Is coffee killing us?


Jun 6, 2016
How do you suggest figuring out whether one is safe to go?

I guess if you can do a couple rounds with 200 or 300mg ALA without experiencing any issues during or afterward, you can pretty safely say that you don't suffer from mercury toxicity. That's what is often suggested in the Cutler groups to know whether one is mercury toxic - if you can tolerate the highest suggested dose without any changes at all, this means that no relevant amount of mercury is mobilized.
Mar 10, 2021
*sips my delicious hazlenut brew with milk and sugar* ahhhhhh. Nope.

Coffee is making me feel good too, as long as I have protein and a sugar source with it. Back when I drank it without sugar or food it was a disaster.


May 13, 2015
Why no glutathione IVs?

Isn't this a much more efficient way to get glutathione into your bloodstream than creatine or NAC?
I remember that my doctor who detoxed me (and saved my life) in 1994 said that it was very difficult (complicated?) to raise glutathione levels and did not offer glutathione by IV even though his favorite method of treatment was various IVs, mainly EDTA for heavy metals chelation. I should add that my own glutathione level normalized (after many years of below normal levels) via high dosing thiamine hcl. Elliot Overton mentioned in a video (somewhere) that people can react badly to TTFD thiamine if they are low in glutathione and the work around is to take thiamine hcl for a while to normalize the glutathione level and then switch to TTFD. I just stuck with thiamine hcl because I do well on it and I got used to the taste.

Here's an article that discusses the effect of various thiamines on glutathione:

Here's a discussion about the "glutathione cycle":
"Glutathione is a major antioxidant and redox regulator in cells. In addition to its essential roles in redox homeostasis, it functions as cofactors for a multitude of enzymes. We show here that the glutathione cycle molds the activity of synaptic glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Deficits in glutathione have been linked to multiple neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. Accordingly, agents that restore glutathione-glutamate homeostasis may afford therapeutic benefit."
-end paste-

I think that the functioning of the glutathione cycle is what is important; just dumping a bunch of glutathione into the body would not necessarily make the cycle work better.
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