How to assess temp for thyroid function


Feb 3, 2020
Man this really is a science of its own isn't it ?
I'm kind of hesitant to even recommend it to normies , when it's so difficult to figure out even for biohackers like us.
Absolutely. And then it seems that thyroid needs differ between winter and summer. So many confounding factors…


Jan 29, 2022
I thought this would be a simple answer to find - but I have read or heard just about every possible opinion depending on who is giving it. Doing this correctly seems to be the key correcting my potential hypothyroid issues, yet I can't find a solid answer. I have read Broda Barnes's book. He advocates the basal temp on awakening, moving as little as possible, for 10 minutes with a shake down thermometer, in order to monitor thyroid status. 97.6-98.2 is the range considered 'normal'. Initially he used oral temps, but after seeing that some people could have sinus or other oral infections that could raise it - he went on to prefer the armpit. He only used this morning temp, and the oral and armpit temps should be the same, so I assume sans an injection, oral still would be adequate.

Since there weren't digital thermometers at the time he did his research, this wasn't even an option - so an obvious first question I have is: does the digital thermometer suffice now? I would not be able to do 10 minutes b/c it shuts off sooner. However, perhaps it isn't necessary to wait so long with the digital instruments.

I find my armpit temp is lower when I use a digital thermometer. *I do have some dental issues, so perhaps I have a low grade infection there? Does anyone have experience comparing oral and armpit temps with digital thermometers?

I'd like to be able to ask Dr. Peat what he recommends, don't know if he answers emails from peons like me anymore :). He talks a lot about interpretation, but I haven't read or heard anything from him about the basic test: 1. i.e can I use a digital thermometer? 2. Is oral okay, or does he recommend the armpit, and what about the 10 minutes. Rectal? I think I read somewhere that rectal was a decent reading, just unpleasant in inconvenient for most. Of course Dr. Peat adds the pulse.

The woman Dr. Peat has linked to his website for thyroid consults said you can use a digital thermometer in an interview, but she didn't say where..
I heard Danny Roddy say the armpit should be used, but he also didn't say what kind of thermometer was needed and if the 10 minutes was required.

Depending on how I measure, I might want to increase my thyroid dose, or not; so I'm really eager to get some clarification. My symptoms remain, however it is possible they are not caused by low thyroid hormone, so I don't want to just rely on them.

I'm sure many here have been doing this for a long time, so I greatly appreciate any advice! Thank you in advance.
Don't forget that if you are a menstruating woman, he only recommends taking temps on the 2nd or 3rd day of your cycle
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