Inclined Bed Therapy - Sleeping With The Head End Of The Bed Elevated


Jan 25, 2014
I thought you were supposed to elevate the foot end of the bed... I've been doing it wrong this whole time??

Ummmm..... sounds like it. It even says in the title of this thread "Sleeping With The Head End Of The Bed Elevated."


Mar 17, 2018
Giving IBT a shot.
1.5" starting which gives the angle of elevation of 1.074 degrees. Will likely add in 1.5" chunks every now and then.


Mar 17, 2018
Giving IBT a shot.
1.5" starting which gives the angle of elevation of 1.074 degrees. Will likely add in 1.5" chunks every now and then.
Up to 6.0 inches on an 80 inch mattress. Nice angle for me. Forces me to not mouth breathe and keep my arms in normal spots. Definitely experienced the darker urine, more solid body, and many of the other sides for a bit.
Now it is so useful for DOMS and waking up that I have committed to keeping my mattress this way.
Jul 12, 2018
This could help someone. My experience with a heart attack on 6th December 2019.

Brief: "
Dodging a bullet

For around 2 months, my wife and I lowered our bed and slept at 3.8 degrees, around half the normal incline for us, after reading from others that they found it was suiting them better than five degrees or more. So sounded like a useful experiment. In hindsight, I wish we hadn't, because I was shivering and we both developed severe leg cramps, My calf muscles felt like they were twisting and my foot was turning in. We experienced very poor sleep, frequent bathroom trips at night, cold hands and feet that didn't warm quickly, generally colder in bed too. Though initially we both slept sounder, but woke up feeling very un-rested. It was as if we hadn't had any sleep.

We felt lethargic during the day, but in the interest of science continued with the lower incline until I began to struggle on walks. Breathing felt like the air was acidic and burning my lungs, the air was very cold and damp. I experienced crushing pain in chest with left arm aching, jaw aching and had to sit five times to rest on way back to car.

When I got home, I took a teaspoon full of cayenne pepper in a glass of fruit juice. I'm pretty sure this stopped the heart attack from progressing further because the relief was almost instantaneous. (I had read about this a few years back) The bed and the sofa are now back to usual incline.

This experience told me I was probably having a heart attack.

Full account / More---->
Heart attack 6th Dec 2019 My Story - Inclined Bed Therapy IBT - Restore & Support Your Health


Dec 28, 2019
the best thing you can do for your health is to sleep on the floor / hard surface (not kidding, google it)


Aug 23, 2018
the best thing you can do for your health is to sleep on the floor / hard surface (not kidding, google it)

Do you enjoy contradicting everything? There are threads about sleeping on the floor on the forum. You can add your experience on those.

I wouldn't mind if you were bringing some value, but you just shout something without wondering if it brings value to the thread.


Dec 28, 2019
I wouldn't mind if you were bringing some value, but you just shout something without wondering if it brings value to the thread.
Not sure what you're talking about.
if you'd been paying attention, you might have noticed that I'm posting study's sometimes and and I share my knowledge with others.
if i'm shouting around than i was already kickt out by the mods.
i didnt know that there was a threads about sleeping on the floor, thanks, i will looking in to that.
if you have a problem with me, please send me a PM so you don't screw up other people's threads.
Last edited:


Aug 23, 2018
Not sure what you're talking about.
if you'd been paying attention, you might have noticed that I'm posting study's sometimes and and I share my knowledge with others.
if i'm shouting around than i was already kickt out by the mods.
i didnt know that there was a threads about sleeping on the floor, thanks, i will looking in to that.
if you have a problem with me, please send me a PM so you don't screw up other people's threads.

I was a bit angry this morning, I think I didn't get enough carbs, sorry... It just gets me sometimes when people throw an idea in a thread without bringing up any explanation.

BTW, have you tried sleeping inclined? It would bring good value if someone compared the 2. I briefly slept on the floor as an attempt to help insomnia and fatigue. It was ok, but I felt more benefits from sleeping inclined.
Jul 12, 2018
@andrewkfletcher, have you known of anyone improving bone density from IBT?
Yes, the most striking report was from a lady with osteoporosis in the testimonials section of my site. There has been some amazing results with accelerated fracture healing also. My son's experience proved this beyond a shred of doubt. He had two breaks in wrist, a year apart. Once on a flat bed and the other on an inclined bed. His wrist the first time was strapped up in a sling. The second on IBT his arm was allowed to be down by his side. His surgeon said; In all my career, I have never seen bone growth like this" The metal plate in the second fracture had completely been covered by new bone growth and could not be removed safely. He needed no physiotherapy, despite the second fracture being far worse than the previous fracture.

NASA and others have experimented with prolonged bed rest, paying over $17000 to those willing to sleep either horizontal or on a head down tilt. They are doing this because both simulate the detrimental effects of being in space, where bone, heart and muscle loss are 10 times faster than here on Earth.
Jul 12, 2018
Yes, the most striking report was from a lady with osteoporosis in the testimonials section of my site.

Osteoporosis Ruby Tate

2nd. April, 1998
Over two years ago I sat in the armchair reading a small advert which asked people to raise their bed 6" at the head and to reply and tell what benefits had been noted. At the time I could not move my neck to left or right and it ached continuously. I was unable to sleep at night as I could not get comfortable. I was only able to turn by easing myself gently. It took three to four turns. Getting out of bed was a major obstacle. I needed help to dress and undress. I spent most of my nights in my chair with the result I was always tired and had no energy. My problem is Osteoporosis of the upper and lower spine.

I expected nothing but had nothing to lose, so Harry raised the bed 6". we did not take it very seriously but were happy to try anything.
On the fourth night I had the first full nights sleep since I dont remember when. By the end of the week I was sleeping naturally and turning over .

My dressing was a problem no longer . Each day it became easier.
T'here have been so many other benefits too. I have worn glasses from the age of l?yea.'rs and I am now 68 years. Last year was the first tine I was told there was a small improvement. My hair appears thicker, my hairbrush needs cleaning less often.

Harry's ear, which constantly gave him trouble with a discharge has now cleared up completely.

We both feel the clock has been put back, for us. I give thanks for this invention and wish Andrew every success in the future for the benefits he has given us and will continue to do so.
Yours truly,

Ruby Tate"

There has been some amazing results with accelerated fracture healing also. My son's experience proved this beyond a shred of doubt. He had two breaks in wrist, a year apart. Once on a flat bed and the other on an inclined bed. His wrist the first time was strapped up in a sling. The second on IBT his arm was allowed to be down by his side. His surgeon said; In all my career, I have never seen bone growth like this" The metal plate in the second fracture had completely been covered by new bone growth and could not be removed safely. He needed no physiotherapy, despite the second fracture being far worse than the previous fracture.

NASA and others have experimented with prolonged bed rest, paying over $17000 to those willing to sleep either horizontal or on a head down tilt. They are doing this because both simulate the detrimental effects of being in space, where bone, heart and muscle loss are 10 times faster than here on Earth.


Aug 7, 2014
I’ve been doing it for 15 months and have slowly worked up to sleeping at 9.5 inches incline.

My resting heart rate while sleeping is 90-95 bpm when laying in bed before before I fall asleep; wake up at 85bpm. Use to be in the 70s at horizontal.

I never have back pain anymore; I use to wake with tightness, discomfort or pain.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I’ve been doing it for 15 months and have slowly worked up to sleeping at 9.5 inches incline.

My resting heart rate while sleeping is 90-95 bpm when laying in bed before before I fall asleep; wake up at 85bpm. Use to be in the 70s at horizontal.

I never have back pain anymore; I use to wake with tightness, discomfort or pain.
I have my incline at 6 inches, I thought that was the recommended height. Is there any advantage to going on more of an incline, and if so, at what height is considered too high?


Aug 7, 2014
I have my incline at 6 inches, I thought that was the recommended height. Is there any advantage to going on more of an incline, and if so, at what height is considered too high?

you are correct. ANDREW K fletcher recommends 6 inches. I chose to experiment and just keep going.

for me personally, after gradually increasing over time I find it relaxing and my metabolic rate appears based on my pulse to be higher when I go higher With incline.

Just my personal experimentation.

Leonie Cent

New Member
Apr 12, 2017
I was surprised to see that there wasn't a thread dedicated to discussing people's experience with it so here we go. At the risk of stating the obvious, it is just raising the head of your bed 6 inches and sleeping at an incline. It has been reported to achieve some impressive health results such as:
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Improving lymphatic drainage from the brain
  • Improving immune system function
  • Improving respiratory function
  • Easing symptoms associated with Alzheimer's, diabetes, glaucoma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, sleep apnea, acid reflux, edema, varicose veins and more
Here is some background info:
Inclined Bed Therapy Benefits
Home - Inclined Bed Therapy IBT - Restore & Support Your Health
How to Use Inclined Bed Therapy For Diabetes, Acid Reflux and More

Anyone try this and care to report on their experience?
I tried this in the past and had some good results but had moved and am just getting around to setting up my bed again. Tonight will be day 1 and Ill try to report back any changes.
I was surprised to see that there wasn't a thread dedicated to discussing people's experience with it so here we go. At the risk of stating the obvious, it is just raising the head of your bed 6 inches and sleeping at an incline. It has been reported to achieve some impressive health results such as:
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Improving lymphatic drainage from the brain
  • Improving immune system function
  • Improving respiratory function
  • Easing symptoms associated with Alzheimer's, diabetes, glaucoma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, sleep apnea, acid reflux, edema, varicose veins and more
Here is some background info:
Inclined Bed Therapy Benefits
Home - Inclined Bed Therapy IBT - Restore & Support Your Health
How to Use Inclined Bed Therapy For Diabetes, Acid Reflux and More

Anyone try this and care to report on their experience?
I tried this in the past and had some good results but had moved and am just getting around to setting up my bed again. Tonight will be day 1 and Ill try to report back any changes.
I’ve had my bed inclined for about 15 years. Sometimes it was six inches, but the bed started wobbling around, so it’s now only a couple of inches. Even so, I have vivid dreams each night. I can’t say what other benefits there are, because nothing stands out, but I’m guessing it’s gotta be good. I’d like to incline the bed higher again. I just figured out the other day, to my own mind anyway, that the dreams come from an increased flow of blood to the brain. I wish someone would invent an inclinable bed, or one that could be adjusted. Thanks .

I'm the first guy to try something based on anecdotal accounts, but all too frequently I'm disappointed. In fact, this happens a lot when I try some of the seemingly wondrous things touted on this forum. That said, I have to go raise my headboard six inches now :)
I think it’s worth a try. I mean, it’s not some miracle cure or anything, where you’ll life will change overnight, but the kind of therapy that is a lifelong commitment. To me, it feels right. But that’s just me.

Leonie Cent

New Member
Apr 12, 2017
the best thing you can do for your health is to sleep on the floor / hard surface (not kidding, google it)
Can you please cease to state what is the best thing for ones health ? You sound like a jehovahs witness who preaches to everyone that they will die at Armageddon, unless they convert. Only jehovahs witnesses get saved, end of story, just google it ! Google ? Gimme a break ! It’s just not right to talk to people this way, and everyone knows that. That’s one thing that us humans can be sure of. I thought this forum was for sharing Ray Peats knowledge with like minded folk, not a place to get your rocks off by being didactic.


Jul 30, 2019

Any comments? Although inclined sleep therapy has no science to back it up, the few studies on sleep posture seem to indicate towards a "pillowless" sleeping pattern, on your sides.

My problem with this approach is:
1 - From anecdotal experience, I will literally get stressed sleeping without a pillow
2 - Although this is the proper "natural" way of sleeping, something that I have learned in this forum is that natural doesn't always mean good. Keto is natural, fasting is natural, but in our MODERN world, non of these are good.
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