I Took 100mg Pregnenolone ED For Years - Please Help Me


Sep 30, 2020
Before you start judging, don't bother, I know that I am and have been a complete idiot. I've always been somewhat of a perfectionist and somewhere around 2016 started believing in a drug could make me just slightly better without any side effects. Oh boy was I wrong.

I started off with 50mg for a year, felt great, quick and snappy, great energy, libido great. Bumped it up to 100mg since I wanted better gains at the gym and it was all good I suppose.

About a year later I had my first panic attack, followed by another one a couple of months later. I started feeling constantly anxious and the stress was getting really serious for a while (heart palpitations, numb hands, feeling like I was about to have a heart attack) so I decided to stop.

Now about 5 months later, I still feel constantly anxious. I know there is something wrong with me, I've never been like this before. What can I do? How can I heal and be myself again?


Jun 4, 2018
Dont think it was the preg itself. Ray took it by the grams. If the product had no toxic excipients I would say your environment/diet is causing it. Perhaps you can share more?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Pregnenolone increases pregnenolone sulfate (PS), which is a GABA antagonist, however pregnenolone also converts to progesterone, which has a pro-GABA effect. To lower PS, just stop taking the pregnenolone and add in something pro-GABA, such as magnesium, theanine, etc.


Sep 30, 2020
Dont think it was the preg itself. Ray took it by the grams. If the product had no toxic excipients I would say your environment/diet is causing it. Perhaps you can share more?

By the grams for how long? I don't think I've heard of any studies on long term preg abuse. Ray was actually the reason I started in the first place.

I believe I have a fairly good diet plan, as I mentioned I was going to the gym, I do see to it that I get my fair share of vegetables and lean protein along with adequate fruits and berries. I never eat out and stayed away from drugs/alcohol since like forever.

Since the anxiety started I have been doing yoga regularly, added 30 min jogging once a day and made sure to sleep 9 hours a day. It does help a little but at the end of the day I'm still anxious and feel like "Why do I have to do this? Why can't I be normal?"


Sep 30, 2020
Pregnenolone increases pregnenolone sulfate (PS), which is a GABA antagonist, however pregnenolone also converts to progesterone, which has a pro-GABA effect. To lower PS, just stop taking the pregnenolone and add in something pro-GABA, such as magnesium, theanine, etc.

I stopped the Pregnenolone 5 months ago and I've been experimenting with magnesium, ashwagandha, CBD, turmeric and chamomile but they don't deliver in the long run. Doesn't high PS give you like night sweats and mood swings? I don't have those. I feel like I've damaged my natural cortisol production but I can't be sure without getting bloods.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I stopped the Pregnenolone 5 months ago and I've been experimenting with magnesium, ashwagandha, CBD, turmeric and chamomile but they don't deliver in the long run. Doesn't high PS give you like night sweats and mood swings? I don't have those. I feel like I've damaged my natural cortisol production but I can't be sure without getting bloods.
Serotonin and cortisol are involved in mood swings and serotonin promotes cortisol release.
Perhaps you can try an anti-serotonin substance.
Nov 16, 2012
Quite reckless, but what's done is done. I was hooked on 100 mg pregnenolone for a while, but started gaining midsection weight which quickly put me off of it...

My guess would be; you have probably screwed up your hormones somehow (let's assume it's that and not something more complex like neurosteroid/GABA system for starters), most likely a majority of that pregnenolone was converting to estrogen. Maybe you suppressed your AR or something, I'd suggest a similar approach to what a lot of us here use for PFS. Proviron to flatten out the receptors, followed by HCG to get your HPG axis working again.

I had something of a similar crash from dieting about 8 years ago which resulted in having NON-STOP 24/7 pounding heart, anxiety, hot flashes and sweating. Nothing helped. Finally figured out years later it was due to downregulated AR in the CNS, can't properly sense hormones, your T&E get crushed by DHT and you start falling apart like this. HCG is now helping me slowly, diet & supplements did nothing all those years.

I'm not saying you necessarily have what I did but if you find that nothing supplement-wise helps, might be time to look at the pharma approach. Lest you lose years of your life like me.


Sep 30, 2020
Serotonin and cortisol are involved in mood swings and serotonin promotes cortisol release.
Perhaps you can try an anti-serotonin substance.

It seems easy to get prescription anti-depressants where I'm located but I'm looking for something to cure me, not a temporary band-aid. I started reading a bit about 5-HTP and it does seem good but again I seems like it will only last temporarily.
Nov 21, 2015
I haven't experienced anything negative with pregnenolone. I've taken 100mg for months and months and even more. No problems at all.


Sep 30, 2020
Quite reckless, but what's done is done. I was hooked on 100 mg pregnenolone for a while, but started gaining midsection weight which quickly put me off of it...

My guess would be; you have probably screwed up your hormones somehow (let's assume it's that and not something more complex like neurosteroid/GABA system for starters), most likely a majority of that pregnenolone was converting to estrogen. Maybe you suppressed your AR or something, I'd suggest a similar approach to what a lot of us here use for PFS. Proviron to flatten out the receptors, followed by HCG to get your HPG axis working again.

I had something of a similar crash from dieting about 8 years ago which resulted in having NON-STOP 24/7 pounding heart, anxiety, hot flashes and sweating. Nothing helped. Finally figured out years later it was due to downregulated AR in the CNS, can't properly sense hormones, your T&E get crushed by DHT and you start falling apart like this. HCG is now helping me slowly, diet & supplements did nothing all those years.

I'm not saying you necessarily have what I did but if you find that nothing supplement-wise helps, might be time to look at the pharma approach. Lest you lose years of your life like me.

Damn.. Great to hear you're feeling alright buddy. It sounds like you've tried to recover from a bad testosterone cycle. Isn't proviron and HCG to make your dik work and get fertile?

I remember having my thyroid levels checked when I was on the Pregnenolone but I guess they could really be all over the place now. I do feel normal otherwise, dik work, sleep good, energy and concentration okay. It's just this terrible anxiety that won't budge and it makes me feel paralyzed half the time.

I have had some experience with HGH earlier in my youth. Do you think that would help me in any way?


Sep 30, 2020
I haven't experienced anything negative with pregnenolone. I've taken 100mg for months and months and even more. No problems at all.

The problems sneak up on you when you think about it the least. Believe me, it's not worth it. I don't know how much it's helping you and making you good but everything that makes good must make bad, it's the rule of nature.

Taper off while it hasn't done any serious harm, you're still healthy.


Dec 26, 2013
By the grams for how long? I don't think I've heard of any studies on long term preg abuse. Ray was actually the reason I started in the first place.

I believe I have a fairly good diet plan, as I mentioned I was going to the gym, I do see to it that I get my fair share of vegetables and lean protein along with adequate fruits and berries. I never eat out and stayed away from drugs/alcohol since like forever.

Since the anxiety started I have been doing yoga regularly, added 30 min jogging once a day and made sure to sleep 9 hours a day. It does help a little but at the end of the day I'm still anxious and feel like "Why do I have to do this? Why can't I be normal?"
He was taking 3-4 grams per day for a year. Were you taking any other supplements or drugs?

You could try to increase the pregnenolone instead of stopping it. That dose may have gotten you into a bad GABA antagonism vs. agonism spot, and now you're stuck there. A higher dose could shift the balance. From my memory, Ray recounted that for a certain amount of time the beneficial effects of pregnenolone for him kept increasing as he upped the dose, and then after a while he found little to no difference between 4g and 100mg.

What is your caffeine intake like?
Last edited:


Sep 25, 2016
If I take around 100mg Pregnenolone or so my heart pounding (which is my worst symptom) gets worse temporarily.


Feb 28, 2017
Quite reckless, but what's done is done. I was hooked on 100 mg pregnenolone for a while, but started gaining midsection weight which quickly put me off of it...

My guess would be; you have probably screwed up your hormones somehow (let's assume it's that and not something more complex like neurosteroid/GABA system for starters), most likely a majority of that pregnenolone was converting to estrogen. Maybe you suppressed your AR or something, I'd suggest a similar approach to what a lot of us here use for PFS. Proviron to flatten out the receptors, followed by HCG to get your HPG axis working again.

I had something of a similar crash from dieting about 8 years ago which resulted in having NON-STOP 24/7 pounding heart, anxiety, hot flashes and sweating. Nothing helped. Finally figured out years later it was due to downregulated AR in the CNS, can't properly sense hormones, your T&E get crushed by DHT and you start falling apart like this. HCG is now helping me slowly, diet & supplements did nothing all those years.

I'm not saying you necessarily have what I did but if you find that nothing supplement-wise helps, might be time to look at the pharma approach. Lest you lose years of your life like me.
How can pregnenolone turn into Estrogen? What kind of vendor are you taking from there probably is inpurity with the stuff you used. People claim side effects from sh*t that they don't even know the purity about my midsection decreased after using pregnenolone I even lost weight from it. So my guess is use a ******* good pregnenolone and stop complaining about the side effects for once.

(EDIT*) Besides all of this me myself experienced having side effects from MRM Nutrition pregnenolone I had bad diarrhea that never occured before on high dosing preg so my guess is half of the pregnenolone on the market is useless and inpure. Some people also claimed that it's mixed with DHEA .

I ordered from HealthNatura and if you got further questions about it ask me .

Best commercial Pregnenolone is from Douglas Labs they have Certificate of analysis from a third party lab so make sure you use something that a vendor can claim some sort of a COA because every preg on the market could be inpure like I said before.


Dec 26, 2013
How can pregnenolone turn into Estrogen? What kind of vendor are you taking from there probably is inpurity with the stuff you used. People claim side effects from sh*t that they don't even know the purity about my midsection decreased after using pregnenolone I even lost weight from it. So my guess is use a ******* good pregnenolone and stop complaining about the side effects for once.

(EDIT*) Besides all of this me myself experienced having side effects from MRM Nutrition pregnenolone I had bad diarrhea that never occured before on high dosing preg so my guess is half of the pregnenolone on the market is useless and inpure. Some people also claimed that it's mixed with DHEA .

I ordered from HealthNatura and if you got further questions about it ask me .

Best commercial Pregnenolone is from Douglas Labs they have Certificate of analysis from a third party lab so make sure you use something that a vendor can claim some sort of a COA because every preg on the market could be inpure like I said before.
The most recent pregnenolone I received from Health Natura smells strongly like glue or something. My tongue and mouth feel numb for more than an hour each time after I take it. It is the exact same lot number as the last order of pregnenolone I received from them, but the last one did not have the smell or the mouth effect. Is this normal?


Feb 28, 2017
The most recent pregnenolone I received from Health Natura smells strongly like glue or something. My tongue and mouth feel numb for more than an hour each time after I take it. It is the exact same lot number as the last order of pregnenolone I received from them, but the last one did not have the smell or the mouth effect. Is this normal?
I'll try it when it arrives it's still in parcel

(Edit*) I mailed Peter for you he is co owner of healthnatura.


Quite reckless, but what's done is done. I was hooked on 100 mg pregnenolone for a while, but started gaining midsection weight which quickly put me off of it...

My guess would be; you have probably screwed up your hormones somehow (let's assume it's that and not something more complex like neurosteroid/GABA system for starters), most likely a majority of that pregnenolone was converting to estrogen. Maybe you suppressed your AR or something, I'd suggest a similar approach to what a lot of us here use for PFS. Proviron to flatten out the receptors, followed by HCG to get your HPG axis working again.

I had something of a similar crash from dieting about 8 years ago which resulted in having NON-STOP 24/7 pounding heart, anxiety, hot flashes and sweating. Nothing helped. Finally figured out years later it was due to downregulated AR in the CNS, can't properly sense hormones, your T&E get crushed by DHT and you start falling apart like this. HCG is now helping me slowly, diet & supplements did nothing all those years.

I'm not saying you necessarily have what I did but if you find that nothing supplement-wise helps, might be time to look at the pharma approach. Lest you lose years of your life like me.

High dose Preg produced such a high DHT that it crushed your T&E?

You lost me here


Sep 30, 2020
How can pregnenolone turn into Estrogen? What kind of vendor are you taking from there probably is inpurity with the stuff you used. People claim side effects from sh*t that they don't even know the purity about my midsection decreased after using pregnenolone I even lost weight from it. So my guess is use a ******* good pregnenolone and stop complaining about the side effects for once.

(EDIT*) Besides all of this me myself experienced having side effects from MRM Nutrition pregnenolone I had bad diarrhea that never occured before on high dosing preg so my guess is half of the pregnenolone on the market is useless and inpure. Some people also claimed that it's mixed with DHEA .

I ordered from HealthNatura and if you got further questions about it ask me .

Best commercial Pregnenolone is from Douglas Labs they have Certificate of analysis from a third party lab so make sure you use something that a vendor can claim some sort of a COA because every preg on the market could be inpure like I said before.

I found that the excess pregnenolone converted into testosterone and I felt low testosterone symptoms just after I got off. I agree with you about the waist too, it's a bit strange that Myusernamehere found the waist growing. I tried MRM but ended up with LifeExtension.

I emailed LifeExtension and asked what I should do and they said that they have now stopped selling Pregnenolone as a supplement in europe because of research made about the side effects. They also mentioned that I should visit a doctor for my problems.
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