High Total T, But Medium Free T And Low DHT


Jul 11, 2019
Hi everyone,
This is my first post, although I have been lurking these past few weeks. I had some blood work done recently, and I would love some help interpreting the results.

I chose to check my androgen levels because I've been concerned for a long time that they might be low, as I have almost no body- and facial hair. I was surprised to find that my total T was relatively high, as I wasn't expecting that. My free T is not very high though, and my DHT levels are very low. Possibly due to high SHBG?

I want to raise my androgen levels, and I was hoping that someone knowledgeable here (@haidut ?:angelic:) might help me interpret my results, and give suggestions to both supplements and any further blood work.

These are my details:
Age: 24
Weight: 70kg
Body fat: 7%
Heigh: 183 cm

And these are the results from my blood work:
DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20190724093032.png DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20190724093054.png


Dec 29, 2015
From what I understand , those are good results. We want a high test/Dht ratio. Free T doesn't need to be super high, but if its mid range that good enough. Deep voice, sex drive, etc is from testosterone, not DHT.
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