How laced steroids(that were birth control) destroyed my health, and zinc is pulling me out of the grave.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Ray peat was right about everything. Im a good case study. I was given birth control instead of steroids. Destroyed my health. Post cycle my testosterone was “58” and my estrogen was quadruple range.

All I know is during that time my liver just stopping freaking working. From that acute exposure my system just went haywire and stored all that estrogen. And PUFAS and iron. Crazy copper toxicity as well. And then I couldn’t get my brain back to working once I visibly saw where my hormones were at. My whole reality flipped. Almost caught in a bad shroom trip for 3 years basically.
Tanked thyroid. Rapid weight loss, autistic symptoms, forgetting who I was, schizophrenia,tremors etc etc. i could just simply not stop the onslaught of negative thinking and stress hormones. At one point I was losing weight at well over 5550 calories. A complete crumbling of who I was. I basically had to reinvent a person from the ground up. It seems like it was a traumatic brain injury without a physical injury.. if that makes sense. PTSD.

So I tried everything to lower estrogen but nothing was working. After the initial rise in estrogen my estrogen labs then tanked. So I was confused but then realized it was in tissues from rays work. Aspirin thyroid progesterone vitamin e sugar. Nothing would get anything to budge. Mostly I was trying to raise my progesterone to liberate the stuck estrogen. My progesterone was non readable low.

I realized this was all counterproductive because I wasn’t addressing any of the stored estrogen and only hurting my already tanked e2 blood estrogen. I needed to first get the estrogen out of the tissue.

Zinc. Zinc. Zinc. Did more for me than imaginable. It very quickly raised my progesterone and pregneleone dramatically. Completely normalized elevated rbcs hemoglobin hematocrit and rose my below range ferritin(detoxing iron from liver) And then most importantly my e2 finally rose too. Was also using boron, k2, selenium. But zinc was the magic.

I realized that all the fancy hormones and supps couldn’t work until I fixed my mineral issues that were at the route of all this at the most fundamental level. I’m sure using all the other tools with zinc would have been good.

If you see the photos you see my literal non existent level change pretty marketably. Also worth nothing is rays idea that estrogen is stuck because progesterone is low. I had really low e2 also. But as my progesterone went up my e2 also went up to normal range and my Estrone sulfate lowered. I think that’s great and estrogen is starting to get into blood.

I think what ray maybe never touched on enough though was how balancing zinc can be.

The first two photos where I’m terribly skinny fat at 165lbs at 6’3ish we’re about 2 months ago. I went from 205 to 165 in less than 6 months while eating consistently over 4500 calories. Catabolic beyond belief. The last picture is from today. I don’t live in that house anymore so it’s not the same mirror but I think you can see a clear difference. Also I still haven’t lifted a weight in over a year. That pic on the right is just from stopping fear based thinking, getting zinc up, drinking more coffee, and speeding up metabolism I guess.


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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Glad for your recovery. May have missed it, but what supplement (eg, oxide, gluconate, etc) and dose did you use?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Glad for your recovery. May have missed it, but what supplement (eg, oxide, gluconate, etc) and dose did you use?
I used orotate and now ionic liquid gluconate. I try to use all supplements liquid form w water. Capsules don’t sit well in my stomach at all. Varies from 20-100mg. Between the estrogen and my 16 mercury fillings I may have created the worlds largest zinc deficiency which is why I need a lot and am benefiting. And contrary to what ppl think I don’t rly think zinc creates a copper deficiency necessarily. It can actually
Help make copper bioavailable

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I have read, but never done it, that you can do a test with liquid zinc supplements to see if your deficient or not. I forget the details, but it has to do with whether you can taste it or not..


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I have read, but never done it, that you can do a test with liquid zinc supplements to see if your deficient or not. I forget the details, but it has to do with whether you can taste it or not..
Yeah I’ve heard of that. I doubt the certainty of that. But who knows. I actually got a liquid one to see how it tastes. It taste decent so I guess based on the taste test that’s good. Certain liquid supps taste so bad they hurt my gut. Not sure if that 100% means you don’t need it or not. It’s a good question

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@tommyg130 hi,
i suggest you were not terribly skinny fat at all,you looks decent on all pics,many peoples with more body fat than that and or less muscles have great head/face/skull and bone structure,and are enjoyable to chill with,

on the first one you are not flexing,on the second one you are flexing,with different lighting

i wish you fun


Sep 22, 2021
new york
@tommyg130 hi,
i suggest you were not terribly skinny fat at all,you looks decent on all pics,many peoples with more body fat than that and or less muscles have great head/face/skull and bone structure,and are enjoyable to chill with,

on the first one you are not flexing,on the second one you are flexing,with different lighting

i wish you fun
I’m not flexing at all , my arm is in that position but I’m not flexing. If you don’t believe me that’s fine. I do agree about the lightning ya. I understand I look better than most I guess. But it’s just where I once came from. It’s a big difference. The main point was to emphasize zincs balancing effect on the system and that speeding up metabolism can increase body comp w out liffing weights. And zincs effect on progesterone. It wasn’t so much to be a before and after pic showing my Gains. It’s all relative though, I can assure
You those first 2 pics are a complete fraction of what I looked like prior to all of this.

I don’t get the bit about being enjoyable to be with. ?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
@tommyg130 hi,
i suggest you were not terribly skinny fat at all,you looks decent on all pics,many peoples with more body fat than that and or less muscles have great head/face/skull and bone structure,and are enjoyable to chill with,

on the first one you are not flexing,on the second one you are flexing,with different lighting

i wish you fun
Also I’m sure ppl w how I look in first pics or worse can be healthy. Point is I wasn’t though, and I got significantly leaner While also gaining weight.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
@tommyg130 hi,
i suggest you were not terribly skinny fat at all,you looks decent on all pics,many peoples with more body fat than that and or less muscles have great head/face/skull and bone structure,and are enjoyable to chill with,

on the first one you are not flexing,on the second one you are flexing,with different lighting

i wish you fun
I deleted the pics of myself, so I don’t distract ppl with the actual point
I’m trying to make


Dec 5, 2022
How in the world did you end up taking birth control? Are you saying you thought you were taking oral, anabolic, androgenic steroids but were actually using female birth control? Or am I misunderstanding your post?

Also, did you try a suicide inhibitor like Aromasin to lower E2? I’m wondering how that would work with already present estrogen instead of testosterone that is aromatizing in your body. I’m sure you tried Letrozole or Arimidex but wondering about Aromasin.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
How in the world did you end up taking birth control? Are you saying you thought you were taking oral, anabolic, androgenic steroids but were actually using female birth control? Or am I misunderstanding your post?

Also, did you try a suicide inhibitor like Aromasin to lower E2? I’m wondering how that would work with already present estrogen instead of testosterone that is aromatizing in your body. I’m sure you tried Letrozole or Arimidex but wondering about Aromasin.
Yes that’s it, it was oral. And I tried those things but it didn’t resolve anything,
Bc I don’t think it was addressing tissue estrogen. Not sure


Dec 5, 2022
Yes that’s it, it was oral. And I tried those things but it didn’t resolve anything,
Bc I don’t think it was addressing tissue estrogen. Not sure
Yikes! I sure hope you put that source on blast on whatever forum you found them on. I’d be beyond pissed. Whats even stranger is that I think most all (maybe not Oxandrolone) raw oral steroid powders are cheaper and easier to source than female birth control. At least I think so. So idk why they would even attempt such a scam unless they were just trying to hurt someone. This is wild. Glad you are recovering though. Sounds like a legit nightmare.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@tommyg130 i believe you,i used a shortcut,rather, it did "seems"like you were flexing.i simply meant that you can have the body you had on your first 2 pics,and feel great physically and mentally,and being perceive as much by other,that is why i said"be enjoyable to chill with"

i wish you fun


Dec 26, 2021
I used orotate and now ionic liquid gluconate. I try to use all supplements liquid form w water. Capsules don’t sit well in my stomach at all. Varies from 20-100mg. Between the estrogen and my 16 mercury fillings I may have created the worlds largest zinc deficiency which is why I need a lot and am benefiting. And contrary to what ppl think I don’t rly think zinc creates a copper deficiency necessarily. It can actually
Help make copper bioavailable
Just searched your posts to get more clarity on your zinc experience. And, interesting stuff. Right before my "autoimmne" condition erupted and took me out 2 of my old mercury fillings came loose and cracked in my mouth. I digested a good amount of a metalic tasting substance. Then the emergency visit to the dentist caused more issues because he drilled the rest out without precaution. I may try some zinc supplementation instead of just relying on food for it.


Feb 3, 2020
Glad you are doing better!

Zinc is very important indeed. If you are deficient then you will feel a huge difference. Thyroid wise, hormonally, mentally, body composition.

It supports mercury detoxification. Do you still have all your amalgam fillings? It‘s very important to get them out, they offgas and are a constant ingested source of Hg. I do think tho that it‘s quite difficult and expensive to get all 16 teeth done.

Watch your chronic dosing of zinc. It can bite your **** if you are careless with it.

Remember: You are currently relieving a deficiency and possibly lifting a burden that is placed on your body by the Hg toxicity, that‘s why it feels so good.

I would watch the (ideally plasma) zinc status with a blood test every 1-2 months in the beginning. Taking no zinc for 3 days before each blood test to get a clear picture.
By watching your blood work you ensure safety. You can also tweak the dose with regular blood work to your individual needs.

Hyperzincemia is also real and best be avoided.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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