Google alternative?


Jun 13, 2019
what interests me about yandex is the search results for robert f kennedy jr, who's a big vaccine skeptic for anyone who doesn't know.

if you search his name in google, it's pretty much all hit pieces and articles discrediting him as propaganda, misinformation, anti-vax loon etc.

on duckduckgo, it's not as bad as google, and there are a lot of pro RFK links, but also some hit pieces, 3 or so in the top 10 links.

compare that to yandex which 0 hit pieces or negative opinion attacks on him show up in first couple pages of search results.

I don't think duckduckgo is doing anything deliberate, i think they just organize it by popularity and some other metrics probably, but still interesting nonetheless. i havnt tried it with other controversial topics yet. Also yandex is definitely not as secure and it's probably heavily tied it with the kremlin, so while that might not be as bad as being spied on by cia it's still not as ideal as a secure website
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Mar 29, 2016
Search queries are relayed to as many as 50 search engines.
Thanks, trying this out now as my degault search engine.

Will see how it goes.

Maybe you have a way to change the search in Amazon so that only the item I'm looking for shows up?


Thanks, trying this out now as my degault search engine.

Will see how it goes.

Maybe you have a way to change the search in Amazon so that only the item I'm looking for shows up?
"Thrilla from Manila"....MetaGer has worked for me so far...I sometimes check a few others...wish I could improve Amazon search that way...haven't tried...don't do Am much.


Nov 28, 2014
Maybe you have a way to change the search in Amazon so that only the item I'm looking for shows up?
I find this annoying too. Sometimes it helps to use the filtering options on the left side panel. Sometimes.


May 19, 2017
Yandex is the only non-google search engine that doesn't suck, IMO. No alternative search engine gives me as good results as Google did back in the days when it wasn't censored.

Yandex does, kind of.

Having Yandex account helps with the annoying captcha.


Mar 27, 2021
This site is a great introduction for learning how to ensure your privacy online.
I second Searx. You can use most engines within it, including google, bing, but not yandex. but I would avoid anything to do with g**gle.
As for web browsers, the #1 choice is Ungoogled Chromium, or Firefox with specific settings. Brave and duckduckgo are okay, but not as good and you still have to trust them.
There are also front-ends for sites that don't respect your privacy, and you can download the Privacy Redirect extension for that. I watch youtube videos on Invidious now.
As for my phone, I have a Pixel with GrapheneOS on it. Ironic how the best way to avoid google and its spyware is by using their phone and a fork of their browser.
As far as operating systems go, I don't know if Apple or Microsoft is worse privacy wise, but Linux is of course the best choice. You don't have to be a tech nerd or anything to use it; if pretty much all you do is browse the web, it would even save your time tbh. You could have Ubuntu or whatever ready in 10 minutes from now.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Just did a search for Robert F Kennedy Jr on both Brave and Yandex. All the entries on page 1 of Brave were just like Google, anti-vaxxer, conspiracist, yada yada yada. Yandex showed none of that on first page except possibly for the Wikipedia link, Wikipedia of course being irredeemably corrupt.


Jan 29, 2021
This site is a great introduction for learning how to ensure your privacy online.
I second Searx. You can use most engines within it, including google, bing, but not yandex. but I would avoid anything to do with g**gle.
As for web browsers, the #1 choice is Ungoogled Chromium, or Firefox with specific settings. Brave and duckduckgo are okay, but not as good and you still have to trust them.
There are also front-ends for sites that don't respect your privacy, and you can download the Privacy Redirect extension for that. I watch youtube videos on Invidious now.
As for my phone, I have a Pixel with GrapheneOS on it. Ironic how the best way to avoid google and its spyware is by using their phone and a fork of their browser.
As far as operating systems go, I don't know if Apple or Microsoft is worse privacy wise, but Linux is of course the best choice. You don't have to be a tech nerd or anything to use it; if pretty much all you do is browse the web, it would even save your time tbh. You could have Ubuntu or whatever ready in 10 minutes from now.

Thanks for that first link --


Jul 25, 2020
I like a vintage Yandex search using an earlier Yandex browser that has Yandex search as part of the browser; disable updates. Also, using vintage XP so I do not receive captcha. I keep XP plain no pink bubbles or any of that junk. A Sandboxed environment stops many problems if they try to force an update - I close the window clear the data, start over.

For me Bing is now better than google and *prettier* with more options.
I cringe when people say Google is your friend. G totally stopped being friends in 2012. Now Big G is a nightmare.

I tried Brave and it was very good 'for me' when I disabled JavaScript and clicked on the link or copied and pasted it from a text pad.

One time instead of clicking on my Brave link I typed it into my address bar. What happened is noted in the article below. It went elsewhere (not to Brave just someplace with a faked name) and also damaged part of the hard-drive I was using. There was a big *blink* of light too. I am still recovering data by pulling it off of my other HDs. So be careful.

I am just not ready to switch to Linux due to the time I will have to spend getting used to it and also I think about learning an old fashioned thing called BBS as those do not even need the S on httpS and a number of people use them
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Feb 25, 2020


Mar 29, 2016
I switched from DuckDuck to Brave when I heard this news.
I think the pressure got to him. He got a call. That's all that's needed. There was no need to threaten him with cancellation nor by mobs of progressives or BLM. Besides, being on a virtual search platform makes him impervious to such tactics.

But I think that in many other cases such as restaurant chains like Chicken Fil A, SJW/progressive mob threats were just a cover for being given a call from the Zionist mob bosses.

The owner making an announcement about the deranking was imho a statement in itself. He would have done the deranking on the sly, but in the announcement he was saying to not use his search engine.
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Jun 22, 2021
Does Google shadowban people from using their apps?

Literally I was using the app on my phone this morning and all of a sudden it just doesn't work at all on any of my accounts for the past few hours - its so weird and I'm concerned about it

Hope its not my post history doing this because if so im about to do a complete turn around and only post about diet related stuff - im a calm boy from now on


Dec 8, 2016
Does Google shadowban people from using their apps?

Literally I was using the app on my phone this morning and all of a sudden it just doesn't work at all on any of my accounts for the past few hours - its so weird and I'm concerned about it

Hope its not my post history doing this because if so im about to do a complete turn around and only post about diet related stuff - im a calm boy from now on
James- I doubt they shadow banned you. But i will let knowledgeable people weigh in.

Im just genuinely sad to see that’s the level of discomfort or persecution that’s your limit.
“Toughen up”.
Continue to be that voice.

I can edit this if you think im a btch for saying so.
But practice what you’ve been preaching.

Cause you of all people know what’s coming….
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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