How to Deal With Extreme Stress


Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Dude, I've known about asset protection, offshore, onshore since the 70's. you only are worried about a measly $100K. You'd lose half of that getting it set up and then your divorce judge would probably refer you to the district or federal attorney for fraud and you'd spend the other $50k defending yourself on your way to a felony conviction. You don't think they can track money around the world in 2021? And, she may be a whole lot sneakier than you think and she already has a copy of everything stashed away just waiting for you to pull a stunt like that, so she can hang you out to dry. Just searching for offshore tax havens on your phone or computer could come back to bite you. A judge has a lot of power and they can force you to turn over any information they want, if you are foolish enough to give them a reason. Not to mention the IRS requires you to report offshore accounts and if you don't the fines basically take all your money.

Your thinking has become very distorted and it's time to focus on LIFE. The old joke is "Do you know why divorce is expensive? Because it is worth it!"

Get a reasonably priced attorney. State law is what will say what she gets. Give her that and not a penny more. Thank your lucky stars you got out of hell and move on to a real Life and do not play with damaged goods or super psycho women ever again. Next time, long before shacking up, require the woman to sign a Marital Agreement keeping your income and assets separate property from hers. Even better, find a lady with a lot more money than you. There are a lot of them out there.

I grew up poor. My mom made $45 a day and my dad made $12/hr. We grew up saving every penny. We finally have enough. I am very close to my family. I know to them me losing $100k would devastate them.
Also asset protection is something you can do legally. I have set up a Bahamas Trust which owns a Belize IBC which owns bank accounts in 2 countries. I am not committing any fraud by doing this. Actually I would tell the judge that I put my assets in this trust. As long as it passes the time test I have a chance. My wife is not intelligent at all. She cant even hold a phone interview without me. As dumb as a box of rocks.
Problem is that I am trying to find a trustworthy bank that accepts Americans. Swiss banks wont accept me. I am looking at Singapore. But that will take time. If anyone here knows an offshore bank accepting Americans with a Belize ibc let me know.
that combined with thorough documentation and recordings of her abuse. I am hoping to turn the judge to my side by saying we respect the laws of the Bahamas and Belize and the trust is valid.
I am also learning how to become a lawyer. Many of us on this forum are here because of the corrupt medical system. What makes you think lawyers aren’t the same way? I know mechanics are that way. Ive had my car broken so a mechanic can make money. The only one you can trust is yourself. Luckily I am a fairly smart guy. Ray Peat has only made me stronger. We’re it not for him I would not have lasted as long as I have with her.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
The number one target of scammers are smart people with money. Smart people make easy targets because they believe they cannot be outsmarted because they do so much research and due diligence. In other words, the last person you can trust is yourself because the single most powerful force in the universe is self-deception.


Jan 1, 2020
Don't wash your armpits and then whenever she gets mad you wrestle her and shove her face in your stinky armpit and tell her to piss off. There is no flaw in this plan unless she happens to be on trenbolone. And then just get your divorce dude jesus christ
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