Hey My Dudes [PUFA, Ketosis, Insulin Resistance]


Jan 6, 2015
one big good reason to stick to high carb diet instead of a high fat or ketogenic diet is its effect on amino acid utilization.by reducing insulin sensitivity under influence of a keto/high fat diet you not only cant utilize glucose but it also effects protein utilization.

one may argue that "you become insulin resistant with keto diet but that doesnt matter as you get used to use fat as main fuel" , but that not all the story.

so carbs are not superior only because of more co2 production.
Topical insulin application improves healing by regulating the wound inflammatory response. - PubMed - NCBI

being insulin resistant make tissues atrophy,not only muscle,but skin and every tissue.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
What's your point @DaveFoster ? That race determines your behaviour/intelligence?
Race directly determines neither behavior nor intelligence. From my understanding, genetics determine your internal response to your environment, and within genetics you have variations among individuals, genders, and people with varying environments in utero.

A German Shepherd will not turn into a Labrador, but there exists no difference among their fundamental parts.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
I will only describe what I did, and not touch on any the mechanisms by which I came to know what I know. I have zero proof for any mechanism behind the diagnostic or treatment modalities that I have used, and do not want to describe how they are performed.

Mine was a case of a chronic Listeria infection, inherited from my Mother since birth, and which stayed with me until I eradicated it just over a year ago (24 years total). All joint issues, digestive issues, emotional imbalances, and basically everything else, could be attributed to this pathogen.

Back was weakened by this pathogen some time in my teens, leading to L3-L4 disk herniation when I was 18 (while deadlifting a sub-maximal load). Herniation led to many complications, amongst which were the digestive and immune function, and was also the start of much more severe food sensitivities.

NOTE: I've seen structural issues in the joints and fascia lead to some crazy complications which I would never have thought possible until I actually saw them in person. Example: one lady couldn't lactate / breastfeed her child. Turned out to be a misaligned disc in the midback. Osteopractic re-alignment of that disc it allowed for lactation to resume almost instantly.

Some more details about this in the interview that Jason Prall did with Dr Josh Lamaro -- Osteopathy, Fascia, Tensegrity, & the Body's Supercomputer . Note that I am biased, because I know Jason personally, and Josh is a good friend :cigar:. But the stuff they touch on is relevant to this discussion.

"Bio-Energetics" includes the ability to transfer that energy through the body. Fascia and collagen meridians serve as a primary medium through which that energy transfer occurs.​

All the members of the Listeria strain can become intracellular pathogens, and are not easily eliminated. Antibiotic treatment did not work, and many previous herbal remedies also failed because of lack of specificity in diagnosis (I didn't know I had Listeria until the middle of 2015).

The treatment protocol was very simple once accurate diagnosis was found, and the main active substances were Holarrhena Antidysenterica and Clove Extract, along with about another 6 "support supplements" (stuff like Manganese and Methylfolate to support methylation pathways).

I also had my back re-aligned through a particular type of manipulation, done by this osteopath (which I will not name) would pioneered a custom built table which can pull on the back at specific angles, and literally break apart any scar tissue. This fixed the lingering issues with the disk herniation.

Metabolism is Broken. But why?

This is yet another thread of speculation to which I have zero proof, and to which I do not want to have further discussions about. What I state below should be treated as mere interesting speculation. I am not a doctor, and all observational claims are derived from my privilege of being able to observe particular medical professionals work (won't say who .... but I guess I already gave it away that I know Dr Lamaro personally).

The Claim: many invasive elements have adapted over billions of years to be able to chronically interfere with metabolism, whilst remaining un-purgeable by the body's own defence mechanisms.

We're talking about various kinds of bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viri, which can infect the organism, integrate itself into important pathways of that organism, and compromise it at a very low level. Such organisms would share many of the same chemical pathways as the higher organism, and compete on those pathways. eg: methylation being such a simple pathway (adding or subtracting a CH3 group), is a very ancient pathway, and is very commonly disrupted.

NOTE: almost always, people who have such low level compromise have a chronic infection. The mainstream will label this as "Genetic", without acknowledging that invasive elements can alter genetic expression from within the cell.​

Once such an infection takes hold, no amount of dietary changes or "energy additions" serve to fix such people. The old Chinese Medicine methodology must be performed -- First Purge the negative element, then Tonify the body's endogenous systems, then Balance out various needs of the body. Without the purgation step, all we are doing is "feeding the invasion".

However, this field of study is boring to Western Medicine :bigtears:, and the study of chronic infections has been largely abandoned. The symptoms are too generic, which is a horrible fit for Western Medical Diagnosis.

eg: Syphilis is just termed "the great mimick" -- it is just acknowledged that symptoms will be non-specific, but then there is not much understanding into how it works, and treatment is often just generic as well (antibiotics, then pray that it works). It is known that the bacteria responsible for this infection can reside in the nervous system, and thereby avoid any detection via serum tests. It is also known that even in this state, patients can "appear asymptomatic".

Such an infection is chronic, can easily escape detection, and can lead to major cumulative stress on the body over time. I can guarantee that there are many other (thousands and thousands) of such chronically infective bacteria out there, to which Western Medicine has overlooked. Another example is Lyme Disease, to which only a few of the Borrelia species are believed to be implicated (what about the others? how would you know that the Person has "Lyme Disease", when the symptoms are so generic?).

Chinese Medicine on the other hand, is purely observational, and treatments are based on these observations. This makes it more useful in treating such chronic infections. The big weakness is the lack of rigorous mechanistic study, and archaic descriptions like "this herb cures dampness in the spleen" dominate.

But back to the topic of this section -- "Why is my Metabolism screwed in the first place?". I've seen enough cases of patients to which no amount of dietary or lifestyle intervention solves the fundamental issues with metabolism. Be it removal of non-native EMF stress, adherence to circadian cycles, hormone replacement, avoidance of particular foods, etc .... all are just "Stress Relievers".

From a clinical perspective, such interventions can make certain patients "feel a lot better". This is often enough to establish oneself as a great medical practitioner. Business is business :doctor:.

However, such interventions almost never restore robustness (unless they inadvertently remove the invasive element by some good fortune). "Robustness" in the sense that I used to get skin breakouts when I ate ice cream, to now being able to drink beer, eat Korean Fried Chicken, and have no negative side effects while keeping my visible abs.

Only removal / purgation of the stress-inducing invasive element can lead to recovery of metabolic capacity, and ultimately good health.

Since you mentioned Lyme, do you have any ideas on how you would go about treating a chronic infection of Borrelia (specific herbs, etc)? I started developing some chronic symptoms about four months after receiving the standard Doxy treatment for an acute infection. Hammering a chronic infection with very long courses of multiple antibiotics that can cause a myriad of side effects seems less than ideal, not to mention potentially ineffective. I know several other members on here have dealt with Lyme as well, and western medicine doesn't seem equipped to deal with it at this point.


Jun 18, 2015
I never was in ketosis or low carb( and probably I never will) and I am not sure how bad is ketogenic diet because there do not exist any experiments and observations on long term( more than 15 years) ketosis in humans.

Many try to relate it to paleo, Eskimos (Inuits)diet , Plains Indians, or ''low carb'' nonsense and some other evolutionary scenario but it is useless. Because there are also some people who talk that humans started to do agriculture because there was a period of almost extinction of most animals by hunting and some other environmental and climate factors. So such stories are just losing of time.

I think that if some of the Peat ideas are incorporated about light,,thyroid , balanced amino profile(eating a whole animal(head and bone broths,, gelatin, sausages) for amino acid balance , minerals and steroids , Ca and low PUFA and CO2 increasment with Buteyko ex. ....results from real Keto will be vastly different from all those that currently are following those diets and regimens.

Because for Example even most closer to proper Keto Eskimos have many problems in their Keto( lack of essential light, lack of thyroid.....too much pufa...not enough Calcium, half rooten meat , and most importantly limited and poor variety of meats)

. Today one bad thing and nonsense incorporated in keto and low carb diets is too much fiber or veggies in general, lack of Calcium, they do not eat whole animals ,organ meats,, gelatin, broths, head soups, sausages( lack of minerals, steroids (mainly thyroid hormone) and amino a. Balance) and bad choices of fats and most importantly almost unavoidable very poor meat quality because of stressfull treating and nutrition asociated with them.

Meat physiology, stress, and degenerative physiology.

'Adding water to meat, or stressing the animals before slaughter, will increase the meat's content of the polyamines, but the longer the meat is stored, the greater will be the production of reactive oxygen products and polyamines. ''

''Increasing carbon dioxide will tend to direct ammonia into urea synthesis, and away from the formation of polyamines. Bicarbonate protects against many of the toxic effects of ammonia, and since carbon dioxide spontaneously reacts with amino groups, it probably helps to inactivate exogenous polyamines. This could account for some of the protective effects of carbon dioxide (or high altitude), for example its anti-seizure, anticancer, and antistress effects.

Other things that protect against excessive polyamines are procaine and other local anesthetics (Yuspa, et al., 1980), magnesium, niacin, vitamin A, aspirin, and, in some circumstances, caffeine. Since endotoxin stimulates the formation of polyamines, a diet that doesn't irritate the intestine is important. Tryptophan and methionine contribute to the formation of polyamines, so gelatin, which lacks those amino acids and is soothing to the intestine, should be a regular part of the diet.

Because the polyamines intensity the neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects of estrogen and of polyunsaturated fats, those three types of substance should be considered as a functional unit in making food choices. (Grass-fed organic beef fresh from a local farm would be a reasonable choice.) Unfortunately, the meat industry has maximized all of those dangers, just for the increased weight of their product. ''

Fiber generaly should be kept under 5 g but in ketogenic diet it is especially important for avoidance of putrefaction of meat in the colon. And you can get for example palpitations, other circulatory problems or in the worst case cancer. from those proceses and(volatile putrefaction amines ).

And if it is looked in terms of homeostasis and more steady metabolism without huge ups and downs of energy availability or sugar levels ketosis maybe have some advantages.

Some of Koch's explanations --it seems that he was pretty right about explanations of diseases,, causes viruses, bacterias and cancers ( on bad effects in certain scenarios of too much animal proteins, some ex. About fats and other things)


This brings us down to the Carbonyl catalysts which we credit with serving the tissue oxidations for work energy production, and which arise in the oxidation of sugar. The Carbonyl group is always more or less of a hydrogen acceptor, but when it is especially activated as by conjugation with ethylene or acetylene or in series with other Carbonyl groups, it is then that this activity is most pronounced and useful. The most active of such arrangements are, of course, the union of two Carbonyl groups with double bonds. But this is a special subject. The protection of Carbonyl in conjugation with ethylene must again take into consideration the sulfydryl group as present in hydrogen sulfide particularly, and so the use of animal proteins of all types comes up as an offense against good recovery chemistry. A patient may “get by” while eating animal proteins. In fact, the stuffing of patients with animal proteins in hospitals to “give them strength” as they say can be credited with many failures in the ordinary infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis. In cancer it is simply fatal and rapidly so in the whole field of observations that we have made. We have recommended bone broth for its calcium content in the past, and it has been used safely in some patients. But we soon learned that all patients could not take even this, and we saw too many develop indole and skatol in the urine after its use. We therefore discontinued this effort to supply useful food materials in a way that satisfies the cravings for meat of a good part of our patients. Not only are the metallic catalysts endangered by the sulfides, but additions are made to Carbonyl-ethylene conjugates which inactivate them. They also liberate highly active hydrogen that makes additions to free radical oxidation carriers. Of course, when Nature has her most important tools rendered useless in this way, she supplied her second line of agents to do what they can to keep the system going, but this is not what we want. To combat serious disease we must have the best that Nature can offer, and indeed we must add to this even more active oxidation agents than Nature regularly uses, so far as we know. It is to supply such Carbonyl compounds that we have built up our initiators of oxidation chains as we have. But since they are more active than any we know in Nature, they are all the more reactable with the sulfide and amine or the aromatic inhibitors produced by meat putrefaction within the intestinal tract. .


The dog is essentially carnivorous with a protein digestive capacity of high caliber. They may masticate or swallow the meat chunks whole and thrive nutritionally. Yet they often die of cancer. On a pure meat diet, however, they form fewer sulfides than on a mixed diet.

The cow also is subject to cancer, generally located in the face and started by injury to the tissue. Cancer is not frequent, however, and rarely found in any other part of the body. The diet is ideally vegetarian, moreover, and the recovery from cancer on our Treatment is prompt in such cases, as we have seen treated so far. But the dog too may thrive very well indeed on the vegetarian die, and his response it better on the pure vegetarian diet or on the pure meat diet than on a mixed regime. We can give statistics on this response when both types are diseased by their most frequent type of virus infection. These are Hoof and Mouth disease in the cow and Distemper in the dog. Where complete elimination of interfering factors is attained the recovery percentage on one dose of Carbonyl catalysts is above 95% when all stages of Hoof and Mouth disease are treated in cows and pigs. The same percentage of cure is obtained in dogs with Distemper when they are either on a pure meat diet or on a pure vegetarian diet, but on a mixed diet the recovery percentage dropped and the process took longer. In some cases two doses were needed. We attribute the poorer results on the mixed diet in dogs to the interference with digestion of the meat in the stomach and upper intestine, and its subsequent putrefaction in the large intestine. On the pure vegetable diet the meat putrefaction is largely eliminated. Hence putrefaction amines act as inhibitors also.

(1) People who use a diet of natural fats have the benefit of the protection they offer. It might be stated that the very first confirmation by scientists outside our group to our Hypothesis that the natural immunity is a matter of auto-induced oxidations, came with a demonstration that the fatty unsaturated acids, such as linoleic acids, when undergoing auto-oxidation could induce the destructive oxidation of carcinogens.
We have shown for many years that the unsaturated derivatives of sugar metabolism did this very thing, and that the ordinary fatty acids, by possessing a hydrogen atom of high activity alpha to a Carbonyl group, subjected the carbon chain to de-saturation alpha-beta to this Carbonyl group and hence, the breakdown of fatty acids to a two carbon withdrawal at each step. Thus even the saturated fatty acids became unsaturated in their oxidation and the burning there of for function aided the natural immunity. (2) In this way we pointed out that the unsaturated products of sugar oxidation and the fruit acids of apples aided the oxidations of function and that the colder the winter where the apples grew, the better acceleration was expressed. The citrus fruits, on the other hand, tend to lower the body temperature no matter what the interpretations of citric acid behavior may be. This is largely due to the terpenes they offer. Ascorbic acid present in such fruits tends to oxidize the terpenes, however, and here again Nature presents the first recognized product of sugar oxidation which scientists outside our group have found to undergo auto-oxidation which induces destructive oxidations in carcinogens. (3) The fruits of the North and of the Tropics both serve the oxidation mechanism in a protective way. So, while the Eskimo obtained their protective fat acids from the fish oils, the temperate and tropical zone inhabitants are offered protection in their fruits and vegetables, as well as the fats of animal origin. It is not surprising, therefore, that the members of the family that develop tuberculosis are for the most part those who eat the lean meats only, while those who escape, eat the fats as well. This is an observation we made as early as 1925 and have verified ever since.

1) Lipman, Summer, Bergman (1940-1943).

(2) Natural Immunity, Koch, 1936.

(3) Warren, 1943.


The Eskimos rarely develop cancer. The largest part of their diet is fat and this contains full quantity of unsaturated fatty acid. The lesson to be taken from these facts is that the fats sold for the kitchen and table today, that do not become rancid, are of no help to the health of the body. The preparation of a fat so it will not become rancid is to saturate the unsaturated groups with hydrogen. Generally a nickel catalyst is used. But that makes no difference, perhaps. The destruction of the double bonds in the fatty acid greatly lowers its chance to undergo autoxidation and thus to induce the oxidation of toxins or aid its own oxidation for the production of energy. Everyone should pay particular attention to this, for when the fat is reduced so as to not be able to form peroxides and no longer tastes rancid in consequence, it is difficult to burn in the body and will pile on in undesired places. But worst of all, it is bad for the complexion. Since the auto-oxidations that natural un-saturated fatty acids are intended to produce in germ toxins are no longer possible in Spry and Crisco, so the germs that injure the skin have no such health factor to contend with and can mar the complexion with a much freer hand. Adding oxygen to become the peroxide makes the fat rancid. Therefore, one must buy fats that are not rancid yet, but can come so on exposure to air. It is the process of becoming rancid that is the change that is helpful; not the rancid fat. Thus in the body, the taking up of oxygen to become a peroxide induces other unsaturated atomic groups that are unable to do so themselves to take up oxygen and to become burned also. So it is not only the fat you buy that we are considering, but fats in other foods as well as germ and metabolic toxins that un-saturated fats help to get rid of and convert into energy.

The lesson to be taken from the observations is that, if meat is to be eaten as food, the fat should also be used. However, fruits offer a still better protective mechanism with less chance to block oxidations through the action of the intestinal flora.



Apr 15, 2015
interesting thread...
The citrus fruits, on the other hand, tend to lower the body temperature no matter what the interpretations of citric acid behavior may be. This is largely due to the terpenes they offer. Ascorbic acid present in such fruits tends to oxidize the terpenes, however, and here again Nature presents the first recognized product of sugar oxidation which scientists outside our group have found to undergo auto-oxidation which induces destructive oxidations in carcinogens. (3) The fruits of the North and of the Tropics both serve the oxidation mechanism in a protective way. So, while the Eskimo obtained their protective fat acids from the fish oils, the temperate and tropical zone inhabitants are offered protection in their fruits and vegetables, as well as the fats of animal origin.
Jul 6, 2016
Can you explain your beliefs about race and intelligence? @BigYellowLemon
I don’t want to be mean, and every human is valid just for existing (being borne = you deserve to exist). But yeah it’s all real.

The way I look at it, we have two sides to all political debates and dialogue; an optimization side. This is the side of practical merit and ability. Objectively good function. So this is objectively healthy people, objectively powerful people, objectively skilled peoples. Without this side, humans are nothing more than animals, and everything that makes a human succeeed against an animal is found on this side.

On the other side we have empathy, we have love, and sympathy. This is the feeling that all living beings deserve love, care, and affection. Happiness.

If you have too much of the former “energy” in your political beliefs, then you can run the world in a scientific way, and everything is geared towards creating merit. People are married off to produce the best offspring possible, even if they hate one another. You get no choice in your life, because the smartest people calculate what the most optimal life you should live should be, for the creation of a strong human race.

On the other side we have no objectivity. No rules. Everyone is free to do whatever they want because it makes them happy, even if it hurts everyone else, and makes everyone sicker and dumber.

We need a balance between these two. If you live in a world (like the Atlanteans likely did), where everyone hates the machine they’re in, but the only way to even have a little bit of happiness is to actually help the machine run along, then everyone and everything sucks. This is the case of, a single man has no power other than to rebel and die and be forgotten, or to push the machine forward and make everyone else suffer by continuing the delusion. Like I mentioned the Atlanteans definitely had this. It’s a case of 1) something or some system works realy well in the beginning by fulfilling some need, and everyone’s happy 2) everyone follows that carrot so hard that it becomes the stick which hits them.

On the other hand, our modern culture is starting to look like the opposite, to an extent, where no objective strength is values, it’s all about personal feelings and freedom. The price of this is that the human gene pool and humanity at large becomes weaker.

I think the middle ground is truly where you can get the best objective strength / happiness / freedom. And this is also where creation of truly good novelty peaks.

If society accepts nothing as being weak, then no one can truly become strong.
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