty stomach", the intestine receptors will not assimilate all of the vitamins and nutrients. The reason is that fruits in general ferment after 5-10 minutes you eat them. Fermentation starts in the intestines because of heat and humidity. In other words, if you don't eat / drink OJ or any other fruit juice early in the morning, on an empty stomach, all of the vitamins will disintegrate because of quick fermentation. (blocked fruits and juice create alcohol due to fermentation)
Nov 21, 2015
Welcome to the forum @Victor Dan

I'm not sure Dr. Peat agrees with you here. He uses both when he can get good orange juice and considers it a replacement for fruit if you can't get good fruit.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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