Haidut Email Advice Depository


Oct 15, 2016
do feel like I am losing my mind on especially stressful days where family, work and company issues form the perfect storm.
In Danny Roddy's livestream you said you were not employed by a company anymore but had your own and researched the health/medical field during all your work day, answering mails etc.. Does that mean idealabs is your only source of income now?


Oct 15, 2016
About hair:

In the previous episode: Haidut Email Advice Depository

I think there is a difference between shedding hair and losing it in a MPB fashion. Hair shedding is the one most commonly linked to stress, and I think over time that becomes MPB if not checked/stopped. All people that I have seen start to get MPB had hair thinning first and then the pattern formed. As far as indicator of health, I would take greying hair on head as an indicator of poorer health, as I posted on another thread.
Grey Hair May Be A Biomarker For CVD (and Biological Age) In Men
Not sure about greying beard or body hair but those all seem related to high catalase activity so maybe indicative of his H2O2 levels. Having those high is probably not very good but at least it is oxidative stress and most chronic diseases seem to occur as a result of reductive stress (too many free electrons incapable of being used for energy).
But either way, hair shedding is probably not a good sign. If possible, I would try to measure cortisol and prolactin on days you see most pronounced shedding. It would be interesting to see if they are related to intensity of hair shedding in your case.


Mar 29, 2014
I have to dig them out from Bulgarian websites and pipe through Google Translate. I personally have fried heart, liver, tongue and brain in butter and they are all great side dishes for beer.
Thanks, no need to dig and translate. Maybe I'll have a go at just frying some slices straight next time I get hold of some fresh looking heart and see if I like it like that too (but with some veges, rather than beer :)).


Sep 15, 2017
@haidut @Wagner83
Thanks for the posts.
Some starches like bread and rice definitely give me endotoxin symptoms but potatoes seem to be fine

What exactly are the endotoxin symptoms you experience here?

Non related but some good thoughts about high dht in here Area-1255: [Area-1255] The High DHT/Low Estrogen PhenoType
I find the high adrenaline part interesting, on sorghum I feel a lot of the higher dht lad symptoms within a matter of days

Any info on this particular piece in regards to its validity?


May 5, 2015
About hair:

In the previous episode: Haidut Email Advice Depository

I think there is a difference between shedding hair and losing it in a MPB fashion. Hair shedding is the one most commonly linked to stress, and I think over time that becomes MPB if not checked/stopped. All people that I have seen start to get MPB had hair thinning first and then the pattern formed. As far as indicator of health, I would take greying hair on head as an indicator of poorer health, as I posted on another thread.
Grey Hair May Be A Biomarker For CVD (and Biological Age) In Men
Not sure about greying beard or body hair but those all seem related to high catalase activity so maybe indicative of his H2O2 levels. Having those high is probably not very good but at least it is oxidative stress and most chronic diseases seem to occur as a result of reductive stress (too many free electrons incapable of being used for energy).
But either way, hair shedding is probably not a good sign. If possible, I would try to measure cortisol and prolactin on days you see most pronounced shedding. It would be interesting to see if they are related to intensity of hair shedding in your case.

For whitening/greying of head hair, what can you recommend @haidut that will help restore original color?


Sep 3, 2016
Brains, heart and eggs are great sources of steroids as you already mentioned.
I have three questions:
1) How do you feel about the cholesterol say in the brains, that are oxidized with heat, via cooking/frying. Should it be a concern or will the damage be countered by the protective steroids, sat fats and vit e?

2) Are steroids also destroyed/oxidized during the frying process?

3) Do you perhaps have references to how much steroids is present in the brains, heart and in eggs?


I am also curious to where you order such foods? There is an amish market near me in Chicago where i could purchase, but do you use a website?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am also curious to where you order such foods? There is an amish market near me in Chicago where i could purchase, but do you use a website?

No, no website. Just local ethnic stores in the DC metro area. There is a meat exchange market in DC and they have organ meats but you have to buy bigger quantity. Otherwise, many Latin or Middle Eastern stores have organ meats for sale. Liver, kidney and hearts are the easiest to find.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Brains, heart and eggs are great sources of steroids as you already mentioned.
I have three questions:
1) How do you feel about the cholesterol say in the brains, that are oxidized with heat, via cooking/frying. Should it be a concern or will the damage be countered by the protective steroids, sat fats and vit e?

2) Are steroids also destroyed/oxidized during the frying process?

3) Do you perhaps have references to how much steroids is present in the brains, heart and in eggs?


Steroids tend to be heat stable up to 200 degrees (Celsius), so light frying should be OK. I don't have references for steroid presence in various organs but we know pregnenolone and DHEA levels in brain are 100x higher than in blood. I think the same is true for T in the heart and T/DHT in prostate/gonads.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I would like to know your opinion about reversing insulin resistance and losing weight. I found some your old posts and I really dont know what to do first, I think that alot of members are curious about this too. Thank you.
I can testify that high dose aspirin (7g a day for 2 weeks as in the posted study) restored my insulin sensitivity but made me gain weight. So, after I restored insulin sensitivity I had to stop aspirin and niacinamide and use caffeine and vitamin K2 and I kept taking that for several months until I dropped about 30lbs. I did not diet in any way and did not exercise either.
My results matched the aspirin study almost perfectly. Insulin and fasting glucose went down by 30%-40%. My triglycerides were normal to start with so those did not change. Interestingly, liver enzymes did not change as well in contrast to some studies that found elevated ALT when taking more than 4g aspirin a day. Also, as in the aspirin study, I did not lose weight so I had to do other things for that problem. But I think aspirin is a good start to make you feel dramatically better, which gives you motivation to do other things that help metabolism.

No, there is a human study with 6g aspirin for 2 weeks. That's the one I am referring to. And yes, I would still do the 6g aspirin today if needed, but combined with niacinamide and caffeine, you can probably get away with lower aspirin dose.
Combined with baking soda, I felt no GI issues or tinnitus. In addition, I posted studies from the early 1900s showing 5g - 7g sodium salicylate (aka Alka Seltzer) reversed even type I diabetes (but not in all people). Use the Google search option to search for "sodium salycilate"

I would not call that a lot of niacinamide. I also did an experiment with 8g+ daily and there is a separate thread on that. People with arthritis regularly take 4g+ daily, and the dose of aspirin for arthritis is similar (4g). Yes, as confirmed by the blood test and sugar tolerance tests, after the aspirin and niacinamide my insulin sensitivity was restored. I still had some extra weight but after doing the caffeine and vitamin K2 combo, liver improved and I lost the extra weight. I am not sure I can credit any single supplement or approach with improving my health. I think it was a combination of things and the specific journey that happened to have. But the niacinamide, aspirin, caffeiene and K2 were a big contributor.
I do expects setbacks. Just (hopefully) not the kind that keeps you in a zombie state for a week.

spirin and caffeine are additive in their effect on mitochondrial uncoupling. Hence the reason the (in)famous stack ECA had ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin in it. If you can handle the high dosages of caffeine combined with aspirin then by all means go for it. I think the effects of aspirin would depend on the dose. In smaller doses it likely blocks lipolysis and in higher doses it increases fat oxidation. All I know is that when I was taking 500mg a day and 500mg-1,000mg niacinamide a day (without caffeine) I was not losing weight but felt like gaining instead. But this could be due to me being hypothyroid at the time.
For people trying to lose weight, I'd still focus on caffeine and K2 until their liver function normalizes (as measured by both enzymes and tolerance to caffeine).
If I had to reproduce my experiment, I'd still go the caffeine route and add niacinamide only after losing excess fat.

I have not written on Peatarian.com as I find the site to be highly argumentative. I supposed there is some value in arguing about this, but my goal is not to argue - it is to find the truth for myself. I trust what read and experiment with more than anybody's argument, even Peat's. I will look at studies posted by other people but I find it very often that the person with a strong argument has some sort of vested interest to convince others that he/she is right. All studies I have seen say, and I have confirmed through my own blood tests, that lipogenesis from carbs is not a practical issue for most people. That seems to be true for me. However, carbs can and do become an issue for people with fatty livers. I have not answered for myself if it is best to just force through the fat burning period to get the liver lean and then refeed on proper carbs and moderate saturated fat, or if it is better to keep loading up on carbs (and block lipolysis) and hope the liver with get rid of the PUFA and excess fat through glucoronidation after several years like Peat suggests. Each method has its pros and cons and it will likely be a unique experience for each person. I think moderate fat burning is probably fine for most people. Even babies burn fat when they are born, but it is indeed saturated fat. I am not sure I agree fully with Peat that it takes 4 years to get rid of PUFA. The study on monkey I posted says all PUFA can be depleted with just 30 days of fat free meals. So, in the more realistic scenario of a person on this forum eating mostly saturated fat and some PUFA, it will probably take several months to a year but nowhere close to the 4 years Peat is quoting. If you have decent vitamin E stores, I don't see a need to block lipolysis completely by aspirin and niacinamide since the free fatty acids in the blood will get saturated and should pose less danger. There are tons of studies showing vitamin E fully prevents harmful lipid peroxidation due to exercise. Taurine has been shown to do the same. I have lost most of my extra weight I gained on Peat by stopping niacinamide and aspirin, avoiding PUFA whenever possible, keeping vitamin E levels close to the upper normal range in labs, keeping protein normal (80g-100g), and not really restricting sugar except making sure I consume no starch like bread, rice, potatoes, etc. It actually worked quite easily and it took about 3 months to drop the 30 extra pounds I had, and the only exercise I do is walk several miles a day at a slow pace and do pushups 3 times a week. Not exactly a hardcore exercise schedule.
In terms of supplements, I am taking vitamin B1, B2, and B6 for mitochondrial health and sugar control. I also take my fat soluble vitamins K, A, D, E and I consume 8g-16g of Knox gelatin (2 Knox packets) with every meal as it has been shown to prevent weight gain on high sugar diet.
This does not mean that my formula will work for everybody. But at least you can control hyperglycemia with thiamine and I will post a separate thread on that later today. If you can control hyperglycemia, then insulin resistance should not be an issue even according to the Peatarian people whom I have seen argue that repeated insulin spikes is what causes insulin resistance.
I'd say keep doing what you feel works for you and there are any general guidelines those would be to avoid the PUFA, keep protein intake high (but make sure you get come gelatin with it), and try to consume most of your sugar as fruit. If know you have blood sugar issues, take thiamine 300mg with every meal. For some people the dosage may be higher and like I said I will post a separate thread on that later.


Mar 29, 2014
I am also curious to where you order such foods?
Where I am it's not not unusual to find them in the regular butchers or supermarket. Some times in the pet food section, because some people only feed the good stuff to their cats. :)


Mar 7, 2017
Just caught this photo on Reddit, so I'm not sure of the details, but I just wanted to get your opinion on the possibility of lung cancer without fat. Perhaps the fat loss was an effect of the treatment? Any ideas?



A person this young having lung cancer is exceedingly rare. The average age for lung cancer diagnosis is 60+ so in his case it was probably induced by carcinogen of some sort. Radiation, asbestos and excessive X-rays are among the top causes of lung cancer in young people. Also, that does not mean he developed cancer while having 0% body fat. Rather, most likely after he got cancer he lost all of his fat. People with cancer typically rapidly lose subcutaneous fat as Peat wrote due to the cancer's voracious appetite for fat. I doubt he was 0% fat before and then developed cancer.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
@Zeus, as a guru, programmer and someone who posts quite often about privacy and leakage of data; what precautions do you take when web surfing? Security wise.

Do you use any specific softwares? Firing at the walls? What about anti-tracking? Etc.

I don't plan to sell cocaine online, physical sales have been great. I also have a separate PC just for zoophilia.
Last edited:


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I knew that a pinscher with bichon frisé link seemed like a trap: too good to be true at no cost. But I have this capybara link on hold, so if possible, I would also be curious about what are your particular ways of trying to figure out if a website or downloadable file is safe or not.


Jan 26, 2016
@haidut i think you might have answered this before but I can’t seem to find it. Do you think topical vitamin K2 would be less effective for liver health than oral vitamin k2? If so by how much?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut i think you might have answered this before but I can’t seem to find it. Do you think topical vitamin K2 would be less effective for liver health than oral vitamin k2? If so by how much?

I think it would have more systemic than liver specific effects, so higher dose would be needed to achieve the same as oral dose. Orally, even 5mg K2 seems to greatly improve liver biomarkers so topically I would say 2-3 times higher dose may be needed.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@Zeus, as a guru, programmer and someone who posts quite often about privacy and leakage of data; what precautions do you take when web surfing? Security wise.

Do you use any specific softwares? Firing at the walls? What about anti-tracking? Etc.

I don't plan to sell cocaine online, physical sales have been great. I also have a separate PC just for zoophilia.

I typically use Tor/Privoxy. You can also find public proxy servers located all over the world but it takes time to verify which ones of these servers works and is fast enough in the country where you plan on using them.
Also, have a bootable Linux on a USB stick and have by computer boot with it so that it does not leave any trace on the machine itself.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I knew that a pinscher with bichon frisé link seemed like a trap: too good to be true at no cost. But I have this capybara link on hold, so if possible, I would also be curious about what are your particular ways of trying to figure out if a website or downloadable file is safe or not.

Most browsers like Chrome and Firefox have gotten pretty good at recognizing malicious files, so they will warn you. Other than that, using a bootable USB can help as this way you do not infect the undelying system and even if you click on a malicious file and infects the system, once you reboot into your normal Windows running off of a hard drive the infection is gone.
I think @charlie and some other people in IT can probably provide some more feedback if you need it.

Sam Suska

Forum Supporter
Mar 16, 2016
It is truly mind-boggling to me that @haidut makes time for everyone, with no exceptions. If I had a family, a full time job, and a separate business to run, I would be out of my mind. He is probably the most helpful and special person that I have ever "met" online.



Feb 9, 2014
It is truly mind-boggling to me that @haidut makes time for everyone, with no exceptions. If I had a family, a full time job, and a separate business to run, I would be out of my mind. He is probably the most helpful and special person that I have ever "met" online.


I agree! Haidut is a stand up guy. Also why I choose to buy my Vitamin A and D regularly from him even if I pay a bit more because I would rather support guys like him as best as I can when I am able to.
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