Head Injury



@Peatress For this purpose, intravenous use may make sense, because it is totally absorbed. Unfortunately, however, all the other tissues also receive it... probably if an adult wants to experiment with it for the CNS SNP effects it is better sublingual or topical. For a man it is better to balance with something androgenic. I would also use micro doses, in rotating mcg order. Testosterone, progesterone and estrogen can work miracles if used in demyelinating lesions and beyond. Unfortunately, there is a lack of competence and interest on the part of doctors (not all).
Thank you for taking an interest in this thread. To my knowledge this kind of protocol would not be standard practice in most A&E units. I think progesterone and testosterone would be useful but I disagree about estrogen – see Rays quote above about injured tissues and estrogen.

Sadly, I was discharged pretty swiftly. The only reason I knew what to do was because I searched the forum and found a few related posts on head injuries. My focus at that time was the b vitamins, and topical pregnenolone, and progesterone. As time passes I learn more and more about how crucial the first 12 hours of post injury is, thanks to the internet and specifically the forum.

When people say get off the internet I suddenly feel a kind of kindred spirit with the statement:

“You turn if you want to. The lady’s not for turning.”

I may not be in great health but I cheated death that day. If I lose the battle now then I am proud to have fought my best fight. I pray to God to give me many more years so that I can annoy many more people. God has a sense of humour so I am optimistic. 🤣

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I might start making yogurt again. Thanks @David PS I will post that study on the radiation thread too.

Great. It my understanding that yogurt made with Lactobacillus reuteri needs to femented at a higher (?) temperature and for a longer period of time than the strains that are typically used to make yogurt. As usual, there are YouTube instructional videos.
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Great. It my understanding that yogurt made with Lactobacillus reuteri needs to femented at a higher (?) temperature and for a longer period of time than the strains that are typically used to make yogurt. As usual, there are YouTube instructional videos.
Thanks, I will look into that. I used to make the SCD yogurt according to the instructions of Elaine Gottschall. It's fermented for 24 hours



Jan 16, 2023
Unfortunately this new study is behind a paywall
Coincidentally I recently tried a spice containing ground lotus seedpod at dinner and during the night got chills and sweatbouts in alternation.

Lotus Seedpod Oligomeric Procyanidin Nanoliposomes Targeting TLR4/NF-κB Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury

Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Volume 19, Number 10, October 2023, pp. 1712-1720(9)

The inflammatory-immune response secondary to nerve injury is an important mechanism for craniocerebral injury. Procyanidins from lotus seedpods (LSPCs) are one of the main active ingredients isolated from the mature receptacles of the Nymphaeaceae family lotus plant. LSPCs exhibit strong free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of LSPC nanoliposomes on traumatic brain injury (TBI). In a TBI rat model, LSPC nanoliposomes were injected intraperitoneally. Inflammatory factors and oxidative stress molecules were detected with ELISAs and RT-PCR. The TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway was explored using Western blotting. The modified neurological severity scores (mNSS) increased in the TBI group compared with the scores in the Sham group. The water maze test indicated latency in finding the platform was prolonged and staying time in the platform quadrant and the number of times crossing the platform were reduced in the TBI group. Treatment with LSPCs significantly reduced the mNSS scores in rats with TBI and significantly reduced the time to find the platform, increased the residence time in the platform quadrant, and increased the frequency of crossing the platform during the water maze test. In addition, brain edema was reduced in rats with TBI after intraperitoneal injection of LSPCs. Iba-1, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α levels were reduced after intraperitoneal injection of LSPCs. MDA levels were also reduced, while GSH-Px and SOD levels increased. After intraperitoneal injection of LSPCs, TLR4, MyD88, and pNF-κB p65 were significantly attenuated. Activation of TLR4 prevented the protective effects of LCPCs in rats with TBI. The results of this study demonstrate that LSPCs attenuate activation of the TLR4/NF-κB pathway in rats with TBI, thereby reducing microglia activation, inflammation, and oxidative stress.


Interesting plant

Mar 24, 2018
@Beatrix_ I had a similar experience with cloves, but is it good or bad?


Jan 16, 2023
@Beatrix_ I had a similar experience with cloves, but is it good or bad?
Thank you for asking, it is making me to rethink it. The mixed spice also contained ground burdock root, which is known for its properties of cleansing the blood and the kidneys. It could have been some toxin mobilization/redistribution. I also have some dehydrated slices of lotus and will try cooking some of it in a soup or whatever. I remember of eating lotus seedpod dessert at Thai/Indian restaurants in the past and it was simply heavenly.

Mar 24, 2018
@Beatrix_ thanks 😊

Which molecules or combinations have proven to be most effective when used sublingually to try to repair brain lesions? from today I introduced vitamin D with small doses between 250 and 500 iu and I notice an improvement in the symptoms related to locomotion. mild migraine as a side effect.


Progesterone and pregnenolone would be helpful. You could also try vitamin k and the B vitamins, including biotin. I don’t have personal experience with migrane but I’ve heard getting enough salt helps too.

From the Estrogen, Aging, Radiation, Migraine & Energy newsletter

“Ammonia has also been found to be increased during migraine attacks. I suspect that progesterone's sometimes dramatic effect on migraine involves ammonia and energy metabolism. Ammonia disturbs carbon dioxide's regulation of brain circulation, and when ammonia is "detoxified" into glutamine (though glutamine is still
toxic in excess) ATP is consumed, leading to dysregulation of vascular smooth muscle. Progesterone's ability to stop the local excitation of nerve cells spares ATP. It seems likely that nitric oxide, the production of which is inhibited by progesterone, is also involved in the vasodilation and energy depletion.”

Some other ways to lower ammonia are thiamine, zinc, ceylon cinnamon, biotin

I think sodium also lowers ammonia

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I still like to ask AI.

Peatbot: According to Dr. Ray Peat, a preventive measure for migraines is to ensure proper thyroid function. He suggests that thyroid supplements can be beneficial in preventing migraines. Additionally, maintaining stable blood sugar levels is important, as low blood sugar can trigger migraines. Eating regular meals and avoiding skipping meals can help in this regard.

Dr. Peat also mentions that eating a raw carrot can help interrupt a headache. This may be an alternative to having ice cream on hand, as he found both methods to be effective.

Furthermore, there is some research suggesting that the intestine may play a role in migraines. Walter Alvarez, a gastroenterologist, believed that pressure in the intestine could cause headaches. Russian researchers have also found that low blood sugar combined with pressure in the intestine can lead to symptoms, including seizures.

It is important to note that these suggestions are based on Dr. Ray Peat's perspective and may not be universally accepted or applicable to everyone. If you are experiencing migraines, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Mar 24, 2018
@Peatress I must admit that replacing extra virgin olive oil (which I love for its flavor anyway) with grass-fed butter I perceive as more protective in a systemic way. Red meat isn't bad either. Unsaturated fats cause the production of aldehydes and are not recommended in the case of brain injuries. Of course, butter and red meat also have unsaturated fats. This product is really promising, who knows, even topical in the temples and or forehead it could provide great benefits...


@Peatress I must admit that replacing extra virgin olive oil (which I love for its flavor anyway) with grass-fed butter I perceive as more protective in a systemic way. Red meat isn't bad either. Unsaturated fats cause the production of aldehydes and are not recommended in the case of brain injuries. Of course, butter and red meat also have unsaturated fats. This product is really promising, who knows, even topical in the temples and or forehead it could provide great benefits...
It's powerful stuff. I've used it topically too.

I stopped using olive oil a while back but still eat eggs but may have to review this. The organic eggs I buy are getting paler by the day.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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