I'm Attempting Reversal Of Advanced PSC Cataracts, Feedback Appreciated


Oct 22, 2014
In April a week after my 50th I finally noticed my vision was terrible. I'd been dealing with some major issues and sort of swept my declining vision under the rug. I've been myopic since age 13 so I was already somewhat used to it. At the ophthalmologist, my left eye tested "counting fingers" (lingo for blind) and the right somehow tested 20/40 (which seemed too good but I'll take it). They said the cataracts were in both eyes and looked as though they'd been there awhile. Left vision is way worse than right.

The norm is to get cataracts taken care of with surgery. However I feel quite sure I would hate the feeling of artificial eye lenses (which is what surgery entails).

Here's what I'm doing:
- Topically in the eyes (nightly with a night off every 3 nights or so). Lanosterol (IL) and this Castor Oil.
(Notes: 1. I had tried very expensive Lanomax but it came badly packaged and I think gave me an eye infection. Thank goodness I had some antibiotic on hand. I've written them about this even though it's for pets and they say they'll take my suggestion. 2. Additionally Lanomax has a 24-step nano tech with undisclosed carrier ingredients. 3. Hoping the castor oil will help get the lanosterol to the back of the lens. But the castor oil comes out really fast and the lanosterol really slow so proportions might be off.)
- Consulted long distance with the only 'alternative' opthalmologist I could find. He blames heavy metals and has sent me a hair analysis test. Haven't done it yet but decided to go ahead and start chelating, with low doses of Cardenosine along with Tocovit.
- Started drinking clean sodium-bicarbonate 2x daily and have ordered a glass eye bath to start using it as a daytime eyewash. Currently using Hydrosan hyaluronic acid drops as needed. Hoping the sodium bicarb will help the eyes metabolically.
- Worked through some emotional issues that contributed. Quit smoking/vaping. Eating better, etc. Planning to start z-health.
- Red Light. I have a set of IR and Red Light devices from red light man. They look identical and I forgot which is which. I only plan to use the RL (but not the IR) on my eyes. I have a couple red light bulbs going, including here by my computer.
- Blue blocker glasses (clear ones for computer so I can see, yellow ones for most other things) from Blublox. And sometimes an eye patch while working because it helps me focus to just use the good (right) eye.

I think I am seeing better (need to up my testing game). I am of course quite alone in this (who does this?) and would appreciate any feedback.


Oct 22, 2014
Both, but mostly glasses especially since becoming a mom 15+ years ago.
Jul 6, 2016
Both, but mostly glasses especially since becoming a mom 15+ years ago.

Why I asked is because there's reason to believe that contact lenses can hurt the eye by making the eye itself hypoxic.

The eye, because of it's job and structure, has very little blood supply. Notice how it's almost entirely white? If the eye was as vascular as, say, skin or muscles, the entire eyeball would be nearly completely red. Instead it's almost entirely white with some hints of small capillaries. The point of this is to tell you that the eye receives a substantial amount of it's oxygen needs through the open air, oxygen diffusing through.

Of course in the majority of people this doesn't necessarily result in cataracts, but it might be worth it to switch only to glasses for the time being.

As well, contact lenses block certain wavelengths of light, potentially good ones.


Oct 22, 2014
My problem with NAC drops is they all seem to contain a bit of alcohol preservative.


Oct 22, 2014
Why I asked is because there's reason to believe that contact lenses can hurt the eye by making the eye itself hypoxic.

Makes sense. Makes me wonder, since there is little blood flow to the eyes is it possible for these cataracts to reverse? Or is the standard view correct - that the denatured proteins in the ocular lenses are like 'scrambled eggs' in an area that the body can't clear?


Mar 29, 2016
Did your eye exam include an OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) scan, a fundus camera photo, and a slit-eye microscope exam?

I had these tests done and sent my results to Dr. Tom Lewis, with whom I had a 1-hr consultation. Unfortunately (or fortunately), my eyes were fine and so we didn't discuss my eyes at all, but instead touch on other health topics. I said unfortunately because I couldn't share with you what we talked about regarding how he would approach your eye condition. But a cataract would be indication of deeper issues other than just your health. I've read two of his books but I don't have a very good recollection of how they're related. But this is a serious matter, and I don't mean to scare you, but studies have shown the presence of cataract to higher mortality.

I don't know if there's people who can help you here, but I hope someone does show up, but if there's none you may want to just check out his website:


He doesn't have the best website, but you can get some information there and be able to contact him by email. He's pretty quick about responding. I think a consultation with him would be helpful.

As to why I consulted with him, I have very high blood pressure but decided not to believe high blood pressure is harmful but protective, and have not taken any bp meds even as my blood pressure went up over 18 years. Not that I welcome the high bp, but I wanted to cure it by knowing and fixing the cause, and so far, I'm holding up well w/r regards to my kidneys not getting worse and my blood vessels not exploding lol. But reading his books and listening to his interviews with Patrick Timpone, I thought I'd check on my health through having my eye exams reviewed by him, as the eye is a window to our health, as Dr. Lewis would put it.

I hope he can help you reverse the cataract and improve your general health at the same time.


Oct 22, 2014
Did your eye exam include an OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) scan, a fundus camera photo, and a slit-eye microscope exam?

I had the records faxed so I can't copy-paste. Yes, to slit lamp. Everything looked good (besides cataracts) - tears were good, vasculature, musculature, etc. all healthy. I don't see anything about OCT. And I believe they could not see the fundus because of the clouded lenses.

I will check out the doctor you mentioned. His website definitely intrigues me. Thank you.
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Mar 29, 2016
I had the records faxed so I can't copy-paste. Yes, to slit lamp. Everything looked good (besides cataracts) - tears were good, vasculature, musculature, etc. all healthy. I don't see anything about OCT. And I believe they could not see the fundus because of the clouded lenses.

I will check out the doctor you mentioned. His website definitely intrigues me. Thank you.
Hope you can get some good guidance. Good luck!


Jan 9, 2019
The things that I have heard but not investigated in complete detail for cataracts are
1. Castor oil in eyes over night

2. Systemic enzymes

on an interesting note, if cataract surgery is done I wouldn't let them put in UV blocking lens of any sort, which I've heard they do. Not only would that be physiologically detrimental but you also wouldn't be able to see in UV! you'll be able to see a whole new world, not many people get to experience that.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I agree with the others above about using eye drops with N-Acetylcarnosine.

I like to read the reviews at Amazon. Do not be alarmed that some people use them in the eyes of their cherished dogs. https://www.amazon.com/Can-C-Eye-Drops-mL-Count


Mar 29, 2016
I'm reading an ebook bought at Amazon entitled "The Water of Life," published 1945, by John Armstrong, and came across this :

Cataract. Before it became illegal for laymen to mention the fact that cataract may yield to treatment without operation, I found that in many cases, 10 days' urine-fast was sufficient to dissolve the film that forms over the eye. The longest required was a 28 days' fast. Whether it is against the now existing law for any layman to say that he has cured cataract before the law was passed, is a subtle point on which I am not qualified to pronounce. But in case the disclosure should be illegal, we must assume that the cases cured had been falsely diagnosed, since the law implies that no one save a qualified oculist can cure genuine cases, namely with a knife. Nevertheless, it is only veracious to say thst cataract is by no means always an isolated condition. What we need to remember is that the eye is a part of the body that the eye is a part of the body, and therefore in treating the body as a whole for other symptoms, the local condition is apt to cure itself without any direct attention.


Jul 18, 2017
I would suggest Oftan Catachrom Eye drops and taurine drops as a long term support thing. Plus oral taurine should be supportive as well. Bacopa for circulation (every 6 months) and goji berries as antioxidant source. Also good to check serum Zn, Cu, Mg and B vits status.


Oct 22, 2014
I'm reading an ebook bought at Amazon entitled "The Water of Life," published 1945, by John Armstrong, and came across this :

Cataract. Before it became illegal for laymen to mention the fact that cataract may yield to treatment without operation, I found that in many cases, 10 days' urine-fast was sufficient to dissolve the film that forms over the eye. The longest required was a 28 days' fast. Whether it is against the now existing law for any layman to say that he has cured cataract before the law was passed, is a subtle point on which I am not qualified to pronounce. But in case the disclosure should be illegal, we must assume that the cases cured had been falsely diagnosed, since the law implies that no one save a qualified oculist can cure genuine cases, namely with a knife. Nevertheless, it is only veracious to say that cataract is by no means always an isolated condition. What we need to remember is that the eye is a part of the body that the eye is a part of the body, and therefore in treating the body as a whole for other symptoms, the local condition is apt to cure itself without any direct attention.

Hi, thanks so much, yerrag. This sent me down a rabbit hole of considering urophagia. Though I doubt it's what it used to be with all the heavy metals we're exposed to, some of it must come out through the urine. Then I remembered I have some urea from health natura in the fridge. After reading up on a former PM of India who lived to 99 drinking his urine daily, I decided urea can't be too deadly. I've added 1-2 tsp of urea to my daily intake and of everything I take internally, it seems to be helping most, both my mental and ocular clarity.

I've also picked up a good home water distiller and started a twice daily eyewash of distilled water + baking soda. This feels like it moves things along making me feel a little more secure about doing the lipid-based drops in my eyes.


Oct 22, 2014
I would suggest Oftan Catachrom Eye drops and taurine drops as a long term support thing. Plus oral taurine should be supportive as well. Bacopa for circulation (every 6 months) and goji berries as antioxidant source. Also good to check serum Zn, Cu, Mg and B vits status.

Vadim - those drops look really interesting. After a long search, I should have some on the way from Russia, It could take a few weeks. It was really hard to find a vendor that even accepted PayPal.
Re: Bacopa, why just every 6 months? Goji berries sound good. I'll take your other comments into account. Thanks.

EDIT I missed the taurine drops earlier. I found one called Bestoxol but it's harder to get than the Oftan Catachrom. I am not finding any taurine eye drops, unfortunately.
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Mar 29, 2016
Hi, thanks so much, yerrag. This sent me down a rabbit hole of considering urophagia. Though I doubt it's what it used to be with all the heavy metals we're exposed to, some of it must come out through the urine. Then I remembered I have some urea from health natura in the fridge. After reading up on a former PM of India who lived to 99 drinking his urine daily, I decided urea can't be too deadly. I've added 1-2 tsp of urea to my daily intake and of everything I take internally, it seems to be helping most, both my mental and ocular clarity.

I've also picked up a good home water distiller and started a twice daily eyewash of distilled water + baking soda. This feels like it moves things along making me feel a little more secure about doing the lipid-based drops in my eyes.
I have high hopes either urea or urine will work wonders. I'm going to start drinking morning urine (midstream) soon, hoping it would help remove immune complexes deposited in my kidneys (and perhaps liver, knee joints, and in scalp capillaries). The urea in the urine may just be what's needed to clear out these immune complexes. The effects are hypertension, arthritis, and hair loss.

I personally prefer urine as heavy metals was my concern, as the urea sold at Health Natura and at Lifegiving Store both contain lead at levels I find to be too high. It's not just them, as the best urea out there could simply. be what they're selling. But I wouldn't be too concerned if the use of the urea is temporary only, as it would be in both our cases.

I may be wrong, but I seem to trust my urine as a source of urea than coming from the USP grade urea we're able to buy. If there's heavy metals in our food, I even think it accumulates in our body, in our adipose tissues as well as in bone marrows, so it doesn't show up in urine unless we're doing some chelation as well as using binders that will bind to the chelated heavy metals.

Either way, heavy metals or not, what's more important is being able to help clear your cataract condition. The heavy metal issue would be inconsequential since the use of the urea is limited in duration, and your exposure to heavy metals is limited.

Glad that it is already having an effect on you! I hope it will on me as well.
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