How is (or was) your instinct about food? Concordance with Peat?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
For me, clearly, my instinct says that Peat is right.
(I am sure he cannot be totally, when science will discover other factors!)

Now that I see my instinct is good, I am quite angry about the manipulations, and how much we had to feel guilty about food likings. How was it for you?

For example, I have always loved fruits, and loved to eat meat with fruit, and cheese with fruits.
But I have always disliked unripe fruits.
I prefered cooked apples and pears. I loved dates.

About meat, as a child I always wanted the bones, and even ate the crunchy cartilage of chicken. My favorite dish from my mother’s cooking included “veau en gelée”, as I loved the gelatine with the carrots.

Instead of a slice of bread with butter, I would rather had a slice of butter with some bread, or even better, with only honey on top of the slice of butter!

All what I liked and still like is Peat friendly!

Of course, I have been told that sugar was bad, especially for me with a weak pancreas and liver...
When I was advised to try eating gluten free, it went all better, but I found out by myself that I did not want the other staches either.

It is so dificult to do something that goes against what you have been told!
"grains are good for you"
"Fruits and meat are not easy to digest together"...

I have always been a good child easy to feed, but I really remember when my parents introduced some health food. I felt that I could not eat wholegrain food like “black” spaguettis. When I started to cook myself, guests would complain that my noodles could be used as glue, and no way, I could not understand “al dente”, even for rice.

Did what you liked as a child correspond to the “theory” of good eating?
Can you still use your instinct for eating?


Nov 9, 2012
Xisca said:
Instead of a slice of bread with butter, I would rather had a slice of butter with some bread, or even better, with only honey on top of the slice of butter!

All what I liked and still like is Peat friendly!

I think instinct has too many limitations. Some nice toasted fresh bred with melting butter smells like heaven to me. Is the bread healthy? Probably not. Same for good pasta at an Italian restaurant. Not all cheap pufa food smell good, but I can still think of plenty of pufa fried foods that are very appetising, but eating them would make me regret it a lot an hour later. And vice versa, is liver and oysters naturally yummy to you? Not for me. And I think this limitation of instinct is why we have so many food problems. Sure, we eat more pufa in part because we have been told it is healthier, but that's not the whole story. I don't think people going to McDonalds only go there thinking its healthy and cheap...


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I think we can deter those limitations.
Or should try....
I also love toasts like you...
Yes, I had a period I was craving seafood, and I had a lack of iodine and vitamine D...

I think that a lot of industrialised food is trying to fool our instinct.
That is why I refered also to my chilhood likings.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Well when I was growing up I remember times at my Grandparent's house where I would drink Whole milk until my stomach hurt I liked it soo much. I also like swishing it about in my mouth before swallowing it too, not sure why. I absolutely love the chalky taste... :2cents
Nov 26, 2013
You can find a couple of people here talking about babies who eat liver I think. When they placed babies in front of tables of food, what they chose to eat seemed to meet all demands known at the time.


Jul 22, 2012
LIke you, Xisca,
my instinct was to eat the avocado.
And the crispy chicken skin.
PUFA hell!


Mar 17, 2015
I don't eat very 'Peaty' at all, but today I had a tall glass of fresh OJ and three fried eggs, salted well. Great breakfast, though I was hungrier much earlier than usual. But it was what I craved.


Apr 2, 2015
Never has my diet been more in line with my instinct after I discovered Ray Peat.

Fruit and gelatinous meats as a primary base for energy is so blatantly obvious that science and all her "provings" is about as familiar as an extraterrestrial fart.


Apr 22, 2015
When I was a kid I loved milk and fruit. We often had liver with onions and bacon. I did not like vegetables....would gag on green peppers and lima beans. As an adult, for years and years, I resisted my instincts for sugar, but it always got the best of me and then I would scold myself for the terrible lack of control. During the long low carb years I would reject orange juice even though I loved the cool citrusy taste. Finding Peat was so liberating. And once I reintroduced sugars the right way I felt better. Once I understood Peat my instinct was this was the end of the road in my search for enlightened long term health from the deepest cellular level. It all just rang true to me and after I rang the peat bell I knew I could not unring it. This is not the protocol you try and then try something else. Yes, you may need to experiment and tweak to get it right for your self but the basics are there.


Jan 3, 2014
Fortunately for me fruit cheese milk and eggs are my favourite foods and I grew up on them and was very healthy as a child. Coffee I enjoy now but didn't then. Never been crazy about veg. Love seafood. Don't mind liver occasionally. So i knew peating was going to suit me!


Nov 8, 2014
Fruit and dairy have always been my favorite food groups. I am extatic to find his work and not have to worry about sugar and milk not being fit for human consumption and also that I don't have to force feed myself muscle meats and vegetables anymore! Just wish I had found Peat sooner before I did so much damage.


Dec 21, 2014

has anyone in the world ever wanted a kale smoothie ? a kale shake ?
a spirulina/sprout salad ?
a bowl of olives and avocado ?
raw broccoli with almonds ?

I don't know, but I don't think anyone does.

my only disagreement with peat is starch. I think some people do instinctively want this

member 2106

uuy8778yyi said:
has anyone in the world ever wanted a kale smoothie ? a kale shake ?
a spirulina/sprout salad ?
a bowl of olives and avocado ?
raw broccoli with almonds ?

I don't know, but I don't think anyone does.

I love and often crave olives and avocado.


May 6, 2014
I enjoy all the Peaty foods I eat, particularly the cheese and fruit combo. But I know I would still love the taste of bread, pasta, cake, beans, and nuts. I just don't eat them anymore (gave up a lot of them before Peat). But I try to eat only things that are first-rate delicious. Liver is the exception. It's tolerable now, and when I get a good piece and I'm hungry, I'd even say that it's good.

I was also just learning to enjoy beer when I got into Peat. You just can't win! :)


Jan 6, 2015
uuy8778yyi said:

has anyone in the world ever wanted a kale smoothie ? a kale shake ?
a spirulina/sprout salad ?
a bowl of olives and avocado ?
raw broccoli with almonds ?

I don't know, but I don't think anyone does.

my only disagreement with peat is starch. I think some people do instinctively want this

You got some strange meal combos.

Olives with avocado? Olives, with fresh crunchy salad, a salad dressing and moist, delicious home made pizza, yes. Olives on cheese on toast with a condiment of your choice, mmmmmmmm.

Broccoli with almonds? Broccoli with a creamy, salty fish pie, yes. Or broccoli with roasted potatoes, a lamb shank and a salty broth, yes.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I am delighted to read you, thank you!
halken said:
Never has my diet been more in line with my instinct after I discovered Ray Peat.
Fruit and gelatinous meats as a primary base for energy is so blatantly obvious ....

I only liked a few kind of sweets, as I did not like artificial tastes: I could not either drink coca cola or fanta, just pure good fruit, juice, honey... and I have always loved chocolate. I liked jam only if really rich in fruit. Even if I agree about eating sugar, I really appreciate that Peat says to eat it only when there are not good fruits. At least I buy integral cane sugar, that still have the minerals in it. And it is more tasty.

peatypie said:
When I was a kid I loved milk and fruit. ... As an adult, for years and years, I resisted my instincts for sugar, but it always got the best of me and then I would scold myself for the terrible lack of control.
During the long low carb years I would reject orange juice even though I loved the cool citrusy taste.
Finding Peat was so liberating.
And once I reintroduced sugars the right way I felt better. Once I understood Peat my instinct was this was the end of the road in my search for enlightened long term health from the deepest cellular level. It all just rang true to me and after I rang the peat bell I knew I could not unring it. This is not the protocol you try and then try something else. Yes, you may need to experiment and tweak to get it right for your self but the basics are there.

sueq said:
Fortunately for me fruit cheese milk and eggs are my favourite foods and I grew up on them and was very healthy as a child.... So i knew peating was going to suit me!

Zachs said:
Fruit and dairy have always been my favorite food groups. I am extatic to find his work and not have to worry about sugar and milk not being fit for human consumption ...
Just wish I had found Peat sooner before I did so much damage.

I also tried to convince me that I did not like things I liked, or scold me...
I was so young when I was told I had to slow down sugar not to get diabetis...
And anyway, my parents were the kind not to let you eat sweets. But a lot of fruits yes. So I really believed sugar was bad, and then even fruits, because of the new trend to say that fructose is bad too!

It is so dificult to do something that goes against what you have been told!

I have always been a good child easy to feed, but I really remember when my parents introduced some health food. I felt that I could not eat wholegrain food like “black” spaguettis. When I started to cook myself, guests would complain that my noodles could be used as glue, and no way, I could not understand “al dente”, even for rice.


Nov 8, 2014
I remember once a friend and me bought a box of sugar cubes and we're eating them at his house, his mother cought us and flipped out saying we were going to give ourselves diabetes. Lol.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Well, I remember this about dogs, that giving them sugar would make them go blind....
Actually, I discovered that this was linked to diabetis.
And then discovered that the increase in diabetis in dogs is REAL.... but it is due to cereals they put in kibbles....

Lilac said:
I enjoy all the Peaty foods I eat, particularly the cheese and fruit combo. But I know I would still love the taste of bread, pasta, cake, beans, and nuts. I just don't eat them anymore (gave up a lot of them before Peat).

I also enjoy the TASTE, but I can feel that my body is not fond of them. That was strange when I stopped gluten, and noticed that I would not eat other starches if I did not THINK to cook them.

We also have habits and social behaviours about food!

About bread and pasta taste... Do you enjoy raw wheat or other starchy grain? Surely not that much...

RAW fruits and milk are delicious!
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