Intranasal pregnenolone


Mar 18, 2021
Anyone else tried this?
Just a small pinch gives me such profound and immediate effects like no other supplement.
Not just limited to brain/mood but also increased proprioception, body coordination, strength and endurance.


@Arnold Grape a few years ago you wrote "I've been told you should under no circumstances attempt to snort Preg power" can you elaborate on this?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Anyone else tried this?
Just a small pinch gives me such profound and immediate effects like no other supplement.
Not just limited to brain/mood but also increased proprioception, body coordination, strength and endurance.


@Arnold Grape a few years ago you wrote "I've been told you should under no circumstances attempt to snort Preg power" can you elaborate on this?

I have mentioned a few times in the past on the forum that I know people, especially athletes, who use pregnenolone intranasally and report great effects. The only issue is that the effective amounts are small - i.e. no more than 5mg-10mg per nostril - and that amount is very small and difficult to measure. Taking more may cause sedation and/or irritability, as well as nose bleeds (in some people). Other than that, it is probably a good route for administration and there are even a few animal studies showing improved cognition/memory from intranasal pregnenolone.


Apr 5, 2016
Anyone else tried this?
Just a small pinch gives me such profound and immediate effects like no other supplement.
Not just limited to brain/mood but also increased proprioception, body coordination, strength and endurance.


@Arnold Grape a few years ago you wrote "I've been told you should under no circumstances attempt to snort Preg power" can you elaborate on this?
Never heard this one before I would exercise caution. Not saying don't do it but as Haidut said small amounts are probably best and don't overdo it.


Mar 18, 2021
I have mentioned a few times in the past on the forum that I know people, especially athletes, who use pregnenolone intranasally and report great effects. The only issue is that the effective amounts are small - i.e. no more than 5mg-10mg per nostril - and that amount is very small and difficult to measure. Taking more may cause sedation and/or irritability, as well as nose bleeds (in some people). Other than that, it is probably a good route for administration and there are even a few animal studies showing improved cognition/memory from intranasal pregnenolone.
Yes, that's roughly the amount I've been using.
I tried it approximately 10 times so far on different days, and it works reliably every single time. In addition, the following night my sleep is vastly improved.
Sometimes I do just the right nostril, as that one study showed it increases activity in the ipsilateral brain hemisphere.
The only side effect is some nasal discharge 5-10 minutes after taking it, but that's likely from the rice starch irritation. I use MRM brand micronized, and a 50mg capsule weighs ~400mg, which comes down to ~250mg of rice starch alone. A lot of the preg is flushed out in the discharge minutes later, yet is still has a profound effect.

One author of this study actually filed for a patent.



Oct 5, 2014
Yes, that's roughly the amount I've been using.
I tried it approximately 10 times so far on different days, and it works reliably every single time. In addition, the following night my sleep is vastly improved.
Sometimes I do just the right nostril, as that one study showed it increases activity in the ipsilateral brain hemisphere.
The only side effect is some nasal discharge 5-10 minutes after taking it, but that's likely from the rice starch irritation. I use MRM brand micronized, and a 50mg capsule weighs ~400mg, which comes down to ~250mg of rice starch alone. A lot of the preg is flushed out in the discharge minutes later, yet is still has a profound effect.

One author of this study actually filed for a patent.

Hey miquelangeles

Yes, I tried it in the past. It works very good. Nothing bad to say about it. I don't do it anymore because... there are so many things to do.

But I am thinking now on pouring some in a snuff (powder tobacco) tin and use it.

My suggestion would be to NOT use MRM brand but rather go for more clean sources. Healthnatura should be the better thing before resorting to buying it from Sigma Aldrich or similar which is ultra expensive.

Keep in mind whatever you shut up the nose goes straight to the brain. That's the magic of it. In fact the olfactory bulb IS part of the CNS. For the good and for the bad, no BB barrier. So you don't want to shut impurities there.

Some authors speculate though that there might be some kind of barrier different from the well-known BBB so it at least protects a bit. But couldn't find solid information about it. I love to snort water infused with tobacco (marvelous medicine) but don't do it because I am scared of aflatoxins going straight to the brain. Too bad because it is an absolute wonderful experience.

Maybe @haidut knows more about the existance of a nasal barrier similar to BBB or not, and how it works.

I am wondering about snorting other hormones like DHEA, Androsterone, etc. but I don't have access to those in powdered and clean form. Do you?

Last edited:


Oct 5, 2014
@haidut do you think puting a drop of androsterone from idealabs on a bit of water hold in the hand and sniff it could work? This works for iodine, many people use it against covid. I guess a lot of the andro will be wasted though.

Will the andro mix well in the water?

Or putting it in one of those nasal spray bottle.


Mar 18, 2021
Hey miquelangeles

Yes, I tried it in the past. It works very good. Nothing bad to say about it. I don't do it anymore because... there are so many things to do.

But I am thinking now on pouring some in a snuff (powder tobacco) tin and use it.

My suggestion would be to NOT use MRM brand but rather go for more clean sources. Healthnatura should be the better thing before resorting to buying it from Sigma Aldrich or similar which is ultra expensive.

Keep in mind whatever you shut up the nose goes straight to the brain. That's the magic of it. In fact the olfactory bulb IS part of the CNS. For the good and for the bad, no BB barrier. So you don't want to shut impurities there.

Some authors speculate though that there might be some kind of barrier different from the well-known BBB so it at least protects a bit. But couldn't find solid information about it. I love to snort water infused with tobacco (marvelous medicine) but don't do it because I am scared of aflatoxins going straight to the brain. Too bad because it is an absolute wonderful experience.

Maybe @haidut knows more about the existance of a nasal barrier similar to BBB or not, and how it works.

I am wondering about snorting other hormones like DHEA, Androsterone, etc. but I don't have access to those in powdered and clean form. Do you?


Thanks for replying. Yes, I've seen your older posts and that's why I tagged you.
I know MRM is not ideal but the only other brand I could find in Europe was Source Naturals which has 6 fillers listed on the label. At least MRM says only rice starch is added. Prices at Sigma Aldrich and the like are indeed astronomical. 3 grams (the amount in MRM bottle) would cost 5,700.00 €.
It goes straight to the brain, but the most eye opening experience was the immediate increase in physical strength and endurance. It makes sense if you think about it, since the brain controls all the organs and sends electrical signals that transmit information. But it's difficult to realize it without experiencing it first hand. Makes you think how important it is to breathe clean air.
I didn't have time to read about it, but there seems to be quite a few studies showing improved athletic performance with brain stimulation.
I actually wanted to ask if you tried DHEA eventually. I haven't tried it yet, and I don't have it in clean form.
NAD+ or niacinamide is probably worth trying as well. I think there are some intranasal formulations available commercially, and there are some studies too.
Intranasal administration with NAD+ profoundly decreases brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia

Noninvasive Brain Stimulation and Neural Entrainment Enhance Athletic Performance—a Review
Simultaneous transcranial and transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation to enhance athletic performance outcome in experienced boxers
Brain Oscillations and Athletic Performance
Increased interhemispheric synchrony underlying the improved athletic performance of rowing athletes by transcranial direct current stimulation
Transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance athletic performance outcome in experienced bodybuilders
Performance boost paves way for 'brain doping': electrical stimulation seems to boost endurance in preliminary studies

EEG-based Assessment of Human Endurance: Association between Endurance and Brain-wave Activity


Oct 5, 2014
Thanks for replying. Yes, I've seen your older posts and that's why I tagged you.
I know MRM is not ideal but the only other brand I could find in Europe was Source Naturals which has 6 fillers listed on the label. At least MRM says only rice starch is added. Prices at Sigma Aldrich and the like are indeed astronomical. 3 grams (the amount in MRM bottle) would cost 5,700.00 €.
It goes straight to the brain, but the most eye opening experience was the immediate increase in physical strength and endurance. It makes sense if you think about it, since the brain controls all the organs and sends electrical signals that transmit information. But it's difficult to realize it without experiencing it first hand. Makes you think how important it is to breathe clean air.
I didn't have time to read about it, but there seems to be quite a few studies showing improved athletic performance with brain stimulation.
I actually wanted to ask if you tried DHEA eventually. I haven't tried it yet, and I don't have it in clean form.
NAD+ or niacinamide is probably worth trying as well. I think there are some intranasal formulations available commercially, and there are some studies too.
Intranasal administration with NAD+ profoundly decreases brain injury in a rat model of transient focal ischemia

Noninvasive Brain Stimulation and Neural Entrainment Enhance Athletic Performance—a Review
Simultaneous transcranial and transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation to enhance athletic performance outcome in experienced boxers
Brain Oscillations and Athletic Performance
Increased interhemispheric synchrony underlying the improved athletic performance of rowing athletes by transcranial direct current stimulation
Transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance athletic performance outcome in experienced bodybuilders
Performance boost paves way for 'brain doping': electrical stimulation seems to boost endurance in preliminary studies

EEG-based Assessment of Human Endurance: Association between Endurance and Brain-wave Activity
Thanks miquelangeles. There was a user here that also used B vitamins intranasally, I can't recall his name. If you try more things please let me know. I will try androsterone mixed with water intranasally, could be complicated though because I only have it liquid. That andro I trust it it comes from idealabs.
Nov 21, 2015
I know someone who uses 10mg in a lozenge and has had great results, only every 8 or 10 days. Reduces her stress dramatically.


Mar 18, 2021
Thanks miquelangeles. There was a user here that also used B vitamins intranasally, I can't recall his name. If you try more things please let me know. I will try androsterone mixed with water intranasally, could be complicated though because I only have it liquid. That andro I trust it it comes from idealabs.
I’ve seen the thread about intranasal Bs, and on longecity they also talk about riboflavin, b6 and niacin. I’ll try some Niagen as well as niacinamide sometime in the next few days.
I did try creatine after reading some positive experiences but I didn’t like the burning sensation.
And I also tried pregnenolone dispersed (since it doesn’t dissolve) in saline. But the effect was much weaker than powder and some of it ended up in the mouth/throat with different effects. (Sublingual preg feels very different and I don’t like it).


Oct 5, 2014
I’ve seen the thread about intranasal Bs, and on longecity they also talk about riboflavin, b6 and niacin. I’ll try some Niagen as well as niacinamide sometime in the next few days.
I did try creatine after reading some positive experiences but I didn’t like the burning sensation.
And I also tried pregnenolone dispersed (since it doesn’t dissolve) in saline. But the effect was much weaker than powder and some of it ended up in the mouth/throat with different effects. (Sublingual preg feels very different and I don’t like it).
Please tag me if you report the intranasal Bs in another thread. I will set the watchdog on this since I don't visit the forum that often lately.


Mar 6, 2022
I have mentioned a few times in the past on the forum that I know people, especially athletes, who use pregnenolone intranasally and report great effects. The only issue is that the effective amounts are small - i.e. no more than 5mg-10mg per nostril - and that amount is very small and difficult to measure. Taking more may cause sedation and/or irritability, as well as nose bleeds (in some people). Other than that, it is probably a good route for administration and there are even a few animal studies showing improved cognition/memory from intranasal pregnenolone.
Hello @haidut would sublingual usage of, for example, dhea have the same benefits as transdermal usage? I mean less estrogenic effect and 10x potentiation.


Oct 5, 2014
sublingual is a different route of administration than oral or topical yes. That produces different effects and I don't think it is only related to the speed of absorption. It is just another route that acts differently.


Forum Supporter
Oct 13, 2016
Why couldn’t one simply dilute stressNon in saline and use a nasal spray?


Oct 5, 2014
@miquelangeles I tried intranasal androsterone (Idealabs one) 2 times. Will need more experimentation but here are my preliminary comments.

- Even a small dose knocks me out. But when I recover after a couple of hours, I am more relaxed and somehow focused. Difficult to explain.
- Good antidepressant/dopaminergic effects but they are combined with the mentioned knock out/too relaxed so unsure if I like it 100% or not.
- Unlike when using one single drop topically, no heart palpitations, not too much heat, no stress reaction because of not enough glycogen.
- Strange effect on libido, like more healthy libido but way more difficult to get a boner. Strange.
- Noticeable boost on self-confidence with a mixture of "I don't give a **** about problems, nothing is so important". Remembers me being younger.

I remember different combination of these effects were experienced with oral/topical androsterone by other forum members, so I am not sure it adds up anything new. To me it seems to work better than topical/oral but nothing magical or special about it.

@haidut you might be interested on these experiments :)



Mar 18, 2021
@miquelangeles I tried intranasal androsterone (Idealabs one) 2 times. Will need more experimentation but here are my preliminary comments.

- Even a small dose knocks me out. But when I recover after a couple of hours, I am more relaxed and somehow focused. Difficult to explain.
- Good antidepressant/dopaminergic effects but they are combined with the mentioned knock out/too relaxed so unsure if I like it 100% or not.
- Unlike when using one single drop topically, no heart palpitations, not too much heat, no stress reaction because of not enough glycogen.
- Strange effect on libido, like more healthy libido but way more difficult to get a boner. Strange.
- Noticeable boost on self-confidence with a mixture of "I don't give a **** about problems, nothing is so important". Remembers me being younger.

I remember different combination of these effects were experienced with oral/topical androsterone by other forum members, so I am not sure it adds up anything new. To me it seems to work better than topical/oral but nothing magical or special about it.

@haidut you might be interested on these experiments :)

Try wearing the bottle as a pendant.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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