How Accurate Are Blood Tests For Hormones?


Oct 4, 2018
I'm female and had an incident with massive menstrual bleeding for several months after a detox supplement, I got a blood test done to evaluate my hormone levels. I'm not knowledgeable enough to interpret the results and my doctor told me the levels were normal but how can it be normal? After what I went through. Took high dose birth control for a month 4 months ago to try and stop bleeding but it just made things worse. I feel the pills added to my estrogen dominance. My bleeding was eventually stopped by acupuncture and my next menstrual cycle was delayed for 2 months and now it's back with almost the same intensity. I'm back to acupuncture again. Figured it was time to ask about my "normal" hormone levels. Here are the results from two months ago.


1.5 IU/L

Follicular: 1.9-14.6
Ovulatory: 12.2-118.0
Luteal: 0.7-12.9
Post-menopausal: 5.3-65.4


6.5 umol/L

Range 1.65-9.15


0.2 nmol/L

Follicular: <3.7
Ovulatory: <57.2
Luteal: 3.4-83.6
Post-menopausal: <0.7


251 pmol/L

Follicular: 45-854
Ovulatory: 151-1461
Luteal: 82-1251
Post-menopausal: <202

Prolactin at the time was elevated at 25. Range was <23.99. It has now lowered to a 17.

Copper is 14.1. Range was 10.7-22.3.

Should these hormone tests be trusted since the levels rise or decrease according to where I'm at in my cycle?
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Nov 28, 2014
It's my understanding that if you're not in menopause the hormone blood tests are fairly accurate. You do have to take in consideration where you are in your cycle to help interpret. Most docs are only going to look at whether you're in range, even if you're at the bottom of the range (which usually isn't an optimal place to be). Peat prefers to look at the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. For what it's worth, it does look to me like your progesterone is awfully low.

ETA: This might be helpful Progesterone To Estradiol Ratio (P:E2)
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Oct 4, 2018
I don’t know what to do. The only reason my progesterone plummeted is due to a series of unfortunate events (ie. damage from withdrawing off addictive medications which wrecked havoc on brain/body). I’m not menopausal and doctors have tried to supplement with progesterone but all with negative effects. I have also been informed that additional progesterone will convert to estrogen and it appears this did happen in my case. I want to replenish and balance in the most natural way. I wanted to attempt to use DIM to lower the excess estrogen in hopes to increase the progesterone but not sure how to go about it. I am bleeding profusely again this month for 21 days and I am back at acupuncture to stop the heavy flow. Acupuncture won’t address the root cause so I need to come up with something before my next period shows up. Any suggestions?


Nov 28, 2014
Was the progesterone bioidentical or was it synthetic progestin? Doctors sometimes consider them the same but they are not


Oct 4, 2018
I've tried both a bioidentical cream that was part of a Wiley protocol years ago and prometrium recently before they put me on the god awful high dose birth control pills to contain bleeding. I didn't react well to either.


Nov 6, 2014
Dear June
Progesterone doesn't turn into oestrogen. What it does do, presuming it is 'bio-identical', and not a fake progesterone-oestrogen is flush oestrogen out into the blood stream at which point it really starts to cause more havoc than when it was bound within a cell if it can not be detoxified by the liver appropriately. At this point, my suggestion is to re-consider liver and bowel health and especially get sufficient calories using easily digestible foods. And treat yourself kindly at the same time if you possibly can.
I do hope you get some relief soon.
Kind regards


Oct 4, 2018
Thank you! The thing that got me into this bleeding mess was glutathione that my naturopath gave me to detox my liver. I don't know what it did to me. So the liver definitely plays an important role in all this. Taking the birth control pills must have disrupted my gut flora also.. so you are right that these two need to be cared for. Not really sure where to start since I am new to all of this. Also some sort of major inflammation was activated in my body during this whole incident. I started a probiotic and some apple cider vinegar with mother pertaining to gut health. Tomorrow I will start bone broth to hopefully replenish my blood levels. Would love to hear some personal anecdotes on experience with DIM.


Nov 6, 2014
Dear June
You may find this thread helpful DIM Is A Potent Androgen Antagonist And Estrogen Agonist
Probiotics and mother-included apple cider vinegar can be met with exaggerated suspicion by the body. Bone broth rather than gelatine the product sounds useful. I have seen and had personal success with Bragg's yeast supplement at 1 tsp a day plus small additional doses of B1 and B2 both of which are very useful in helping to clear oestrogen presuming sufficient calories are ingested. Please don't throw everything at this, you are likely in a weakened state and your sensitivities will be high. One thing at a time and consider foods first, getting them regular and as mushed as possible. Taking the strain off your gut will help take the strain off your uterus. Annoy your gut and your period may start again, especially if you suffer from hypoglycaemia. There was a reason you were seeing a naturopath, so I suspect you know where to concentrate. The blood renewal cycle, all going well, is about 3 months, so take it slowly. Also if your iron is low please don't be talked into an iron infusion, I have seen nothing but problems from these. You might be surprised what concentrating on foods can do - be kind to yourself and take your time.
Best regards


Oct 4, 2018
I really really appreciate your reply. I will take it slow and concentrate on food. I was really interested in the popular spread from Australia called Vegemite and is a yeast product I believe but I have Celiacs disease and need to avoid the yeast, but I did consider it. Oh believe me I am getting enough calories in my diet. I'm eating huge portions of all the healthy foods and then some and still somehow losing weight, which never happens to me. My body must be in stress mode as anxiety is through the roof after the stint with birth control pills. As of right now, I am feeling slightly lightheaded and my heart feels like it's really taking the brunt. This is odd seeing that acupuncture has slowed my bleeding by at least 40 % today. Then again my ferritin was pretty nonexistent after the first bleed. Is my blood pressure decreasing?? idk. I will definitely avoid iron infusions as I heard horror stories about it but can't rule out a blood transfusion if my hemoglobin drops.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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