Haidut Email Advice Depository


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
The pimp has more than 30 products in his store, imagine for a moment managing this alone with everything that can go wrong and requires effort to keep running smoothly. And then picture the number of emails and private messages that the guy must receive a week. Next, the number of times he's tagged, some just for the sake of engaging him for validation, but many cornering him expecting an answer without assistance. Then the interviews, volunteering at the hospital, private consulting, and other things that I'm not aware of. I know he has elfs to grab news for him, but the poems are not written by the ghosts of authors. Also, all the research required to deliver 20 truths in a row without hesitation. Everything mentioned here is just one area of his life.

So, not collapsing is already surprising and it's not by accident that I refer to him as Zeus. The good thing is that he's a reputable shaman, therefore anyone that's not wishing to build yours from scratch can use him as a shortcut: it's not easy but you can start challenging his posts and viewing him no more as a human being with needs and desires, but as a social leadeI mean, ladder. Contesting him is now a sport and has a name: haiduthlon.
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Sep 29, 2017
The pimp has more than 30 products in his store, imagine for a moment managing this alone with everything that can go wrong and requires effort to keep running smoothly. And then picture the number of emails and private messages that the guy must receive a week. Next, the number of times he's tagged, some just for the sake of engaging him for validation, but many cornering him expecting an answer without assistance. Then the interviews, volunteering at the hospital, private consulting, and other things that I'm not aware of. I know he has elfs to grab news for him, but the poems are not written by the ghosts of authors. Also, all the research required to deliver 20 truths in a row without hesitation. Everything mentioned here is just one area of his life.

So, not collapsing is already surprising and it's not by accident that I refer to him as Zeus. The good thing is that he's a reputable shaman, therefore anyone that's not wishing to build yours from scratch can use him as a shortcut: it's not easy but you can start challenging his posts and viewing him no more as a human being with needs and desires, but as a social leadeI mean, ladder. Contesting him is now a sport and has a name: haiduthlon.

Not that this would diminish his efforts in any way, but I believe he has at least one employee/partner. At least that's the info on idealabs' linkedin page. He also often uses the "we" form when he talks about idealabs plans. I can't imagine that it is possible to run a buisness of this size all by himself since it involves making/mixing all the supplements on top of all the administrative things that come with it. That is, unless he is Bucky Fuller reborn and only takes a few half hour naps per 24h cycle.


Sep 3, 2016
I agree! Haidut is a stand up guy. Also why I choose to buy my Vitamin A and D regularly from him even if I pay a bit more because I would rather support guys like him as best as I can when I am able to.
Agreed. Guy is a total champ. Throwback renaissance man.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Not that this would diminish his efforts in any way, but I believe he has at least one employee/partner. At least that's the info on idealabs' linkedin page. He also often uses the "we" form when he talks about idealabs plans. I can't imagine that it is possible to run a buisness of this size all by himself since it involves making/mixing all the supplements on top of all the administrative things that come with it. That is, unless he is Bucky Fuller reborn and only takes a few half hour naps per 24h cycle.
Yes, it's a teamwork, but he seems to be the one in charge and I'm not sure how long it could run without problems if he simply disappeared. By 'this alone' I meant without accounting for anything else.
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Oct 5, 2014
I am very impressed also. Family, business, IT full time job (last time I heard), plays soccer, does a lot of research reading papers, spends time in the forum creating good content and helping people, the dani rody interviews, etc...

I just can't understand it. I would die of stress.

He also often uses the "we" form when he talks about idealabs plans.
It is pluralis majestatis... He's an emperor.


Sep 29, 2017
I am very impressed also. Family, business, IT full time job (last time I heard), plays soccer, does a lot of research reading papers, spends time in the forum creating good content and helping people, the dani rody interviews, etc...

I just can't understand it. I would die of stress.

It is pluralis majestatis... He's an emperor.

I see. At least he is an enlightened monarch


Oct 21, 2013
haidut - I'm a bit confused - why the difference from what's on the pansterone suggested dosage and your quote: " I think pregnenolone works best when used in doses of 30mg - 50mg daily, especially when combined with low dose DHEA and progesterone." ?


Oct 21, 2013
@haidut - I'm a bit confused - why the difference from what's on the pansterone suggested dosage and your quote: " I think pregnenolone works best...


Jul 14, 2018
@haidut do you find yourself using aspirin and baking soda more or less lately and currently how much do you like to use say a typical week for gut stress mood and metabolic health?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut do you find yourself using aspirin and baking soda more or less lately and currently how much do you like to use say a typical week for gut stress mood and metabolic health?

I use aspirin sporadically, mostly when I remember to do so, which comes down to about 2-3 times weekly. I typically take 2 tablets (325mg each) as a single daily dose. Haven't used baking soda in a while as I don't feel the need for it. Aspirin does not irritate my GI much.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut - I'm a bit confused - why the difference from what's on the pansterone suggested dosage and your quote: " I think pregnenolone works best...

That quote is in reference to people asking for how much pregnenolone I thought was optimal daily. I would have included that dose into Pansterone but since pregnenolone is VERY hard to dissolve into pretty much any solvent, the amount we have in Pansterone is the most we could keep dissolved together with DHEA. So, if somebody wanted to take extra pregnenolone on top of Pansterone to add up to 30mg-50mg daily then I see no problem with that.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
About Eck and Wilson, ph, contrarian endocrinology etc..


What are your views on contrarian endocrinology, or using the rebound effect of compounds to get better long term? Quite a few (most?) of those who have tried RU are doing better, not sure this necessarily means contrarian endocrinology is at work here but I'm curious.

As far as the contrarian endocrinology - there is nothing contrarian about it. Gbolduev says to antagonize receptors (GR, PR, AR, and ER) in order to increase their density/sensitivity, so that when RU486 is stopped the organism will raise steroid production to compensate. There is a bit of a problem with that but let's assume it works as intended. The exact same thing can be achieved by lowering levels of specific steroids like cortisol and estrogen as the lower levels will also upregulate receptor sensitivity and/or their density. So, two different ways to achieve the exact same thing. Golduev says not to lower any of these steroids because they are needed to keep things like potassium or sodium in balance. But antagonizing the receptors has the same unbalancing effects as to the cell it does not matter if you lowers levels of a steroid so less of it enters the cell or if you use an antagonist so it reduces the effects of the steroid even though its levels are normal (or high). So, either both approaches work or both do not work. They are the same thing as far as the effects on the cell are concerned.
Now, about the small problem I mentioned above. Let' say you choose to go the RU486 way and antagonize the receptors and increase sensitivity. When you are done, you stop the drug and wait for the rebound. That rebound will only come if thyroid is working well because production of steroids requires ATP and high NAD/NADH ratio at EVERY step of the way. Starting with the first step where StAR gets cholesterol into the mitochondria, through the side cleavage enzyme that generates pregnenolone and all the way down to things like DHT and androsterone - all of these steps require energy. RU486 does nothing to restore that energetic "balance" if there was an issue beforehand. So, good approach with the receptor rebound theory but certainly not any different from what Peat is saying (just another equivalent approach) and does not address metabolic disturbances. Gbolduev think that by forcing potassium into the cell metabolism will be restored but on that part I disagree with him. No need to force potassium into the cell, it already has a preference for being there. More often the issue is low magnesium, without which PDH/PDC cannot work and ATP cannot be produced and without ATP no magnesium can be retained. So, supplementing with magnesium will probably not solve the deficiency unless ATP is available and for that thyroid is needed, or another substance that can increase ATP like maybe methylene blue or progesterone. But thyroid is still the best way to retain magnesium.
There are a number of other major issues that the receptor sensitization approach does not address. Namely, endotoxin, inflammation, endocrine disruptors, PUFA storage, insulin resistance fro excessive lipolysis, etc. Each one of these can easily derail the whole idea of receptor desensitization and so far I have not see a proposal on what to do about those. Endotoxin is probably at the core of all of most metabolic derangements and any solid holistic theory of health and its restoration should include dealing with endotoxin somehow. So, my guess is the next thing we will see gdolduev propose is some sort of TLR4 antagonist :):
As far as the people in PFS feeling better - I am sure some will, but for most it will be temporary. Like I said, the receptor sensitization is a valid approach. However, most of them suffer from cognitive dissonance. The drug RU486 is an estrogen antagonist, so for them to claim that lowering estrogen makes things worse while at the same time they are taking an estrogen antagonist is a bit hypocritical. Be that as it may, the positive effects will probably be short lived and if anybody gets truly cured of PFS it will probably be less than 1% of those people. Finasteride does a lot more than derange hormones, it damages nerves as I mentioned in the other thread and also seems to damage liver and intestinal function. We don't yet know by what mechanism but if those issues are there then the receptor sensitization won't do much for most people. It will probably work for those who used finasteride briefly and that's it. So, give it another 1-2 weeks and let's see how many of those people are still on the forum asking question of claiming they were "cured". I bet most of them will still be here.

I think one of his points is that he is ok with using drugs for the short term (like RU) -this is against a lot of what I see here (supplementing some androsterone, thyroid, niacinamide, vit E, b vitamins, prog, preg etc..) - and with very specific context, I mean the individual's context, same thing he said for the uselessness of most studies:
Man Goes Anti-Peat And Demonstrates Results From 20's To Mid 40
Announcement - Regarding The Recent @gbolduev Threads
Man Goes Anti-Peat And Demonstrates Results From 20's To Mid 40

Here is what he has to say about endotoxin if you manage to read through the LOLz and arrogance galore:
Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain
Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain

Btw he said a few times that androsterone would decrease 5ar / dht .
Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain
"If you dont understand that androsterone inhibits 5AR. I cant' help you further more."


I am sorry but some of what he says is just crazy. Like this for example:
"...But if you control the bacteria you wont have any of these issues. And to control the bacteria populations you need to control the PH. And to control the PH you need to control all of your enzymes. So minerals and vitamins is like programming language. You can can program any code using them. this is how your body works and all the doctors, researchers recommending certain substances for all imbalances are simply wrong."

Bacterial production of endotoxin is controlled by the type of bacteria in the gut and the food you eat. Controlling pH is not going to somehow magically turn an endotoxi producing bacteria into benign one. If you feed the bacteria with resistant starch, it will produce endotoxin, period. So, all of this controlling of enzymes is just like genetic programming/editing - it is just the epigenetic version of it - i.e. if we know all of the enzymes of the organism we can control all the reactions. The same story was sold about genes. But in the case of genes it turned out they are ALL interconnected so one gene does not really do much on its own, and even then genes did not really turn out to control much anyways. Same with epigenetic enzyme programming. We don't know all of them, new enzymes are being discovered every day, and building some kind of idealized graph with all of these enzymes that somehow can be controlled by finetuning this node or that node is a dream/illusion. We should be working upstream, not downstream.
Iron is not lower in cancer, the medical term is "anemia of chronic disease" but it is not anemia at all, it is iron overload. In this so-called anemia ferritin is high, transferin is low, iron saturation index is high and serum iron MAY be low. But high ferritin and high iron saturation, combined with low transferrin is definition of iron overload, not anemia. That is why iron chelation drugs are being used right now for many cancers.
The role of iron chelation in cancer therapy. - PubMed - NCBI
Iron chelation in the treatment of cancer: a new role for deferasirox? - PubMed - NCBI
Recent advances in cancer treatment by iron chelators - ScienceDirect

True anemia with low iron is called "iron-deficiency anemia" and is characterized by LOW ferritin, low iron saturation, high transferrin and sometimes low serum iron. This type of anemia is common in hypothyroidism and people with chronic bleeding issues. Chronically high cortisol may also cause it, as user @messtafarian found out. She had/has Cushing syndrome just like gbolduev. Btw, gbolduev said in a few threads that he had high ferritin, low transferrin and low serum iron - so "anemia" of chronic disease, which matches his claims that he has/had cancer(s).
You can Google both "anemia of chronic disease" and "iron deficiency anemia" for more info. There are some great resources describing the differences and how unfortunate it is that the first one is called anemia at all when it is fact iron overload.

The crap about studies is quite double-sided I am afraid. On one hand he does not like studies but on the other hand he quotes them when he wants to prove his point, especially when it is about RU486. See below.
Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain

Also, he contradicts himself quite a few times. In some threads he thrashes CO2, progesterone, magnesium, etc and in others he says they will be universal cure for PFS.
Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain

Furthermore, not sure if you were here 2 years ago when he first started posting here. We had a big discussion in the PaCO2 thread. If you go through it you will see that at the time he was saying copper will NOT work for anyone and Peat is poisoning people with his suggestion to eat copper. The suggestion at the time was to ONLY supplement zinc and manganese but never copper. So, what happened? Why the reversal 180 degrees now, and more importantly, why does he flip flop every 5-10 posts or so? Which version is correct? Now he is pushing copper to almost everyone in the form or seafood or supplements, which is something Peat has been saying all along.

So far I have yet to see anything outside of his own words that adds credibility to the claims about pH controlling endotoxin, serotonin, NAD/NADH ratio, steroid synthesis, etc. If anything, there is plenty of evidence that it is the other way around - endotoxin, serotonin, NAD/NADH ratio, estrogen/progesterone ratio, etc controlling pH. It is probably a loop but to claim so definitively something when just 2 years ago the story was vastly different is suspect. Everybody is wrong most of the time, including me and possibly Peat. But when the claims of one person vary so widely, it makes it hard to follow his guidance as such opposing recommendations can wreak havoc if they are wrong even once. And since they are so opposing we know they will be wrong at least once.
Let's see what happens to the people recovering from RU486. As far as I can see some of them have hair shedding, adrenaline surges, insomnia, and mood swings. A few reported very high prolactin already. If these things do not normalize, then I am afraid the people who jumped on the RU486 bandwagon will end up in a worse position than when they started. I genuinely wish that somebody figures it all out. I don't care if it is gbolduev or if isn't me. But so far it looks like we don't have an answer.
Btw, androsterone elevates 5-AR as per another study I posted. If gbolduev claims it lowers it I would like to see his experiments and how he proved that, not some theoretical lecture from Wilson/Eck which he things is true just because it is logical. As we have seen countless times on this forum, just because something makes sense does not mean it works that way in real life.


Well he's probably not going to come back now.

I see your point about enzymes, so basically unless we know about all of them and how they all interact there's no way to tell what will happen. If true then that means Eck's work is very obsolete no? Did you ever study it?

To be fair with him it's very rare that he cites studies, but he did a few times.

I quoted this post before but this is more than changing one's mind Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain At the time he spoke like he does now, and even when he sees this evidence he has no issues with how arrogant, assertive and wrong he was because now at least he holds the truth. It is very difficult to follow his ideas, I wish he just had explained his main views in two long posts rather than scattering bits everyhwere with a lot of arguing and insults in between. Anyways, hopefully he has the cure for PFS guys, if he does then Eck's work and anesthesiology books may become more interesting to me.

I also hope they recover.

As for supplement or seafood, he recommends very few supplements and short term, these recommendations seem to be all over the place , it seems he would need blood test/hair test to give them but he still suggests things based on forum posts (people push him though). Sea food he says is better because it has minerals and no man-made hormones . As I argued with him fish have 11-keto-dht and T and those obviously are active in humans, but he was afraid of men adding artificial hormones, if one lives in a big city then perhaps wild seafood is the only way to access hormone-free animal proteins.

It's difficult to see anything besides his own words since everything is biochemistry 101, experimented with in his own lab and on his computers, or in anesthesiology books. Those last ones should be worth a read at least, member mattyb seemed to agree with a lot of his views and he had training in the medical field as well.

As for endotoxin, mood etc.. My experience so far is that at the very least 1 BM is needed and 2 means good things start to happen. Not sure if there's a need to control ph and what not, could healthy digestion be the biggest part of the puzzle (before serious issues set in)?

For the record, I asked multiple times about which books this is written in, even one single title. None was given of course. I also read a few biochemistry books, including 2 that are used for medical schools in the US. None of them talk about pH controlling disease like he does. Btw, his claim partially matches Peat's writings. One of the pH imbalances is metabolic acidosis - high lactate, low CO2 and low NAD/NADH ratio. And Peat agrees that this is a big issue, especially in cancer and diabetes and that is what most people have as an issue. There are 3 other imbalances but those seem to be rare, both according to Peat and according to the medical literature. For example respiratory acidosis - high CO2, low lactate. This seems to be only present in people with COPD or other lung issues. But gbolduev never explained why he thinks the other pH imbalances are common, in his opinion. He just kept saying pH is the cause of it all. Well, maybe, if by that you mean metabolic acidosis. You see, a lot of what he writes overlaps with Peat. My biggest issue is why not admit that and state where you disagree. But he kept insisting he is anti-Peat in every respect while at the same time recommending copper, acetazolamide, taurine, and anti-glucocorticoid / anti-estrogenic drugs to everybody. It will not make you less respected if it turns out what you preach overlaps with another person. It is the differences that matter, and I was hoping to hear more about those differences.
Anyways, for the record, I never saw any evidence of his own experiments in a lab. Maybe it is hard to provide such evidence but for something like determining whether androsterone is inhibitor or inducer of 5-AR, it should be easy to provide the evidence. Did he use in vitro models, maybe even rodent experiment, and maybe even human ones?? I would have loved to see evidence on androsterone, for or against. But all we got in that thread is an even more autocratic statement like "androsterone inhibits 5-AR. If you don't see that then I can't help you." You may be the rightest person in this world but if make statements like that nobody will take you seriously.
As far as Eck and Wilson, yes I did read a lot of their stuff but it quickly started to sound cultish. When you state that there are 8 metabolic types and you provide no evidence for that it is hard to take that serious. Or when you state that sodium is the "will of God" while potassium is "grace of God" or something like that it is even harder to take seriously their theory.

I would not call their theory obsolete, I would just call it incomplete in the areas where it is actually medically valid combined with a lot of "metaphysical" stuff which is impossible to prove/disprove and should have no place in a serious book on physiology. I would also call it reductionist, because it assumes all the basic knowledge is already known and a complete theory is possible. Biochemistry, like any science or body of knowledge, is an open system. And it will always be evolving. So far we have no evidence that complete graphs of genes or enzymes explain the human body, let alone predict disease development of provide clues to possible therapies.

Oh well, let's see what says in 6 months or so. I am sure there will be another story at that time. We live we learn :):

Oh, one more thing - my experience also matches yours in terms of BM. One per day is the minimum for feeling OK. Anything less than that and I get sluggish and feeling unwell. I would say two per day is where I feel like I am back in my 20s and with 3 per day I am back in high school. No theory of pH can explain infrequent BM, but high endotoxin/serotonin/NO can and there are drugs in the pipeline (so far highly successful) which aim to actually cure IBS-C. If that happens, I suspect we will see a lot of other diseases disappear or drop significantly as bowel health seems to be the key to systemic health.


I agree on all of that, but if I may ask, how/why do you think he can be an interesting and valuable contributors given he makes a lot of claims without substanciating his views, nor providing experiments from his labs (now that would be nice of him), and does not recommend any books? It's even the same for his two cancers and PFS cure, how do we know he got all this and he's not trolling? I don't want proofs he had cancers but given the content of his posts and carater it can become an issue. Like I said about westide, when people do not sound like they are doing well in their posts it is difficult to believe they are healthy. I know he doesn't recommend books because I asked him a few times how to enlighten myself without having to rely on his knowledge (if you look at the advice he gives, all is done to have everyone rely on him from start to finish, that may not be a conscious move), which books taught him all that he knows, but he never answered. His only recommendations were "anesthesiology books" , that this was the one field of medicine based not only on studies but decades of experiments in hospitals and it should be used for all diseases and health issues.
If he states he disagrees with Peat in every ways (Quest For The Perfect Anticatabolic / Anabolic Supplement) perhaps he just lacks the zoomed out / panoramic view that you (and for example tyw) seem to have. However I do not think he recommended any supplements for all, his recommendations changed a lot and should have been based on hair and blood tests. He does disagree with Ray in many aspects, as you said in his opinion enzymes/minerals/PH are the main and upstream players in health, not hormones etc.. He disagrees on the standard Ray Peat diet and as you know so do I (direct experience and people on this forum) except for "fast oxidizers" . I have to say that his skepticism on the lack of context of studies sounds right since a lot of people notice different results from things like dhea, preg, prog etc..

I'm curious about his claims of androsterone, it fits with his contrarian endocrinology and negative feedback ideas on the human body. One thing I'm curious about is if androsterone increases 5-ar and is highly androgenic, how comes women in the Mount Sinai study did not report side effects or masculinization?

I'm not reading that Wilson guy again, I read some of his website (diet etc..) and he sounds mad. Actually gbol also said he was mad. Bicarbonate Vs. PaCO2 Blood Tests
Post Finasteride Syndrome, 5ar, And The Brain
If You Don't Want Low Testosterone DO NOT FAST

I am just saying that he has a lot of knowledge and unless he is trolling true knowledge is always valuable even if it is contrarian. It can force people to look at things from a different angle, even if wrong/incomplete. It can also stimulate lurkers with good knowledge who normally do not participate to come forward and get engaged and this is always good. Too bad he engages in a way that is very disruptive for most online communities.

@haidut 's predictions about RU486 and PFS were pretty spot on if you ask me. A few years ago there was a lot of talk about how it was going to be the "cure" we were looking for and how it addressed "low estrogen" and low dht sensitivity. Well, that drug seemed to bring some improvements for some, but only temporarily, and for a few guys it seemed to do not much or even bring on strange side effects like acne.


Jan 28, 2021
@haidut do you know the difference between lsd and this 1b-LSD, 1P-LSD that you can find for example in this page: Buy 1B-LSD Online
Are they safe (for rats in minecraft) or are they like evil esters or something.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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