I Personally Only Got Better After Starting To Exercise A Lot


Jun 18, 2013
I think what is missing is a exercise program. I personally found no progress can be made without exercise. Just little walking or bycicling is not enough. I stopped exercising year and a half ago because I had an injury and I didnt exercise after that 3 month rest.

In the last 50 days with almost no stamina I started with fast walking and now I can lift lighter weight and have some stamina to jog. I hope to get back doing the peak 8 (the mercola program), where you sprint.
The endotoxin problem after fiber and too much starch disapeared, more energy, better blood sugar control.

I would be open to what would be a better exercise program to do. I think sprinting+weight lifting is the way to go.


Yea weight lifting improves my mood and requires me to eat more. So that definitely helps. But I have to be careful not to overdo it. I keep workouts to 3x a week no more than 45 min


Jan 22, 2013
I do better without exercise, im not joking either. Its not about not using my body, I use it a ton, and am pretty athletic and can do pullups when I tried recently, I just choose not to do 'exercise'. Any time I waste energy my hormones and overall spirit and stability fall, it seems like a stress response. If I have to do something intense but its for my job or my life, my hormones go up. Its weird but kind of not. The body questions why you are doing what you're doing. If its because lack of feeling good or clean inside or confident, then its a b**** made stress. If its actually serving a valuable purpose, its a noble thing and builds positive hormones. Theres a big difference. If someone is a mover for a living then its positive that they are strong and active. If someone has a different job and then goes after work to the gym or goes jogging, its actually more of a fear based stress, and the body lowers positive hormones. Its all about useful energy utilization. People have strayed far in America and in general from the actual amount of work it takes to produce good quality food, and the time, and don't realize, like all older cultures and many in the world today, that you don't waste energy, its rude to everyone around you. The people doing the necessary physical work get more food. If some dude was lifting a heavy bar up and down for no reason or put on some silly clothes and ran in a circle against their fun muscle, they'd be like no man, you don't get more food, what did you do that was worth anything to the collective?


Jun 8, 2014
Sprinting and weight lifting are excellent mitochondrial enhancers, which I do think is very useful for regaining metabolism. It should also increase DHT which should in turn reduce serotonin.

The key is finding the sweet spot. Not too intense and frequent that it causes counterproductive stress, especially if you've been running on stress hormones for a long time. Maybe it has something to do with brief anaerobic stresses (60-90 seconds with a few minutes in between the next stress) that give the mitochondria a reason to become more active.

Bodyweight exercises should work just as good as long as you are able to get an anaerobic response from the movement. A sport involving sprinting would work too.

Anaerobic movement should definitely be worked into a holistic metabolic centered health practice if at all possible. It's too effective to ignore.


Apr 30, 2015
pboy said:
I do better without exercise, im not joking either. Its not about not using my body, I use it a ton, and am pretty athletic and can do pullups when I tried recently, I just choose not to do 'exercise'. Any time I waste energy my hormones and overall spirit and stability fall, it seems like a stress response. If I have to do something intense but its for my job or my life, my hormones go up. Its weird but kind of not. The body questions why you are doing what you're doing. If its because lack of feeling good or clean inside or confident, then its a b**** made stress. If its actually serving a valuable purpose, its a noble thing and builds positive hormones. Theres a big difference. If someone is a mover for a living then its positive that they are strong and active. If someone has a different job and then goes after work to the gym or goes jogging, its actually more of a fear based stress, and the body lowers positive hormones. Its all about useful energy utilization. People have strayed far in America and in general from the actual amount of work it takes to produce good quality food, and the time, and don't realize, like all older cultures and many in the world today, that you don't waste energy, its rude to everyone around you. The people doing the necessary physical work get more food. If some dude was lifting a heavy bar up and down for no reason or put on some silly clothes and ran in a circle against their fun muscle, they'd be like no man, you don't get more food, what did you do that was worth anything to the collective?

Great post, I've actually found this to be true. When I work out, I feel bad, but if I play basketball, or hike with friends, or do anything that has a reason behind it, there is love and enjoyment.


Jan 1, 2013
Exercise increases endogen production of CoQ10.
It also increases testosterone.


Jan 3, 2014
Wanting to exercise is a sign for me that I'm improving. Exercising without that feeling causes stress symptoms. Exercising with that feeling does lots for me.
Feb 4, 2015
Anything that moves someone away from metabolic syndrome is going to be better than the opposite. Diet is still important though:


It should be fun though. I enjoy hiking in the sun and swimming in the shallow ocean with enough other primate around as to avoid a shark attack, hoping that it chooses someone else as it's lunch. I don't dread hiking and swimming. A treadmill? I'll take the shark.

Transdermal minerals from the ocean.


Oct 27, 2013
Over-training seems to be a big problem today, so the topic titles suggesting exercising a lot seems short-sighted. That being said, it's very possible to make exercise something you want to do. As with most things, exercising with friends would seem to be a positive. Also seeing the benefits from your exercising in real world situations would also produce a positive effect, be it work related, or a physical activity. Your frame of mind when exerting yourself if quite important. Any fear base exertion can lead to negative ramifications, but it's not a deal breaker. If you don't know how to rest (along with proper diet of course), exercising could lead to problems down the line.


Aug 22, 2013
I also feel better when I do a reasonable amount of exercise, but I too find that exercise without purpose can feel, well purposeless. What pboy said really resonates with me. When I've been feeling the happiest, most mentally stable, and healthiest in my life is when I've used my body a lot, but never did anything that I called exercise. When I was in a place that I could walk or bike to work and for my groceries and other basic needs. This wasn't exercise, but rather transportation and I felt good about the movement, about saving money, and about cutting down on pollution. When I was in this happy place, I was also going to the park a lot, and playing (frisbee, soccer, badminton, slackline, etc.), not exercising, and I did it because I loved it, not because I thought it would bring me great health. Also, for me there seems to be something especially powerful about hiking in the mountains. The beautiful sights, the smells, the unexpected animal encounters, and the spiritual purity of the mountains makes me feel amazing. Time to plan a hike!

And writing this makes me remember a deeper theme in the puzzle of happiness. Following and doing what you love. I think it's easy to become obsessed with health to the point where you stop doing what you love, and become completely focused on doing what will bring you health, or doing what you think you should. I always notice when things are starting to fall apart for me, it's that I'm spending way too much time doing what I think i "should" be doing, and way too little time doing what I really love. Of course, in our modern times it's difficult , because many things that seems to bring short term joy destroy us in the long run, so we have to be extra careful to avoid the traps, and follow only what will uplift our whole being in the now and the later. Ah, the beauty and complexity of modern life.


Jan 22, 2013
many good posts here, and I agree totally. hiking, moving in life, playing, biking ect make you feel positive, refreshed and satisfied, ..treadmill and stuff like that, a jog, just makes you feel irritated and depleted and as if something is under skin, like it wasn't a natural thing to do it, it was an 'I should or I need to' as if its a homework assignment or something. Think about...if someone comes back from playing bball or a hike or a walk to the store, they are more than likely going to be in a good loving mood. If you catch someone right after a jog they felt forced to do as part of their routine, they might be either, irritable or submissive, unless you let them eat and rest and give them space first. I think a big aspect to it is feeling in control, and really letting your body...express itself. Robotic or rigid motions, basically, 'excersize' makes it feel like a rulebook is controlling you, some rigid science idea, playing or being in nature, its a sense of freedom and letting your pores open and express themselves, even playing a sport is like that

chi flow, circulation basically, and breath, are big things...feeling your body totally and to the limbs and being expressive, feeling the wind, hearing and seeing beauty of nature, total usage of body and mind in a sport, are huge for feeling happy, if you are never active in the flow of something fun it can catch up. Rigid depleting excersize out of a forced feeling idea indoors or even jogging by a road, blocks off so many of the subtle channels of your being and its a hypertension, its not an ahhhhhh, open receiving dilated brain state, its a stress. It can be summed up as if it makes you smile, your heart producing good feel chems, or not

I agree with the last 6 posters but burt, you gotta keep in mind....the incrase in testosterone can easily
lead to an increase in estrogen, what is the determinant? if theres a stress involved..it all has to do with a sense of control and feeling connected, or a feeling or something else controlling, nagging you

self welling up, dopamine, fun inspired, explorative and creative desires, always lead to more positive hormones. Other peoples ideas or concepts having a control on you, some program or something having a control on you, is always producing stress reaction on a subtle level. People doing that kidn of thing are usually more combative, irritable, or overall less friendly and pretty much never inspiring


Jun 12, 2013
I agree with you guys. The ideal way to exercise is to move naturally doing things you enjoy. I now think the gym for me would be only if I had no other choice or someone wanted to work out with me (would be more fun that way).

When I was growing up I was naturally fit from physical labor and play, whether it was outside the house or playing sports. Even in part of my 20s I had a wonderful physical labor job that wasn't too hard most of the time, and I got to be out in nature and in the sun a lot. I never had to "work out" in those days.

Playing an instrument can be a workout. I also enjoy walks, riding bike, swimming (though I haven't done much biking or swimming in a long time).


Jan 22, 2013
^^ yea, music is surprisingly, weather it be a guitar, drums, or wind instruments...are one of the single best things for overall circulation and breath in the body, waking up or dilating the finer higher channels, its literally healing...not to mention all the vibe aspects of it, which can be healing to you and others around on many levels. The source of efficiency of flow and chi, circulation, breath and all that is the heart. The heart can work in 2 ways, either constricted and tense, but beating harder and faster, a stressed state, or it can work by being dilated and strong, but stable, which happens in an inspired state. Only the inspired state can dilate fully the finer channels of the brain and skin and overall being. Spiritual connectedness happens only in the dilated inspired state of the heart, which really, or just a deep feeling of happiness and satisfaction...it kinda doesn't get better than that. A huge thing people pretty much all harbor and need to let go of, is the notion that life is a fight. If all the others around you are playing that game, let them, but its bad for your heart to think and do that. In an inspired state you are more efficient and get as much done, but you're happier and never get hurt along the way...and the best part is you leave no residue, other than inspiration, hope, and goodness onto others. Going through life as if its a fight, leaves fear residues. Gym style, or mainstream idea of excersize, is harboring the notion that its a fight


May 24, 2013
pboy said:
... like all older cultures and many in the world today, that you don't waste energy, its rude to everyone around you.

Love your post pboy. Also there is dancing (socially) :carrot :carrot :carrot , where you are not using your energy for producing/working, but it is beneficial to the community and general happiness.


Jun 12, 2013
pboy said:
^^ yea, music is surprisingly, weather it be a guitar, drums, or wind instruments...are one of the single best things for overall circulation and breath in the body, waking up or dilating the finer higher channels, its literally healing...not to mention all the vibe aspects of it, which can be healing to you and others around on many levels. The source of efficiency of flow and chi, circulation, breath and all that is the heart. The heart can work in 2 ways, either constricted and tense, but beating harder and faster, a stressed state, or it can work by being dilated and strong, but stable, which happens in an inspired state. Only the inspired state can dilate fully the finer channels of the brain and skin and overall being. Spiritual connectedness happens only in the dilated inspired state of the heart, which really, or just a deep feeling of happiness and satisfaction...it kinda doesn't get better than that. A huge thing people pretty much all harbor and need to let go of, is the notion that life is a fight. If all the others around you are playing that game, let them, but its bad for your heart to think and do that. In an inspired state you are more efficient and get as much done, but you're happier and never get hurt along the way...and the best part is you leave no residue, other than inspiration, hope, and goodness onto others. Going through life as if its a fight, leaves fear residues. Gym style, or mainstream idea of excersize, is harboring the notion that its a fight

RP quote from functional alps:

“While jogging became popular for preventing heart disease, we were frequently told by experts how many miles a person has to run to burn off a pound of fat. However, in Russia, physiologists always remember to include the brain in their calculations, and it turns out that a walk through interesting and pleasant surroundings consumes more energy than does harder but more boring exercise. An active brain consumes a tremendous amount of fuel.”

After an hour of playing an instrument - that zone of focus one gets in, I find I am tired in a good way but definitely needing carbs to replenish.


Sep 11, 2013
Couldn't it be so simple that exercise has benefits as your metabolism is increased during exercise ?

I'm not sure what is exactly causes your metabolism to be increased during exercise, but the exercise is non stressfull like dancing, walking, jogging, or just playing around outsides, like kids do. I doubt if stress hormones causes this increase of metabolism during light exercise. At least, it doesn't feel that way to me.

I read sometime at a ray peat inspired blog (I think either Kim or Danny Roddy) that allmost all benefits of thyroid come down to increased ATP and CO2 production. So, maybe exercise has many benefits just because it increases ATP and CO2 production heavily during exercise. Especially if you breathing slowly through your nose during exercise.

The downsides of exercise would be that it decreases you heart rate if you are not exercising, but for me personally this is absolutely not the case, and I think it very much depends on what kind of exercise you do.

For example, today, I woke up with a very low heart rate. Around 40-55. After I did 20 min of running, my heart rate was 65-75 for the rest of daty (sitting). After another 20 min of running later on the day, and 20 min of weight lifting, my heart rate is now 80-90 sitting. I have a watch which measures my heart rate constantly, so I'm very sure about this measurements.

This increase of heart rate could also be related to drinking coffee, I also use aswhagandha which is pro-tyroid. But at least, it is hard to argue that exercise is doing my basal metabolic rate any wrong.

I don't regularly measure my heart rate, I will try to experimentate what happens if I exercise, and I don't use coffee or aswhangandha.


Sep 11, 2013
I think one other thing that may be the reason people react so badly on exercise, is when people exercise with food in the stomach. I think this may cause a massive increases in serotonin. Especially for people with digestive issues.

I always try to exercise on a empty stomach.
Nov 11, 2014
Ya, being fit is not the same as being healthy, but anyone who can't walk quickly without losing their breath is kidding themselves if they're trying to be healthy without a daily exercise routine. This is another area where rationalization is easy. If moving doesn't feel good, then not moving much isn't an answer (unless one in injured).


Dec 1, 2012
I'm with ya man. Feel way better when I exercise. Definitely an upside down U curve where the increasing rate of feel good plateaus until it falls off an exponential cliff.


Nov 1, 2012
Kasper said:
I think one other thing that may be the reason people react so badly on exercise, is when people exercise with food in the stomach. I think this may cause a massive increases in serotonin. Especially for people with digestive issues.

I always try to exercise on a empty stomach.

From the forum:
natedawg said:
Are you working out on an empty stomach? Peat refers to a study where men worked out with low blood sugar and experienced internal bleeding. Working out with low blood sugar makes cortisol and adrenaline rage, so have OJ or something beforehand.

"Eat sugar/protein, preferably something high quality like milk and Oj, before, during and after exercise."
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