Has any1 used testosterone and recovered their natural production fast with Peaty methods?


Jun 19, 2016
Im on the verge / maybe thinking of trying some testosterone injections. Probably only 400 mg / week , for safety, convenience and money reasons, several months. You know, for experimenting and to see how it is. My biggest concern is the slow / possibly imperfect reovery of natural hormone production in case / if i decide to stop. Many bodybuilders say it can take 6 months+ to start feeling better. But these are bodybuilders whose diet and supplements are way off by Peat standards. They often eat ton of PUFAs and diet of rice broccoli and chicken. Also taking things like t3 or pregnenolone is out of question for them. Haidut said his PCT would be higher dose pregnenolone and aspirin. I would probably keep 100-200 mg of preg in the whole time, with t3 and probably dhea. Also exemestane or proviron to lessen the negative feedback from estrogen.
So has any1 tried this: doing steroids then recovering with Peaty diet along with preg/dhea, t3, etc. how long did it take and how was the experience?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
No need to go through all that. Going on a low "vitamin A" and low toxin diet will boost your testosterone to the moon. Your libido and drive will be something for the record books.


Jun 19, 2016
I enjoy the bioenergetic sphere so im gonna stick with that


Jul 13, 2014
@Hans is your best person for help with this.

He's got a website - men-elite.com

He's also quite active on the forum and his YouTube has lots of great info


Jun 19, 2016
@Hans is your best person for help with this.

He's got a website - men-elite.com

He's also quite active on the forum and his YouTube has lots of great info
Ah yeah i know him and watch his videos/website often. Have to ask his opinion for sure and check the website. I think he was going to / is doing steroid cycle himself rn but i think he removed the video so not sure if he started it yet
Oct 6, 2023
you can see my change in 3 months.

basically all i did was reduced my cardio exercise, and increased my calories / absorption by improving my digestion.

I believe I was and I also believe most people are in a chronic state of malabsorption. Improve gut function by the classic peaty methods of reducing endotoxin, removing fiber etc. and ramp up calories as much as your gut can handle. I was also dairy maxing pretty hard.

anyway, avoiding TRT is key, a totally unnatural disruption that can be easily avoided.

Sorry for the international units, its about time the US adopt the metric system! :)


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Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Ah yeah i know him and watch his videos/website often. Have to ask his opinion for sure and check the website. I think he was going to / is doing steroid cycle himself rn but i think he removed the video so not sure if he started it yet
Hey man, yeah, no video was deleted, it's still there if you want to check it out:
View: https://youtu.be/3nwbQxI5vIk

In there, I explain exactly why I was going to do the experiment. It was to see if I would notice any difference between how I was feeling with naturally high T and if I would feel any different/better with injecting high dose T. And I can honestly say I didn't notice anything at all. No change in mood, sexual function, energy, recovery, etc, etc. The only thing I did notice was a change in physique, which is to be expected. But in the 3 months' time, I didn't experience any increase in my measurements (arms, chest, legs, etc.). I'm going to give an in-depth update on my new steroidogenic experiment mid-next month.

In terms of your top post, it depends on why you want to use T. Is it to feel better or for physique changes? I can tell you now that testosterone is not the answer to feeling better. I've worked with countless men who have used/were on TRT and it didn't fix their issues at all. But once they started implementing my methods, everything started to improve for them. Low T or feeling bad/low energy is a symptom of something, such as inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, stress, etc, etc. Low T is also a symptom. That's why I always focus on fixing the root cause first and T goes up.

In terms of recovery afterwards, it can take anywhere between 30-90 days, depending on the ester that you use. If it's enanthate or cypionate, it can take up to 90 days. If it's propionate, it will be faster. Nothing will really help to speed up the recovery process. HCG can help to prevent Leydig cell shrinkage and enclomiphene will help to increase LH faster, so those might help as a PCT. Otherwise, pregnenolone, tongkat ali (stimulates steroidogenesis in a dose-dependent manner) and proviron (to provide an exogenous non-suppressive androgen) should also suffice as a PCT.


Jun 19, 2016
Hey man, yeah, no video was deleted, it's still there if you want to check it out:
View: https://youtu.be/3nwbQxI5vIk

In there, I explain exactly why I was going to do the experiment. It was to see if I would notice any difference between how I was feeling with naturally high T and if I would feel any different/better with injecting high dose T. And I can honestly say I didn't notice anything at all. No change in mood, sexual function, energy, recovery, etc, etc. The only thing I did notice was a change in physique, which is to be expected. But in the 3 months' time, I didn't experience any increase in my measurements (arms, chest, legs, etc.). I'm going to give an in-depth update on my new steroidogenic experiment mid-next month.

In terms of your top post, it depends on why you want to use T. Is it to feel better or for physique changes? I can tell you now that testosterone is not the answer to feeling better. I've worked with countless men who have used/were on TRT and it didn't fix their issues at all. But once they started implementing my methods, everything started to improve for them. Low T or feeling bad/low energy is a symptom of something, such as inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, stress, etc, etc. Low T is also a symptom. That's why I always focus on fixing the root cause first and T goes up.

In terms of recovery afterwards, it can take anywhere between 30-90 days, depending on the ester that you use. If it's enanthate or cypionate, it can take up to 90 days. If it's propionate, it will be faster. Nothing will really help to speed up the recovery process. HCG can help to prevent Leydig cell shrinkage and enclomiphene will help to increase LH faster, so those might help as a PCT. Otherwise, pregnenolone, tongkat ali (stimulates steroidogenesis in a dose-dependent manner) and proviron (to provide an exogenous non-suppressive androgen) should also suffice as a PCT.

Thanks for the answer, appreciate it. For normal PCT methods i would probably go with nolvadex only. Clomid has reputation to cause eye problems and eye loss, i wouldnt touch it. HCG causes cancer i think, so i wouldnt touch that either prob. So nolva + peaty stuff like preg, t3 , dhea , maybe proviron/exemestane too. But interesting you say it takes at best case scenario only 30 days , that differs a bit what bodybuilders wrote but then again, their diet and lifestyle is not optimal for recovvery.


Oct 13, 2014
No need to go through all that. Going on a low "vitamin A" and low toxin diet will boost your testosterone to the moon. Your libido and drive will be something for the record books.
I’m interested ..what do you eat typically in a day and do you take the supplements that Garret Smith recommend? So for someone like me that has never eaten liver and organs could I be vitamin A overloaded? I do eat dairy occasionally and have a lot of tomato based sauces …libido/erections are very poor


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Thanks for the answer, appreciate it. For normal PCT methods i would probably go with nolvadex only. Clomid has reputation to cause eye problems and eye loss, i wouldnt touch it. HCG causes cancer i think, so i wouldnt touch that either prob. So nolva + peaty stuff like preg, t3 , dhea , maybe proviron/exemestane too. But interesting you say it takes at best case scenario only 30 days , that differs a bit what bodybuilders wrote but then again, their diet and lifestyle is not optimal for recovvery.
Yes, Clomid can cause eye issues, but it's speculated that it's due to the zuclomiphene and not enclomiphene. That's why I said enclomiphene. But no SERM is side effect-free.
HCG has only been shown to contribute to cancer in really large doses. The typical PCT dose of 250IU 3x weekly is not going to do that (unless you already have cancer). Keep in mind that if your T is low/mediocre before exogenous T, it will return to that level or slightly lower after discontinuing exogenous T.
The 30 day recovery is a minimum, not a maximum. This has been shown by studies using up to 500-600mg/week without a PCT.


Jun 19, 2016
Yes, Clomid can cause eye issues, but it's speculated that it's due to the zuclomiphene and not enclomiphene. That's why I said enclomiphene. But no SERM is side effect-free.
HCG has only been shown to contribute to cancer in really large doses. The typical PCT dose of 250IU 3x weekly is not going to do that (unless you already have cancer). Keep in mind that if your T is low/mediocre before exogenous T, it will return to that level or slightly lower after discontinuing exogenous T.
The 30 day recovery is a minimum, not a maximum. This has been shown by studies using up to 500-600mg/week without a PCT.
Well possibly only 30 days without even PCT is much brighter outlook than bodybuilding forums paint it to be, where its like 6-12 months of hell. But cant really tell without trying and i have no personal experience so yeah . But im glad you paint a bit nicer picture with your own personal experience. Im sure your knowledge of the bioenergetic methods boosted your recovery alot so that would be the case for me aswell. But we'll see if i decide to try them, might be in 2 weeks or might be in 20 years, who knows.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Well possibly only 30 days without even PCT is much brighter outlook than bodybuilding forums paint it to be, where its like 6-12 months of hell. But cant really tell without trying and i have no personal experience so yeah . But im glad you paint a bit nicer picture with your own personal experience. Im sure your knowledge of the bioenergetic methods boosted your recovery alot so that would be the case for me aswell. But we'll see if i decide to try them, might be in 2 weeks or might be in 20 years, who knows.
It's not my opinion, it's proven by studies. Bodybuilder take 6-12 months to recover because they use other toxic steroids like tren, deca, etc.
When you take T only, recovery is much faster.


Jun 19, 2016
It's not my opinion, it's proven by studies. Bodybuilder take 6-12 months to recover because they use other toxic steroids like tren, deca, etc.
When you take T only, recovery is much faster.
Good to know. Have to check out those studies. Thanks.


May 11, 2022
17:57 - "Using TRT can supercharge your own natural T production."

I don't know whether I should laugh or be terrified.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I’m interested ..what do you eat typically in a day and do you take the supplements that Garret Smith recommend?
I touched on it here:

So for someone like me that has never eaten liver and organs could I be vitamin A overloaded?
Absolutely. It has been clearly shown that a normal diet can easily lead to "vitamin A" toxicity.
a lot of tomato based sauces
This could easily do it.


Oct 13, 2014
I touched on it here:

Absolutely. It has been clearly shown that a normal diet can easily lead to "vitamin A" toxicity.

This could easily do it.
Thanks I will try this


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
17:57 - "Using TRT can supercharge your own natural T production."

I don't know whether I should laugh or be terrified.
Maybe you should watch the vid before you decide.


Jun 19, 2023
Thanks for the answer, appreciate it. For normal PCT methods i would probably go with nolvadex only. Clomid has reputation to cause eye problems and eye loss, i wouldnt touch it. HCG causes cancer i think, so i wouldnt touch that either prob. So nolva + peaty stuff like preg, t3 , dhea , maybe proviron/exemestane too. But interesting you say it takes at best case scenario only 30 days , that differs a bit what bodybuilders wrote but then again, their diet and lifestyle is not optimal for recovvery.
Might look into Enclomiphene... far fewer side effects than Clomid... I have very low Free T and am going to try it soon... low dose... it's strong stuff and one needs to watch the estrogen levels...
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