Iron Metabolism


Jan 10, 2023
Appreciate the in depth reply. Had no idea you were that sick. I’ve been in mineral balancing world 5 years now. I just did my 21st or 22nd htma lol. I was always in a calcium shell. The four lows thing always scared the ***t out of me.

But now it’s happening to me. Making me go crazy. Not being able to retain electrolytes is worst thing I’ve experienced in this world. It has happened in non 4 low body chemistries though.

I’m glad you say it. I think magnesium glycine (histidine too) might be first things to address next to potassium. I think these aminos control iron sooo much.

In fall I took similar approach methylation, ghk patch. I was cu toxic though from dumping in the summer. Dumping copper killed methylation. I stopped b2 for a week in midst of that and I literally thought I was dying till I got the b2 back in.

I needed b12 at that time though. I needed the patch. Those didn’t get involved for another couple weeks after. It was incredible what ghk and ahk patches could do at times.

I was thinking copper back then. But honestly I think I was grabbing iron from brain with these aminos.

Thanks for your story. Every 4 lows story counts cuz people get stuck for a long time in that dreaded body chemistry. And it’s usually not as simple as Wilson’s approach.

I’ve heard of people come out with just potassium and salt. Another guy loaded calcium for months w/ some mag k2 D3.

I’m finding some hope the approach here is aminos mag/k.

Yeah I’ve only really been doing this mineral and methylation stuff for 2 years but I had chronic health issues since 2016.

I started Yasko’s protocol in 2021 and I fixed most of my issues with some of the suggestions from the protocol in combination with my own experimentation with suppplements that was based on instincts. Specifically it was the neurotransmitter, autism, gut issues, dysautonomia and POIS that I all fixed but then at the same time it caused a lot of new issues.

The thing is I think the protocol uncovered the toxicities I had hiding in my liver and tissues, as I have inherited generational toxicity - my mum and uncle both have aspergers and then my mum’s mum had ALS which she died from. And when these metals started coming out it wrecked havoc on my body eg : gallbladder stopped working and bad whole body inflammatory states.

So after 6 months I just went off and did my own thing listening to my body but still following parts of her protocol. This was a mistake because I ended up having the major health crisis at the beginning of 2022 where I nearly died, my Ca/Mg ratio was also way too high which I think played a part. Copper toxicity had built up, and when I caught a virus from my brother on top of the pathogens I already had, ***t hit the fan.

Also interesting you mentioned histidine because when things were going really wrong for me in 2021, my histidine levels showed as very low on a urine amino acids test but I had stopped communicating with yasko at that point, so I didn’t get any feedback on that. I haven’t ever tried supplementing it maybe it would have helped.

One important thing Yasko does say, is it’s usually pathogens that are screwing up potassium transport and levels so I would consider the bacteria you mentioned as a possible cause of not being able to retain electrolytes. She finds when people have addressed the imbalances shown on their gut microbiome tests then they are able to tolerate potassium supplememts much better. She also says she finds thyroid issues are usually because of chronic bacterial infections I wonder what people in here think about that?

In 2022 after I had this health crisis, I worked on getting my minerals back up through diet, and it was only that year I realised the importance of minerals. I ate high soluble fiber everyday for my gallbladder issues, but in august I got set back again and developed bad VA toxicity, and I’ve had to be follow a low Vit A diet since then. But on the low VA diet I really struggled with tolerating iron and my iron metabolism was completely screwed, I tried eating high VA foods again but now they would cause me confusion, like dementia type symptoms, and I’m only 26.

I was using life extension apo lactoferrin but this seemed to be negatively affecting my iron metabolism and wasn’t helpful (didn’t seem to do anything).

I would recommend you try this Mega IGG 2000 supplement, I find it way more helpful than lactoferrin, especially for dealing with pathogens and rebuilding the gut mucosal barrier, it contains transferrin too. 1.5 years ago I didn’t tolerate it at all and caused extreme reactions, but now I tolerate it very well and I find it helpful probably because I’m less toxic now.

So I started doing daily coffee enemas since September last year as I was falling apart neurologically had like confusion, neuropathy and autistic symptoms, in November/December when I added in MCP, glycine , mag malate, Mega IGG 2000 (contains transferrin) that’s when I started making real progress with the coffee enemas and a week and a half ago I had one enema which felt like a mini liver flush, I emptied out like 2-3 x more stuff than usual, I think my liver unleashed a lot of crap it had stored. I didn’t feel like eating anything for 2 days afterwards and especially the thought of eating meat disgusted me so maybe I dumped iron, but my face looked so much better.

I think the biggest mistake I made last year, was not consulting anyone to help me with my problems and just trying to do everything on my own. Now that I have got rid of a lot of toxicity in 2022 I may get back in contact with Yasko and see what advice she has for my current situation as I will be able to tolerate her protocol a lot better now.

Do you know anything about lithium and what it does with heavy metals? She says lithium is crucial for transporting b12 and b9 into the cells and without sufficient lithium they won’t get into the cells, it’s also needed for potassium transport. But everytime I tried lithium in 2021 I would have severe attacks on my right side (I now know this was my liver and gallbladder) where I couldn’t tolerate meat for weeks without severe pain and red feet. I am wondering if the low dose lithium was mobilising mercury or something or maybe iron. As mercury toxicity will cause low lithium levels. A year later, after getting rid of a lot of toxicity, I have tried the lithium again recently and the reactions aren’t nearly as bad as before but it still feels bad.

You know alot more than I do with this mineral stuff and have some good knowledge where did you learn it from? Do you consult anyone?

I need to do some more tests, when I tested ferritin last year both times it was high, in October I had low uric acid, albumin was also high in both tests I did last year. But since December I have been doing a lot better so I’m hoping my tests will improve now.

I think the key for us is to fix iron metabolism.
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Dec 20, 2016
I started Yasko’s protocol in 2021 and I fixed most of my issues with some of the suggestions from the protocol in combination with my own experimentation with suppplements that was based on instincts. Specifically it was the neurotransmitter, autism, gut issues, dysautonomia and POIS that I all fixed but then at the same time it caused a lot of new issues.

The thing is I think the protocol uncovered the toxicities I had hiding in my liver and tissues, as I have inherited generational toxicity - my mum and uncle both have aspergers and then my mum’s mum had ALS which she died from. And when these metals started coming out it wrecked havoc on my body eg : gallbladder stopped working and bad whole body inflammatory states.

So after 6 months I just went off and did my own thing listening to my body but still following parts of her protocol. This was a mistake because I ended up having the major health crisis at the beginning of 2022 where I nearly died, my Ca/Mg ratio was also way too high which I think played a part. Copper toxicity had built up, and when I caught a virus from my brother on top of the pathogens I already had, ***t hit the fan.

Also interesting you mentioned histidine because when things were going really wrong for me in 2021, my histidine levels showed as very low on a urine amino acids test but I had stopped communicating with yasko at that point, so I didn’t get any feedback on that. I haven’t ever tried supplementing it maybe it would have helped.

One important thing Yasko does say, is it’s usually pathogens that are screwing up potassium transport and levels so I would consider the bacteria you mentioned as a possible cause of not being able to retain electrolytes. She finds when people have addressed the imbalances shown on their gut microbiome tests then they are able to tolerate potassium supplememts much better. She also says she finds thyroid issues are usually because of chronic bacterial infections I wonder what people in here think about that?

In 2022 after I had this health crisis, I worked on getting my minerals back up through diet, and it was only that year I realised the importance of minerals. I ate high soluble fiber everyday for my gallbladder issues, but in august I got set back again and developed bad VA toxicity, and I’ve had to be follow a low Vit A diet since then. But on the low VA diet I really struggled with tolerating iron and my iron metabolism was completely screwed, I tried eating high VA foods again but now they would cause me confusion, like dementia type symptoms, and I’m only 26.

I was using life extension apo lactoferrin but this seemed to be negatively affecting my iron metabolism and wasn’t helpful (didn’t seem to do anything).

I would recommend you try this Mega IGG 2000 supplement, I find it way more helpful than lactoferrin, especially for dealing with pathogens and rebuilding the gut mucosal barrier, it contains transferrin too. 1.5 years ago I didn’t tolerate it at all and caused extreme reactions, but now I tolerate it very well and I find it helpful probably because I’m less toxic now.

So I started doing daily coffee enemas since September last year as I was falling apart neurologically had like confusion, neuropathy and autistic symptoms, in November/December when I added in MCP, glycine , mag malate, Mega IGG 2000 (contains transferrin) that’s when I started making real progress with the coffee enemas and a week and a half ago I had one enema which felt like a mini liver flush, I emptied out like 2-3 x more stuff than usual, I think my liver unleashed a lot of crap it had stored. I didn’t feel like eating anything for 2 days afterwards and especially the thought of eating meat disgusted me so maybe I dumped iron, but my face looked so much better.

I think the biggest mistake I made last year, was not consulting anyone to help me with my problems and just trying to do everything on my own. Now that I have got rid of a lot of toxicity in 2022 I may get back in contact with Yasko and see what advice she has for my current situation as I will be able to tolerate her protocol a lot better now.

Do you know anything about lithium and what it does with heavy metals? She says lithium is crucial for transporting b12 and b9 into the cells and without sufficient lithium they won’t get into the cells, it’s also needed for potassium transport. But everytime I tried lithium in 2021 I would have severe attacks on my right side (I now know this was my liver and gallbladder) where I couldn’t tolerate meat for weeks without severe pain and red feet. I am wondering if the low dose lithium was mobilising mercury or something or maybe iron. As mercury toxicity will cause low lithium levels. A year later, after getting rid of a lot of toxicity, I have tried the lithium again recently and the reactions aren’t nearly as bad as before but it still feels bad.

You know alot more than I do with this mineral stuff and have some good knowledge where did you learn it from? Do you consult anyone?

I need to do some more tests, when I tested ferritin last year both times it was high, in October I had low uric acid, albumin was also high in both tests I did last year. But since December I have been doing a lot better so I’m hoping my tests will improve now.

I think the key for us is to fix iron metabolism.

I didn’t think Yasko took patients anymore. You can just have consults with her now?

I was a pathogen case in 2017- mid 2020 with chronic Lyme being the big one. But since then the only infections I’ve had to worry about are fungal. And it seems all Fungal have to do with fixing terrain- functional zinc and copper most important.

Lithium was big for me at times. I don’t think it makes much sense in 4 lows unless really deficient. Need to see htma.

Gbolduev got me into this in 2017. He had someone start another forum as he got banned from here lol. He taught so much ***t in a short time period. That other site is down smh. He led me to Wilson Yasko several others I’ve learned from too.

I’m currently working with Micheal McEvoy Metabolic Healing. He’s good and has me looking at lipids overall. Where he’s saying I can’t pay attention to just minerals. Need to look at overall big picture including but not limited to aminos, hormones, fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins and so on.

I’m realizing Dhea is HORRIBLE right now. 5mg and I’m dying today lol. No more of that.

Everything looks like it’s coming down to histidine. As I believe histidine very important for cysteine metabolism. And the elevated cystine was the big finding on last aminos.

I think your 4 lows approach is kinda what I need right now. Histidine glycine magnesium etc.


Jan 10, 2023
I didn’t think Yasko took patients anymore. You can just have consults with her now?

I was a pathogen case in 2017- mid 2020 with chronic Lyme being the big one. But since then the only infections I’ve had to worry about are fungal. And it seems all Fungal have to do with fixing terrain- functional zinc and copper most important.

Lithium was big for me at times. I don’t think it makes much sense in 4 lows unless really deficient. Need to see htma.

Gbolduev got me into this in 2017. He had someone start another forum as he got banned from here lol. He taught so much ***t in a short time period. That other site is down smh. He led me to Wilson Yasko several others I’ve learned from too.

I’m currently working with Micheal McEvoy Metabolic Healing. He’s good and has me looking at lipids overall. Where he’s saying I can’t pay attention to just minerals. Need to look at overall big picture including but not limited to aminos, hormones, fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins and so on.

I’m realizing Dhea is HORRIBLE right now. 5mg and I’m dying today lol. No more of that.

Everything looks like it’s coming down to histidine. As I believe histidine very important for cysteine metabolism. And the elevated cystine was the big finding on last aminos.

I think your 4 lows approach is kinda what I need right now. Histidine glycine magnesium etc.
Yeah she doesn’t do consults, but she writes feedback on people’s test results done through her, and you can also message her assistant who can pass messages on to her and she does reply if it’s important.

Yeah I think fungal issues were the main cause for me too and there are many reasons in my health history why I think this.

I just started using phosphoric acid last week as it’s suggested to people with gallbladder issues like me, and in all 5 hair tests I’ve done my phosphate levels have always been low which is bad. I heard fungal issues are usually the main cause of low phosphate levels which means low ATP production. Low phosphate can also be a cause of high ferritin which I also have.

Well this phosphoric acid is doing wonders for my iron metabolism, my face looks much younger and has much more colour and also getting some detox symptoms but all bearable. Low dose copper sulphate is also having similar effects as the phosphoric acid supplement so I needed both of those badly for proper iron metabolism and ATP production that I was lacking in.

My craving for foods are all over the place recently, it’s weird but I just listen to my body as that’s what works best for me. Some days I only feel like meat, some days I only feel like carbs and feel disgusted by meat, some days I feel like meat and carbs, some days only fat, some days just water.

I’ve never tried DHEA before, or any hormones apart from pregonalone a few years ago which just made me anxious. I have no idea if hormones would make me worse or better.

I’m gonna try out some histidine then, plus also going to do some work on gut micro biome with probiotics and other stuff as I have neglected that area for a year or two since I developed gallbladder issues and vitamin A toxicity.

I’ll look into the Michael Mcenvoy guy for myself thanks for mentioning him.


Dec 20, 2016
Haven’t posted for a month. Really really bad physically right now. I realize glutamate is gigantic problem. I know there’s iron in brain.

Not well enough to elaborate. I know b3 and zinc are needed now. Keeping histidine glycine up via x39 and x49 patches good. And using up CYSTINe is the goal and maintain a well working xc- antiporter before going on too far.

I think melatonin production (b3, active b6 so zinc) and electorlyte sufficiency are the two biggest keys for antiporter. Chloride and melatonin make antiporter go supposedly. From all I’ve read.

Leukotrienes are involved as my urine ph is low. And these stay low with elevated Leukotrienes and these bind chloride. Chloride is what we need. Sulfur binds leukotrienes so methylatjon and a little extra sulfur supps big. But fe2 increases leukeotrienes. And fe2 is tough right now. I think it went deep into brain.

I’m ****88. But labs coming back next week. I’m really hurting from taking some hormones in midst of last couple weeks, taking nac a couple times, b2 too often, and I can’t give a verdict yet on Phosphatadylcholine IVs.

Lastly, I think I recovered last year cuz I did PC IVs followed by Electroconvulsive therapy. PC got antiporter working, ECT helped clear the glutamate. Methylation was up and strong then. And got stronger and stronger.

Can’t believe this last year. I need a break. I might just need to see my hair test and aminos. Badly.


Jan 10, 2023
Haven’t posted for a month. Really really bad physically right now. I realize glutamate is gigantic problem. I know there’s iron in brain.

Not well enough to elaborate. I know b3 and zinc are needed now. Keeping histidine glycine up via x39 and x49 patches good. And using up CYSTINe is the goal and maintain a well working xc- antiporter before going on too far.

I think melatonin production (b3, active b6 so zinc) and electorlyte sufficiency are the two biggest keys for antiporter. Chloride and melatonin make antiporter go supposedly. From all I’ve read.

Leukotrienes are involved as my urine ph is low. And these stay low with elevated Leukotrienes and these bind chloride. Chloride is what we need. Sulfur binds leukotrienes so methylatjon and a little extra sulfur supps big. But fe2 increases leukeotrienes. And fe2 is tough right now. I think it went deep into brain.

I’m ****88. But labs coming back next week. I’m really hurting from taking some hormones in midst of last couple weeks, taking nac a couple times, b2 too often, and I can’t give a verdict yet on Phosphatadylcholine IVs.

Lastly, I think I recovered last year cuz I did PC IVs followed by Electroconvulsive therapy. PC got antiporter working, ECT helped clear the glutamate. Methylation was up and strong then. And got stronger and stronger.

Can’t believe this last year. I need a break. I might just need to see my hair test and aminos. Badly.
Yaskos Nerve calm rna was the best thing by a mile that I tried for lowering high glutamate levels and worked like a treat, may be worth trying.


Dec 20, 2016
Got labs back. Ferritin went from 160 to 60. The lab was taken 5-6 weeks after donation. Not good.

Glycine went low. Histidine really low. This tells me fe2 issue.

CYSTINe.. xc-antiporter fixed. Mid range.


Dec 20, 2016
Definitely need lithium. Like badly.

@Hidden49 I think Yasko is special in her view that lithium comes first. Who else says that? Nobody.

I took lithium last night had massive reaction like bad but I knew it was a good sign. I woke up feeling a bit stronger. Then put more lithium in and it was relaxing this time.

Unfortunately at lunch I took zinc folate. I think the folate did it increasing glycine. 3 hours later craxy glutamate storm that lasted all night.

Lithium puts folate in cell getting glycine working. BUT we can’t put much folate in cell right now, we can’t push glycine.

Potassium comes first and I’m massively potsssoum depleted. Massively.

“Potassium makes copper bio-available”— Gbold.

So when potassium starts increasing copper eventually comes up. And that’s when glycine can be used. Or just folate. Glycine copper absorb fe2. I believe it’s really fe2 that’s gettting in my brain killing me really causing Parkinson’s. Fe2 binds dopamine producing cells.

So lithium increases both glycine and copper. Both of these are your biggest anti fe2 nutrients. So it doesn’t suprise me when someone like fredddd uses lithium to save his life. Because lithium is behind metabolizing fe2. Which I think is probably one of if the most underlooked at thing in health. Unbound toxic free fe2.


Dec 20, 2016
my life was over the moment I donated blood.

Because as Dr Wilson talks about on his site… this is hidden iron toxicity- fe2. You can’t give Fe3. Fe3 protects from fe2.

Now things that strongly push fe2 to fe3 aren’t even working. Ozone can’t even do it.

I’ve fought hard for 6.5 years since I got PFS. I’m proud of all I did and how hard I battled. But there comes a time when you have to give up. When it’s not possible anymore to get better.

Fe2 accumulated in brain so badly that’s I can’t beat this. I think I’m ready to throw in the towel. One last set of labs and hair test. But that will be it.


Oct 13, 2022
My first thought whenever someone mentions iron overload is frequent consumption of foods rich in heme-iron, since the human body doesn't have mechanisms to properly regulate the absorption of heme-iron due to how it's really only found in hemoglobin. For tens of millions of years of evolution as a species we hardly ever consumed any heme-iron at all, only mineral iron; we only barely started consuming foods rich in heme-iron a few hundred thousand years ago in comparison, and only in large amounts as recently as ~50,000 years ago, a negligible blip of time in an evolutionary context.

Thus what appears to happen is an overabsorption of iron leading to iron overload (hemochromatosis), which can often go undetected for long periods of time while wreaking havoc, due to how the body doesn't have any good mechanisms for getting rid of excess iron either. This combination of heme-iron being absorbed even way past the point of overload and not being easy to get rid of is a recipe for disaster, especially considering the significant increase in oxidative stress that iron deposits in the body leads to (consumption of heme-iron has been found to be strongly associated with colorectal cancer, in fact).

Of course I can't know if this applies to your case specifically, but it's definitely something to look into; if it indeed happens to be the case, the very least I'd do personally would be to immediately cease the consumption of all sources of heme-iron. Perhaps you already don't consume much of it and/or haven't in the past, in which case this is unlikely to apply to you specifically, but it's just my two cents on a matter I've seen come up a lot of times.


Dec 20, 2016
@bruschi11 have you tried coffee enemas, doing them 1-2x daily saved me badly when I was in a real desperate situation with my health.

Brain barrier too weak for them. A year ago I did one and it destroyed me. Big setback.

12 days ago I ended up in mental hospital for 3rd time in 6 years. Spent 9 days. 2nd time in last year as I went in exact same time of year last year. I made a little progress with biotin/magnesium.

But since I got out a few other things I took and I got killed. I’m really suffering. Guy I’m working with had me taking heptanoic acid. I’m starting to think that was a major mistake as I took today and feel like I’m dying now. And I was dying before mental house. Maybe it’s causing cysteine to re-accumulate?

Feel like it’s all about the use and metabolism of CYSTeine/ CYSTINe. And focusing on both arginine (biotin) and histidine are probably too two aminos right now for cysteine metabolism.

I still really want to quit. But I had decent signs the other day with b2 E magnesium moly. I think b2 is like a once or twice a week and thing right now to keep b6 active.

Extensive labs coming soon. Probably getting tomorrow or Monday. I can’t handle this any longer. I just wonder if I didn’t give blood where I’d be. It seemed like that was the clear turning point. Was going downhill prior then everything changed.
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Feb 3, 2020
Sorry to hear that. What is your first name? I would like to keep you in my prayers.

Have you ever read on the work of Dr. Gregory Russel-Jones?

He focuses on fixing functional B2 deficiency which then in turn (supposedly) fixes a lot of issues. Have you ever measured B2 (FAD) status on a blood test?

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Mar 5, 2017
Brain barrier too weak for them. A year ago I did one and it destroyed me. Big setback.

12 days ago I ended up in mental hospital for 3rd time in 6 years. Spent 9 days. 2nd time in last year as I went in exact same time of year last year. I made a little progress with biotin/magnesium.

But since I got out a few other things I took and I got killed. I’m really suffering. Guy I’m working with had me taking heptanoic acid. I’m starting to think that was a major mistake as I took today and feel like I’m dying now. And I was dying before mental house. Maybe it’s causing cysteine to re-accumulate?

Feel like it’s all about the use and metabolism of CYSTeine/ CYSTINe. And focusing on both arginine (biotin) and histidine are probably too two aminos right now for cysteine metabolism.

I still really want to quit. But I had decent signs the other day with b2 E magnesium moly. I think b2 is like a once or twice a week and thing right now to keep b6 active.

Extensive labs coming soon. Probably getting tomorrow or Monday. I can’t handle this any longer. I just wonder if I didn’t give blood where I’d be. It seemed like that was the clear turning point. Was going downhill prior then everything changed.
let us know when you get those labs


Dec 20, 2016
Sorry to hear that. What is your first name? I would like to keep you in my prayers.

Have you ever read on the work of Dr. Gregory Russel-Jones?

He focuses on fixing functional B2 deficiency which then in turn (supposedly) fixes a lot of issues. Have you ever measured B2 (FAD) status on a blood test?

View attachment 49190
Thank you man. My names Anthony. A lot of people encouraged me into giving blood including a doctor who yelled at me for not doing so lol. So don’t think this has anything to do with you.

Also yes i know all about GRJ since late 2019. B2 and/or moly have literally saved my life at times. Sele isn’t good for me. Gonna do a doctors data htma to see iodine and other minerals. I have to keep b2 low as it promotes too much cysteine right now.
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Dec 20, 2016
@bruschi11 whats your diet like and what foods do you eat?

I need a lot of dairy and meat. Carbs. This all started in last 3 years. Prior to which I could live on water fasting at times 20-25 days I did on 3 occasions. But i need a heavy diet.

I’m starting to think my best days in novemebr were after dumping iron w/ dhea cu. Then following with either calcium or magnesium.

I’m being told to give calcium when ph is higher and it’s going higher from biotin. So I think I’m gonna really start taking traditional mineral balancing seriously to go along with amino balance and iron metabolism.

So Cal mag little zinc… Wilson 4 lows program approach. And I’m gonna use ahk patch soon once I feel ready.

@hidden you came out of 4 lows with glycine mag. Well maybe I can do it with Wilson’s approach and instead of glycine … focus on arginine/ histidine and the production of these.

Arginine retaining copper should allow body to use histidine without histamine problems.


Dec 20, 2016
The disease is hydrogen peroxide elevated throughout the entire body but specifically the brain. Superoxide a big part of it as it causes iron (fe2) to release from ferritin and transferring and build in the tissues. Glutathione production and Catalase so important.

Keeping xc antiporter working beyond important. Staying b3 sufficient does so.

This all was fixable. Last June when I had setback through the new year I was fixable. I was DEFINITELY rapidly fixable. If I just knew what I know now.

But I inflated h202 by dumping iron with Dhea novemeber— December. I caused xc antiproter to fall apart and CYSTINe to elevate. With elevated CYSTINe I was not getting to NO or gluth. For months there.

NO keeps superoxide from putting pressure on SOD. SOD increases h202 where I need gluth to move it to water. Catalase could help.

The problem is SOD/ cu was down too long. Tons of O2 built up. Now that I’m getting SOD up and working… it’s producing h202- which already is extremely built up in brain from CYSTINe being elevated (CYSTINe increases h202).

My brain is so deformed. From the h202 accumulating for months now. It happened a couple weeks before I gave blood where I really fell apart. Then I gave blood and it ruined me. It just sucks cuz I keep producing h202 by having copper up but I have to do so.

The pathway that helps is O2 to NO2 as this pulls O2 away from SOD. Less pressure on SOD less h202 being created. I think living in the elevation is a very smart move I plan to partake in. I’m planing on moving into the mountains. I have done so much better after flights and Time periods up north.

I am extremely down. I’m 34 and have been battling diseases since I was 25 really. I can say 23 but I’m being nice. Cuz those first couple years were nothing. Pfs/severe Lyme at 28. This happened the BMAA thing at 31.

What’s awful is how close I was to well a year ago. Even 6-7 months ago. I was sooo close. October novemebr I saved my **** in September with nutrient protocol to clear copper toxicity .

I just had to put this altogether. What my actual disease is. And now knowing it understanding it. I just don’t think it’s beatable. The blood donation and 4 months of being bed ridden let the disease progress unexplainable.

Below is diagram of how I’m seeing it. As I just have a massive buildup of h202. It’s literally MASSIVE. I just don’t see an end to this.


  • 628F55A3-57C1-499E-B6E8-3EB5F16A49A6.png
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Dec 20, 2016
B3 was good the other day. Then over did it and it crashed me. Glycine was then good and absolutely needed based on all the other aminos I was pushing that need glycine. Then ghk patch was crazy but crashed me eventually.

In fall I got a lot better with help or b3 and ghk patch/ oral glycine as big helpers. I’m thinking something like magnesium, glycine, tiny doses of b3. Maybe Liv52 to promote gluthathione.

I have to somehow get in control of h202. I know Ray said to go in mountains for oxidative stress diseases. I’m considering doing this and moving into them.

My brain feels like it’s evaporating from the h202. It is deadly. I did two ozone baths 3-4 weeks ago. I really wonder if these contributed. I should really consider going on flight simulator or getting into mountains to try to de-oxygen my body a bit.

I have to make gluth. I had two severe crashes in the last 19 or so months. Both were from copper dumping which creates h202. This time is the 3rd crash. The first two I saved myself with gluth production #1.

Gluth comes first then push NO a little but not much a little.

I would love to do coffee enemas but absolutely not historically. Liv52 could be interesting.

I really do think the misfolding of SOD in als /Parkinson’s is due to h202. It’s like I feel copper bio-available for hours I’m absorbing iron…. Then the h202 gets in control and copper bio-availability dies.

One more time; tiny doses of b3, magnesium, glycine. But also woman I talked to yesterday says zinc for h202 and zinc did save me post ozone last summer. High doses like 200 for a week. So keeping that in mind.

Bloodwork coming back next week. HTMA too.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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