Handling seborrheic dermatitis w/ zinc & thyroid (NDT)

Apr 22, 2019
Pulling the ripcord on this one just a tad early considering the next package of information/ experience/practice I've accrued has come to another stopping point.

Here are some recent pictures as things continue to improve daily:

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I'll attempt to consolidate the useful parts of my ongoing n=1 anecdote here. This post could literally be as short as:

"Zinc + NDT - PUFA - MUFA = seb derm remedy"

Truly, that's the only definitive meat that I can offer here... so if you've read that, then you've received the message.

+Copious sunlight, carbs, and calcium seem to be important secondary factors...
+and iodine, magnesium, and B-vitamin supplementation are a third tier that have a positive contribution, though they might not be ideal to supplement every day.
+using clay is more gentle & effective than soap when cleansing topical breakout areas.

So this is a continuation of a thread posted a few months back entitled, "Psoriasis: solved" found here:

Psoriasis Solved: Raw Starch Gut Rehab (pics)

Using potato starch + milk seemed to pad the intestinal wall from being damaged which lead to the temporary purple complexion of the previously red skin. To be clear: I'm not discounting the potato starch in any way, because it was an indispensable tool on this path to getting back to health. I am only adding the steps & discoveries I've made since the time of that thread to this post.

*In which case, I'll begin here:

Turns out that my self-diagnosis of psoriasis was incorrect after reading up on the symptoms of seb derm. They might well still be related to each other, but the point of interest which changed my mind was the implication of the malessezia yeast on the skin which is present in cases of seb derm.

Certainly, I've experienced pronounced relief from symptoms in the past by using a carrot salad, oil of oregano, ginger, turmeric, garlic, topical clay + apple cider vinegar or lemon, activated charcoal, or similar avenues to sequester fungal activity.

However, the benefits of these things were never consistent because all of the oral applications would eventually become harsh and inflammatory with repeated use, whatsoever they were... even a simple grated carrot, albeit it the least problematic of the options.

The malessezia yeast purportedly feeds on oleic acid especially. Oleic acid is extremely high in vegetable oils, seed oils, avocado, olive, and eggs. It's moderately high in red meat, milk, and cheese.

Based on my own self-perceived food sensitivities, all of these foods could only be tolerated in the aforementioned amounts before repercussion occurred (i.e. 1 small cheap taco of vegetable oil or 3 cups of whole milk at one sitting, 3 ounces of ground beef, etc).

So... moderating these foods in my diet helped marginally, but the healing progress was remaining at a standstill.

Around this time I heard & employed this gum disease protocol which gave great effect in terms of overall wellness and reminded me of the power of a quality iodine supplement:

How to fix gum disease for <$100

Then I remembered this post I read from Atom Bergstrom talking about how psoriasis is a thyroid problem:

Minding Psoriasis | One Radio Network

"Psoriasis is often related to the THYROID GLAND, in one way or the other.

According to Byrom Bramwell, M.D. (1904), “Now this particular case of psoriasis is to me a most interesting one, for it was the first case of psoriasis in which I employed the thyroid treatment...

In the first case of myxœdema in which I employed the thyroid treatment, I gave the raw gland and I gave far too large a dose. The result was the production of acute thyroidism. The myxœdematous symptoms were rapidly removed, and the skin desquamated freely. Practically speaking, the patient got a new skin. I was very much impressed with the desquamation, with the improved nutrition of the skin, with the rapid growth of hair, and with the restoration of the sweat secretion..."

And I recalled the one miraculous experience I had using @haidut 's NDT product about 2 years ago, now. The first time I took a normal dose of the stuff, my reddened skin resorted to a perfectly normal complexion for about 2 hours...

...then I took another dose and it became inflammatory, probably because of my lack of nutrients to support an increased metabolism or even more likely due to the parasitic problem I was dealing with at the time.

In any case, I was renewed unto hope to try using NDT again, so I started taking LifeGivingStore brand I had in the pantry. I immediately realized I was able to tolerate it. Even though the visual skin benefit was minimal, the NDT improved my bowel transit time, ability to digest fat, facial symmetry (eyes became less saggy when I looked in the mirror, at least), sleep quality, resistance to sunburn, and overall patience + energy.

Finally, this brought me to the zinc probing. Frankly I have no idea what triggered me to search term, "zinc seborrheic dermatitis" into PubMed, but nonetheless it popped up with a number of studies which are intended to reconcile the two topics. I spent about 20 whole minutes on the matter to find that zinc chelates are used to treat dandruff topically (also a major symptom of seb derm), that zinc is an antifungal, and that there's a correlation between people suffering from seb derm and those same people having low serum zinc.

Article - JDDonline - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology

Article - JDDonline - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology

Exploring Anti-Fungal, Anti-Microbial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of a Topical Non-Steroidal Barrier Cream in Face and Chest Seborrheic Dermatitis

Clinical and Biochemical Assessment of Maintenance Treatment in Chronic Recurrent Seborrheic Dermatitis: Randomized Controlled Study

I had a zinc gluconate on the shelf and cracked open a 15mg capsule under the tongue to feel an immediate sensation of relief & skin tightening. I recalled Chris Masterjohn explaining why we can't use more than 5-7mg of zinc at a time, but it felt so promising that I cracked another 15mg to an even greater benefit. The third 15mg dose still gave more therapeutic relief, though it was considerably less pronounced than the first 30mg, so I backed off and went to bed. Upon waking, I had quite a bit of white skin scaling indicative of healing... which is definitely offputting to the general public but was a welcome sight of concrete healing.

> As a side note regarding the absorption of zinc, @Amazoniac has a couple of posts here showing that the lion share of zinc beyond 5-7mg is excreted via feces:

Zinc. How Many Mg Do You Take?

Also, Masterjohn has stated that the ability for the body to absorb 5-7mg of zinc resets every 5 hours.

Since then - about 2 weeks ago - I've been supplementing an average of 25mg of zinc biglycinate each night split into two doses. One is usually taken with a meal and the other with milk. I also take 1-1.5 grains of NDT alongside the zinc.

[I bypassed the information just mentioned based on my own sensations of well-being. I will not continue to supplement these large doses of zinc on a nightly basis for longer than a month.]

My assumption is that the organs which get the short end of the stick with regard to handling an excess of zinc are the kidneys. To this end, I believe a daily sauna session OR all-day outdoor sweating has been supremely useful in helping to moderate the excess zinc influx. In the near future I plan to experiment with water + electrolyte fasting as advocated by Cole Robinson (the "Snake Diet" guy) in order to help the kidneys specifically. This 5 minute video provides his simple recipe:

View: https://youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM


+++Miscellaneous notes and observations+++

*I have stopped adding sugar, especially white sugar, to my morning coffee for the last couple of weeks to a digestive benefit. It's certainly an anti-Peat sentiment, but I don't believe that processed white sugar is benefiting my health in any way. It has repeatedly failed me to this extent that I don't want anything to do with it for the time being. I'll come back to it in the future at some point, but for now it's definitely better to keep it on the shelf. A moderate serving of heavy cream in the coffee works best for now.

*NDT supplementation has noticeably improved my ability to digest fatty meals including larger volumes of whole milk.

*On days that I don't work outside, I use a dry sauna at the local gym to great benefit. It visibly improves my skin complexion and seemingly my sleep quality as well. There was a period of about a year in which sauna use would cause a stress reaction for me, but now it's an excellent therapy. The factors that seem to influence my ability to comfortably sweat larger volumes each day are: animal meat (B vitamins), zinc, iodine, and of course adequate salt & water. The more sweat volume I lose in any given sauna session, the better the outcome. It keeps the larger T-zone pores on my face tighter and (seems to) lessen the chance of random pimples that appear after eating fatty red meat or drinking too much whole milk.

*It's not recommended to use a sauna before staying in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. The mineral & fluid loss that results from the sauna will make the skin especially vulnerable to being burned. I learned this from first-hand experience x.X

*When supplementing high-ish doses of zinc on a nightly basis, I have been accruing a slightly nauseated feeling when eating food. It doesn't prevent my eating regimen or hunger, but it's definitely something to note with regard to stomach acid regulation. I'm not sure how the zinc is causing this mild uncomfortability, but considering how it resolves after a couple of days without zinc supplementation, I'm quite sure that this is the culprit.

*Taking zinc with milk is more satisfactory than taking zinc with food. I suspect it has something to do with the calcium blocking excess zinc absorption.

*Taking NDT too close to bed will make sleeping all-around more difficult, especially when paired with iodine supplementation.

*Keeping starch off the teeth and flossing is an important habit to maintain in order to keep the recovery progress going.

*Drinking milk by itself as it's own meal helps prevent digestive complications. I personally haven't found any food which complements milk digestion.

*I currently have an extremely low level of flatulence. Almost none whatsoever, really.

*I make a point to not eat eggs, honey, avocado, or olive oil and this has proven beneficial. Moderating oleic acid consumption in general is definitely a big key to the puzzle of seb derm, in my opinion.

*My potato starch use has whittled to 1-2 tablespoons taken with milk in the evening every 2-3 days.
Typical day of eating:

8:30A Wake up, half liter of water
9:15A 20 ounces of coffee with some heavy cream added
10:30A large bagel smattered with cream cheese (local bagel shop makes them fresh, they digest great)
1P meat + small amount of starch and/or veggie OR 1L whole milk
3P 1L of whole milk OR corn tacos with onion, cilantro, meat OR second bagel with cream cheese)
5-11P more milk as desired to fill out calories and satiety

> Between the hours of 6-10P I'll usually take 30-90mg of NDT and 25-30mg of zinc (as gluconate or biglycinate) with milk, split into two doses spaced out by 1.5-2 hours.

I think that about covers things thus far. Cheers, guys.
Luke 2:14
[14] Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


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Sep 11, 2020
Yes sauna has probably had the biggest positive impact for me.

"Moderating oleic acid consumption in general is definitely a big key to the puzzle of seb derm, in my opinion."

Very interesting. Might give that a try. Cheers


Oct 6, 2020
n the near future I plan to experiment with water + electrolyte fasting as advocated by Cole Robinson (the "Snake Diet" guy) in order to help the kidneys specifically. This 5 minute video provides his simple recipe:

View: https://youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM

The guy sure has a aggresive persona. For some reason i find him funny tho. From looking trough his channel he seems to go trough different extremes. I guess he had success with weight loss himself and he sure is allowed to grow and gather experience but i am not sure what to think of his advise.

Is the fast supposed to "heal" or "accelerate regeneration" of the kidneys? He doesn't advise long fasting anymore from what it seems. How long (days?) are you going to do this fast? Or is it more of a once a month or once a week thing?
Apr 22, 2019
Mine is caused by sucrose. Anything with sucrose in it
I think I can get behind this. My guess is that processed sugar messes with the gut microbiome, even when it's something as innocuous as white rice.
The guy sure has a aggresive persona. For some reason i find him funny tho. From looking trough his channel he seems to go trough different extremes. I guess he had success with weight loss himself and he sure is allowed to grow and gather experience but i am not sure what to think of his advise.

Is the fast supposed to "heal" or "accelerate regeneration" of the kidneys? He doesn't advise long fasting anymore from what it seems. How long (days?) are you going to do this fast? Or is it more of a once a month or once a week thing?
Yeah there's a lot that could be said about the guy, but it seems pretty clear that he wants to help people more than marketing complicated plans and products, at least. His basic template is 48 hours electrolyte fasting, refeed day, repeat. I think he eats a 4:1 ratio of vegetables:fatty meat i.e. 400g of vegetables with 100g steak, etc and he puts a big emphasis on getting fat for calories in.

He's got the most sensible approach to dry fasting that I've heard, too.

Regardless of those things, the reason why I'm giving him a second listen was because I heard him mention during an interview that when he first started electrolyte fasting that he was 1) able to keep his powerlifting numbers even while fasting (which he couldn't on a water-only fast) and 2) that he urinated sediment for several days in a row.

According to Robert Morse, sediment in the urine is *the* most important sign of healing, above all else.

So... I'll try it here soon for a 24-48 hour cycle and see what happens with my strength, sauna experience, excrement, mentality, etc.

Frankly, I'd like to give the dry fasting a go as well, even if it's only for a day. Very curious if it would be worth it if performed correctly.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
Sorry if I missed it, but how much iodine are you taking and how are you approximating 1.5 grains of NDT? Is 90 mg or one towering scoop of LGS thyroid 1.5 grains?
Apr 22, 2019
Sorry if I missed it, but how much iodine are you taking and how are you approximating 1.5 grains of NDT? Is 90 mg or one towering scoop of LGS thyroid 1.5 grains?
Nowadays I take about 2mg of iodine every 1-2 days, just 3 drops. Whenever I first discovered the tooth protocol linked above, I was probably taking something like 13-15mg per night for 5 nights out of a 7 day week.

Frankly I have no idea how to gauge how much is beneficial or harmful. From "The Salt Fix" by James DiNicolantonio, I remember that he makes a point to show that there's quite a bit lost in sweat, topping out around 100mcg per hour of outdoor sport activity in humid weather, if I remember correctly. I'll revisit the text tomorrow to get the figures printed.

And yeah, the LGS NDT product comes with a super tiny 0.15CC scoop that lists each level scoop as 30mg of bovine thyroid.
Apr 22, 2019
Sorry if I missed it, but how much iodine are you taking and how are you approximating 1.5 grains of NDT? Is 90 mg or one towering scoop of LGS thyroid 1.5 grains?
This is taken from page 131 of the Kindle version of 'The Salt Fix' by James DiNicolantonio:

In one study by Mao and colleagues, one hour of soccer practice in temperature between 89.6°F and 98.6°F with 50 percent relative humidity caused players to lose 1,896 milligrams of sodium from sweating. One player actually lost almost 6,000 milligrams of sodium in sweat during the one-hour game. Importantly, soccer players also lost on average 52 micrograms of iodine in their sweat (and one player lost 100 micrograms); this amount of iodine loss is over one-third the recommended daily intake (150 micrograms per day). Almost half of the players were found to have a Grade 1 goiter, compared to 1 percent of the sedentary control subjects. It’s very likely that because of continued iodine losses in sweat and not enough iodized salt intake, the players had developed goiters, which are a sign of severe thyroid problems. This happened despite the fact that the estimated iodine intake of soccer players, in general, met guideline recommendations (100 to 300 micrograms of iodine per day). [27]

Bottom line: when you exercise, your body needs more salt and iodine than when you don’t—and some people may need more than others. [28]

The average nonathletic adult excretes up to about 600 milligrams of sodium and about 22 micrograms of iodine in their average daily sweat. The average athlete, who sweats 3 to 5 liters per day, can lose between 111 and 185 micrograms of iodine in sweat, for a total iodine loss between 195 and 270 micrograms per day (when combined with loss from sweat, urine, and feces). Even consuming up to 340 micrograms of iodine per day, which is more than double the current recommended daily allowance (150 micrograms per day), could still lead to goiter and hypothyroidism in certain athletes. And it’s not just athletes: iodine losses during the summer correlate with an increased prevalence of goiter among school-age children. [29]

[27] Mao, I. F., M. L. Chen, and Y. C. Ko. 2001. Electrolyte loss in sweat and iodine deficiency in a hot environment. Arch Environ Health 56(3): 271–277.

[28] Ghooi, Valanju, and Rajarshi. Salt restriction in hypertension. 137–140; Mao, Chen, and Ko. Electrolyte loss in sweat and iodine deficiency in a hot environment. 271–277.

[29] Mao, Chen, and Ko. Electrolyte loss in sweat and iodine deficiency in a hot environment. 271–277.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
This is taken from page 131 of the Kindle version of 'The Salt Fix' by James DiNicolantonio:

In one study by Mao and colleagues, one hour of soccer practice in temperature between 89.6°F and 98.6°F with 50 percent relative humidity caused players to lose 1,896 milligrams of sodium from sweating. One player actually lost almost 6,000 milligrams of sodium in sweat during the one-hour game. Importantly, soccer players also lost on average 52 micrograms of iodine in their sweat (and one player lost 100 micrograms); this amount of iodine loss is over one-third the recommended daily intake (150 micrograms per day). Almost half of the players were found to have a Grade 1 goiter, compared to 1 percent of the sedentary control subjects. It’s very likely that because of continued iodine losses in sweat and not enough iodized salt intake, the players had developed goiters, which are a sign of severe thyroid problems. This happened despite the fact that the estimated iodine intake of soccer players, in general, met guideline recommendations (100 to 300 micrograms of iodine per day). [27]

Bottom line: when you exercise, your body needs more salt and iodine than when you don’t—and some people may need more than others. [28]

The average nonathletic adult excretes up to about 600 milligrams of sodium and about 22 micrograms of iodine in their average daily sweat. The average athlete, who sweats 3 to 5 liters per day, can lose between 111 and 185 micrograms of iodine in sweat, for a total iodine loss between 195 and 270 micrograms per day (when combined with loss from sweat, urine, and feces). Even consuming up to 340 micrograms of iodine per day, which is more than double the current recommended daily allowance (150 micrograms per day), could still lead to goiter and hypothyroidism in certain athletes. And it’s not just athletes: iodine losses during the summer correlate with an increased prevalence of goiter among school-age children. [29]

[27] Mao, I. F., M. L. Chen, and Y. C. Ko. 2001. Electrolyte loss in sweat and iodine deficiency in a hot environment. Arch Environ Health 56(3): 271–277.

[28] Ghooi, Valanju, and Rajarshi. Salt restriction in hypertension. 137–140; Mao, Chen, and Ko. Electrolyte loss in sweat and iodine deficiency in a hot environment. 271–277.

[29] Mao, Chen, and Ko. Electrolyte loss in sweat and iodine deficiency in a hot environment. 271–277.
Interesting. This forum is probably rife with enough cautionary tales regarding supplemental iodine usage, but my one observation is that Lugol’s, even in low doses, gives me acne. I have never experienced this in my life, so it’s a strange symptom that cannot be ignored when experimenting with it.

Also, depending on which iodine you use, to achieve the dosages that are quoted above (300-600 mcg) would be one (1) drop of Lugol’s 2% in 8 oz. of water that you would consume .25 to .5 of. I think this is where a lot of people go astray in supplemental iodine usage. Doses higher than this might be more appropriate for a stomach issue
Apr 22, 2019
Interesting. This forum is probably rife with enough cautionary tales regarding supplemental iodine usage, but my one observation is that Lugol’s, even in low doses, gives me acne. I have never experienced this in my life, so it’s a strange symptom that cannot be ignored when experimenting with it.
That's peculiar. With acne I've always wondered if it's a telltale detox symptom. I had mild to moderate acne in high school that went away after quitting dairy. It wasn't until about 1.5 years ago (age 26~) that I got acne again in virtually the same manner that I had it in high school and it specifically came about as a result of a red grape fast when I was on days 4-7, or thereabouts.

Hering's law of cure is something that Robert Morse and Bernard Jensen have cited as being necessary for healing. It's like you gotta get sick before you're better, basically.

Or maybe Lugol's messes with your sebum production somehow. Mysterious!
Also, depending on which iodine you use, to achieve the dosages that are quoted above (300-600 mcg) would be one (1) drop of Lugol’s 2% in 8 oz. of water that you would consume .25 to .5 of. I think this is where a lot of people go astray in supplemental iodine usage. Doses higher than this might be more appropriate for a stomach issue
Haha yeah, reminds me of trying to dose methylene blue from the Kordon cleaner


Jun 10, 2020
Hey @Twohandsondeck, I apologize if you answered this and I missed it, but I see that you dose your thyroid all between 6-10 pm. Why do you dose it all at the end of the day? Do you ever notice problems from dosing a full grain or more in a few hour window?
Apr 22, 2019
Hey @Twohandsondeck, I apologize if you answered this and I missed it, but I see that you dose your thyroid all between 6-10 pm. Why do you dose it all at the end of the day? Do you ever notice problems from dosing a full grain or more in a few hour window?
Yeah it definitely wasn't optimal. Based on my work schedule at the time it was convenient to time it like that and I could get away with it because I was working long days in the sun... but on an average day it can prevent me from falling asleep when taken too late in the night. One dose from 10A-12P and then another no later than 6P works better, for sure.

Taking larger doses demands more food to accommodate the metabolic increase within 1-3 hours of dosing.


Oct 4, 2019
I think I can get behind this. My guess is that processed sugar messes with the gut microbiome, even when it's something as innocuous as white rice.

Yeah there's a lot that could be said about the guy, but it seems pretty clear that he wants to help people more than marketing complicated plans and products, at least. His basic template is 48 hours electrolyte fasting, refeed day, repeat. I think he eats a 4:1 ratio of vegetables:fatty meat i.e. 400g of vegetables with 100g steak, etc and he puts a big emphasis on getting fat for calories in.

He's got the most sensible approach to dry fasting that I've heard, too.

Regardless of those things, the reason why I'm giving him a second listen was because I heard him mention during an interview that when he first started electrolyte fasting that he was 1) able to keep his powerlifting numbers even while fasting (which he couldn't on a water-only fast) and 2) that he urinated sediment for several days in a row.

According to Robert Morse, sediment in the urine is *the* most important sign of healing, above all else.

So... I'll try it here soon for a 24-48 hour cycle and see what happens with my strength, sauna experience, excrement, mentality, etc.

Frankly, I'd like to give the dry fasting a go as well, even if it's only for a day. Very curious if it would be worth it if performed correctly.
+ fruit + ketchup + orange juice + maple syrup + honey

There doesn't appear to be a solution
Apr 22, 2019
Alrighty, here's an update:

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I went through another 'get sick to get well' phase. It could also simply be phrased as a detox or what Robert Morse calls a, "healing crisis." Additionally - in accordance with scripture - I believe God smote me.

I speculate 3 possible causes of this. It might well just be one, but I'd like to think it was all 3:

  1. My body stored up enough necessary herbal medicine/nutrients to clean house and possibly kick another pesky parasite in a sequence of flushes.
  2. God smote my bowels that they proceeded to fall out as it is written in scripture.
  3. My immune system was weakened from sauna abuse and then I caught something while dealing with homeless people who were receiving a fresh J&J vaccine. (Or something in this line of thinking... not that I caught something in accordance with germ theory, but perhaps that the terrain of my own body was in a vulnerable state).

>>>To begin, I returned again to the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on account of my tongue holding the same countenance just about all the time. Sometimes cracks would appear towards the tip if I had crappy food a few hours earlier, but for the most part it was purple with a mild mucous sheen and extremely prominent teeth marks.

The diagnosis of "qi deficiency" and/or "spleen qi deficiency" remained the same, but I wanted to see if I could ascertain a more exact issue.

The next diagnosis I came across which made perfect sense was that my water metabolism was defunct due to excessive dampness. This was indicated by the teeth marks. The spleen, lungs, and kidneys together regulate the water metabolism in TCM.

The excessive dampness is caused by cold and raw foods... in particular, dairy, raw fruits & vegetables, citrus, refined sugar, raw potato starch, etc. Of note, dairy in particular has been the lion share of my diet for the last several months and I haven't done well with white sugar or oranges for quite a while now.

*Too many cold/raw foods will slow down metabolism.

Foods that contribute to damp-heat are basically fried & oily foods as well as fermented foods like kimchi, apple cider vinegar, pickles, etc. Even more accurate yet, I have little tolerance for these foods as they feel difficult to digest.

Dietary solutions to bring dampness back into balance:

Foods with yeast/fungus-inhibiting properties known to relieve damp and damp-heat include: onion, cinnamon, ginger, scallion, basil, rosemary, dill, oregano, sage, parsley, cardamom, nutmeg, fennel, anise, clove, coriander, leek, chives, Job's tears (yi yi ren)5, euryale seed (qian shi)6, aduki beans (chi xiao dou)7, ginkgo nut (bai guo)8, rye, celery, lettuce, alfalfa, turnips, raw honey and corn.


The following section was my practice for about a week before becoming ill:

I grabbed what was convenient from the list above and basically had it for lunch and dinner for 3 days to see remarkable improvement. After the first 3 days, I consumed it every other day because I had eaten so much of it that it became nauseating.

I basically just made a soup of cooked carrot, celery, onion, fennel seed, cardamom, clove, fenugreek seed, oregano leaf, ginger, and paired it with a moderate dose of brown rice.

I also cut out salt and oil for a time and tried to strongly limit water consumption. If I have plenty of vegetables and drink the broth with it, I'll drink surprisingly little plain water.

I cut way back on milk, too. 1-2 liters per day had then become 1-5 cups per day. I'd have milk immediately after a workout or within an hour of going to bed.

I'd either have about 50-70g of protein as chicken or push closer towards that 5 cups of milk each day in order to feel satiated and properly recover from gym activity from day to day.

I still took less than 10mg of zinc per day and 30-60mg of NDT. Every other day I'd take 250mg of a magnesium complex.


Fast forward a week, great progress. Gym sessions are much more controlled compared to fatiguing. Sauna use is pleasant. Sweating readily in large volumes, body temp and circulation to extremities is noticeably improved.

On a Sunday, I eat some low quality Chinese food at a strip mall here in America. It was chicken, white rice, and cabbage. This throws my stomach off-kilter and over the next 12 hours I feel my body trying to kick something.

On Monday I work with homeless folk who are receiving a J&J vax in an outdoor setting. One guy I was working with seemingly got food poisoning from Dunkin and threw up that morning before the main event started.

I'm fine all day until the sun goes down, at which time I realized I didn't want to eat anything.

Wake up at 3:30AM Tuesday with a fever. I go in and out of sleep until 4PM the same day as the fever gets progressively worse. 5 bowel movements in this time period.

Clammy sweating as if the fever is trying to break but then comes back again. Chills, fetal position. Can barely stomach sips of water... forced myself to drink pineapple juice and lemonade.

Finally muster the oomph to walk and I just about immediately pass the brunt of the issue. I just glanced in my clammy misery to see what came out and it was some white accumulation with a pink chunk of - what I assume to be - my intestines.

Returned to about 60% functionality after that and was able to work a usual job moving boxes the following day. The caveat was that for the next 24 hours, I averaged a bowel movement inside of every 2 hour increment without fail. It was mostly diarrhea but intermittently there was a bit of solid substance. For the first 12 hours or so, they were putrid. My colon felt like a second-rate pool noodle towards the end of this period.

Grapes were the biggest help during this day. They helped bring a sensation of rejuvenation and also tamed the quality of the bowel movements pretty speedily. I also had milk and pineapple juice during this time.

Going into Thursday, I intentionally had a barbecue bacon cheeseburger to slow this purge. It was actually a good call.

Ever since then I've felt like I can eat just about anything without much consequence. I've been able to eat cooked oatmeal, dumpster pizza, cheap milkshakes, etc. Stuff that used to fry me doesn't have much of a consequence these days. I feel 90% like a normal human being.

I'm still using the aforementioned soup as a frequent tool, of course.

Since the last purge, I've backed off of all supplements except for occasional NDT and even smaller amounts of zinc (i.e. 5 mg once every 3-5 days).

Regarding point #2 above about God smiting my bowels:

In accordance with the 'law of first mention,' the first time a word is used in the Bible, it is often defined most adequately.

This is the first mention of any such words as, "fornicate, fornicator, fornicating," etc:

2 Chronicles 21:11-19
[11] Moreover he made high places in the mountains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication, and compelled Judah thereto.
[12] And there came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet, saying, Thus saith the LORD God of David thy father, Because thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah,
[13] But hast walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and hast made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a whoring, like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, and also hast slain thy brethren of thy father's house, which were better than thyself:
[14] Behold, with a great plague will the LORD smite thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods:
[15] And thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day.
[16] Moreover the LORD stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, that were near the Ethiopians:
[17] And they came up into Judah, and brake into it, and carried away all the substance that was found in the king's house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons.
[18] And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.
[19] And it came to pass, that in process of time, after the end of two years, his bowels fell out by reason of his sickness: so he died of sore diseases. And his people made no burning for him, like the burning of his fathers.

To treat myself as a shameless example, leading up to this recent experience, I had just crossed a threshold by spending money on the sin of fornication. God warned me a number of times that a chastening was in order...

And, as all things work together towards the good will of God, so it came to pass that scripture is fulfilled as usual.

Regardless of my disobedience leading up to that 16 hour bout of immobilization, I believe it was ordained to happen at some point as a matter of sanctification & justified punishment. Needless to say... I'm glad that phase has passed.

Hebrews 12:6-11
[6] For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
[7] If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
[8] But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
[9] Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?
[10] For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
[11] Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

2 Timothy 2:20-21
[20] But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
[21] If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

Romans 8:28
[28] And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Philippians 2:13
[13]For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

On the subject of over-the-counter anti-seb-derm or anti-dandruff compounds:

In all this time of battling this, I have never stooped to the level of conventional shampoos or skin treatments as a means of treating this.

However, after looking into the many compounds that dermatologists typically recommend for this skin condition (zinc pyrothione, salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, coal tar)... I picked up two different shampoos... Nizoral (contains 1% ketoconazole) and an anti-dandruff one from Harry's (contains 1% zinc pyrothione).

The zinc pyrithione was actually beneficial for my hair because I haven't used anything but apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in it for upwards of 3 years now. I intend to use it about once - MAYBE twice - a week now. The anti-dandruff effect lasts less than 48 hours. When applied to the broken skin on my face, it really didn't do anything even after sitting for 5+ minutes.

I used the ketocanozole on my face only, two different times. It had a mild burning sensation but definitely carries a sterilizing effect. It also reduces redness by 10-20%. Similar to the zinc pyrithione, the sterilizing effect of ketocanozole also lasts about 48 hours.

> Instead of using ketocanozole, I just decided to get a cheap bottle of lemon juice concentrate to mix with a green clay and to wash with that nightly. The antifungal/sterilizing effect seems basically just as efficacious with the added benefit that it doesn't burn the skin and can also help to tighten the pores around my T-zone.

Miscellaneous notes, observations, etc:

*I don't think it's wise to use baking soda, magnesium, or large quantities of milk surrounding any meals. These compounds seem to render the stomach less acidic than it ought to be for optimal digestion.

*vegetables make the sauna easier and allow for greater sweat volume.

*consuming the vegetables freshly cooked is best. I think they're better digested/the nutrients are more readily available/the nutrients haven't been given time to oxidize as much.

*using the spices to make a tea for consumption on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, works out well.

*inadequate protein consumption will lead to muscle soreness carryover into the following day. Inadequate calorie consumption also plays a role in this, but protein seems to be especially important in preventing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

*my hair is no longer brittle and dry upon exiting a 30-minute dry sauna session.

*my caffeine tolerance is at an all time high.

*bowel movements still 1x/day :/

*eating rice + vegetables, meat, bread, and milk as separate meals improves digestion.

*magnesium supplementation is hit or miss. Sometimes great, sometimes not-so-great.

*iodine supplementation is a complete mystery. Sometimes I'll use large amounts in tandem with the water flosser and other times I'll just take a small 600mcg drop and I have a hard time discerning the difference of effect throughout the following day.

As a final addendum to this portion, it is worth mentioning that the physical healing of my flesh has directly correlated with the amount of time that I've spent in the Word, whether by reading or studying.

To that point, Hod promises us that His words are health to the flesh:

Proverbs 4:20-22
[20] My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
[21] Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
[22] For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.
Apr 22, 2019
Just noticed that body acne is 95% gone, too.
20210602_212416.jpg 20210602_212349.jpg

Usually if I consume red meat or a moderate amount of whole-fat dairy, I get red circles that splash all over my upper body. They're painless, usually don't carry any pus, and evaporate within 3 days. Over several months I chalked up the contributing factor to saturated fat alone. It's significant because I can't remember a time when there was anything close to a complete remission. It was still at like 20% present on the very best day.

However, since having a bowel exodus last week, I've felt absolutely no apprehension to eat any and all food.

Of note, in the last 30 hours I've had:

-a 1700 calorie cheese pizza
-2.5 cups of coffee with cream
-4 food truck tacos w/ flour tortilla, probably a dose of PUFA
-a quart of coffee ice cream

The pizza definitely made me sleepy, but that's literally the only obstacle I've noted in the last two days. No breakouts, barely any flatulence, no exercise hindrances, no tongue coatings... maybe a little dry mouth a couple times but nothing that wasn't quenched by water. Feelsgoodman


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
*I have stopped adding sugar, especially white sugar, to my morning coffee for the last couple of weeks to a digestive benefit. It's certainly an anti-Peat sentiment, but I don't believe that processed white sugar is benefiting my health in any way
I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but I see this all too often on this forum. Peat never said people should be using sugar, so not consuming sugar is not an anti-Peat sentiment. Low carb is an anti-Peat sentiment. It's misinformation like this that confuses newcomers to Peat's work, making them think that Peat said you should be adding sugar to everything.

But I'm happy you're benefitting from the NDT and zinc.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
Peat never said people should be using sugar, so not consuming sugar is not an anti-Peat sentiment. Low carb is an anti-Peat sentiment. It's misinformation like this that confuses newcomers to Peat's work
This could quickly become derailed, which is not necessary, but you do hear people quote Peat virtually all the time, saying that he is anti-starch. So it’s difficult to be high carb and anti-starch without making the basic recommendation of lots of sugar.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
This could quickly become derailed, which is not necessary, but you do hear people quote Peat virtually all the time, saying that he is anti-starch. So it’s difficult to be high carb and anti-starch without making the basic recommendation of lots of sugar.
It's not a problem to consume refined sugar (as long as you're consuming enough nutrients and don't react negatively to it). I also add it to my coffee just because it tastes good and because I'm already getting all my micros from nutrient-dense foods, and have extra calories to spare. But to say eliminating refined sugar is an anti-Peat sentiment is not accurate. It's easy to be very high carb without refined sugar or starches (and I've also done this myself especially when ripping). You can easily do it with foods such as milk, honey, maple syrup, and fruit...
And just keep in mind that he's swallowing tablespoons of raw potato starch which would be a more accurate anti-Peat sentiment.
Apr 22, 2019
Peat never said people should be using sugar,
Peat has said (many times) that sucrose, glucose, fructose, and lactose are ideal sugars.

In this clip, he notes that they are "...well metabolized sugars."

View: https://youtu.be/hOfECQSgRkI

Is refined, white sugar something more than isolated sucrose? Is it not implied that pure sucrose is Peat-approved?

I think everyone implicitly understands that fruit and milk have an abundance of nutrients compared to white sugar and white rice. Or do you think that people on this forum really believe that they can replace orange juice with tablespoons of refined sugar in a 1:1 ratio without running into consequences?
But I'm happy you're benefitting from the NDT and zinc.
The NDT and zinc have been wonderfully helpful for a short time, but at this point I've come to hold the vegetables & herbs to an even higher standard.

If I were given the ultimatum to choose between zinc + NDT or carrot/celery/onion/herbs for the rest of my life, I'd surely choose the latter.

It's a wonderful thing to step on the gas and try to ramp up the metabolism to it's upper threshold at all times for a benefit of increased overall well-being & resiliency... however, merely increasing energetic output & efficiency is not a replacement for the unique cleansing powers of certain vegetables & herbs.

The unclean digestive tract certainly benefits from the common recommendations on this forum to improve energy, but the cleanliness of the digestive tract is surely the rate limiting factor in that equation.

If the RPM meter maxes out at 3,000, trying to floor it into 5,000 will obviously damage the engine... but alternatively if the vehicle is primed/cleaned to uptake all of that extra acceleration, then the result will be ideal.

As a reflexive point to your mention that you're not picking on me specifically with regard to Peat's sayings about sugar, neither am I towards you regarding the necessity of herbs & vegetables for their foundationally cleansing effect before 'optimizing the carbohydrate metabolism' can take place.

I think it was with Leo that I heard you say something about how some of your clients insist on keeping vegetables despite them (the vegetables) being of such little nutritional value. If I have to get the quote I will, but suffice it to say that I heard you to say - roughly - 'if you want to keep them, that's fine, but they don't do anything.'

And that is a very common ideal made around this forum... and for many dilemmas that could (and should be, in my opinion) be solved by kicking out/cleaning the obstruction in the assembly line, there are 10 different suggestions to instead add another layer of paint from aspirin to glycine to taurine to methylene blue to progesterone, and the list goes on.

And if it's not a supplementary solution, then it's a pharmaceutical-grade antibiotic one, save the carrot salad, white button mushrooms, bamboo shoots, activated charcoal, and cascara sagrada. Thank God for those latter suggestions, at least.

P.S. on behalf of many members of the forum, thanks for all of the information you put out there for free, @Hans.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Peat has said (many times) that sucrose, glucose, fructose, and lactose are ideal sugars.

In this clip, he notes that they are "...well metabolized sugars."

View: https://youtu.be/hOfECQSgRkI

Is refined, white sugar something more than isolated sucrose? Is it not implied that pure sucrose is Peat-approved?

I think everyone implicitly understands that fruit and milk have an abundance of nutrients compared to white sugar and white rice. Or do you think that people on this forum really believe that they can replace orange juice with tablespoons of refined sugar in a 1:1 ratio without running into consequences?

The NDT and zinc have been wonderfully helpful for a short time, but at this point I've come to hold the vegetables & herbs to an even higher standard.

If I were given the ultimatum to choose between zinc + NDT or carrot/celery/onion/herbs for the rest of my life, I'd surely choose the latter.

It's a wonderful thing to step on the gas and try to ramp up the metabolism to it's upper threshold at all times for a benefit of increased overall well-being & resiliency... however, merely increasing energetic output & efficiency is not a replacement for the unique cleansing powers of certain vegetables & herbs.

The unclean digestive tract certainly benefits from the common recommendations on this forum to improve energy, but the cleanliness of the digestive tract is surely the rate limiting factor in that equation.

If the RPM meter maxes out at 3,000, trying to floor it into 5,000 will obviously damage the engine... but alternatively if the vehicle is primed/cleaned to uptake all of that extra acceleration, then the result will be ideal.

As a reflexive point to your mention that you're not picking on me specifically with regard to Peat's sayings about sugar, neither am I towards you regarding the necessity of herbs & vegetables for their foundationally cleansing effect before 'optimizing the carbohydrate metabolism' can take place.

I think it was with Leo that I heard you say something about how some of your clients insist on keeping vegetables despite them (the vegetables) being of such little nutritional value. If I have to get the quote I will, but suffice it to say that I heard you to say - roughly - 'if you want to keep them, that's fine, but they don't do anything.'

And that is a very common ideal made around this forum... and for many dilemmas that could (and should be, in my opinion) be solved by kicking out/cleaning the obstruction in the assembly line, there are 10 different suggestions to instead add another layer of paint from aspirin to glycine to taurine to methylene blue to progesterone, and the list goes on.

And if it's not a supplementary solution, then it's a pharmaceutical-grade antibiotic one, save the carrot salad, white button mushrooms, bamboo shoots, activated charcoal, and cascara sagrada. Thank God for those latter suggestions, at least.

P.S. on behalf of many members of the forum, thanks for all of the information you put out there for free, @Hans.

I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not against the use of refined sugar, I use it myself. I was just pointing out that removing sugar from one's coffee isn't an anti-Peat sentiment. It's like saying when I stop eating the carrot salad, it's an anti-Peat sentiment. Peat suggested someone can have carrot. There are alternatives such as bamboo, shrooms, etc. Likewise, there are alternatives to refined sugar.
The main reason I said anything was because some Peat beginners might think they have to add sugar to everything, not because it's Peat approved, but because for some reason it's mandatory, which it's not.
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