Help with numbness and pins-and-needles feeling

Mar 10, 2021
„Experimenters used it as the main fat in dog‘s diet, and found that they all died from cancer.“

Well I‘d advise for taking a really small amount of fish oil, cod liver oil or krill oil a day to reap all the benefits of DHA.

It is well known that high intakes of PUFAs are really detrimental and this is not what I encourage to do.
Even though I take small amounts of fish oil a day I am still hovering around 4-5g of total PUFA intake per day.
I took fish oil for years and loved the benefits to my skin, but eventually developed histamine intolerance, possibly from it, and would not touch it again.
Nov 21, 2015
we gave it all our dogs and they all died from cancer. I have no plans to consume fish oil or PUFAs.


Jan 24, 2021
I took fish oil for years and loved the benefits to my skin, but eventually developed histamine intolerance, possibly from it, and would not touch it again.
Something similar happened to me. I was popping fish oil like it was candy, stopped for a while and then started when I learned about my apoe4 status. I got a high quality fish oil and after a few weeks developed hives (first time in my life, usually things are joint pain not skin stuff). It was a mystery for a while...I thought we had bed bugs....finally I figured out it may be the fish oil. Stopped it and haven't had hives since.

we gave it all our dogs and they all died from cancer. I have no plans to consume fish oil or PUFAs.
You guys have sufficiently scared me. I know Peat is against ALL pufas. I haven't had cod liver since learning about this...however, I do have a cupboard full of expensive, fancy cod liver. :P
Mar 10, 2021
Something similar happened to me. I was popping fish oil like it was candy, stopped for a while and then started when I learned about my apoe4 status. I got a high quality fish oil and after a few weeks developed hives (first time in my life, usually things are joint pain not skin stuff). It was a mystery for a while...I thought we had bed bugs....finally I figured out it may be the fish oil. Stopped it and haven't had hives since.

You guys have sufficiently scared me. I know Peat is against ALL pufas. I haven't had cod liver since learning about this...however, I do have a cupboard full of expensive, fancy cod liver. :P

The good has to outweigh the bad, and I have since learned i can get my good skin from other sources, cancer isn't worth it. Don't give it to your sweet doggies! Because dogs have much shorter lifespans than us, we can see how the fish oil plays out in us, through them, in slow motion.


Nov 23, 2020
You mentioned megadosing B12... I recently had elevated B6 levels and was also experiencing neuropathy type of symptoms. B6 toxicity is not well known but it is definitely documented in medical literature. Not sure if other b vitamins could do something similar... I joined the b6 toxicity group on fb and followed some of their advice. If it is in fact b6 or other b vitamin toxicity then antibiotics might make it worse since they have a dehyting effect which gives drives the vitamin into the nerves and tissues.
What are your levels exactly?
I had also found in a blood test to have high elevated B6 levels, ironically without supplementing B6 or even attempting to consume foods to raise B6.
I also have muscle aches, pains and needle issues, shockwaves from the shoulders down to the pinky fingers when shrugging fast, etc.
Apr 25, 2020
Two things I would look into (they are interrelated, if interested I can write about the connection when I have time):
1. Heavy metal toxicity, especially arsenic and mercury
2. As already mentioned, thiamine deficiency. For how long have you tried supplementation, with which form and have you included magnesium? Thiamine would be of great help for 1., too.

Is there a chance you are diabetic?
Nov 21, 2015
I just got a blood test completed and I am absolutely not diabetic. I never thought I was. I could do a glucose tolerance test at home but I have no problem with blood sugar. My H2A1C was 5.2. I just did lots of things including copper and iron and folate and everything is completely normal. My T is 900.

Oddly, estrone and estrone sulfate are very normal but blood estrogen is a little high. I have slightly elevated liver enzymes which I have had since 2015 at least. But that’s the only thing that’s out of range.


Jun 18, 2021
Something similar happened to me. I was popping fish oil like it was candy, stopped for a while and then started when I learned about my apoe4 status. I got a high quality fish oil and after a few weeks developed hives (first time in my life, usually things are joint pain not skin stuff). It was a mystery for a while...I thought we had bed bugs....finally I figured out it may be the fish oil. Stopped it and haven't had hives since.

You guys have sufficiently scared me. I know Peat is against ALL pufas. I haven't had cod liver since learning about this...however, I do have a cupboard full of expensive, fancy cod liver. :P
...I even had Krill Oil back then, hahaha.
Nov 21, 2015
I'm beginning to suspect K2 MK4. I was taking pretty substantial amounts, probably 20mg per day. I think it may have been causing my neuropathy and some other issues. I've stopped it for about 5 days.

Now, I'm taking massive amounts of biotin and niacinamide and benfotiamine and Bs, and so forth. So it could be that. But I was not making progress with that regimen until I stopped the K2 MK4.

I am suspecting that this is the problem. It could be a bad batch, but I think it's a result of taking too much for too long, and perhaps the side effects weren't noticed by anyone else because so few people take that much over a long period of time.

I'm about 20% better, maybe 30%, and another few issues have gotten better also. Very curious.

Any thoughts welcomed.


Nov 6, 2015
I'm beginning to suspect K2 MK4. I was taking pretty substantial amounts, probably 20mg per day. I think it may have been causing my neuropathy and some other issues. I've stopped it for about 5 days.

Now, I'm taking massive amounts of biotin and niacinamide and benfotiamine and Bs, and so forth. So it could be that. But I was not making progress with that regimen until I stopped the K2 MK4.

I am suspecting that this is the problem. It could be a bad batch, but I think it's a result of taking too much for too long, and perhaps the side effects weren't noticed by anyone else because so few people take that much over a long period of time.

I'm about 20% better, maybe 30%, and another few issues have gotten better also. Very curious.

Any thoughts welcomed.
Wow! If you're willing, stop the K2 for longer and see what happens. Im very interested in this.


New Member
Jun 15, 2021
I'm beginning to suspect K2 MK4. I was taking pretty substantial amounts, probably 20mg per day. I think it may have been causing my neuropathy and some other issues. I've stopped it for about 5 days.

Now, I'm taking massive amounts of biotin and niacinamide and benfotiamine and Bs, and so forth. So it could be that. But I was not making progress with that regimen until I stopped the K2 MK4.

I am suspecting that this is the problem. It could be a bad batch, but I think it's a result of taking too much for too long, and perhaps the side effects weren't noticed by anyone else because so few people take that much over a long period of time.

I'm about 20% better, maybe 30%, and another few issues have gotten better also. Very curious.

Any thoughts welcomed.
Was the Vitamin K in MCT Oil?


Nov 6, 2015
Great. What doses have you been using? Have you noticed any similar issues?
5 - 25 mg daily for years. I get numbness in the lower legs, forearms, and rear shoulders very easily. Today I rubbed 10mg of k2 on my lower legs and have had pretty noticeable numbness around that area. I also haven't eated anything lately or taken any abnormal supplements that might be behind it.


Jan 9, 2019
I feel a little pins and needles feeling in the left foot, especially the left foot big toe, not so much anywhere else but the entire left foot toes are a little numb compared to my right one. The other foot is fine.

I'm trying to rule out things and what I'm testing is low methylation and low folate. I'm taking some occasional mega doses of B12 methyl cobalamin, and 1 mg of methyl folate.

It's too soon. But I was not drinking much orange juice for a month or two, and don't really eat much in the way of veggies.

Trying to figure this out. I don't take any medications except some T4/T3, my temps are good. I am starting 100mg or so of progesterone and maybe 10mg of DHEA also. I was taking around 20mg of progesterone and 5mg or so of DHEA for a long time.

It could also be that I've banged up my feet a lot over the years and maybe this is the effect.

any and all comments are welcomed. Thank you in advance!
Look into acupuncture and fascia work in the body. From too much sitting or a lack of variety in movement limbs can start to get improper signals.

On the supplement side of things ALA (alpha lipoic acid) and lions mane mushroom should help nerve issues but don't take ALA with amalgam fillings.
Nov 21, 2015
5 - 25 mg daily for years. I get numbness in the lower legs, forearms, and rear shoulders very easily. Today I rubbed 10mg of k2 on my lower legs and have had pretty noticeable numbness around that area. I also haven't eated anything lately or taken any abnormal supplements that might be behind it.
Well isn’t that interesting. Wow.


Aug 10, 2012
Something similar happened to me. I was popping fish oil like it was candy, stopped for a while and then started when I learned about my apoe4 status. I got a high quality fish oil and after a few weeks developed hives (first time in my life, usually things are joint pain not skin stuff). It was a mystery for a while...I thought we had bed bugs....finally I figured out it may be the fish oil. Stopped it and haven't had hives since.

You guys have sufficiently scared me. I know Peat is against ALL pufas. I haven't had cod liver since learning about this...however, I do have a cupboard full of expensive, fancy cod liver. :P
Yes, I threw ours away after years of recommending it to others and buying "the best" for us. I think I'd just gotten a new shipment when I found Ray Peat.
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