Announcement @haidut aka Georgi Has Been Banned *****edit*****: Ban Has Been Lifted


Mar 31, 2021
The elephant in the room is that Georgi has a lot of body fat. Bloated face, some redness it appears in that video but could be video quality. Why aren't you pointing out Georgi is doing something wrong as well?
I have heard people say that Georgi has addressed this before but have not heard it myself. Does anyone know he addressed it or where? I think it was on a podcast.


Feb 12, 2020
Georgi looks like any Bulgarian guy. Im bulgarian and nearly all the men here look like Georgi. Gorid phenotype

Garrett Smith is Borreby/alpine, with a massive cranial vault

if you go to Germany, almost every man looks like Adonis. Doesn't mean that if you mimic their actions, you'll morph into that phenotype within your lifetime. Perhaps after multiple generations you'll be able to


Aug 17, 2016
Georgi looks like any Bulgarian guy. Im bulgarian and nearly all the men here look like Georgi. Gorid phenotype

Garrett Smith is Borreby/alpine, with a massive cranial vault

if you go to Germany, almost every man looks like Adonis. Doesn't mean that if you mimic their actions, you'll morph into that phenotype within your lifetime. Perhaps after multiple generations you'll be able to
:thumbsup: I used to train aikido with a bunch of bulgarians in Chicago. Yep. They all looked just like Georgi. Beasty dudes.

But anyway, that screenshot pic of Georgi is literally the worst pic I have ever seen of Georgi.

Lucy O

Nov 28, 2023
Maybe you need to see a side by side comparison. This is 4.5 yrs apart. His eye are not protruding, he lost a lot of weight. But it is disingenuous to attack how someone looks when they are in their 40's when no one is going to go back to how they looked at 20. NO ONE. Not even people with plastic surgery. He has always had sunken in eyes. That's nothing new. He seems like an active guy who trains a lot. No brainer that that would cause some level of fatigue in his body, but the fact that he can sustain it is incredible to me. I don't know very many people in real life who look good in their 40's. He did also go through a divorce in the last couple yrs. I'm sure that has not done him favors, but hey dating can certainly ramp up testosterone which he has many times more than most married men in their 40's.
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He lost his hair, and its not a fair comparison, His mouth is shut on the left and open on the right with a beard. the one on the left is an angry face and one on the right is a posed picture. Not impressed.


Sep 13, 2012
He lost his hair, and its not a fair comparison, His mouth is shut on the left and open on the right with a beard. the one on the left is an angry face and one on the right is a posed picture. Not impressed.
They were pauses of videos. He doesn't have many photos of himself on the internet (which can be filtered anyway). It was hard to find him actually just staring at the screen without any look on his face you can look at the videos for yourself they are on his youtube channel.


Sep 13, 2012
:thumbsup: I used to train aikido with a bunch of bulgarians in Chicago. Yep. They all looked just like Georgi. Beasty dudes.

But anyway, that screenshot pic of Georgi is literally the worst pic I have ever seen of Georgi.
If you'd like to make your own screenshot of a recent video you can do so. It doesn't change the amount of fat on his face and neck.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I don't listen to podcasts since I prefer to read things. Georgi smiles and looks happy so he appears healthier. Garrett Smith doesn't seem as happy and his smiles sometimes seem like sneers but that is just my take. When I have seen Georgi the lighting is not bringing out all the wrinkles, etc. Garrett Smith seems to have lighting that enhances bags, etc. Someone posted a podcast here that I can't recall where but the speaker had orange lighting. I don't remember if he looked healthy or not.


Aug 9, 2019
:thumbsup: I used to train aikido with a bunch of bulgarians in Chicago. Yep. They all looked just like Georgi. Beasty dudes.

But anyway, that screenshot pic of Georgi is literally the worst pic I have ever seen of Georgi.
I may be wrong, but I believe that Giorgi does not put a high importance on being lean. I think he believes that being a little overweight leads to reduced risks of all cause mortality. I remember some posts/ studies he shared about the obesity paradox.
He also sometimes drinks alcohol.


Sep 13, 2012
I may be wrong, but I believe that Giorgi does not put a high importance on being lean. I think he believes that being a little overweight leads to reduced risks of all cause mortality. I remember some posts/ studies he shared about the obesity paradox.
He also sometimes drinks alcohol.
Yes studies do show being overweight is better than being underweight. Can we come up with some reason why though? Fat soluble toxins are stored in our fat tissues. When we lose weight we are bringing all those toxins into our blood. But I've seen first hand from my husband how having too much fat on your body, particularly in the neck area is not good. He has to use a CPAP or he can't breathe at night. I've never seen a 'healthy' overweight person. And guess what I did to my husband? the milk and OJ diet along with vitamin A and D supps, actually that was when he started gaining weight rapidly. We blamed it on stress.


Mar 27, 2021
I may be wrong, but I believe that Giorgi does not put a high importance on being lean. I think he believes that being a little overweight leads to reduced risks of all cause mortality. I remember some posts/ studies he shared about the obesity paradox.
He also sometimes drinks alcohol.
I thought I’ve seen him say before that he lives off of cheese sticks and sweet tea


Sep 27, 2015
I thought I’ve seen him say before that he lives off of cheese sticks and sweet tea
Man those low fat cheese sticks with added retinyl palmitate made me gain weight like nothing else. The cheddar ones with annato color are probably even worse than the mozzarella.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I remember some posts/ studies he shared about the obesity paradox.
Garret Smith has pretty much figured out the obesity paradox. The liver is still able to store away toxins if it can render the toxins into the fat and pack it away for safer keeping until it is able to properly detox that toxin. Once the liver loses that ability to store toxins into the fat the person starts to lose weight and get skinny. The toxins then run wild and fills up the organs and glands which leads to a extremely weak body and faster death.


Oct 22, 2018
Why would it be "unlawful" or "unethical" for someone to copy this forum's posts and start their own site...? It's other people who have contributed to the information here so why do you think you own it somehow? Don't you think they own their own writings?


Dec 9, 2015
My goal is to create my own forum similar to this one day. I have learnt so much from Haidut and many other members area. So grateful <3

Go for it. I've been listening to your podcast lately and really enjoying it. Keep up the good work!


Jan 9, 2019
The elephant in the room is that Georgi has a lot of body fat. Bloated face, some redness it appears in that video but could be video quality. Why aren't you pointing out Georgi is doing something wrong as well?
Because I was analyzing Garrett and not Georgi. There's already a thread about Georgi where his weight is being scrutinized, that's a different topic. This is a conversation about a man who has become convinced that a single nutrient found in (or a precursor to) almost every food God put on this planet is a poison and the cause of almost every disease under the sun. I'm analyzing what such a restrictive and dogmatic diet may cause in the way of disease itself. So far it looks to be making his eyes bulge, likely because of many nutrient deficiencies, it's hard to balance avoiding a so-called poison with the harms of not getting enough nutrition because you have shunned most of the most nutrient dense foods available. And I happen to think Vit A can cause toxicity or nutrient depletion itself, so I don't think the claims are totally outlandish, I also think people can improve from avoiding Vit A for a while, but to put it under a magnifying glass and call it a poison or THE compound responsible for disease is myopic at best.

There is only one compound I know of that's regularly consumed by people that may actually deserve the blame of poison, and its not PUFA, its deuterium. And even still deuterium plays an important role in growth and development. The black and white "Vit A IS poison" is a very odd position to say the least.

"Exophthalmos is the medical term for bulging eyes. It typically develops from thyroid gland problems, such as Graves’ disease. Aside from bulging eyes, other symptoms include light sensitivity, double vision, and dry eyes."

And it can happen in one or both eyes. If someone has direct contact with Garrett they should ask if he is having vision issues. Even the guy in Grants book who avoided vitamin A for many years had to consume it again in order to save his vision (which Grant of course credits to consuming more fat as opposed to the vitamin A, which is complete conjecture and borderline gaslighting). I'm sure the rate at which its depleted is different for everyone and considering the person who eventually got xerophthalmia from his vitamin A deficient diet lived in 1969 (when there were no ultra bright headlights, artificial lights with huge blue nm spikes and extended screen use) it would make sense that vitamin A is used up at a much higher rate in today's world, especially if you are an online "nutrition detective." So the damage that was seen in 5 or so years to that man with epilepsy could happen in 4 or 3 to Grant, and according to his before and after pics something is not going right.
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Jun 6, 2023
United States
Censorship is sometimes necessary, to keep platforms civilized, however when we talk about a forum revolving around health, how can we have almost tyrannical censorship? I don’t see what Georgie did that was so wrong, I certainly don't think the ban was necessary from a health perspective and from a viewpoint of helping others find health... it most certainly comes from the fact that Charlie felt his business was threatened. Shilling products on a health forum is already morally controversial, this ban makes us question your character @charlie and your intentions. He noticed the increasing censorship, and decided to scrape the site for offline viewing... nothing wrong with that.

This is a conflict revolving business. Both parties use this forum as a way to make money, let’s acknowledge this and get it out of the way. The issue lies in the morality of it all and censorship. We come to this forum to troubleshoot health problems, to bounce ideas and to learn... if the information we find on this site is heavily censored, for monetary gains or what ever it may be, the site is compromised, and you might as well throw it out. Tyrannically trying to censorship this ruins the validity of what we read, causes distrust amongst the participants of this site... Censorship should only be implemented to prevent spam, shilling, radical ideologies that distract from the point of the platform and cause unrest in the community, controversial posts not relating to health etc... as the admin to this site... you have a lot of eyes on you, and your actions will be judged by us, this ban was not well thought out... at all considering Georgie is a leading figure of Ray Peat's ideologies. When did we become so sensitive?

Health is complex... each individual has a unique case.... in regards to vit A toxicity... yes there is obviously an argument that vit A toxicity is harmful... however, many many people will solve their health issues with vit A... again each individual case is unique... If Charlie were to remove all posts regarding the promotion of vit A... that would be outrageous and almost a crime.... this is an extreme example, not saying that is what is happening at all, but I am trying to make a case for why censorship should not exist outside of the reasons I listed above.

I also noticed this forum limits non-members to only like 3 post views... I don't know if this is a permanent change.... and if so, this further makes me realize the admin of this forum has ill intentions fueled by greed. Many things wrong with this forum... and the way the site is ran is a major one. This site has valuable information... let it exist in it's wholeness, let those who find it be free to comment and voice their opinions...

One thing I think needs to be addressed is the unceasing promotion of supplements... this site seems to be a forum about supplements almost... sad to see. There needs to be some sort of moderation in terms of posts regarding supplements... a disclaimer of some sort... the intelligent people will be able to guide the site with caution but I fear for those who are not as intelligent... who will blindly follow people's posts, posted by people who's face we never see.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Censorship is sometimes necessary, to keep platforms civilized, however when we talk about a forum revolving around health, how can we have almost tyrannical censorship? I don’t see what Georgie did that was so wrong, I certainly don't think the ban was necessary from a health perspective and from a viewpoint of helping others find health... it most certainly comes from the fact that Charlie felt his business was threatened. Shilling products on a health forum is already morally controversial, this ban makes us question your character @charlie and your intentions. He noticed the increasing censorship, and decided to scrape the site for offline viewing... nothing wrong with that.
Banning someone for disrespect is not censorship. My position has already been explained with what happened with @haidut. I am not gonna rehash it over and over. People are allowed to talk about anything they want here, long as it is respectful and legal.
Health is complex... each individual has a unique case.... in regards to vit A toxicity... yes there is obviously an argument that vit A toxicity is harmful... however, many many people will solve their health issues with vit A... again each individual case is unique... If Charlie were to remove all posts regarding the promotion of vit A... that would be outrageous and almost a crime.... this is an extreme example, not saying that is what is happening at all, but I am trying to make a case for why censorship should not exist outside of the reasons I listed above.
No posts have been removed. I run things on the up and up because I know the jackals are looking for any way to take me down. I am ready for their advances, see sig.
I also noticed this forum limits non-members to only like 3 post views... I don't know if this is a permanent change.... and if so, this further makes me realize the admin of this forum has ill intentions fueled by greed. Many things wrong with this forum... and the way the site is ran is a major one. This site has valuable information... let it exist in it's wholeness, let those who find it be free to comment and voice their opinions...
This was removed over 24 hours ago. Where have you been?
One thing I think needs to be addressed is the unceasing promotion of supplements... this site seems to be a forum about supplements almost... sad to see. There needs to be some sort of moderation in terms of posts regarding supplements... a disclaimer of some sort... the intelligent people will be able to guide the site with caution but I fear for those who are not as intelligent... who will blindly follow people's posts, posted by people who's face we never see.
You sound like a closet authoritarian. People are free to talk about whatever they like, deal with it. If you see someone who you think should not be taking supplements, approach them. Do the work and be the change.
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Jun 6, 2023
United States
Banning someone for disrespect is not censorship.
But that is censorship.
My position has already been explained with what happened with @haidut. I am not gonna rehash it over and over. People are allowed to talk about anything they want here, long as it is respectful and legal.

No posts have been removed. I run things on the up and up because I know the jackals are looking for any way to take me down. I am ready for their advances, see sig.

This was removed over 24 hours ago. Where have you been?
Oh okay, glad it is not permanent. Apologies.
You sound like a closet authoritarian. People are free to talk about whatever they like, deal with it. If you see someone who you think should not be taking supplements, approach them. Do the work and be the change.
Okay I’m all for that, and no I do not consider myself as an authoritarian, far from it actually.
I’m merely suggesting a disclaimer like on the front page that talks about taking these supplements with caution and with research… the energy on this forum is that supplements are to be taken like it’s nothing. Not against supplements though at all, I’m all for experimenting, however the experimentation needs structure, and analysis. Maybe a disclaimer recommending labs before supplementation… just something… when trying many supplements, one even runs into supplements not mixing well with other supplements etc…. Just trying to save people some headache and money.

Just trying to look out for the people who might stumble upon this forum in a time of ill health.

You can’t deny how much supplements are promoted on this platform.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
But that is censorship.
When people act out, you set them aside. This is Biblical. You do not let people stay around that cause problems. Call it a timeout if you will. Many a times a person has turned their ways around when dealing with a ban. And many a time it has amplified that persons character and shown I have made the right move. I will run things how I see fit here.
Oh okay, glad it is not permanent. Apologies.
No worries.

You can’t deny how much supplements are promoted on this platform.
The correct supplementation can turn a persons life around. If people want to talk about supplements they can. Start a thread if you will with your concerns so you can be heard.
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