How Do You Get Rid Of Sulphur Producing Bacteria?


Mar 29, 2016
I have tried coconut oil with no luck unfortunately I'm not sure about grated coconut though, that might be worth a try.
I think I also might give in and take antibiotics. I haven't tried the bamboo shoots, carrot with vinegar, or grated coconut yet though. So maybe I'll order antibiotics and use those other three methods in the meantime.

I think that raw carrots and cooked bamboo shoots, and even activated charcoal are going to be of minor help when it comes to anaerobic putrefactive bacteria.

The first two are mildly antibiotic, and not strong enough for your case. Activated charcoal is broadly targeted against all bacteria, and it adsorbs bacteria away from the gut.

The antibiotics you mention are broad spectrum and don't do nearly enough against anaerobes, especially when they have developed biofilms to protect themselves.

Probiotics, in my opinion, have the beneficial fermentative kind of anaerobes that get to interact with the putrefactive anaerobes in the anaerobic reaches of the gut. With a strong enough dosage over time, these good bacteria will come to dominate over the bad ones, and the bad ones will become fringe, as their power and harmful effect wanes.

I just think having and using the right tools for the situation should be kept in mind. There's a time and a place for each of them.


Nov 26, 2012
Where do you live? A product named Enterogermina can be found OTC in Italy. It is a spore forming bacteria ( bacillus clausii) and it’s made by Sanofi Aventis.
I can vouch that the product is very safe and effective. I always have a big stack of it in my house. In the flask, there’s only purified water and the bacteria. The product is used since the 60´s in Italy.
If you wish, do some research on google about it.
Here is the link about the official website: Enterogermina: ideale contro i disturbi intestinali


Mar 29, 2016
I think that raw carrots and cooked bamboo shoots, and even activated charcoal are going to be of minor help when it comes to anaerobic putrefactive bacteria.

The first two are mildly antibiotic, and not strong enough for your case. Activated charcoal is broadly targeted against all bacteria, and it adsorbs bacteria away from the gut.

The antibiotics you mention are broad spectrum and don't do nearly enough against anaerobes, especially when they have developed biofilms to protect themselves.

Probiotics, in my opinion, have the beneficial fermentative kind of anaerobes that get to interact with the putrefactive anaerobes in the anaerobic reaches of the gut. With a strong enough dosage over time, these good bacteria will come to dominate over the bad ones, and the bad ones will become fringe, as their power and harmful effect wanes.

I just think having and using the right tools for the situation should be kept in mind. There's a time and a place for each of them.

On the other hand, using doxycycline first may also work. This could just lower the total count of bacteria, regardless of good or bad, by inhibiting growth of bacteria.

This also lessens the number of anaerobic bacteria that doxycycline can reach. After doxy, you can take probiotics. The probiotics can get to work in the anaerobic areas, and may even penetrate and disrupt the tough biofilm community of the putrefactive anaerobes. Since the putrefactive anaerobes's number have been lessened by doxycyline, this woud enhance the effectiveness of probiotics.


Apr 3, 2013
I ended up taking the full round of azithromycin and it helped immensely...but now I'm battling them coming back and repopulating the gut.
I'm currently doing carrot salad, minocycline, and high dose progesterone, thyroid, no starch or fiber, and small amounts of cyproheptadine.
I'll report back on how things go in a couple months.


Jul 8, 2018
I got a blood test done for sodium and potassium. This is another recent development of them being low. They've always been near the top end of the range and are now at the bottom. They started lowering after I started supplementing at least 400-600 mgs of magnesium on top of my diet that also contained around 600mgs of magnesium, and I was taking daily Epsom salt baths.
It could be coincidence, but I'm hoping it was the excessive magnesium and not something more serious.
Excessive renin and angiotensin might be the cause though. I think my ras is up regulated due to endotoxin caused by this nasty sulfur bacteria.
Magnesium needs to be balanced with potassium and sodium. So if you are taking one without the others issues can arise.


Sep 20, 2023
Thank you guys! I'll give these suggestions a try. I'm going to start with adding vinegar to the carrot salad and add some baking soda to oj.
I'm a little scared to try probiotics at this point but I may look into those if I can't get this sorted.

This sucks because this all started after I took bacteriophages I was doing so well before that.
What brand of bacteriophages did you take?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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