Getting healthy to lose weight.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
So I had one of those aha moments again. It was pretty profound for me, maybe not you.

I keep hearing that you don't lose weight to get healthy, you need to get healthy to lose weight. Well, that really made a big impact on me even though I didn't fully understand it. So, when I was researching on Matt Stones site if I remember correctly is when it all came together.

Ok so here it goes, I will try to explain it as best as I can but I am not the very articulate one unless I have some whiskey! :lol:

Our thyroid is our energy controller. And when we take in too much energy for the day via eating too much, the thyroid recognizes this and turns up the furnace in our body to burn it off so we don't put on weight. If our thyroid is downregulated from starvation type diets, PUFA's, etc, it cannot turn up the furnace very well, if at all and thats when fat accumulates. So, nourish your body with the correct fuel via a "Peat Eating Plan" and possibly some carefully selected supplements. Your metabolism increases because the thyroid is now getting the correct fuel it needs to be able to turn up your furnace and other hormonal processes which in turn burns even more fuel. So, then your thyroid recognizes if you are carrying too much weight and it will indeed fire up the furnace and burn it off.

Feed the cells the fuel it needs which in turn fuels the thyroid, and from there everything should fall into a good place. :thumbup:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Oh and please correct me if I am wrong.


Jul 22, 2012

Charlie said:
So I had one of those aha moments again. It was pretty profound for me, maybe not you.

I keep hearing that you don't lose weight to get healthy, you need to get healthy to lose weight. Well, that really made a big impact on me even though I didn't fully understand it. So, when I was researching on Matt Stones site if I remember correctly is when it all came together.

Ok so here it goes, I will try to explain it as best as I can but I am not the very articulate one unless I have some whiskey! :lol:

Our thyroid is our energy controller. And when we take in too much energy for the day via eating too much, the thyroid recognizes this and turns up the furnace in our body to burn it off so we don't put on weight. If our thyroid is downregulated from starvation type diets, PUFA's, etc, it cannot turn up the furnace very well, if at all and thats when fat accumulates. So, nourish your body with the correct fuel via a "Peat Eating Plan" and possibly some carefully selected supplements. Your metabolism increases because the thyroid is now getting the correct fuel it needs to be able to turn up your furnace and other hormonal processes which in turn burns even more fuel. So, then your thyroid recognizes if you are carrying too much weight and it will indeed fire up the furnace and burn it off.

Feed the cells the fuel it needs which in turn fuels the thyroid, and from there everything should fall into a good place. :thumbup:

That's a nice, succinct expression of the general way I'm proceeding now, Charlie.
It places weight on the back-burner
and forefronts general health.

It requires patience,
and it also can lead to some counter-intuitive results
(like getting fatter as one is, putatively, getting healthier :? ).


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I have stopped gaining thank goodness. Been stuck at the same weight for prolly close to a month now. And I am not limiting what I eat. I have been eating a TON of fruit. I did cut dairy completely out though cause I am not able to tolerate it, but I am going to try some ricotta this weekend. I have heard in a couple places including here that ricotta is well tolerated. Hope so! :dancenanner


Nov 30, 2012
I think this is true, but what bugs me is how different my mind set is from dieting all these years. I used to weigh 105+ (I am 5'1"), but now I find I am uncomfortable over 102. Some of you may say I have an eating disorder, but I don't think I do.

Early on this diet I ate upwards of 1500-1600 (or more) calories a day. I stabilized for a while at 102, but as soon as the scale said 103 I freaked out and started cutting back on calories. This really sucks because I enjoyed feeling good on the higher calories, but just couldn't put up with the weight gain.


Sep 28, 2012
noblessoblige said:
I think this is true, but what bugs me is how different my mind set is from dieting all these years. I used to weigh 105+ (I am 5'1"), but now I find I am uncomfortable over 102. Some of you may say I have an eating disorder, but I don't think I do.

Early on this diet I ate upwards of 1500-1600 (or more) calories a day. I stabilized for a while at 102, but as soon as the scale said 103 I freaked out and started cutting back on calories. This really sucks because I enjoyed feeling good on the higher calories, but just couldn't put up with the weight gain.
Honestly, that behavior sounds like an eating disorder to me. I do not mean to offend at all. I've been in that same mindset except with acne and it is probably the most unhealthy thing in the long run.

Anyway, my diet experiments were never about weight troubles for me, but I have kind of drawn a general conclusion that the best way to lose weight is probably to get healthier and balance hormones and then try to lose it. I've been vvery underweight and lean all my life. My recent foray into messing with my diet has changed my body composition in interesting ways. When my body temperature is up (which happens less often than I like but I think it's getting higher and more consistent) I seem to have a noticably less large tummy and my double chin decreases quite a bit. I've never really had a lot of body fat up until I started eating a ton of food after being on a very low carb paleo diet for a few months.

It kind of makes sense that a lot of people struggle to lose weight. I'd imagine tons of peoples hormones are all wacky. For the people who are lucky enough to still have their bodies fairing well against the crap foods we deal with, they seem to be able to lose weight well. I have a friend who used to be huge and round get lean through exercise and cutting down calorie intake. His results were dramatic, and seem to be staying so far. It's surprising considering so many people say they struggle to lose and keep the weight off. It makes me think that getting your metabolism revved up may be a key step.

Then again, I know next to nothing about the mechanisms of weight gain and weight loss. I'm just making vague connections in my brain.


Nov 16, 2012
When I first started eating the Peat way, I was probably consuming 10k or more calories a day. I think after stints on diets like paleo, I was just starved and my body went crazy over carbs and sugar. I gained a little weight, then just began dropping it all. Now I don't want to overeat or anything, and everything seems stabilized.


Sep 28, 2012
Orchid said:
When I first started eating the Peat way, I was probably consuming 10k or more calories a day. I think after stints on diets like paleo, I was just starved and my body went crazy over carbs and sugar. I gained a little weight, then just began dropping it all. Now I don't want to overeat or anything, and everything seems stabilized.
You know, I think if I want to get over this "two steps forward, one step backwards" thing, I need to consume more calories. What did your meal plan look like? It's alright if it wasn't totally Peat inspired, I like Matt Stone's philosophy and recommendations (which are similar to Peats, but not the same).

My current issue is that i'll get my body temp up once in a while and not increase my food consumption and then it kinda goes down. Another problem is monotony in my diet. I tend to eat the same things every day because I don't quite know what else to eat. Any tips, Orchid? Thank you.


Nov 16, 2012
Kamran said:
Orchid said:
When I first started eating the Peat way, I was probably consuming 10k or more calories a day. I think after stints on diets like paleo, I was just starved and my body went crazy over carbs and sugar. I gained a little weight, then just began dropping it all. Now I don't want to overeat or anything, and everything seems stabilized.
You know, I think if I want to get over this "two steps forward, one step backwards" thing, I need to consume more calories. What did your meal plan look like? It's alright if it wasn't totally Peat inspired, I like Matt Stone's philosophy and recommendations (which are similar to Peats, but not the same).

My current issue is that i'll get my body temp up once in a while and not increase my food consumption and then it kinda goes down. Another problem is monotony in my diet. I tend to eat the same things every day because I don't quite know what else to eat. Any tips, Orchid? Thank you.
I consumed food that was easy to overeat, and really calorie dense like cheese, dates and ice cream. I mostly had 4 quarts of milk, 2 quarts of orange juice, 10oz or more of cheese, 1-2lbs of dates, 28oz of haagen daz daily, lots of salt, some bakers chocolate, 8oz of beef liver every week, butter, coconut oil, coffee, supplemental sugar(in coffee, milk, orange juice, and even on my cheese) gummy bears, mexican coke, blackstrap molasses. In addition to those foods I was taking thyroid armor and synthetic thyroid along with excessive amounts of coffee.

I was eating a lot of that every day for a month or so, but it just got too expensive. I believe my metabolism is kicked into high gear as now I'm really starting to notice how obnoxiously high stores turn up the heater in winter when it's only 60 degrees outside in so. cal. I start to sweat inside stores, and I pretty much always feel really warm. Huge difference compared to how I felt just a few months ago.


Nov 16, 2012
One thing I always did was eat salt and sugar whenever I felt like my body wasn't warm. I believe Matt Stone recommends that too. I think for the most part his eating guidelines aren't as strict, and he believes that the dangers of gluten are exaggerated. The other day I ate french toast with a ton of molasses, sugar, syrup, honey and fresh fruit and felt pretty great. So, when you get bored of eating the same things allow yourself to eat whatever you want. If it's not too high in PUFA that is! Over thinking diets really blows, and probably contributes negatively to your goals due to stress.


Sep 28, 2012
In an effort not to derail this thread, i'd like to continue discussing this through PM, if you don't mind :)

However, I don't have the time at the moment to give an in depth response, so I will send you a PM in the near future!


Dec 4, 2012
gretchen said:
I think this is true, but what bugs me is how different my mind set is from dieting all these years. I used to weigh 105+ (I am 5'1"), but now I find I am uncomfortable over 102. Some of you may say I have an eating disorder, but I don't think I do.

Early on this diet I ate upwards of 1500-1600 (or more) calories a day. I stabilized for a while at 102, but as soon as the scale said 103 I freaked out and started cutting back on calories. This really sucks because I enjoyed feeling good on the higher calories, but just couldn't put up with the weight gain.

Maybe you could try not weighing your self. Focus on the fit of your clothes. If they are currently fitting you comfortably then don't worry about. Focus on how to feel. Not on a specific number, weight fluctuates. It will always fluctuate. What are your health goals? Direct your attention to those. Good luck!


Nov 30, 2012
^^My goal is to get back under 100 lbs..... and still eat Hagen Daazs! I may start a log to document my experience with SLD.
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